3,549 research outputs found

    CreativitĂ  ed etica della lettura di genere

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    Nell'intervento, a metà tra narrazione e riflessione critica, l'autrice, partendo dalle acquisizioni degli studi sulla «scrittura femminile» in Italia degli ultimi anni e dal proprio itinerario di ricerca, sottolinea il «grande scarto» compiuto dalle scrittrici sin dai secoli passati rispetto al Sistema Letterario canonizzato e, accogliendo le problematiche inerenti al rapporto lettura-testo, si ferma su alcune caratteristiche della lettura di genere quali il punto di vista, la relazione, lo sguardo, il posizionamento, il soggetto plurale, tutte necessariamente interne alla funzione creativa ed etica della buona lettrice.In her essay, half-way between narration and critical thinking, the author, moving from the knwoledge resulting from the studies on «female writing» conducted in Italy over the past years and from her own research, highlights how in the past centuries women writers started moving away from the official Literary System. Analysing the issues related to the reading-text relation, she investigates some pecularities typical of the gender reading, such as point of view, relationship, glance, positioning, plural subject, which are necessarily inherent in the creative and ethical function of the good woman reader

    CreativitĂ  ed etica della lettura di genere

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    Nell'intervento, a metà tra narrazione e riflessione critica, l'autrice, partendo dalle acquisizioni degli studi sulla «scrittura femminile» in Italia degli ultimi anni e dal proprio itinerario di ricerca, sottolinea il «grande scarto» compiuto dalle scrittrici sin dai secoli passati rispetto al Sistema Letterario canonizzato e, accogliendo le problematiche inerenti al rapporto lettura-testo, si ferma su alcune caratteristiche della lettura di genere quali il punto di vista, la relazione, lo sguardo, il posizionamento, il soggetto plurale, tutte necessariamente interne alla funzione creativa ed etica della buona lettrice.In her essay, half-way between narration and critical thinking, the author, moving from the knwoledge resulting from the studies on «female writing» conducted in Italy over the past years and from her own research, highlights how in the past centuries women writers started moving away from the official Literary System. Analysing the issues related to the reading-text relation, she investigates some pecularities typical of the gender reading, such as point of view, relationship, glance, positioning, plural subject, which are necessarily inherent in the creative and ethical function of the good woman reader

    elewexe – Building 172B, California Polytechnic State University – San Luis Obispo

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    California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo recently finished constructing a new multimillion student housing project on campus. One of the six buildings, elewexe or 172B, from this housing complex was selected for a full evaluation of the fire and life safety systems using both prescriptive and performance based approaches. The building is a Type II-B four story dormitory with an R-2 occupancy classification. For the prescriptive approach, the building was evaluated against the most current editions of the IBC and relevant NFPA code editions for building requirements, sprinkler design and fire alarm and detection. When looking at the building purely for code compliance, everything complies except for administrative controls. The building is constructed within the specifications of the IBC, the egress is adequate for the building, the sprinkler system has a proper design and a strong water supply without a fire pump, and the fire alarm and detection system meets the requirements listed in NFPA 72. One aspect of the building, that is also found in the other buildings within the housing community, is that there are unenclosed stairwells connecting four stories located within the core of the buildings. This is allowed per the 2013 version of the CBC due to an exception because the building is fully sprinklered. This exception causes a lot of emphasis to be put on the sprinklers operating in the event of a fire. For the performance based analysis is composed of three design fires and a fire model within the report investigates one of the design fire scenarios occurring within the main core and the sprinklers not activating to see if the building design still meets the intent of the code. The results found that in such an event, the available safe egress time (ASET) was less than the required safe egress time (RSET), meaning that in the event that the sprinklers fail in a fire scenario in the core of the building, the building design fails in the intent of the code. Ways to remedy this include increasing administrative controls to limit the amount of fuel in the corridor, increasing testing and maintenance of the sprinkler system to ensure that it functions when needed, an impairment control policy, and adding compartmentation within the building to separate the core stairwell from the rest of the building

    Credit Cycles in a OLG Economy with Money and Bequest

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    In this paper we develop an extended version of the original Kiyotaki and Moore's model ("Credit Cycles" Journal of Political Economy, vol. 105, no 2, April 1997)(hereafter KM) using an overlapping generation structure instead of the assumption of infinitely lived agents adopted by the authors. In each period the population consists of two classes of heterogeneous interacting agents, in particular: a financially constrained young agent (young farmer), a financially constrained old agent (old farmer), an unconstrained young agent (young gatherer), an unconstrained old agent (old gatherer). By assumption each young agent is endowed with one unit of labour. Heterogeneity is introduced in the model by assuming that each class of agents use different technologies to pro- duce the same non durable good. If we study the effect of a technological shock it is possible to demonstrate that its effects are persistent over time in fact the mechanism that it induces is the reallocation the durable asset ("land")among agents. As in KM we develop a dynamic model in which the durable asset is not only an input for production processes but also collateralizable wealth to secure lenders from the risk of borrowers'default. In a context of intergenerational altruism, old agents leave a bequest to their offspring. Money is a means of payment and a reserve of value because it enables to access consumption in old age. For simplicity we assume that preferences are defined over consumption and bequest of the agent when old. Money plays two different and contrasting roles with respect to landholding. On the one hand, given the bequest, the higher the amount of money the young wants to hold, the lower landholding. On the other hand the higher the money of the old, the higher the resources available to him and the higher bequest and landholding. We study the complex dynamics of the allocation of land to farmers and gatherers - which determines aggregate output - and of the price of the durable asset. If a policy move does not change the ratio of money of the farmer and of the gatherer, i.e. if the central bank changes the rates of growth of the two monetary aggregates by the same amount, monetary policy is superneutral, i.e. the allocation of land to the farmer and to the gatherer does not change, real variables are unaffected and the only e¤ect of the policy move is an increase in the rate of inflation, which is pinned down to the (uniform) rate of change of money, and of the nominal interest rate. If, on the other hand, the move is differentiated, i.e. the central bank changes the rates of growth of the two monetary aggregates by different amounts so that the rates of growth are heterogeneous, money is not superneutral, i.e. the allocation of land changes and real variables are permanently affected, even if the rates of growth of the two aggregates go back to the original value afterwardsCredit Cycles, monetary policy

    Neuropathology of the Guillain-Mollaret Triangle (Dentato-Rubro-Olivary Network) in Sudden Unexplained Perinatal Death and SIDS

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    The present study was undertaken to evaluate the possible alterations of the triangle of Guillain and Mollaret (G-Mt), a neuronal brainstem/cerebellum network (from the dentate nucleus to red nucleus and inferior olivary nucleus) already known for its involvement in the pathogenesis of the palatal myoclonus, in sudden unexplained perinatal and infant death. In 44 cases of perinatal and infant death victims, aged from 26 gestational weeks to 10 months of life, we investigated, besides the histological morphology of the three nuclei, the c-fos and apoptotic expression, as well as the possible effects elicited by maternal cigarette smoking

    Quantum Effects on the Synchronization Dynamics of the Kuramoto Model

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    The Kuramoto model serves as a paradigm for describing spontaneous synchronization in a system of classical interacting rotors. In this study, we extend this model to the quantum domain by coupling quantum interacting rotors to external baths following the Caldeira-Leggett approach. Studying the mean-field model in the overdamped limit using Feynman-Vernon theory, we show how quantum mechanics modifies the phase diagram. Specifically, we demonstrate that quantum fluctuations hinder the emergence of synchronization, albeit not entirely suppressing it. We examine the phase transition into the synchronized phase at various temperatures, revealing that classical results are recovered at high temperatures while a quantum phase transition occurs at zero temperature. Additionally, we derive an analytical expression for the critical coupling, highlighting its dependence on the model parameters, and examine the differences between classical and quantum behavior.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Synthesis of the 4-aza cyclopentenone analogue of Δ12,14-15-deoxy-PGJ2 and S-cysteine adducts

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    Abstract The synthesis of a series of 4-aza cross-conjugated cyclopentenones, inspired by the natural prostaglandin Δ12,14-15-deoxy-PGJ2 (5) is described. Using the 4-aza cyclopentenone 7, the installation of the α-side chain was performed using N-functionalisation, following a Boc-deprotection. The ω-side chain was then installed through a Baylis-Hillman type aldol reaction with trans-2-octenal. This afforded 11, the aza-analogue of 5. With this prostaglandin analogue in hand, a series of thiol adducts (14–16) were prepared. Included are activities for compounds 11 and 14–16 in relation to inhibition of the transcription factor NF-κB
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