62 research outputs found

    Asigurarea respectării normelor sistemului global antidoping: cazul AMADA

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    Статья посвящена изучению достижения соблюдения стандартов и норм глобальной антидопинговой системы, на примере Азербайджанского Национального Антидопингового Агентства (AMADA). Автор, описывая основные шаги, предпринятые AMADA в целях развития чистого спорта и совершенствования законодательства страны в сфере антидопинга, выделяет основные этапы, программные документы, и мониторинговые визиты со стороны международных структур в целях проверки соответствия проводимой работы в AMADA глобальным стандартам, нормам и практикам. Принимая во внимание важность и актуальность сохранения и поддержания в спорте высоких этических норм поведения атлетов, автор указывает на необходимость дальнейшего совершенствования функционирования антидопинговой системы и ее соответствия глобальным вызовам.The article is devoted to the study of achieving compliance with the global anti-doping system standards and norms, on the example of the Azerbaijan National Anti-Doping Agency (AMADA). The author describes the main steps taken by AMADA to develop clean sport and improve the country’s anti-doping legislation, highlights the main stages, program documents, and monitoring visits by international organizations to verify the compliance of the work carried out by AMADA with global standards, norms, and practices. Considering the importance and relevance of preserving and maintaining high ethical standards of athletes’ behavior in sports, the author points out the need for further improvement of the functioning of the anti-doping system and its compliance with global challenges

    Effect of N dose, fertilisation duration and application of a nitrification inhibitor on GHG emissions from a peach orchard

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    Despite only occupying 5% of the worldwide arable area, fruit tree crops are of vital economic importance in many regions. Intensive cropping practices can lead to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In order to reduce these emissions, numerous studies have been made on lowering N inputs or applying nitrification inhibitors (NIs) which tend to maintain or even increase yield while reducing N leaching and nitrogenous emissions to the atmosphere. However, very few studies have been conducted on potential GHG emissions from the peach crop. In this work, a three-year study was carried out in a commercial peach orchard with a split-plot design with three replicates, in which the main factor was N dose (25, 50 and 100 kg N ha−1 year−1, and 50 kg N ha−1 year−1 applied during a shorter period of time in 2015 and 2016; and only 70 kg N ha−1 year−1 in 2017). Subplots in the study were used to analyse the effect of the application of a NI (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate; DMPP). The aim was to qualitatively compare the effect of these factors on N2O, N2O + N2, CH4 and CO2 emissions from a peach orchard soil in order to recommend agricultural practices that minimise emissions without concurrent yield reductions. We show that N2O and N2O + N2 emissions were linked to fertilisation and increased with N dose. The N2O emissions were mitigated (up to 49%) by DMPP up to the 50 kg N ha−1 dose (not significantly). It seems that between 70 and 100 kg N ha−1 the application of DMPP loses effectiveness. Methane oxidation increased with N dose and decreased with DMPP application; CO2 emissions increased with DMPP and were unaffected by N dose. The intermediate N dose (50 kg N ha−1) applied during a shorter period of time increased yield (not significantly) and NUE without increasing GHG emissions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Influencia del riego y la fertilización en los esteroles y dialcoholes triterpénicos del aceite de oliva

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of irrigation and fertilization with nitrogen and potassium on the sterol and triterpene dialcohol contents in two trials of cv. Arbequina in super-intensive orchards in Madrid and Lleida (Spain), using a completely randomized block design. No significant differences in total sterols between deficit and full irrigation treatments were observed. Under very dry conditions, the sterol levels from fully irrigated trees were higher than from rain-fed treatments and the triterpene dialcohol erythrodiol+ uvaol content was lower in the irrigated treatments in Lleida. In the fertilizer trial with full irrigation, total sterols were higher in the two N treatments compared to the unfertilized one; while erythrodiol + uvaol decreased. The application of K fertilizer had no effect on total sterol or triterpene dialcohol contents. A proper fertilization and irrigation are vital to obtain high quality EVOOs that meet the regulatory range in sterol and erythrodiol + uvaol contents.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la influencia del riego y del abonado nitrogenado y potásico en los esteroles y los dialcoholes tritepénicos, en sendos ensayos de arbequina en superintensivo, con un diseño en bloques al azar, en Madrid y Lleida. No se observaron diferencias significativas de esteroles totales entre el riego deficitario y el riego completo. En condiciones de sequía extrema, los esteroles del riego completo fueron superiores al secano y los dialcoholes tritepénicos eritrodiol y uvaol fueron inferiores en los tratamientos de riego en Lleida. En el ensayo de abonado con riego completo, los esteroles totales fueron superiores en las dos aplicaciones de nitrógeno respecto al testigo no tratado y también disminuyeron el eritrodiol + uvaol. El abonado potásico no afectó a los esteroles totales ni a los dihalcoholes triterpénicos. Una fertilización y riego adecuados son de vital importancia para obtener AOVEs de alta calidad que cumplan con los límites legales del contenido en esteroles y eritrodiol + uvaol

    The impact of irrigation on the quality of drainage water in a new irrigation district

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    [EN] The water quality of two agricultural drainage systems was monitored over two irrigation seasons in order to determine the sustainability of a new area of irrigated land (the Algerri-Balager irrigation district) located in the northeast of Spain. The average electrical conductivity of the drainage water was around 4dS·m-1, and the waters were enriched with boron, phosphorous and nitrate. Drainage represented 17% of total applied irrigation water (measured leached fraction) and is considered necessary to minimize the risk of soil salinization in semiarid environments. The most common ions in the drainage waters were magnesium, sulphate, and calcium and others related with dissolved soil minerals present in the area. The presence of Fe, Cu, Mn, Zn and pesticides was negligible. The information provided by this research was very useful for the irrigation district, and it’s transferable to other irrigation districts, as it could help to improve agricultural practices and be used to control the quality and quantity of irrigation drainage.[ES] La calidad del agua de dos sistemas de drenaje agrícola fue monitorizado en dos temporadas de riego para determinar la sostenibilidad de una zona recientemente transformada de secano a regadío y gestionada por la Comunidad de Regantes del Canal de Algerri-Balaguer, en el Noreste de España. La conductividad eléctrica media estuvo alrededor de los 4 dSm-1, y las aguas se enriquecieron con boro, fósforo y nitratos. El drenaje representó un 17% del total de agua de riego aplicada (fracción medida de lavado) y se considera necesario para minimizar el riesgo de salinización del suelo en ambientes semiáridos. Los iones más comunes presentes en las aguas de drenaje fueron el magnesio, el sulfato, y el calcio y otros relacionados con la disolución de minerales presentes en la zona de estudio. La presencia de Fe, Cu, Mg, Zn y fitosanitarios fue insignificante. La información que proporcionó el estudio fue muy interesante para la Comunidad de Regantes, y los aspectos metodológicos pueden ser aplicados en otras comunidades de regantes, ya que podría ayudar a mejorar las prácticas agrícolas y utilizarse para controlar la calidad y cantidad del agua de drenajeLos autores quieren agradecer al Sr. Antonio Enjuanes y al Sr. Joan Anglès (Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació), al Sr. Francesc Mirada, presidente de la comunidad de regantes (en el momento de realizarse el trabajo de campo), al Sr. Antoni Costa presidente del sindicato de regantes de la Comunidad de Regantes, al Sr. Ramón Codina, técnico de la Comunidad de Regantes, y también a los estudiantes de la Universidad de Lleida que contribuyeron al primer año del proyecto (Sr. Xavier Farré y Sr. Albert Casals). Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el convenio de colaboración entre el Departament d’Agricultura, Ramaderia, Pesca i Alimentació de la Generalitat de Catalunya y la Universidad de Lleida (contratos C06027 y C08025)Villar Mir, J.; Pascual, M.; Rufat, J.; Villar, P. (2015). El impacto del riego en la calidad del agua de drenaje en una nueva zona regable. Ingeniería del Agua. 19(4):241-253. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2015.4113SWORD241253194Abrahao, R., Causapé, J., García-Garizábal, I., Merchán, D. (2011). Implementing irrigation: Salt and nitrate exported from the Lerma basin (Spain). Agricultural Water Management, 102(1), 105-112. doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2011.10.011Agència Catalana de l'Aigua. (2008). Water in Catalonia: diagnosis and proposed actions. Catalan Water Agency, Generalitat de Catalunya.Ascaso, E., Boixadera, J., Olarieta, J.R. (1991). Detailed Soil Survey Map of Catalonia of the irrigated area by Algerri-Balaguer Canal (La Noguera) (1:25000). 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    Influence of irrigation and fertilization on the sterol and triterpene dialcohol compositions of virgin olive oil

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of irrigation and fertilization with nitrogen and potassium on the sterol and triterpene dialcohol contents in two trials of cv. Arbequina in super-intensive orchards in Madrid and Lleida (Spain), using a completely randomized block design. No significant differences in total sterols between deficit and full irrigation treatments were observed. Under very dry conditions, the sterol levels from fully irrigated trees were higher than from rain-fed treatments and the triterpene dialcohol erythrodiol+ uvaol content was lower in the irrigated treatments in Lleida. In the fertilizer trial with full irrigation, total sterols were higher in the two N treatments compared to the unfertilized one; while erythrodiol + uvaol decreased. The application of K fertilizer had no effect on total sterol or triterpene dialcohol contents. A proper fertilization and irrigation are vital to obtain high quality EVOOs that meet the regulatory range in sterol and erythrodiol + uvaol contents.Influencia del riego y la fertilización en los esteroles y dialcoholes triterpénicos del aceite de oliva. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la influencia del riego y del abonado nitrogenado y potásico en los esteroles y los dialcoholes tritepénicos, en sendos ensayos de arbequina en superintensivo, con un diseño en bloques al azar, en Madrid y Lleida. No se observaron diferencias significativas de esteroles totales entre el riego deficitario y el riego completo. En condiciones de sequía extrema, los esteroles del riego completo fueron superiores al secano y los dialcoholes tritepénicos eritrodiol y uvaol fueron inferiores en los tratamientos de riego en Lleida. En el ensayo de abonado con riego completo, los esteroles totales fueron superiores en las dos aplicaciones de nitrógeno respecto al testigo no tratado y también disminuyeron el eritrodiol + uvaol. El abonado potásico no afectó a los esteroles totales ni a los dihalcoholes triterpénicos. Una fertilización y riego adecuados son de vital importancia para obtener AOVEs de alta calidad que cumplan con los límites legales del contenido en esteroles y eritrodiol + uvaol.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fraccionamiento de la materia seca y del nitrógeno en olivo superintensivo (II)

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    En este ensayo se evaluó la influencia de la época de abonado nitrogenado en la distribución del nitrógeno (N) absorbido, procedente del fertilizante, en una plantación superintensiva adulta de olivo cv. Arbequina. El aporte retrasado de fertilizantes nitrogenados hasta septiembre da lugar a una diferente distribución del N en la planta, así como del procedente del fertilizante aplicado esa misma campaña.Este estudio está financiado por los contratos de investigación establecidos entre el Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias y el Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) y del IRTA con Eurochem Agro Iberia, S.L.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Influence of Regulated Deficit Irrigation on Arbequina’s Crop Yield and EVOOs Quality and Sensory Profile

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    Regulated deficit irrigation in super-high-density (SHD) olive orchards is a well-known strategy to save water and control plant vigor, without decreasing fruit or oil yield. As there is controversial information about its influence on virgin olive oil quality, a trial was conducted in five SHD olive orchards of Arbequina cultivar in different locations of central, east, north and northeast Spain under full irrigation (FI) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) treatments. RDI applied during phase II of fruit growing (40% of total needs) saves more than 20% of water on average, without reductions in olive fruit or extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) yield. No threshold of 3.5 MPa of stem water potential was crossed in any case. RDI modified sterols and the fatty acid profile of EVOOs but not phenols, quality parameters, or the sensory profile. Latitude, altitude, and yearly rainfall have a big impact on some compounds such as campesterol, oleuropein, or margaroleic or linolenic acids.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burden of liver disease progression in hospitalized patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: There are uncertainties on the burden of liver disease in patients with type-2 diabetes (T2D). METHODS: We measured adjusted hazard ratios of liver disease progression to hepatocellular cancer and/or decompensated cirrhosis in a 2010-2020 retrospective, bicentric, longitudinal, cohort of 52,066 hospitalized patients with T2D. RESULTS: Mean age was 64±14 years and 58% were men. Alcohol use disorders accounted for 57% of liver-related complications and were associated with all liver-related risk factors. Non-metabolic liver-related risk factors accounted for 37% of the liver burden. T2D control was not associated with liver disease progression. The incidence (95% confidence interval) of liver-related complications and of competing mortality were 3.9 (3.5-4.3) and 27.8 (26.7-28.9) per 1000 person-years at risk, respectively. The cumulative incidence of liver disease progression exceeded the cumulative incidence of competing mortality only in the presence of a well-identified risk factors of liver disease progression, including alcohol use. The incidence of hepatocellular cancer was 0.3 (95% CI, 0.1-0.5) per 1000 person-year in patients with obesity and it increased with age. The adjusted hazard ratios of liver disease progression were 55.7 (40.5-76.6), 3.5 (2.3-5.2), 8.9 (6.9-11.5), and 1.5 (1.1-2.1), for alcoholic liver disease, alcohol use disorders without alcoholic liver disease, non-metabolic liver-related risk factors, and obesity, respectively. The attributable fractions of alcohol use disorders, non-metabolic liver risk-related risk factors, and obesity to the liver burden were 55%, 14%, and 7%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In this analysis of data from two hospital-based cohorts of patients with T2D, alcohol use disorders, rather than obesity, contributed to most of the liver burden. These results suggest that patients with T2D should be advised to drink minimal amounts of alcohol. LAY SUMMARY: • There is uncertainty on the burden of liver-related complications in patients with type-2 diabetes • We studied the risks of liver cancer and complications of liver disease in over 50,000 patients with type-2 diabetes • We found that alcohol was the main factor associated with complications of liver disease • This finding has major implications on the alcohol advice given to patients with type-2 diabetes

    Surveying the surveyors to address risk perception and adaptive-behaviour cross-study comparability

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    One of the key challenges for risk, vulnerability and resilience research is how to address the role of risk perceptions and how perceptions influence behaviour. It remains unclear why people fail to act adaptively to reduce future losses, even when there is ever-richer information available on natural and human-made hazards (flood, drought, etc.). The current fragmentation of the field makes it an uphill battle to cross-validate the results of existing independent case studies. This, in turn, hinders comparability and transferability across scales and contexts and hampers recommendations for policy and risk management. To improve the ability of researchers in the field to work together and build cumulative knowledge, we question whether we could agree on (1) a common list of minimal requirements to compare studies, (2) shared criteria to address context-specific aspects of countries and regions, and (3) a selection of questions allowing for comparability and long-term monitoring. To map current research practices and move in this direction, we conducted an international survey – the Risk Perception and Behaviour Survey of Surveyors (Risk-SoS). We find that most studies are exploratory in nature and often overlook theoretical efforts that would enable the comparison of results and an accumulation of evidence. While the diversity of approaches is an asset, the robustness of methods is an investment to be made. Surveyors report a tendency to reproduce past research design choices but express frustration with this trend, hinting at a turning point. To bridge the persistent gaps, we offer several recommendations for future studies, particularly grounding research design in theory; improving the formalisation of methods; and formally comparing theories and constructs, methods, and explanations while collecting the themes and variables most in use