2,117 research outputs found

    Hybrid Architecture for Engineering Magnonic Quantum Networks

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    We show theoretically that a network of superconducting loops and magnetic particles can be used to implement magnonic crystals with tunable magnonic band structures. In our approach, the loops mediate interactions between the particles and allow magnetic excitations to tunnel over long distances. As a result, different arrangements of loops and particles allow one to engineer the band structure for the magnonic excitations. Furthermore, we show how magnons in such crystals can serve as a quantum bus for long-distance magnetic coupling of spin qubits. The qubits are coupled to the magnets in the network by their local magnetic-dipole interaction and provide an integrated way to measure the state of the magnonic quantum network.Comment: Manuscript: 4 pages, 3 figures. Supplemental Material: 9 pages, 4 figures. V2: Published version in PRA: 14 pages + 8 figures. Substantial rearrangement of the content of the previous versio

    Psychiatric Disorders and lncRNAs: A Synaptic Match

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    Psychiatric disorders represent a heterogeneous class of multifactorial mental diseases whose origin entails a pathogenic integration of genetic and environmental influences. Incidence of these pathologies is dangerously high, as more than 20% of the Western population is affected. Despite the diverse origins of specific molecular dysfunctions, these pathologies entail disruption of fine synaptic regulation, which is fundamental to behavioral adaptation to the environment. The synapses, as functional units of cognition, represent major evolutionary targets. Consistently, fine synaptic tuning occurs at several levels, involving a novel class of molecular regulators known as long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). Non-coding RNAs operate mainly in mammals as epigenetic modifiers and enhancers of proteome diversity. The prominent evolutionary expansion of the gene number of lncRNAs in mammals, particularly in primates and humans, and their preferential neuronal expression does represent a driving force that enhanced the layering of synaptic control mechanisms. In the last few years, remarkable alterations of the expression of lncRNAs have been reported in psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia, autism, and depression, suggesting unprecedented mechanistic insights into disruption of fine synaptic tuning underlying severe behavioral manifestations of psychosis. In this review, we integrate literature data from rodent pathological models and human evidence that proposes the biology of lncRNAs as a promising field of neuropsychiatric investigation

    An innovative technique for the investigation of the 4-fold forbidden beta-decay of 50^{50}V

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    For the first time a Vanadium-based crystal was operated as cryogenic particle detector. The scintillating low temperature calorimetric technique was used for the characterization of a 22 g YVO4_4 crystal aiming at the investigation of the 4-fold forbidden non-unique β\beta^- decay of 50^{50}V. The excellent bolometric performance of the compound together with high light output of the crystal makes it an outstanding technique for the study of such elusive rate process. The internal radioactive contaminations of the crystal are also investigated showing that an improvement on the current status of material selection and purification are needed, 235/238^{235/238}U and 232^{232}Th are measured at the level of 28 mBq/kg, 1.3 Bq/kg and 28 mBq/kg, respectively. In this work, we also discuss a future upgrade of the experimental set-up which may pave the road for the detection of the rare 50^{50}V β\beta^- decay

    A proposito dell\u2019inchiesta della S. Congregazione dell\u2019Indice dei libri proibiti di fine \u2018500

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    Il paper \u2013 diviso in tre parti \u2013 muove dai risultati della \u201cRicerca sull\u2019inchiesta della Congregazione dell\u2019Indice\u201d che ha preso in esame i codici Vaticani Latini che conservano circa 9500 liste di titoli di libri posseduti dai religiosi italiani alla fine del XVI secolo. Roberto Rusconi sviluppa una panoramica introduttiva sulle biblioteche degli ordini religiosi alla fi ne del Cinquecento. Giovanna Granata sfrutta le molteplici potenzialit\ue0 informative dell\u2019Inchiesta, sia in termini di conoscenza di tali biblioteche, sia rispetto alle modalit\ue0 di circolazione delle diverse edizioni. Rosa Marisa Borraccini prende invece in esame un caso di studio come quello del 'Confessionario' di Girolamo da Palermo per dimostrare l\u2019importanza che un testo oggi quasi del tutto sconosciuto aveva all\u2019epoca della sua produzione. This paper \u2013 divided into three sections \u2013 expands upon the work undertaken in \u201cRicerca sull\u2019inchiesta della Congregazione dell\u2019Indice\u201d, which has examined the Codici Vaticani Latini, a collection which conserves around 9.500 lists of volumes owned by Italian monks and clerics at the end of the sixteenth century. Roberto Rusconi offers an introductory overview of the libraries of religious orders at the end of the sixteenth century. Giovanna Granata analyses the findings of the Inchiesta in terms of actual library holdings and in terms of the circulation of different editions. Rosa Marisa Borraccini examines the case study of the \u201cConfessionario\u201d of Girolamo da Palermo to demonstrate the importance certain texts, although now forgotten and largely ignored, had at the time of their production and circulation

    Cryogenic light detectors with enhanced performance for rare events physics

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    We have developed and tested a new way of coupling bolometric light detectors to scintillating crystal bolometers based upon simply resting the light detector on the crystal surface, held in position only by gravity. This straightforward mounting results in three important improvements: (1) it decreases the amount of non-active materials needed to assemble the detector, (2) it substantially increases the light collection efficiency by minimizing the light losses induced by the mounting structure, and (3) it enhances the thermal signal induced in the light detector thanks to the extremely weak thermal link to the thermal bath. We tested this new technique with a 16 cm2^2 Ge light detector with thermistor readout sitting on the surface of a large TeO2_2 bolometer. The light collection efficiency was increased by greater than 50\% compared to previously tested alternative mountings. We obtained a baseline energy resolution on the light detector of 20~eV RMS that, together with increased light collection, enabled us to obtain the best α\alpha vs β/γ\beta/\gamma discrimination ever obtained with massive TeO2_2 crystals. At the same time we achieved rise and decay times of 0.8 and 1.6 ms, respectively. This superb performance meets all of the requirements for the CUPID (CUORE Upgrade with Particle IDentification) experiment, which is a 1-ton scintillating bolometer follow up to CUORE.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Evidence Evaluation: Measure Z Corresponds to Human Utility Judgments Better than Measure L and Optimal-Experimental-Design Models

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    Evidence evaluation is a crucial process in many human activities, spanning from medical diagnosis to impression formation. The present experiments investigated which, if any, normative model best conforms to people’s intuition about the value of the obtained evidence. Psychologists, epistemologists, and philosophers of science have proposed several models to account for people’s intuition about the utility of the obtained evidence with respect either to a focal hypothesis or to a constellation of hypotheses. We pitted against each other the so called optimal-experimental-design models (i.e., Bayesian diagnosticity, log10 diagnosticity, information gain, Kullback-Leibler distance, probability gain, and impact) and measures L and Z to compare their ability to describe humans’ intuition about the value of the obtained evidence. Participants received words-and-numbers scenarios concerning two hypotheses and binary features. They were asked to evaluate the utility of “yes” and “no” answers to questions about some features possessed in different proportions (i.e., the likelihoods) by two types of extraterrestrial creatures (corresponding to two mutually exclusive and exhaustive hypotheses). Participants evaluated either how an answer was helpful or how an answer decreased/increased their beliefs with respect either to a single hypothesis or to both hypotheses. We fitted mixed-effects models and we used the Akaike information criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) values to compare the competing models of the value of the obtained evidence. Overall, the experiments showed that measure Z was the best-fitting model of participants’ judgments of the value of obtained answers. We discussed the implications for the human hypothesis-evaluation process

    Bilateral neglected posterior dislocation of the shoulder treated by reverse arthroplasty and contralateral osteochondral autograft. A case report

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    Bilateral posterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint is an uncommon event, that can be missed at the initial presentation. We report the case of a 76-year old woman, who suffered a traumatic bilateral posterior dislocation, that was diagnosed three months later. She underwent surgical treatment on both shoulders in a single stage. Since the right shoulder showed a defect of the articular surface >50%, a reverse shoulder arthroplasty was performed on this side. The resected portion of the humeral head was retrieved and used as osteochondral graft to fill the reverse Hill-Sachs lesion of the left shoulder. At 18-month follow up, the patient was pain-free and had recovered excellent shoulder function on both sides: Constant score was 79 for the right shoulder and 88 for the left one. X-rays showed a grade 1 scapular notch of the right reverse prosthesis and good incorporation of the graft in the left shoulder, with no evidence of degenerative joint changes. Neglected posterior dislocations of the shoulder can be surgically treated by replacement or reconstruction. In case of bilateral injuries, the surgeon should carefully evaluate the pathoanatomy of both glenohumeral joints in order to choose and plan the most suitable procedure. If shoulder replacement is required on one side, the resected portion of the humeral head can be used as osteochondral autograft for a reconstruction procedure in the opposite side. The choice is influenced by several variables and decision-making might be challenging

    Preclinical and clinical evidence on the approach-avoidance conflict evaluation as an integrative tool for psychopathology

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    The approach-avoidance conflict (AAC), i.e. the competing tendencies to undertake goal-directed actions or to withdraw from everyday life challenges, stands at the basis of humans' existence defining behavioural and personality domains. Gray's Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory posits that a stable bias toward approach or avoidance represents a psychopathological trait associated with excessive sensitivity to reward or punishment. Optogenetic studies in rodents and imaging studies in humans associated with cross-species AAC paradigms granted new emphasis to the hippocampus as a hub of behavioural inhibition. For instance, recent functional neuroimaging studies show that functional brain activity in the human hippocampus correlates with threat perception and seems to underlie passive avoidance. Therefore, our commentary aims to (i) discuss the inhibitory role of the hippocampus in approach-related behaviours and (ii) promote the integration of functional neuroimaging with cross-species AAC paradigms as a means of diagnostic, therapeutic, follow up and prognosis refinement in psychiatric populations