4,132 research outputs found

    Analysis of strain localization with a nonlocal plasticity model

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    In the present paper a nonlocal plasticity model is described, intended to reproduce the mechanical behaviour of stiff fine-grained soils, including the objective simulation of strain localization; the phenomenon of accumulation of deformations in narrow zones in the form of shear bands or fractures. A number of analyses have been performed to assess the developed formulation. Relevant aspects have been addressed such as the thickness of the shear band, its orientation, and the onset of localization in a boundary value problem (BVP). Results provide useful insigths into relevant aspects of the numerical simulation of strain localization

    Walls talk: Microbial biogeography of homes spanning urbanization.

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    Westernization has propelled changes in urbanization and architecture, altering our exposure to the outdoor environment from that experienced during most of human evolution. These changes might affect the developmental exposure of infants to bacteria, immune development, and human microbiome diversity. Contemporary urban humans spend most of their time indoors, and little is known about the microbes associated with different designs of the built environment and their interaction with the human immune system. This study addresses the associations between architectural design and the microbial biogeography of households across a gradient of urbanization in South America. Urbanization was associated with households' increased isolation from outdoor environments, with additional indoor space isolation by walls. Microbes from house walls and floors segregate by location, and urban indoor walls contain human bacterial markers of space use. Urbanized spaces uniquely increase the content of human-associated microbes-which could increase transmission of potential pathogens-and decrease exposure to the environmental microbes with which humans have coevolved

    The potential of permanent gullies in Europe as geomorphosites

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    Geotourism is a useful way to educate societies in the field of geomorphology and natural hazards. Geosites, including geomorphosites, represent the basis for the development of this type of tourism. This study describes twelve representative gully regions within nine European countries. The characteristics of 42 permanent gullies, gully systems and badland landscapes are presented and a geotouristic assessment of these gullies was made, based on scientific, educational, functional and touristic indicators. This assessment demonstrates a large difference between the selected gully sites, particularly with regard to functional and tourist values. The geotouristic potential of gullies is the highest in Italy and Spain and the lowest in Romania and Latvia. In some countries, permanent gullies are not regarded as geotouristic attractions at all, while in others they constitute a significant element of their tourism development strategy. Based on the analysis of scientific values of the gully sites, educational lessons to be learned were identified that are mainly related to i) gullies as a geological window, ii) present-day geomorphological processes, and iii) stages of historical gully erosion reflecting past human-environment interactions. These must be part of a broader strategy for the development of geotourism in gully regions. Gullies are potential geosites within existing or planned geoparks. Values of gullies for other forms of tourism (active, cultural, nature), should be also emphasized

    Erosion rate maps highlight spatio-temporal patterns of uplift and quantify sediment export of the Northern Andes

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    Erosion rates are widely used to assess tectonic uplift and sediment export from mountain ranges. However, the scarcity of erosion rate measurements often hinders detailed tectonic interpretations. Here, we present 25 new cosmogenic nuclide-derived erosion rates from the Northern Andes of Colombia to study spatio-temporal patterns of uplift along the Central and Eastern Cordillera. Specifically, we combine new and published erosion rate data with precipitation-corrected normalized channel steepness measurements to construct high-resolution erosion rate maps. We find that erosion rates in the southern Central Cordillera are relatively uniform and average ∼0.3 mm/a. In the northern Central Cordillera rapidly eroding canyons dissect slowly eroding, low-relief surfaces uplifting since 8.3+ 3.7 - 2.6 Ma, based on a block uplift model. We interpret that persistent steep slab subduction has led to an erosional steady-state in the southern Central Cordillera, whereas in the northern Central Cordillera, Late Miocene slab flattening caused an acceleration in uplift, to which the landscape has not yet equilibrated. The Eastern Cordillera also displays pronounced erosional disequilibrium, with a slowly eroding central plateau rimmed by faster eroding western and eastern flanks. Our maps suggest Late Miocene topographic growth of the Eastern Cordillera, with deformation focused along the eastern flank, which is also supported by balanced cross-sections and thermochronologic data. Spatial gradients in predicted erosion rates along the eastern flank of the Eastern Cordillera suggest transient basin-ward migration of thrusts. Finally, sediment fluxes based on our erosion maps, suggest that the Eastern Cordillera exports nearly four times more sediment than the Central Cordillera. Our analysis shows that accounting for spatial variations in erosion parameters and climate reveals important variations in tectonic forcing that would otherwise be obscured in traditional river profile analyses. Moreover, given relationships between tectonic and topographic evolution, we hypothesize that spatio-temporal variations in slab dip are the primary driver of the dynamic landscape evolution of the Northern Andes, with potentially superposed effects from inherited Mesozoic rift structures

    Elevation and cholera: an epidemiological spatial analysis of the cholera epidemic in Harare, Zimbabwe, 2008-2009

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    BACKGROUND: In highly populated African urban areas where access to clean water is a challenge, water source contamination is one of the most cited risk factors in a cholera epidemic. During the rainy season, where there is either no sewage disposal or working sewer system, runoff of rains follows the slopes and gets into the lower parts of towns where shallow wells could easily become contaminated by excretes. In cholera endemic areas, spatial information about topographical elevation could help to guide preventive interventions. This study aims to analyze the association between topographic elevation and the distribution of cholera cases in Harare during the cholera epidemic in 2008 and 2009. METHODS: We developed an ecological study using secondary data. First, we described attack rates by suburb and then calculated rate ratios using whole Harare as reference. We illustrated the average elevation and cholera cases by suburbs using geographical information. Finally, we estimated a generalized linear mixed model (under the assumption of a Poisson distribution) with an Empirical Bayesian approach to model the relation between the risk of cholera and the elevation in meters in Harare. We used a random intercept to allow for spatial correlation of neighboring suburbs. RESULTS: This study identifies a spatial pattern of the distribution of cholera cases in the Harare epidemic, characterized by a lower cholera risk in the highest elevation suburbs of Harare. The generalized linear mixed model showed that for each 100 meters of increase in the topographical elevation, the cholera risk was 30% lower with a rate ratio of 0.70 (95% confidence interval=0.66-0.76). Sensitivity analysis confirmed the risk reduction with an overall estimate of the rate ratio between 20% and 40%. CONCLUSION: This study highlights the importance of considering topographical elevation as a geographical and environmental risk factor in order to plan cholera preventive activities linked with water and sanitation in endemic areas. Furthermore, elevation information, among other risk factors, could help to spatially orientate cholera control interventions during an epidemic

    Lower Spectral Branches of a Spin-Boson Model

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    We study the structure of the spectrum of a two-level quantum system weakly coupled to a boson field (spin-boson model). Our analysis allows to avoid the cutoff in the number of bosons, if their spectrum is bounded below by a positive constant. We show that, for small coupling constant, the lower part of the spectrum of the spin-boson Hamiltonian contains (one or two) isolated eigenvalues and (respectively, one or two) manifolds of atom +1+ 1-boson states indexed by the boson momentum qq. The dispersion laws and generalized eigenfunctions of the latter are calculated

    Acoel Flatworms Are Not Platyhelminthes: Evidence from Phylogenomics

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    Acoel flatworms are small marine worms traditionally considered to belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes. However, molecular phylogenetic analyses suggest that acoels are not members of Platyhelminthes, but are rather extant members of the earliest diverging Bilateria. This result has been called into question, under suspicions of a long branch attraction (LBA) artefact. Here we re-examine this problem through a phylogenomic approach using 68 different protein-coding genes from the acoel Convoluta pulchra and 51 metazoan species belonging to 15 different phyla. We employ a mixture model, named CAT, previously found to overcome LBA artefacts where classical models fail. Our results unequivocally show that acoels are not part of the classically defined Platyhelminthes, making the latter polyphyletic. Moreover, they indicate a deuterostome affinity for acoels, potentially as a sister group to all deuterostomes, to Xenoturbellida, to Ambulacraria, or even to chordates. However, the weak support found for most deuterostome nodes, together with the very fast evolutionary rate of the acoel Convoluta pulchra, call for more data from slowly evolving acoels (or from its sister-group, the Nemertodermatida) to solve this challenging phylogenetic problem

    Image Analysis and Classification Applied to Red Soft-Flesh Peach ('Richlady') Ripeness Assessment

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    To develop a new and improved procedure for classification of peache based on computer vision for handling equipment, through > Optical characterization of peaches by spectrometry > Developing multispectral and hyper-spectral vision systems >To compare and validate the discrimination power of the different system