481 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Onset Estrus Dan Laju Ovulasi Domba Ekor Gemuk (Ovis Aries) Melalui Pengimbasan Cairan Folikel Sapi Increasing Onset Estrus and Ovulation Rate Fat Tail Ewe (Ovis Aries) by Follicular Fluid Induction

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    The objective of this study was to explore response of the fat tail ewe on increasing prolificacy by bovine follicular fluid (bFF) induction. This study was conducted from March 2003 until May 2004 at the Station of Animal Breeding and Forage, Livestock Services, East Java Province, Garahan-Silo, Jember. The measured responses of bFF induction were onset of estrus and ovulation rate. The study was implemented by using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with four treatments of follicular fluid volume induction, i.e., bFF0.0 ml, bFF3.5 ml, bFF7.0 ml, and bFF10.5 ml. Each treatment was replicated six times. Results of the study indicated that the bFF induction significantly and highly significantly (


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    Abstrak: Masyarakat nelayan di Kampung Sekban, Kabupaten Fakfak, Provinsi Papua Barat menjadi mitra kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat (PKM). Berdasarkan survei tim PKM, mereka masih memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan keterampilan yang rendah, khususnya kompetensi las SMAW. Secara ekonomi, mereka termasuk dalam kategori kelas bawah. Mereka menangkap ikan di laut untuk kehidupan ekonominya. Pengelasan SMAW sangat bermanfaat dalam memberikan keterampilan tambahan untuk meningkatkan kehidupan ekonomi mereka. Mereka bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari memproduksi meja dari rangka baja, pagar, dan tralis pengaman. PKM ini bertujuan untuk membekali mereka dengan keterampilan las SMAW. Dalam pelatihan tersebut mereka diajarkan tata cara pelaksanaan pekerjaan pengelasan yang sesuai dengan standar operasional prosedur; cara memasang ampere yang benar berdasarkan ketebalan bahan, memotong sambungan sudut, mengelas dengan sudut 90 derajat, menggunakan elektroda yang sesuai dengan bahan las dan menggunakan peralatan Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja dengan benar. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh 21 nelayan. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah dan penerapan langsung. Kompetensi peserta dinilai berdasarkan jawaban kuesioner. Hasil pembagian kuisioner mitra PKM mendapatkan nilai 89,33% mampu melaksanakan pekerjaan pengelasan secara mandiri, sedangkan hanya 10,67% yang kurang kompeten sehingga kegiatan PKM tersebut dinyatakan berhasil berdasarkan hasil kuisioner tersebut.Abstract: Fishermen community in Sekban Village, Fakfak Regency, West Papua Province were the partner of the public service (PKM) activity. Based on the survey of the PKM team, they still have low educational background and skills, particularly SMAW welding competency. Economically, they are of low-class category. They catch fish in the sea for their economic life. SMAW welding is highly beneficial for providing them with extra skill to improve their economic life. They would be able earn from producing tables from steel frames, fences, and safety trails. The PKM was aimed to equip them with SMAW welding skills. In the training they were taught the procedure of performing welding jobs that comply with standard operational procedures; how to apply the correct amper based on material thickness, cut corner joints, weld to make 90-degree angles, use electrodes that accorded to the welding material and proper use of Occupational Health and Safety kits. The training was attended by 21 fishermen. The results of the distribution of questionnaires from PKM partners scored 89.33% able to carry out welding work independently, while only 10.67% were less competent so that the PKM activities were declared successful based on the results of the questionnaire


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    The aim of the research was to identify factors affecting population and productivity of cattle and factors causing people number involved in cattle farming in Parigi-Moutong. The research used descriptive and explorative methods to analyze problems related to those factors affecting the responses of the community on cattle farming system. The results of survey and interview conducted to respondents showed that economic background and land area size were the limiting factors for the cattle farming development. The cattle farming system could not be improved as the main agribussines based on the present condition of the farming system in term of its scale, the farmers’ condition and its main goal. The responses of the community on cattle farming system were also still low particularly for the local people

    An Analysis on Gender-Based Task in the Textbook Literature of Senior High School in Curriculum 2013

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the gender-based task in the textbook literature of senior high school curriculum 2013 grade 10. This study used qualitative method in conducting the data from the textbook literature and this study analysis focus on the textbook of the 10 grade student only and the textbook consist of nine chapter. Based on the dialogue in the chapter I shows that there are two dialogues with no mixed of male and female, both of the dialogues are different in turns and amount of words many of turns and words are used by female then male. For chapter 4and 5, and 9 are balance meanwhile, in chapter 3, 6, and 7 are imbalance position of gender appearance in gender based-task. Meanwhile, on chapter 8 did not found any kinds of task that related to gender. Despite of that, gender based-task is appear with varieties activity such as gender position in doing dialogues, as personal pronoun he/she, firstness, pictures giving which include of gender occupation and family.The aim of this paper is to investigate the gender-based task in the textbook literature of senior high school curriculum 2013 grade 10. This study used qualitative method in conducting the data from the textbook literature and this study analysis focus on the textbook of the 10 grade student only and the textbook consist of nine chapter. Based on the dialogue in the chapter I shows that there are two dialogues with no mixed of male and female, both of the dialogues are different in turns and amount of words many of turns and words are used by female then male. For chapter 4and 5, and 9 are balance meanwhile, in chapter 3, 6, and 7 are imbalance position of gender appearance in gender based-task. Meanwhile, on chapter 8 did not found any kinds of task that related to gender. Despite of that, gender based-task is appear with varieties activity such as gender position in doing dialogues, as personal pronoun he/she, firstness, pictures giving which include of gender occupation and family


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    The advent of Islam in the archipelago in the 7th century has given a positive impact on the development of many fields of life. One of them is the development of Malaya literature in this area. Ar-Raniri, a great ulama of Aceh sultanate, serves as one of Muslim poets who, in 1638 B.C., wrote not only works on Islam but also on a work of Malaya literature, that is Bustan al-Salatin (Garden of Kings). This work was written by him because of Sultan Iskandar Sani’s order. Another work of Malaya literature can be mentioned here is Taj al-Salatin (Crown of Kings) written by Bukhari al-Jauhari in 1603 B.C. Centers for Malaya literature in the archipelago are Aceh, Malacca, and Johor-Riau.                       Kata Kunci: Islam, sastra Melayu klasi

    Komparasi Capital Asset Pricing Model Versus Arbitrage Pricing Theory Model Atas Volatilitas Return Saham

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    Investing in the stock market is one option for investors. Investment in ordinary shares was classified as longterminvestments to be able to provide added value and the risk for fixed income. This study focused on thedifference of APTM versus CAPM, and it also focused on the sensitivity of the APTM on the stock returns. Thisstudy was based on the assumption that: there were differences in sectoral stock return volatility, volatility ofmarket risk factors, and macroeconomic risks affecting sectoral differences in the sensitivity of stock returns;there were differences in the results of testing the validity, robustness unconditional CAPM and APTMmultifactorial; and time-varying volatility referring to the phenomena of structural breaks and asymmetriceffect. The method of analysis used nested models with panel data. Data were analyzed by using secondary datafrom 2005-2012. The results of this study concluded that: there was no different sensitivity of stock returnsacross sectors, but there was different insensitivity between systematic risk factors, CAPM and APTM multifactorthat showed the inconsistency of the sectoral shares, but the proven model of unconditional CAPM wasvalid; the difference of factor risk premiums was as a result of the structural break, the financial crisis period of2008 within the period 2005-2012


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    The development of a language is not free from the influences of other languages. For example, as an official language, Indonesian language used by Indonesians, is not free from the influences of other languages, either local languages such as  Javanese language and Sundaness language or  foreign ones such as English and Arabic. It is within this context that this article aims at discussing contribution of  Arabic  to the development of Indonesian language


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    Efforts to realize the performance of SOEs is a very urgent requirement. This is related to the state ministry in Indonesia stakeholder‟s strategic plan 2012-2014. One important element in achieving this is improving the Quality Planning, Human Resources and Financial Management that can act as a surveillance tool as well as performance drivers. Therefore, through this study has explored: (1) the quality of work life, such as career plane, (2) organizational citizenship behavior, such as work ethic issues, and (3) employee engagement, such as remuneration policy issues. The research was conducted by applying a survey of 429 people Associate Manager at 141 state-owned enterprises in Indonesia. Data was collected by indirect communication techniques through instruments such as questionnaires and interview techniques through limited direct communication and documentation study. The study was conducted from January 2011, which ended December 31, 2012. The data processing techniques with descriptive analysis, the weighted mean score and inferential analysis of the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results showed that: (1) Quality of work life, organizational citizenship behavior, employee engagement in SOEs in Indonesia showed a good condition, but not optimal, (2) quality of working life and organizational citizenship behaviors have a positive and significant effect on state employee engagement in Indonesia. The implications of this research, requiring hard work of the managers at levels 1 and 2 under the above directors and executive managers, to accommodate the interests of the manager as agent, and as the principal stakeholder‟s interests. Requires wisdom and policy decisions to implement the system of participation button up and participation from the top down. Keywords: quality of work life, employee engagemen


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    Belajar merupakan suatu kegiatan kreatif. Belajar bukan berarti hanya menyerap tetapi juga mengkonstruk pengetahuan. Belajar matematika akan optimal jika siswa terlibat secara aktif dalam membuat, bukan hanya strategi penyelesaian, tetapi juga masalah yang membutuhkan strategi tersebut.Model pembelajaran Examples non Examples dapat melatih siswa untuk mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan atau soal-soal yang berkaitan dengan materi yang dipelajari untuk kemudian dibahas dengan berdiskusi baik oleh teman sebaya maupun oleh guru mereka. Perhatian dan komunikasi matematika siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran Examples non Examples akan lebih baik karena pertanyaan atau soal yang berkualitas oleh siswa yang mempunyai perhatian sungguh-sungguh terhadap pelajaran matematika (Hamzah, 2002). Tujuan diadakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) ini adalah untuk mengetahui ketercapaian menggunakan model pembelajaran Examples non Examples dalam meningkatkan prestasi siswa pelajaran matematika.Penelitian tindakan ini dilakukan  dalam 3 siklus. Dari hasil tindakan yang dilakukan  terbukti dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa dengan mencapai standar ideal. Dari 59,16% pada siklus 1, dapat meningkat pada siklus 2 menjadi 68,2% dan siklus 3 mencapai 78,96% dan secara klasikal telah mencapai ketuntasan hasil penelitian tindakan ini menunjukkan bahwa penerapan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model Examples non Examples dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa kelas XII-IPS 2 dengan ketuntasan mencapai 98,67% dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Examples non Examples efektif dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa di MAN 1 Mataram