161 research outputs found

    The use of ICTs through history in a practical english lesson

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    This Final Project has been designed and developed in order to show a different point of view of Education, and more concretely, we will deal with the English language teaching. One of the objectives is to show the utility of the integration of technological elements within an English classroom of the third year of Secondary Education. Besides, another key aspect of this project is that the students will also have to work on English History as the topic for developing their abilities in the four basic language skills in English. Therefore, this project is focused on the improvement of the four basic skills using ICT tools as an essential element in the development of activities, and on the other hand, on the contribution to the acquisition of the English History as a main topic.Este Trabajo Fin de Grado ha sido diseñado y desarrollado con el objetivo de mostrar un punto de vista diferente en la educación, en concreto, en la enseñanza del inglés. Uno de los objetivos es mostrar la utilidad de la integración de elementos tecnológicos dentro del aula de inglés impartido en el tercer curso de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Además, otro punto clave es que los alumnos también tendrán que trabajar la historia de Inglaterra como tema principal para desarrollar sus habilidades en las cuatro competencias básicas en lengua Inglesa. Por lo tanto, este TFG se centra en la mejora de las competencias básicas usando las TICs como un elemento de trabajo esencial y, por otra parte, la adquisición de la historia de Inglaterra como tema de trabajo.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    Competencias socioemocionales e inclusión socioeducativa en personas con discapacidad intelectual

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha desarrollado con el objetivo final de mostrar una idea nueva sobre la inclusión socioeducativa sustentada en una propuesta de servicio y apoyo tanto para las personas con discapacidad así para las personas y profesionales de diferentes entornos. Así, presentamos una fundamentación teórica que desarrolla la concepción actual de la discapacidad trastornos del desarrollo. Esto se explica desde una perspectiva multidimensional y se basa en el Paradigma de los Apoyos como respuesta. Por esta razón, uno de los objetivos principales es mostrar la posibilidad de inclusión de este tipo de personas dentro de una asociación destinada a promover habilidades para la vida y competencias socioemocionales. El punto clave radica en que los profesionales y los usuarios de este tipo de institución han de trabajar juntos en las competencias socioemocionales y así conseguir los mejores resultados. Además, este proyecto se centra en el apoyo a las familias con un miembro con discapacidad intelectual o trastornos en el desarrollo cognitivo, físico o actitudinal de un niño, ya que pueden tener un gran impacto en su vida diaria.This Final Year Dissertation has been developed in order to show a new idea about social and educative inclusion based on a service and a support design for both people with disabilities and professionals from different environments. So, we are presenting a theoretical framework that develops the current conception about people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It is explained from a multidimensional perspective and based on the Supports Paradigm as a response. For this reason, one of the main objectives is to show the possibility of the inclusion of this kind of people within an association destined to promote life skills and socio-emotional competences. The key point lies in that the staff and users of this type of institution have to work together on social and emotional competencies to obtain the best results. Therefore, this project is focused on the support for families with a member with a disability or impairments in a child´s cognitive, physical or behavioural development, because they can have an impact on their daily life.Departamento de PsicologíaGrado en Educación Infanti

    Las cinco competencias básicas en inglés a través de la literatura infantil: TALEING, un proyecto pedagógico de aula

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    Este Trabajo Fin de Grado ha sido diseñado y desarrollado con el objetivo de mostrar una nueva concepción de la educación, específicamente, en la enseñanza del inglés. Uno de los objetivos es mostrar la utilidad de la integración de la literatura infantil dentro del aula de inglés a través del desarrollo de un Proyecto Pedagógico de Aula complementario. Es decir, el punto clave es que los alumnos tendrán que utilizar la literatura infantil como vehículo para desarrollar sus habilidades en las cinco competencias básicas en lengua inglesa. Por lo tanto, este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se centra en la mejora de las competencias básicas usando la literatura infantil como medio principal de trabajo y aprendizaje.This Final Project has been designed and developed in order to show a different conception about Education; more specifically, we are going to deal with English language teaching. One of the objectives is to show the utility of the integration of Children's Literature within an English lesson through a complementary project. The key point lies in that the students have to work on Children's Literature as the instrument for developing their five basic language skills in English. Therefore, this project is focused on the improvement of the five basic language skills using Children's Literature as the main way of learning.Grado en Educación Primari

    New Method for Simultaneous Determination of Microcystins and Cylindrospermopsin in Vegetable Matrices by SPE-UPLC-MS/MS

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    Cyanotoxins are a large group of noxious metabolites with different chemical structure and mechanisms of action, with a worldwide distribution, producing effects in animals, humans, and crop plants. When cyanotoxin-contaminated waters are used for the irrigation of edible vegetables, humans can be in contact with these toxins through the food chain. In this work, a method for the simultaneous detection of Microcystin-LR (MC-LR), Microcystin-RR (MC-RR), Microcystin-YR (MC-YR), and Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) in lettuce has been optimized and validated, using a dual solid phase extraction (SPE) system for toxin extraction and ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) for analysis. Results showed linear ranges (5–50 ng g−1 f.w.), low values for limit of detection (LOD) (0.06–0.42 ng g−1 f.w.), and limit of quantification (LOQ) (0.16–0.91 ng g−1 f.w.), acceptable recoveries (41–93%), and %RSDIP values for the four toxins. The method proved to be robust for the three variables tested. Finally, it was successfully applied to detect these cyanotoxins in edible vegetables exposed to cyanobacterial extracts under laboratory conditions, and it could be useful for monitoring these toxins in edible vegetables for better exposure estimation in terms of risk assessment.España MINECO AGL2015-64558-

    Factors affecting mass transport properties of poly(Ɛ-caprolactone) membranes for tissue engineering bioreactors

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    High porosity and mass transport properties of microfiltration polymeric membranes benefit nutrients supply to cells when used as scaffolds in interstitial perfusion bioreactors for tissue engineering. High nutrients transport is assumed when pore size and porosity of the membrane are in the micrometric range. The present work demonstrates that the study of membrane fouling by proteins present in the culture medium, though not done usually, should be included in the routine testing of new polymer membranes for this intended application. Two poly(ε-caprolactone) microfiltration membranes presenting similar average pore size (approximately 0.7 µm) and porosity (>80%) but different external surface porosity and pore size have been selected as case studies. The present work demonstrates that a membrane with lower surface pore abundance and smaller external pore size (approximately 0.67 µm), combined with adequate hydrodynamics and tangential flow filtration mode is usually more convenient to guarantee high flux of nutrients. On the contrary, having large external pore size (approximately 1.70 µm) and surface porosity would incur important internal protein fouling that could not be prevented with the operation mode and hydrodynamics of the perfusion system. Additionally, the use of glycerol in the drying protocols of the membranes might cause plasticization and a consequent reduction of mass transport properties due to membrane compaction by the pressure exerted to force perfusion. Therefore, preferentially, drying protocols that omit the use of plasticizing agents are recommended.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO, SPAIN-FEDER 2014–2020) through project CTM2016-75509-R

    In vivo genotoxicity evaluation of cylindrospermopsin in rats using a combined micronucleus and comet assay

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    Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) is a potent cyanotoxin recognized as an emerging human threat due to its cytotoxicity and potential carcinogenicity. Although the genotoxicity of CYN has been extensively studied in vitro, limited data are available on its in vivo genotoxicity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vivo genotoxicity of pure CYN (7.5–75 μg/kg body weight) after oral exposure of rats through a combined assay of the micronucleus test (MN) in bone marrow, and the standard and modified comet assay in stomach, liver and blood. Also, histopathological changes in stomach and liver were evaluated. Positive results in the MN test were observed in bone marrow in the exposed rats at all the tested concentrations. However, the comet assay revealed that CYN did not induce DNA strand breaks nor oxidative DNA damage in any of the tissues investigated. Finally, histopathological changes were observed in stomach and liver (7.5–75 μg/kg) in intoxicated rats. These results could indicate that CYN is able to induce irritation in stomach before its biotransformation in rats orally exposed, and genotoxicity in bone marrow.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (AGL2015-64558-R, MINECO/FEDER, UE

    Cylindrospermopsin-microcystin-LR combinations may induce genotoxic and histopathological damage in rats

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    Cylindrospermopsin (CYN) and microcystins (MC) are cyanotoxins that can occur simultaneously in contaminated water and food. CYN/MC-LR mixtures previously investigated in vitro showed an induction of micronucleus (MN) formation only in the presence of the metabolic fraction S9. When this is the case, the European Food Safety Authority recommends a follow up to in vivo testing. Thus, rats were orally exposed to 7.5 + 75, 23.7 + 237, and 75 + 750 μg CYN/MC-LR/kg body weight (b.w.). The MN test in bone marrow was performed, and the standard and modified comet assays were carried out to measure DNA strand breaks or oxidative DNA damage in stomach, liver, and blood cells. The results revealed an increase in MN formation in bone marrow, at all the assayed doses. However, no DNA strand breaks nor oxidative DNA damage were induced, as shown in the comet assays. The histopathological study indicated alterations only in the highest dose group. Liver was the target organ showing fatty degeneration and necrotic hepatocytes in centrilobular areas, as well as a light mononuclear inflammatory periportal infiltrate. Additionally, the stomach had flaking epithelium and mild necrosis of epithelial cells. Therefore, the combined exposure to cyanotoxins may induce genotoxic and histopathological damage in vivo.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2015-64558-

    Effect of hemodialysis session on acute changes in inflammatory and cardiovascular risk biomarkers

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    Background: Inflammation is associated with enhanced cardiovascular risk profile and increased cardiovascular mortality in end-stage kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis. Mechanisms of activated acute phase reaction in patients on chronic hemodialysis remain to be identified. As successful treatment of the inflammatory condition in these patients may improve long-term survival, we studied potential changes in different inflammatory biomarkers of cardiovascular risk in end-stage kidney disease patients after a mid-week hemodialysis session. Methods: Inflammatory biomarkers of cardiovascular risk (cystatin-C, homocysteine, C-reactive protein, procalcitonin, pentraxin-3, serum amyloid-A) and atherogenic plasma lipoproteins (Lipoprotein(a), cholesterol low and high density lipoproteins) were studied in 21 end-stage kidney disease patients previously and after a mid-week hemodialysis session. Results: We found a significant reduction in serum levels of low molecular weight molecules: cystatin-C (5.56 to 1.85 mg/L, 66.73%, p < 0.001), homocysteine (22.85 to 13.25 µmol/L, 42.01%, p < 0.001) and procalcitonin (0.788 to 0.457 ng/mL, 42.01%, p < 0.001). Large molecules as C-reactive protein (9.70 to 9.90 mg/L, 2.06%, p = 0.022) and pentraxin-3 (1.67 to 4.28 ng/mL, 156%, p < 0.001) increased, but serum amyloid-A decreased (15.90 to 12.70 mg/L, 20.13%, p < 0.05). There was no change in Lipoprotein (a) levels. Conclusion: Pentraxin-3 was a more specific inflammatory vascular marker than C-reactive protein, and the best inflammatory marker associated with hemodialysis. Homocysteine, procalcitonin and the other small proteins could be released and removed during hemodialysis session. Further studies are needed to understand the behavior and significance of these markers after successive hemodialysis

    Pedicle myiasis by Lucilia caesar (Diptera, Calliphoridae): an emerging disease in roe deer from north-western Spain

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    A total of 35 male roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from Lugo province (north-western Spain) were examined for pedicle myiasis between 2020 and 2022. All these animals had died by different causes and were examined or preserved just after their death to avoid post-mortem infestations. After external and internal head inspection, five animals were diagnosed with severe myiasis at the basis of the antlers (14.29%; 95% confidence interval = 5.38–31.04). All the affected bucks presented a cutaneous wound (1.5–15 cm in diameter) around the pedicles with extensive tissue destruction, exposition of frontal and parietal bones, and massive infestation by dipteran larvae (2–12 mm long). Four of five roe deer showed whitish egg clusters adhered to the basis of the antlers. Moreover, in one animal, six larvae had penetrated the cranial cavity, and in two of them larvae were also found in the nasopharyngeal cavity. All the cases were recorded in summer (May–August). Morphological identification and subsequent molecular confirmation revealed that all animals were infested by different larval stages of Lucilia caesar (Diptera: Calliphoridae). This study represents the first report of pedicle myiasis in Spain. Since this disease is reported sporadically, the detection of five cases in a short period of time suggests an increase in the incidence of this myiasisS