4,138 research outputs found

    Morphological discrimination of female specimens of Pseudodiaptomus annandalei from Cochin estuary and Corbyn’s Cove Creek, India

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    302-308Pseudodiaptomus annandalei is a brackish water calanoid copepod first reported and described by Sewell in 1919 from Chilka lake. Preliminary information on morphological differences observed in the examination of female specimens of P. annandalei collected from two geographically separated locations namely, Cochin estuary in Kerala and Corbyn’s Cove Creek, in Andaman & Nicobar (A&N) Islands are presented in this paper. The specimens collected from both localities showed variations in length of antennules, total body length, spinulation on Pdg segments, ornamentation on posterior corner of metasome, proportional lengths of Pr and Ur, length width ratio of P5, urosome spinulation, and size and shape of caudal setae. These intra-specific differences are described to expand the known morphological range of this species and to provide the first comparative analysis of P. annandalei from two locations, Cochin estuary and A&N islands in India

    Organizational culture and motivation as factors affecting lecturers' performance

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    The purpose of this research is to know and analyze: (1) Organizational Culture; (2) Work Motivation; (3) Lecturer Performance; and (4) The Influence of Organizational Culture and Work Motivation on the Performance of Management Study Program Lecturers at the University of Persada Indonesia, YAI, both simultaneously and partially. The research method used in this study was a descriptive survey and an explanatory survey. The unit of analysis in this study was a lecturer at the University of Persada Indonesia YAI's Management Study Program with a sample of 41 people. This type of research is causality, and the time span in this study is cross-sectional.Based on the results of the study it was found that the Organizational Culture at the University of Persada Indonesia, YAI, in fact, some lecturers gave quite good responses; Persada Indonesia University Lecturer Work Motivation YES in general it can be said that it is not good; The performance of lecturers at Persada Indonesia University, YES, is currently not good. Organizational Culture and Work Motivation simultaneously affect Lecturer Performance.Because Organizational Culture is more dominant in influencing Lecturer Performance, being the first priority in improving Lecturer Performance, Universitas Persada Indonesia YA is expected to be able to improve Organizational Culture, so that they are able to work more professionall

    A study on thrombocytopenia in pregnancy and feto-maternal outcome conducted at tertiary care center Rajkot, Gujarat

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    Background: Thrombocytopenia is second only to anemia as the most common hematological abnormality encountered in pregnancy. Better antenatal care has led to increased detection. Once diagnosed, it is Important to further evaluate and to determine the cause to optimize management. The objectives were to study feto-maternal outcome in patient of thrombocytopenia in terms of maternal and neonatal complications and to study the causes of thrombocytopenia in pregnancy. Methods: The present study was a hospital-based study carried out from June 2021 to June 2022 at the department of obstetrics and gynecology, PDU medical college, Rajkot, Gujarat. During this period 100 patients in the third trimester of pregnancy with thrombocytopenia were selected randomly. Results: In this study 41% cases were mild thrombocytopenia, 39% with moderate and 20% were severe cases. 50% cases were gestational thrombocytopenia, 31% were cases associated with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, 8% cases were associated with abruption, 13% cases were associated with IUFD, 2% cases were idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), 8% cases were associated with viral (dengue) and bacterial (malaria) infection, 1% cases were associated with SLE, 1% cases was thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). Maternal complications were encountered in form of DIC in 13% cases, jaundice in 7% of cases, 2% cases were complicated by PPH, 4% cases were complicated by acute kidney injury, 2% cases were associated with sickle cell crisis and 4% cases were maternal mortality. 12% were stillbirth and 5% cases had neonatal mortality. Conclusions: Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy induced hypertension carries a risk for both the mother and her fetus. Thrombocytopenia in pregnancy if timely diagnosed do not cause any mortality, however management of these patients require a multidisciplinary approach and close collaboration between obstetrician, physician, and neonatologist

    Observation of the Fresnel and Arago laws using the Mach-Zehnder interferometer

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    An experimental study is conducted to determine the effect of polarization on the interference of light waves. By using the temporal coherence property of light in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, we verified the four important Fresnel and Arago laws for linearly polarized and circularly polarized light. This experiment provides a simple method for undergraduates to study the phenomena of interference and polarization. (C) 2008 American Association of Physics Teachers

    Fast SVM training using approximate extreme points

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    Applications of non-linear kernel Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to large datasets is seriously hampered by its excessive training time. We propose a modification, called the approximate extreme points support vector machine (AESVM), that is aimed at overcoming this burden. Our approach relies on conducting the SVM optimization over a carefully selected subset, called the representative set, of the training dataset. We present analytical results that indicate the similarity of AESVM and SVM solutions. A linear time algorithm based on convex hulls and extreme points is used to compute the representative set in kernel space. Extensive computational experiments on nine datasets compared AESVM to LIBSVM \citep{LIBSVM}, CVM \citep{Tsang05}, BVM \citep{Tsang07}, LASVM \citep{Bordes05}, SVMperf\text{SVM}^{\text{perf}} \citep{Joachims09}, and the random features method \citep{rahimi07}. Our AESVM implementation was found to train much faster than the other methods, while its classification accuracy was similar to that of LIBSVM in all cases. In particular, for a seizure detection dataset, AESVM training was almost 10310^3 times faster than LIBSVM and LASVM and more than forty times faster than CVM and BVM. Additionally, AESVM also gave competitively fast classification times.Comment: The manuscript in revised form has been submitted to J. Machine Learning Researc

    Dormancy in stochastic interacting systems

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    Organisms often need to adapt more efficiently and devise new strategies for surviving difficult ecological circumstances. Mammals indeed spend the winter in hibernation to conserve energy, food, etc., for future purposes. Microbial populations also possess similar characteristics, where organisms enter into a state of low metabolic activity in response to adverse environmental conditions. In plant populations, the analogous strategy is the suspension of seed germination for an extended period of time. Several studies suggest that this bet-hedging strategy has important evolutionary consequences and plays a crucial role in maintaining genetic diversities in a population. In this thesis, we draw motivations from biological populations featuring this trait and investigate its effect in a probabilistic framework. In particular, we introduce a mathematical notion of dormancy in several well-known stochastic interacting systems and study how it changes the qualitative and quantitative properties of the systems by characterizing their behaviors in the long run. The construction of our model is built upon a well-known stochastic process in mathematical population genetics called the Moran model. The Moran model describes the genetic evolution of a single, reproductively active, finite population without seed-bank. We modify the model to include dormancy and extend it to the context of spatially structured populations with varying sizes.Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO)Number theory, Algebra and Geometr

    Multiple Dens Invaginatus - A case report and review of literature

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    Dens invaginatus is a developmental variation of a tooth resulting from an alteration in the normal growth pattern of the dental papilla. It is clinically characterized by a palatine furrow that can be limited to the coronal pulp or may extend to the radicular apex. The commonly affected tooth is maxillary lateral incisor. The occurrence of multiple dens invaginatus is extremely rare. Although a clinical examination may reveal a deep pit or fissure on the lingual surfaces of maxillary anterior teeth, the radiographic examination is the choice for diagnosis of dens invaginatus. Familiarity with the radiographic appearance of this anomaly is essential for the dental practitioner. The purpose of this paper is to present a clinical case of multiple dens invaginatus involving maxillary anterior teeth which was diagnosed during routine radiographic evaluation
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