264 research outputs found

    Theories of Public Goods and Sustainable Development in the Philosophical Thought of John Locke

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    Humansare not able to change their nature other than through their own actions and with the participation of others. The full development of personal life can therefore only be achieved in society. Managing the available resources, through his activity, man delineates the boundaries between the private, the individual, and the public spheres. The decisive factor in the right to private property is the individual’s own work. In economic theory, public goods are a manifestation of market failure, as market mechanisms for regulating supply and demand do not apply to the market for the quantity of goods supplied to the market. The theory of public goods is therefore primarily the subject of economic research and analysis, and the idea of the common good is the domain of philosophical reflection, especially of political philosophy. Considering the dynamic progress of civilization and the associated process of exploiting the natural environment in human economic activity, the policy of proper use of natural resources, taking into account the respect for the common good of the general public, is increasingly important. The answer to the challenges of the present day is the theory of sustainable development developed, in particular, in the green economy. It is considered to be a socio‑philosophical idea, the direction of economic development, as well as the direction of scientific research, and it comprehensively deals with the problem of the long‑term ability of the modern economy to develop upon the criterion of intergenerational justice. The article addresses issues of public goods theory and sustainable development in the context of Locke’s philosophical thought. The emancipation of Locke’s philosophical achievements manifests itself not only in the sphere of political philosophy, but also in the socio‑economic context, forming the skeleton of modern democratic states. Locke’s reflections, especially in the Two Treaties on Government, are an endorsement of individualism, economic freedom and economic liberalism, as well as the idea of a natural environment in the context of economic human activity. The practical realization of the common good in social, political and economic life suffers many difficulties in the conditions of the globalized world. Hence, interdisciplinary and deeper reflection on the real good perceived both by the individual and by the community is necessary. It also seems reasonable to discuss the ways of perceiving the common good and the public interest of present and future generations.The “Annales. Ethics in Economic Life” is affiliated and co-financed by the Faculty of Economics and Sociology of the University of Lodz

    Zostań wynalazcą.

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    Kto ma pomysł na wynalazek i chce sprawdzić co nowego opatentowano w danej dziedzinie powinien przyjść do Ośrodka Informacji Patentowej (OIP) przy Bibliotece Politechniki Łódzkiej. Działalność OIP adresowana jest do szerokiego kręgu osób zainteresowanych informacją patentową i zagadnieniami szeroko pojętej dziedziny własności intelektualnej. Należą do tych osób studenci i pracownicy Politechniki Łódzkiej, rzecznicy patentowi, wynalazcy oraz twórcy

    Informacja patentowa w Bibliotece

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    Relacja ze spotkania grupy PolBit zorganizowanego przez Bibliotekę Politechniki Łódzkiej i Ośrodek Informacji Patentowej przy współudziale Urzędu Patentowego RP i Europejskiego Urzędu Patentowego w dniach 24-25 marca 2015r. Spotkanie odbyło się pod hasłem "Ochrona własności intelektualnej -informacja patentowa. Usługi oferowane przez centra PATLIB"

    Znaki towarowe - rewolucyjne zmiany.

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    Ośrodek Informacji Patentowej Biblioteki Politechniki Łódzkiej serdecznie zaprasza do wzięcia udziału w szkoleniach poświęconych najnowszym zmianom w przepisach prawa krajowego dotyczących znaków towarowych

    Szkolenia z ochrony własności intelektualnej

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    Ośrodek Informacji Patentowej w Bibliotece PŁ zaprasza na bezpłatne szkolenia dla pracowników, doktorantów i studentów PŁ podczas, których przybliżona zostanie terminologia dotycząca prawa własności intelektualnej raz zaprezentowane elektroniczne źródła informacji rejestrujące patenty

    Rodzaje umów o pracę w Polsce

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    The article deals with the current types of employment contracts regulated in the Polish Labour Code, i.e. employment contract for a trial period,  employment contract for an indefinite period of time and employment contract for a definite period of time. Special attention has been paid to amendments to the Labour Code concerning these contracts, which have been in force since February 2016. The amendments have tried to respond to the most essential problems arising in the application of types of employment contracts and the need of implementation of European Union law standards. The paper also presents proposals of amendments referring to the current types of employment contracts offered in the new draft Labour Code. The amendments to the Labour Code and the new draft Labour Code prove that finding optimal concept of types of employment contracts is extremely difficult, because both conditions of social market economy and a protective function of labour law should be taken into account.W artukule poddano analizie rodzaje umów o pracę, które uregulowane zostały w obowiązującym Kodeksie pracy (umowy o pracę na okres próbny, umowy o pracę na czas nieokreślony oraz umowy o pracę na czas określony). Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zmiany w Kodeksie pracy wprowadzone w lutym 2016 r. Zmiany te miały na celu rozwiązanie najistotniejszych problemów związanych z zawieraniem umów o pracę,a także potrzebą wdrożenia regulacji unijnych. W pracy przedstawiono także propozycje zmian odnoszące się do aktualnych rodzajów umów o pracę, zaproponowanych w nowym projekcie Kodeksu pracy. Nowelizacja Kodeksu pracy i opracowywany nowy projekt Kodeksu pracy dowodzą, że znalezienie optymalnej koncepcji rodzajów umów o pracę jest niezwykle trudne, ponieważ należy wziąć pod uwagę zarówno warunki społecznej gospodarki rynkowej, jak też ochronną funkcję prawa pracy

    Wybrane aspekty rytuałów okołostartowych piłkarek

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    Rituals are an interdisciplinary subject. They can carry many meanings and have different values for the person who performs them or believes in super­stitions associated with them. Rituals are mysterious and intriguing, and thus more interesting as an area of scientific study. Observation of the sports com­munity shows that ritualization applies not only to the ceremony itself, but also to the behavior and performance of individual players, especially dur­ing the pre-match period. This awareness prompted research and discussion on the place/role of rituals in the mental and physical preparation of athletes. The study included 62 female football players playing in Polish league competitions. They completed a questionnaire called “Rituals in Sport.” The aim of the study was to learn about the ritualized practices of players and their teams. The survey questions also concerned the subjectively felt relationship between rituals and the expected outcome of the match, among other things. The analysis of our findings confirmed that the female footballers’ pre-and post-match practices are ritualized. The scope, diversity, and multiplicity of meanings of the rituals performed by individual players reveal the significance of this interdisciplinary phenomenon.Rytuały to zagadnienie interdyscyplinarne. To zjawisko, które może nieść wiele znaczeń i mieć różną wartość dla osoby, która je wykonuje albo wierzy w związane z nimi przesądy. Rytuały są tajemnicze i intrygujące, a przez to tym ciekawsze dla próby poznania naukowego. Obserwacja środowiska sportowego pozwala stwierdzić, że rytualizacja dotyczy nie tylko samej ceremonii, ale też funkcjonowania poszczególnych zawodników – zwłaszcza w okresie okołostartowym. To skłoniło do podjęcia badań, a także dyskusji nad miejscem/rolą rytuałów w przygotowaniu mental­nym i fizycznym sportowców. Do udziału w badaniach zaproszono 62 piłkarki nożne biorące udział w rozgrywkach polskich lig. Wypełniły one kwestionariusz ankiety RwS – „Rytuały w Sporcie”. Celem badań było poznanie okołostartowych zacho­wań rytualnych zawodniczek i ich drużyn. Pytania dotyczyły m.in. również subiektywnie odczuwanego związku rytuałów ze spodziewanym wynikiem sportowym. Analizy wyników badań własnych potwierdziły istnienie rytuali­zacji okołostartowego funkcjonowania piłkarek. Zakres, różnorodność i wie­lość znaczeń rytuałów realizowanych przez poszczególne zawodniczki/dru­żyny podkreśla znaczący wymiar tego interdyscyplinarnego fenomenu

    The development of downside accounting beta as a measure of risk

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    This paper develops a new method for measuring market risk called downside accounting beta (DAB). To test the validity of DAB the method is applied to the financial data for 14 food companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange during a 6-year period. DAB calculates how changes in the profitability of the whole sector affects the profitability of a given company. The paper concludes that when calculating DAB using Return on Assets (ROA) and Return on Equity (ROE) there is a positive correlation with market betas. The practical implication of this research is that investors, owners and managers can use DAB to calculate the systematic risk of companies not listed on stock markets and consequently to identify the levels of risk associated with companies within the sector

    Market and Accounting Risk Factors of Asset Pricing in the Classical and Downside Approaches

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    Theoretical background: The variability of the company’s profitability is the result of the accompanying risk. To compare the profitability of many companies, relative profitability measures, which include profitability ratios, are more convenient. This article analyses market and accounting risk factors of CAPM. Risk was considered in variance and downside framework. Market betas, accounting betas were used in an extended version of the asset pricing model. Additionally, the influence of profitability ratios, such as ROA and ROE on the average rate of return on the capital market are considered.Purpose of the article: The main purpose of this study is to test the standard and extended CAPM relations between systematic risk measures and mean returns for single companies quoted on the Polish capital market and equally-weighted portfolios in two approaches: variance and downside risk.Research methods: The research based on individual securities and portfolios, compares the one-factor risk-return relationships with two-factor ones estimated using mean returns in cross-sectional regressions. The regressors were expressed in absolute terms and classical and downside beta coefficients. The sample includes companies differing in terms of size and across different industries.Main findings: Portfolios with higher classical or downside market betas generate higher mean returns. The negative risk premium for accounting betas for variance and downside risk was identified. It is not in accordance with our earlier study of the Polish construction sector, where a positive and significant risk premium for downside accounting betas was found. The highest explanatory power of rates on returns on the Polish capital market were found for average ROA and ROE. This confirms the results of the previous studies on the Polish capital market for food and construction sectors.Theoretical background: The variability of the company’s profitability is the result of the accompanying risk. To compare the profitability of many companies, relative profitability measures, which include profitability ratios, are more convenient. This article analyses market and accounting risk factors of CAPM. Risk was considered in variance and downside framework. Market betas, accounting betas were used in an extended version of the asset pricing model. Additionally, the influence of profitability ratios, such as ROA and ROE on the average rate of return on the capital market are considered.Purpose of the article: The main purpose of this study is to test the standard and extended CAPM relations between systematic risk measures and mean returns for single companies quoted on the Polish capital market and equally-weighted portfolios in two approaches: variance and downside risk.Research methods: The research based on individual securities and portfolios, compares the one-factor risk-return relationships with two-factor ones estimated using mean returns in cross-sectional regressions. The regressors were expressed in absolute terms and classical and downside beta coefficients. The sample includes companies differing in terms of size and across different industries.Main findings: Portfolios with higher classical or downside market betas generate higher mean returns. The negative risk premium for accounting betas for variance and downside risk was identified. It is not in accordance with our earlier study of the Polish construction sector, where a positive and significant risk premium for downside accounting betas was found. The highest explanatory power of rates on returns on the Polish capital market were found for average ROA and ROE. This confirms the results of the previous studies on the Polish capital market for food and construction sectors

    The Quality of Prehospital Medical Care Provided to Children with Traumatic Injuries

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    Injuries in children reach epidemic proportions worldwide as they are the most common cause of death among children above 1 year of age. It is a well-known fact that first aid properly administered to the child with severe bodily injuries can save his or her life. That objective was pursued through a prospective analysis of data concerning the management of children who presented with an injury to the Paediatric Emergency Medicine Teaching Department at the Maria Konopnicka University Teaching Hospital No. 4, to which they were brought by emergency medical service teams or referred by a primary care physician, physicians from other hospitals or a school nurse. The study enrolled all children (1493) aged 0–18 years who, due to an injury, presented to the Paediatric Emergency Medicine Teaching Department and had had prehospital aid administered by different healthcare entities. In the group of 489 children with an injury, in whom there were indications for the administration of analgesics, only 32.8% received analgesics, while 45.6% did not receive any. In children with an injury, there was no transport immobilisation in 18%. Among children provided with transport immobilisation, 10.2% were improperly immobilised. The management of the child with an injury in the Łódzkie region is unsatisfactory