35 research outputs found

    UtvÀrdering av effekten av att lÀgga till trindsÀdesslag i finska vÀxtföljder

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    Grain legumes are grown on less than 2% of the arable area of Europe, while large quantities of soybean and soymeal are imported for feed for pigs and poultry. Crop rotations need diversifying by adding grain legumes for soil health and for the break-crop effect, lowering pest, disease and weed pressures in the subsequent crop. The economic effects are of interest from adding legumes to crop rotations and can be evaluated by modelling crop rotations and comparing the means of the gross margins (GM) from the rotations. In Finland, cereal-based crop rotations dominate the important crop growing areas of Southwestern Finland. The most common rotation during a five-year-period can consist of a cereal monoculture with two or more cereal species. The largest potential for diversification in crop rotations can be found on pig, poultry, and cereal farms. Modelling of grain legumes in crop rotations has previously been done for VÀstra Götaland in Sweden, Brandenburg in Germany, Calabria Italy, eastern Scotland in the United Kingdom, and Sud-Muntenia i Romania. The aim of this work was to create modelled crop rotations for Southwestern Finland to evaluate the gross margin, NO3-N-leaching, and N2O-emissions of the crop rotations. Yields were modelled for a ten-year period following actual yield fluctuations. They were analysed and there were no significant differences in gross margin detected in the crop rotations, whether they were a legume or an all-cereal rotation. Significant differences were found in N2O-emissions between the crop rotationsTrindsÀd odlas pÄ mindre Àn 2% av den odlingsbara jorden i Europa, medan stora mÀngder av sojaböna och sojamjöl importeras till foder för svin- och fjÀderfÀhushÄllning. VÀxtföljderna behöver diversifieras genom att lÀgga till baljvÀxter för jordhÀlsan och för effekten frÄn avbrottsgrödor: att minska skadedjuren och sjukdomarna samt ogrÀsen i följande gröda. De ekonomiska effekterna av att lÀgga till baljvÀxter i vÀxtföljderna Àr av ekonomiskt intresse, och kan utvÀrderas genom att göra modeller för vÀxtföljder och genom att jÀmföra bruttomarginalerna för vÀxtföljderna. I Finland dominerar de spannmÄlsbaserade vÀxtföljderna i de viktigaste odlingsomrÄdena i sydvÀstra Finland. Den vanligaste vÀxtföljden under en femÄrsperiod Àr en spannmÄlsmonokultur med tvÄ eller fler spannmÄlsslag. Den största potentialen för diversifiering av vÀxtföljder pÄtrÀffas pÄ svin- fjÀderfÀ- och spannmÄlsgÄrdar. Modeller för baljvÀxter i vÀxtföljder har gjorts för VÀstra Götaland i Sverige, Brandenburg i Tyskland, Kalabrien i Italien, östra Skottland i Storbritannien och Sud-Muntenia i RumÀnien. MÄlet med detta arbete Àr faststÀlla vÀxtföljder för sydvÀstra Finland samt utvÀrdera bruttomarginalen, NO3-N-lÀckage samt N2O-utslÀpp för vÀxtföljderna. SkördenivÄer som följde verkliga skördefluktuationer, simulerades för en tioÄrs period. Dessa analyserades och det upptÀcktes inte nÄgra signifikanta skillnader i bruttomarginalerna frÄn de olika vÀxtföljderna, vare sig de var med baljvÀxt i vÀxtföljden eller endast med spannmÄl. Signifikanta skillnader fanns dock i N2O-utslÀppen mellan vÀxtföljderna

    Effekten av situationsbundna faktorer i sexuellt utnyttjande av barn pÄ depression : en metaanalys

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    Sexuellt utnyttjande av barn (SUB) har pÄvisats resultera i en mÀngd negativa utfall, sÄ som depression. Eftersom inte alla som upplevt SUB utvecklar depression har man föreslagit att situationsbundna faktorer, sÄ som offrets Älder nÀr SUB startade, graden av fysisk kontakt, anvÀndningen av fysiskt vÄld i samband med SUB, mÀngden SUB och relationen mellan offret och förövaren pÄverkar förhÄllandet mellan SUB och depression. En metaanalys över den existerande litteraturen om effekten av situationsbundna faktorer pÄ utvecklingen av depression utfördes. Samplets kön anvÀndes som modererande variabel i analyserna. Utöver detta utfördes ocksÄ analyser av publikationsbias. För att inkluderas i metaanalysen skulle studierna vara referentgranskade, skrivna pÄ engelska och undersöka effekten av minst en situationsbunden faktor pÄ insjuknande i depression. Litteratursökningen resulterade i 73 relevanta artiklar. Dessa artiklar undersökte sammanlagt 14 058 individer som utsatts för sexuellt utnyttjande före 18 Ärs Älder. Högre grad av fysisk kontakt, incestuöst SUB (jÀmfört med icke-incestuöst SUB), anvÀndningen av fysiskt vÄld (jÀmfört med SUB utan fysisk vÄld) samt högre frekvens, fler incidenter och lÀngre varaktighet av SUB ökade risken för att insjukna i depression. Resultaten frÄn den föreliggande metaanalysen överensstÀmmer med tidigare metaanalyser gjorda pÄ situationsbundna faktorers inverkan pÄ hÀlsoriskbeteende, social kompetens och psykosexuell Ängest

    The Importance of Being Promiscuous : Understanding enzyme function, specificity, and evolution through structure

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    Enzymes are known to be amazingly specific and efficient catalysts. However, many enzymes also have so-called promiscuous functions, i.e., they are able to catalyze other reactions than their main one. The promiscuous activities are often low, serendipitous, and under neutral selection but if conditions arise that make them beneficial, they can play an important role in the evolution of new enzymes. In this thesis, I present three studies where we have characterized different enzyme families by structural and biochemical methods. The studies demonstrate the occurrence of enzyme promiscuity and its potential role in evolution and organismal adaptation. In the first study, I describe the characterization of wild type and mutant HisA enzymes from Salmonella enterica. In the first part of this study, we could clarify the mechanistic cycle of HisA by solving crystal structures that showed different conformations of wild type HisA in complex with its labile substrate ProFAR (NÂŽ-[(5ÂŽ-phosphoribosyl)formimino]-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide). In the second part of this study, structures of mutant enzymes from a real-time evolution study provided us with an atomic-level description of how HisA had evolved a new function. The HisA mutants had acquired TrpF activity, either in addition to (bifunctional generalists) or instead of (TrpF specialists) their HisA activity. In the second study, I present the crystal structure and demonstrate promiscuous activity of the TrpC enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The activity data demonstrates that the enzyme can turn over a substrate that lacks a substituent that was previously considered essential for catalysis. In the third study, I present the structural and functional characterization of SAM (S-Adenosyl methionine) hydrolases from bacteriophages. These enzymes were discovered because of their ability to rescue auxotrophic bacteria by inducing expression of a promiscuous bacterial enzyme.

    CoronavÄren förÀndrade konsumtionen

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    The Importance of Being Promiscuous : Understanding enzyme function, specificity, and evolution through structure

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    Enzymes are known to be amazingly specific and efficient catalysts. However, many enzymes also have so-called promiscuous functions, i.e., they are able to catalyze other reactions than their main one. The promiscuous activities are often low, serendipitous, and under neutral selection but if conditions arise that make them beneficial, they can play an important role in the evolution of new enzymes. In this thesis, I present three studies where we have characterized different enzyme families by structural and biochemical methods. The studies demonstrate the occurrence of enzyme promiscuity and its potential role in evolution and organismal adaptation. In the first study, I describe the characterization of wild type and mutant HisA enzymes from Salmonella enterica. In the first part of this study, we could clarify the mechanistic cycle of HisA by solving crystal structures that showed different conformations of wild type HisA in complex with its labile substrate ProFAR (NÂŽ-[(5ÂŽ-phosphoribosyl)formimino]-5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide). In the second part of this study, structures of mutant enzymes from a real-time evolution study provided us with an atomic-level description of how HisA had evolved a new function. The HisA mutants had acquired TrpF activity, either in addition to (bifunctional generalists) or instead of (TrpF specialists) their HisA activity. In the second study, I present the crystal structure and demonstrate promiscuous activity of the TrpC enzyme from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The activity data demonstrates that the enzyme can turn over a substrate that lacks a substituent that was previously considered essential for catalysis. In the third study, I present the structural and functional characterization of SAM (S-Adenosyl methionine) hydrolases from bacteriophages. These enzymes were discovered because of their ability to rescue auxotrophic bacteria by inducing expression of a promiscuous bacterial enzyme.

    FM i Mathantverk - mer Àn en mattÀvling

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    LÄngsiktig plan skall förhindra översvÀmningar och vÀrna om miljön

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    Ekonomiska stöd under coronakrisen

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    Möjligheternas landsbygd

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    HjÀrtlig kampanj för att hÄlla avstÄnd

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