1,879 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a suspension of interacting yolk-shell particles

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    In this work we study the self-diffusion properties of a liquid of hollow spherical particles (shells)bearing a smaller solid sphere in their interior (yolks). We model this system using purely repulsive hard-body interactions between all (shell and yolk) particles, but assume the presence of a background ideal solvent such that all the particles execute free Brownian motion between collisions,characterized by short-time self-diffusion coefficients D0s for the shells and D0y for the yolks. Using a softened version of these interparticle potentials we perform Brownian dynamics simulations to determine the mean squared displacement and intermediate scattering function of the yolk-shell complex. These results can be understood in terms of a set of effective Langevin equations for the N interacting shell particles, pre-averaged over the yolks' degrees of freedom, from which an approximate self-consistent description of the simulated self-diffusion properties can be derived. Here we compare the theoretical and simulated results between them, and with the results for the same system in the absence of yolks. We find that the yolks, which have no effect on the shell-shell static structure, influence the dynamic properties in a predictable manner, fully captured by the theory.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Oscillatory relaxation of zonal flows in a multi-species stellarator plasma

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    The low frequency oscillatory relaxation of zonal potential perturbations is studied numerically in the TJ-II stellarator (where it was experimentally detected for the first time). It is studied in full global gyrokinetic simulations of multi-species plasmas. The oscillation frequency obtained is compared with predictions based on single-species simulations using simplified analytical relations. It is shown that the frequency of this oscillation for a multi-species plasma can be accurately obtained from single-species calculations using extrapolation formulas. The damping of the oscillation and the influence of the different inter-species collisions is studied in detail. It is concluded that taking into account multiple kinetic ions and electrons with impurity concentrations realistic for TJ-II plasmas allows to account for the values of frequency and damping rate in zonal flows relaxations observed experimentally.Comment: 11 figures, 22 page

    Confirmation of symmetrical distributions of clinical attachment loss and tooth loss in a homogeneous Mexican adult male population

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    Background/purpose To ascertain whether or not clinical attachment loss and tooth loss are present with similar severity and prevalence across the two sides of the mouth in a homogeneous sample of urban male adults. Materials and methods A cross-sectional study was carried out on 161 policemen (a largely homogeneous group in terms of ethnic background, socioeconomic status, sex, occupation, and medical/dental insurance) in Campeche, Mexico. Periodontal examinations were undertaken using the Florida Probe System in a dental chair by one trained and standardized examiner (kappa ≥ 0.60) to determine clinical attachment loss and tooth loss. We examined six sites in all teeth present in the mouth (a maximum of 168 sites, no third molars). Because of correlated data between observations, McNemar (for tooth loss) and Wilcoxon (for attachment loss) signed-rank tests were used to compare right and left sites within the same patient. Results The mean age was 38.4 ± 11.0 years. The mean number of teeth present was 24.4 ± 4.6; the mean number of periodontal sites/person was 146.7 ± 27.8. All P values were ≥ 0.05 (except for attachment loss in the upper first premolars), suggesting that there were no statistically significant differences between the right and left sides for the frequency of presentation of these two conditions. Conclusion Tooth loss and attachment loss measurements largely resemble each other on both sides of the mouth

    Effect of zinc intake on growth in infants: A meta-analysis

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    A systematic review and meta-analysis of available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) was conducted to evaluate the effect of zinc (Zn) intake on growth in infants. Out of 5500 studies identified through electronic searches and reference lists, 19 RCTs were selected after applying the exclusion/inclusion criteria. The influence of Zn intake on growth was considered in the overall meta-analysis. Other variables were also taken into account as possible effect modifiers: doses of Zn intake, intervention duration, nutritional status, and risk of bias. From each select growth study, final measures of weight, length, mid upper arm circumference (MUAC), head circumference, weight for age z-score (WAZ), length for age z-score (LAZ), and weight for length z-score (WLZ) were assessed. Pooled β and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated. Additionally, we carried out a sensitivity analysis. Zn intake was not associated with weight, length, MUAC, head circumference, and LAZ in the pooled analyses. However, Zn intake had a positive and statistically effect on WAZ (β = 0.06; 95%CI 0.02 to 0.10) and WLZ (β = 0.05; 95%CI 0.01 to 0.08). The dose–response relationship between Zn intake and these parameters indicated that a doubling of Zn intake increased WAZ and WLZ by approximately 4%. Substantial heterogeneity was present only in length analyses (I2 = 45%; p = 0.03). Zn intake was positively associated with length values at short time (four to 20 weeks) (β = 0.01; CI 95% 0 to 0.02) and at medium doses of Zn (4.1 to 8 mg/day) (β = 0.003; CI 95% 0 to 0.01). Nevertheless, the effect magnitude was small. Our results indicate that Zn intake increases growth parameters of infants. Nonetheless, interpretation of these results should be carefully considered

    Contenido de aminoácidos libres en frutos de chirimoyo durante la maduración

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    El chirimoyo es un fruto tropical que crece en algunos países de América y en una serie de selectivas áreas del sur de España, siendo una fuente rica de aminoácidos libres. Los efectos de las temperaturas después de la postrecolección de este fruto han sido estudiadas. La firmeza del fruto se ha determinado con un medidor de textura y los aminoácidos libres se determinaron por cromatografía en columna de intercambio iónico, utilizando un autoanalizador de aminoácidos. El chirimoyo se caracterizó por un alto contenido en prolina y citrulina. El ácido glutámico y la glutamina estaban también presentes pero en pequeñas cantidades. La citrulina y la prolina se incrementaron durante la maduración; el aumento dependió de la temperatura de almacenamiento

    Redox proteins of hydroxylating bacterial dioxygenases establish a regulatory cascade that prevents gratuitous induction of tetralin biodegradation genes

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    Bacterial dioxygenase systems are multicomponent enzymes that catalyze the initial degradation of many environmentally hazardous compounds. In Sphingopyxis granuli strain TFA tetralin dioxygenase hydroxylates tetralin, an organic contaminant. It consists of a ferredoxin reductase (ThnA4), a ferredoxin (ThnA3) and a oxygenase (ThnA1/ThnA2), forming a NAD(P)H-ThnA4-ThnA3-ThnA1/ThnA2 electron transport chain. ThnA3 has also a regulatory function since it prevents expression of tetralin degradation genes (thn) in the presence of non-metabolizable substrates of the catabolic pathway. This role is of physiological relevance since avoids gratuitous and wasteful production of catabolic enzymes. Our hypothesis for thn regulation implies that ThnA3 exerts its action by diverting electrons towards the regulator ThnY, an iron-sulfur flavoprotein that together with the transcriptional activator ThnR is necessary for thn gene expression. Here we analyze electron transfer among ThnA4, ThnA3 and ThnY by using stopped-flow spectrophotometry and determination of midpoint reduction potentials. Our results indicate that when accumulated in its reduced form ThnA3 is able to fully reduce ThnY. In addition, we have reproduced in vitro the regulatory circuit in the proposed physiological direction, NAD(P)H-ThnA4-ThnA3-ThnY. ThnA3 represents an unprecedented way of communication between a catabolic pathway and its regulatory system to prevent gratuitous induction

    Dead-time optimization to increase secure distance range in prepare and measure quantum key distribution protocols

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    Afterpulsing is a factor limiting the distance over which discrete-variable quantum key distribution systems are secure, and a common feature in single-photon detectors. The relevance of this phenomenon stems from its stochastic, self-interacting nature and the fact that its rate rises with the number of avalanche events, which increases the quantum bit error rate. Here we introduce an effective analytic model, including dead-time and afterpulsing corrections, where afterpulsing correction depends on dead-time value. This model is useful to evaluate the performance of prepare and measure quantum key distribution protocols (standard and decoy versions) that use gated single photon detectors. The model provides an expression to numerically optimize the secret key rate over the full distance range for secure communication, enabling in this way the calculation of quantum bit error rate and secure key rate. In the conventional procedure, the dead-time value is fixed regardless of distance, limiting the distance range of the channel due to remaining afterpulsing effects, which are more relevant at higher operating frequencies. Here we demonstrate that optimizing the dead-time values increases the distance range of the channel to share secret keys.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    The effects of UV radiation on photosynthesis estimated as chlorophyll fluorescence in Zygnemopsis decussata (Chlorophyta) growing in a high mountain lake (Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain)

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    The effect of increased UV radiation on photosynthesis estimated as in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence i.e. optimal quantum yield (Fv/Fm) and electron transport rate (ETR) in the green filamentous alga Zygnemopsis decussata (Streptophyta, Zygnematales) growing in the high mountain lake "La Caldera" (Sierra Nevada, Spain) at 3050 m altitude was evaluated. Two sets of in situ experiments were conducted: (1) On July 2006, Fv/Fm was measured throughout the day at different depths (0.1, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 m) and in the afternoon, ETR and phenolic compounds were determined. In addition, in order to analyze the effect of UV radiation, Fv/Fm was determined in algae incubated for 3 days at 0.5m under three different light treatments: PAR+UVA+UVB (PAB), PAR+UVA (PA) and PAR (P). (2) On August 2007, Fv/Fm was determined under PAB, PA and P treatments and desiccation/rehydration conditions. Fv/Fm decreased in algae growing in surface waters (0.1 m) but also at 1 m depth compared to that at 0.5 m depth. The decrease of Fv/Fm at noon due to photoinhibition was small (less than 10%) except in algae growing at 1 m depth (44%). The maximal electron transport rate was 3.5-5 times higher in algae growing at 0.25-0.5 m respectively than that at 0.1 and 1 m depth. These results are related to the accumulation of phenolic compounds: i.e. the algae at 0.25-0.5 m presented respectively about a 3-5 times higher concentration of phenolic compounds than that of algae at 0.1-1 m depth. The protection mechanisms seem to be stimulated by UVB radiation, since Fv/Fm was higher in the presence of UVB (PAB treatment) compared to PA or P treatments. UVA exerts the main photoinhibitory effect, not only at midday, but also in the afternoon. UVB radiation also had a protective effect in algae grown under desiccation conditions for three days. During re-hydration, the rapid increase of Fv/Fm (after 1 h) was higher in the UVB-grown algae than in algae grown under UVA radiation. After 5 h, Fv/Fm values were similar in algae submitted to desiccation/rehydration under PAB and P treatments as they were in the control (submerged algae). The combined effect of desiccation and UVA produced the greatest decrease of photosynthesis in Z. decussata. Thus UVB, in contrast to other species, may support the recovery process. Z. decussata can acclimate to severe stress conditions in this high mountain lake by the photoprotection mechanism induced by UVB radiation through dynamic photoinhibition and the accumulation of phenolic compounds (UV screen and antioxidant substances).This research was supported by the Spanish Ministries of Environment (PN2003/25) and Education and Science (CGL2005/01564, AGL2005/02655, CGL 2008/01127, CGL 2008/05407) and Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía (Excelencia project P07-CVI-02598)