8 research outputs found

    Intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals of right k-weakly regular hemirings

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    In this work, we will examine the concept of intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals in the context of right k-weakly regular hemirings. We will investigate the properties of these ideals and how they relate to other concepts such as fuzzy prime k-ideals, intuitionistic fuzzy prime k-ideals, intuitionistic fuzzy right pure k-ideals, and purely prime intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals in hemirings. We will also explore how the regularity of a k-weakly regular hemiring can be characterized through its intuitionistic fuzzy k-ideals

    Characterizations of hemirings by their hh-ideals

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    In this paper we characterize hemirings in which all hh-ideals or all fuzzy hh-ideals are idempotent. It is proved, among other results, that every hh-ideal of a hemiring RR is idempotent if and only if the lattice of fuzzy hh-ideals of RR is distributive under the sum and hh-intrinsic product of fuzzy hh-ideals or, equivalently, if and only if each fuzzy hh-ideal of RR is intersection of those prime fuzzy hh-ideals of RR which contain it. We also define two types of prime fuzzy hh-ideals of RR and prove that, a non-constant hh-ideal of RR is prime in the second sense if and only if each of its proper level set is a prime hh-ideal of RR

    Certain Notions of Picture Fuzzy Information with Applications

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    In this manuscript, the theory of constant picture fuzzy graphs (CPFG) is developed. A CPFG is a generalization of constant intuitionistic fuzzy graph (CIFG) and a special case of picture fuzzy graph (PFG). Additionally, the article includes some basic definitions of CPFG such as totally constant picture fuzzy graphs (TCPFGs), constant function, bridge of CPFG, and their related results. Also, an application of CPFG in Wi-Fi network system is discussed. Finally, a comparison of CPFG is established with that of the CIFG which exhibits the superiority of the proposed idea over the existing ones is discussed

    Fuzzy Topological Characterization of qCn Graph via Fuzzy Topological Indices

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    Fuzzy topological indices are one of the accomplished mathematical approaches for numerous technology, engineering, and real-world problems such as telecommunications, social networking, traffic light controls, marine, neural networks, Internet routing, and wireless sensor network (Muneera et al. (2021)). This manuscript comprises the study of a particular class of graphs known as qCn snake graphs. Some innovative results regarding fuzzy topological indices have been established. The major goal of the work is to introduce the notions of First Fuzzy Zagrab Index, Second Fuzzy Zagrab Index, Randic Fuzzy Zagrab Index, and Harmonic Fuzzy Zagrab Index of the qCn snake graph

    Anti Fuzzy Bi-ideals on Ordered AG-groupoids

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    The purpose of this study is to initiate the notion of anti fuzzy left (resp. right, bi-, generalized bi-, (1,2)-) ideals in non-associative and non-commutative ordered semigroups. We characterize different classes of non-associative and non-commutative ordered semigroups in terms of such ideals