134 research outputs found

    La extracción de conocimiento y terminología a partir de corpus ad hoc : el uso de documentos digitales de la web pública

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    Electronic communication accelerates the exchange of knowledge and information in areas of specialized knowledge. This state of affairs forces anyone involved in such communication (e.g. technical writers, technical translators) to remain up to date with new developments. Not only do professionals belonging to this group of people have to master the standard terminology of each specialized domain, they must also assimilate and understand the subject matter within which they are working. This article proposes a method for assembling and using specific corpora with a view to extracting from them systematic and bilingual knowledge relating to terminology, the conceptual relations between terms, and the knowledge that they represent. Special attention is devoted to the strategies that will enable professionals to use such corpora in English and in Spanish

    És la web pública la nova biblioteca del traductor?

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    La World Wide Web se ha convertido en una de las fuentes de información más utilizadas por los traductores. Sin embargo, la información de la WWW puede presentar ciertas carencia en lo que a la calidad se refiere que el traductor debe tener en cuenta. Por este motivo, y dado que la información ya se encuentra en formato digital, las herramientas de análisis de corpus se convierten en un instrumento de gran utilidad en la obtención de información lingüística y factual para la realización de una traducción, y en concreto de la traducción especializada.La World Wide Web s'ha convertit en una de les fonts d'informació més utilitzades pels traductors. Tanmateix, la informació que s'hi troba pot presentar certes mancances de qualitat que el traductor ha de tenir en compte. Per aquest motiu, i pel fet que la informació ja es troba en format digital, l'aplicació d'eines d'anàlisi de corpus es revela com un instrument de gran utilitat a l'hora d'obtenir informació lingüística i factual per a la realització d'una traducció, i en concret la traducció especialitzada

    Selecting and preparing texts for machine translation pre-editing and writing for a global audience

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    Neural machine translation (NMT) is providing more and more fluent translations with fewer errors than previous technologies. Consequently, NMT is becoming a real tool for speeding up translation in many language pairs. However, obtaining the best raw MT output possible in each of the target languages and making texts suitable for each of the target audiences depends not only on the quality of the MT system but also on the appropriateness of the source text. This chapter deals with the concept of pre-editing, the editing of source texts to make them more suitable for both machine translation and a global target audienc

    Ontology as an information instrument for the legal translator

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    Regardless of the speciality involved, one of the most evident difficulties in specialised translation consists of resolving terminological problems, to which end the translator often uses terminological works corresponding to the relevant field, such as databases. In this article, we present a reflection upon the shortcomings from which such works suffer, due to their very nature, where the management of legal terminology is concerned. Looking at the shortcomings identified, we propose a method of managing legal terminology, whether bilingual or multilingual, based on an ontological system, whereby it is possible to include all the concepts corresponding to both the languages and, thus, both the legal systems involved within a conceptual structure based on categories that are unrelated to any legal system. We present an example of terminological management in the form of an ontology and, chiefly, an example of the management of underlying concepts in legal texts, such as the clauses of a contract. Those examples could be combined into a single case that would permit the holistic management of the area in which the legal translator works. While terms are organised on the basis of their conceptual facet, a linguistic approach is taken thereto in a text, as well as in the ontology. That means that the linguistic facet of terms remains an essential factor in the management methodology that we propose.En traducció especialitzada, sigui quina sigui l'especialitat, una de les dificultats més visibles és la resolució dels problemes terminològics. Per fer-ho el traductor sovint recorre a obres terminològiques de l'àmbit com bases de dades. En aquest article assenyalem una reflexió sobre les mancances que, per les seves característiques, presenten aquestes obres en l'àmbit de la gestió de terminologia jurídica. A partir de les mancances identificades, proposem una gestió de la terminologia jurídica, bilingüe o multilingüe, basada en un sistema ontològic. D'aquesta manera aconseguim que tots els conceptes corresponents a totes dues llengües en contacte, i per tant a tots dos ordenaments jurídics, puguin ser inclosos dins d'una estructura conceptual basada en categories aliena a qualsevol sistema jurídic. Presentem un exemple de gestió de terminologia en forma d'ontologia i, principalment, un exemple de gestió de conceptes subjacents a redaccions jurídiques, com ara les clàusules d'un contracte. Aquests exemples podrien integrar-se en un de sol que permetrien una gestió holística de l'àmbit de treball del traductor jurídic. Tot i que l'ordenació dels termes es duu a terme des de la seva vessant conceptual, l'apropament als termes en un text i també en l'ontologia és lingüística, per la qual cosa la vessant lingüística dels termes segueix sent d'una importància cabdal dins de la metodologia de gestió que proposem

    MT Post-editing into the mother tongue or into a foreign language? : Spanish-to-English MT translation output post-edited by translation trainees

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    The aim of this study is to analyse whether translation trainees who are not native speakers of the target language are able to perform as well as those who are native speakers, and whether they achieve the expected quality in a "good enough" post-editing (PE) job. In particular the study focuses on the performance of two groups of students doing PE from Spanish into English: native English speakers and native Spanish speakers. A pilot study was set up to collect evidence to compare and contrast the two groups' performances. Trainees from both groups had been given the same training in PE and were asked to post-edit 30 sentences translated from Spanish to English. The PE output was analyzed taking into account accuracy errors (mistranslations and omissions) as well as language errors (grammatical errors and syntax errors). The results show that some native Spanish speakers corrected just as many errors as the native English speakers. Furthermore, the Spanish-speaking trainees outperformed their English-speaking counterparts when identifying mistranslations and omissions. Moreover, the performances of the best English-speaking and Spanish-speaking trainees at identifying grammar and syntax errors were very similar