221 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Blogger dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Konstektual Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Pertidaksamaan Linier Dua Variabel

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    Penilitian bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh penggunaan media pembelajaran berbasis blogger dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstektual terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi pertidaksaman linier dua variabel. Metode yang digunakan yaitu Quasi eksperimental design dengan bentuk nonequivalent kontrol group design. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 1 Bilah Hilir Semester Ganjil Tahun Ajaran 2022/2023 yang terletak di desa kelurahan Negeri Lama, Kecamatan Bilah Hilir. Populasi penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas X IPA SMA Negeri 1 Bilah Hilir yang terdiri 4 kelas yaitu X IPA 1, X IPA 2, X IPA 3 dan X IPA 4 dengan jumlah 144 peserta didik. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster random sampling dan didapat dua kelas yaitu kelas X IPA 1 sebagai kelas eksperimen yang berjumlah 36 orang dan kelas X IPA 2 sebagai kelas kontroll yang berjumlah 36 orang. Tes digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data mengenai hasil belajar sebelum dan setelah menggunakan media blogger dengan pendekatan konstektual dan pembelaran konvensional. Untuk menganilisis digunakan uji -t dengan menggunakan taraf signitifikan (  = 0,05), diperoleh nilai signifikansi (2-tailed) sebesar 0.000. Uji hipotesis dengan pengambilan jika nilai Signitifikansi(sig). < probabilitas 0,05 maka Ho ditolak. Hal ini menjelaskan bahwa ada dalam daerah penolakan Ho dan dalam penerimaan HI. Artinya ada pengaruh yang signitifkan dari penerapan media blogger dengan pendekatan konstektual terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada materi pertidaksamaan linier dua variabe


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    ABSTRAKKonstelasi politik menjadi menarik apabila partisipasi politik semakin meningkat, baik itu partisipasi peserta maupun partisipasi pemilih. pada pemilu legislatif 2019 di Kota Banda Aceh partisipasi calon anggota legislatif muda mengalami peningkatan dibadingkan pada pileg 2014, terutama pada dapil Baiturahman dan Lueng Bata dengan peningkatan caleg muda yang sangat sinifikan. Meningkatnya partisipasi caleg muda akan mempengaruhi peningkatan partisipasi pemilih pemuda juga. segmen yang diwakilkan caleg oleh muda merupakan segmen kepemudaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui korelasi caleg muda terhadap peningkatan partisipasi pemilih pemula pada pileg 2019 di Kota Banda; untuk mengetahui orientasi perilaku pemilih pemula paada pileg 2019 Kota Banda Aceh. Adapun dalam penelitian ini menggunakan dua teori yaitu teori partisipasi politik dan teori perilaku pemilih sebagai alat analisis menjawab permasalahan penelitian. Metode penelitiannya yaitu metode Mix Methode. Teknik pengumpulan data primer yaitu melalui angket dan wawancara, sedangkan data sekunder melalui dokumentasi/kepustakaan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu bahwa tingginya partisipasi pemilih pemula di Kecamatan Baiturrahman mempunyai korelasi terhahadap peningkatan partisipasi pemilih pemula, dimana antusias pemilih pemula terhadap pileg 2019 meningkat, pautan umur pemilih pemula dengan caleg muda memudahkan pendekatan komunikasi, serta caleg muda memiliki kedekatan emosional dengan pemilih pemula. Kehadiran caleg muda memiliki dampak terhadap peningkatan partisipasi pemilih pemula hal tersebut dikarenakan pemilih pemula mempunyai orientasi terhadap caleg muda, diantaranya pemilih pemula percaya terhadap caleg muda sebagai penghubung aspirasi di parlemen, pemilih pemula memiliki harapan yang tinggi terhadap caleg muda dalam membawa perubahan, serta track record caleg muda sebagai penentu terhadap pilihan pemilih pemula.Kata Kunci: Partisipasi Politik, Perilaku Pemilih, Pemilih Pemula, Caleg Muda. ABSTRACTPolitical constellation becomes interesting when political participation increases, both participant participation and voter participation. In the 2019 legislative elections in the city of Banda Aceh the participation of young legislative candidates increased compared to the 2014 legislative election, especially in the electoral districts of Baiturahman and Lueng Bata with an increase in young candidates who were very synonymous. The increased participation of young candidates will affect the increase in youth voter participation as well. the segment represented by young candidates is the youth segment. This study aims to determine the correlation of young legislative candidates to increase voter turnout participation in the 2019 legislative election in Banda City; to find out the orientation of the beginner voter behavior in 2019 Pileg Banda Aceh City. This research uses two theories, namely political participation theory and voter behavior theory as an analysis tool to answer research problems. The research method is the Mix Method Method. Primary data collection techniques are through questionnaires and interviews, while secondary data through documentation / literature. The results of this study are that the high level of voter turnout in Baiturrahman Subdistrict has a correlation to the increase in voter turnout, where the enthusiasm of beginner voters to the 2019 legislative election increases, the age of beginner voters with young candidates facilitates communication approaches, and young candidates have emotional closeness with novice voters . The presence of young candidates has an impact on increasing the participation of newbie voters because the new voters have an orientation towards young candidates, including young voters trusting young candidates as a liaison aspiration in parliament, novice voters have high expectations of young candidates in bringing about change, as well as a track record young candidates as a determinant of the choice of novice voters.Keywords: Political Participation, Voter Behavior, Beginner Voters, YoungCandidates

    Does Islamic banking spur the business growth ? : an empirical investigation in the creative economy sector in Pekanbaru, Indonesia

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    The creative economy has become a new wave of the world economy and also Indonesia since it provides an alternative to improve people's welfare. Unfortunately, its presence has not attracted financial institutions to penetrate widely in this sector, including Islamic Banking. This study aims to investigate whether the Islamic Banking is able to spur business growth in the creative economy sector by assessing of Islamic financial inclusion. We also assessing several variables, namely marketing communication and socio-cultural. This study is designed by using SEM approach which involved four latent variables and eleven manifest variables. The respondents are 76 business actors in the creative economy sector, with the criteria that they have already conducted transactions with Islamic banking, either in the form of opening accounts, saving or making financing. The results indicate that the Islamic banking is able to spur the business growth in the creative economy sector in Pekanbaru. This is evidenced by the results of statistical tests where Islamic financial inclusion has a positive and significant impact on business growth. The factors that cause the creative economy sector to be willing to conduct transactions with Islamic banking are the presence of marketing communication carried out by Islamic banking and socio-cultural business actors in the creative economy sector. Such a result has implication in which it is crucial for Islamic banking to penetrate more widely to business actors in the creative economy sector

    Analysis of Determinants of Interest in Paying Professional Zakat of Civil Servants at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padangisidimpuan with Awareness as an Intervening Variable Intervening

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    This research is motivated by a phenomenon where in several previous studies that the religiosity of interest and awareness of civil servants in paying zakat is still quite low where when there is an appeal from the Padang Sidimpuan Ministry of Religion to distribute zakat to the profession, the acquisition of zakat can reach Rp. 4,600,000 s.d. Rp. 4,800,000. But at this time, in the absence of direct deductions, the zakat received is only around Rp. 1,000,000 to Rp. 2,000,000. So the purpose of this research is to find out how religiosity, income and education actually influence the intention to pay zakat through awareness. This research is a quantitative study with a total sample of 45 samples. The data collection instrument was carried out by conducting structured interviews with each respondent by providing a questionnaire to fill out. Data analysis used the outer model test, the inner model and tested the hypothesis on each of the variables studied. Based on the research results, it is known that there is an influence between religiosity on awareness (3.122 > 1.96) and p-value < 0.05 (0.003 < 0.05). There is no effect between income on awareness (0.747 < 1.96) and p-value > 0.05 (0.459 > 0.05). There is an influence between education on awareness (2.192 > 1.96) and p-value < 0.05 (0.034 > 0.05). There is an influence between religiosity on intention to pay zakat (6.167 > 1.96) and p-value < 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). There is no effect between education on intention to pay zakat (1.922 < 1.96) and p-value > 0.05 (0.214 > 0.05). There is an influence between awareness of interest in paying zakat (2.685 > 1.96) and p-value < 0.05 (0.010 < 0.05). There is no influence between religiosity on intention to pay zakat through awareness (1.732 < 1.96) and p-value > 0.05 (0.090 > 0.05). There is no influence between income on intention to pay zakat through awareness (0.651 < 1.96) and p-value > 0.05 (0.519 > 0.05). There is no influence between education on intention to pay zakat through awareness (1.922 > 1.96) and p-value > 0.05 (0.214 > 0.05) at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 2 Padangsidimpuan


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    Effective and efficient is a way to facilitate the public in conducting activities, for example in terms of opening doors that are large, requires a lot of time and energy. Using Arduino, Android and PIR sensors are designed to make a protoype controlling automatic doors are controlled via Android via Bluetooth HC - 06 and can work automatically with the response detected by the PIR sensor. PIR sensors and Arduino serves as an input and as an output stepper motors to open and close the door. The working principle of this automatic door is in an android installed a software to control a door that has two modes. If the manual mode is activated, the door opens only when controlled using Android, when the automatic mode is activated the door will open when the sensor has detected the temperature of the human body that moves the door will open. The maximum distance control door is 1-50 meters in open space , but in a closed space that is controlling the maximum distance of 45 meters

    Penyelesaian Sengketa dalam Kewarisan Adat dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    This paper describes the customary inheritance dispute resolution in the perspective of Islamic law. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative analysis, which include: 1) inductive method, 2) Method deductive, and 3) The comparative method. Discussion of the results obtained by the understanding that: Based on the results of data analysis and discussion of results of qualitative descriptive research for one month, then it can be summed up as follows; System inheritance garden in the District Maiwa Enrekang is basically deliberation, in consultation division two, the system of inheritance heir died before and after heir dies. The process of inheritance to the heir was still alive at the time Maiwa society can be implemented in a way instructed or intestate. Inheritance Heir Dies After implemented in two ways such a calculation fiqhi Islamic inheritance, which in this division of the boys doubles and girls the same way ma\u27bage mana\u27 (flat share), where the boys and women\u27s equal and balanced. This is done because according to the District Maiwa Enrekang that this system is a way to get justice among all heirs. In the perspective of Islamic law such a way that does not conflict with the nature and objectives of Islamic law which is to create peace and tranquility, as described in the verses of the Quran and the Hadith of the Prophet

    Legalitas Perkawinan yang Tidak Tercatat pada Masyarakat Pinrang ( Analisis Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 Tentang Pelayanan Terpadu Pencatatan Nikah )

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    Marriage is a unique event because marriage is a way of gluing the knot of a family. Sociologically, the Bugis Pinrang community is obedient and obedient to the law. However, the application of marriage records has not been carried out optimally. Because there are still some couples who have not registered their marriages. This habit is proof that the legal culture has not been built to its full potential. Non-recorded marriages will have a legal impact on the child and wife. Unregistered marriages should need legal protection, not to be left without providing a solution. The form of protection was outlined in technical form by providing an opportunity to carry out the marriage certificate on the marriage which had been carried out according to the Islamic Shari'a, but was not recorded by authorized employees. Marriage rules are intended for certain things as contained in article 7 paragraph (3) KHI. The existence of this Article provides legal protection by giving the opportunity to submit a marriage certificate application. So that marriages that have not been recorded, can be recorded and recognized administratively, so that they become marriages that are formal or legal juridically
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