92 research outputs found

    What are the Progenitors of Compace, Massive, Quiescent Galaxies at z (equals) 2.3? The Population of Massive Galaxies at z (greater than) 3 From NMBS AND CANDELS

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    Using public data from the NEWFIRM Medium-Band Survey (NMBS) and the Cosmic Assembly Near-Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey (CANDELS), we investigate the population of massive galaxies at z > 3. The main aim of this work is to identify the potential progenitors of z 2 compact, massive, quiescent galaxies (CMQGs), furthering our understanding of the onset and evolution of massive galaxies. Our work is enabled by high-resolution images from CANDELS data and accurate photometric redshifts, stellar masses, and star formation rates (SFRs) from 37-band NMBS photometry. The total number of massive galaxies at z > 3 is consistent with the number of massive, quiescent galaxies (MQGs) at z 2, implying that the SFRs for all of these galaxies must be much lower by z 2. We discover four CMQGs at z > 3, pushing back the time for which such galaxies have been observed. However, the volume density for these galaxies is significantly less than that of galaxies at z 1010.6M; these galaxies are likely to become members of the massive, quiescent, compact galaxy population at z 2. We evolve the stellar masses and SFRs of each individual z > 3 galaxy adopting five different star formation histories (SFHs) and studying the resulting population of massive galaxies at z = 2.3. We find that declining or truncated SFHs are necessary to match the observed number density of MQGs at z 2, whereas a constant delayed-exponential SFH would result in a number density significantly smaller than observed. All of our assumed SFHs imply number densities of CMQGs at z 2 that are consistent with the observed number density. Better agreement with the observed number density of CMQGs at z 2 is obtained if merging is included in the analysis and better still if star formation quenching is assumed to shortly follow the merging event, as implied by recent models of the formation of MQGs

    Lopsided Galaxies, Weak Interactions and Boosting the Star Formation Rate

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    To investigate the link between weak tidal interactions in disk galaxies and the boosting of their recent star formation, we obtain images and spatially integrated spectra (3615A < lambda < 5315A) for 40 late-type spiral galaxies (Sab-Sbc) with varying degrees of lopsidedness (a dynamical indicator of weak interactions). We quantify lopsidedness as the amplitude of the m=1 Fourier component of the azimuthal surface brightness distribution, averaged over a range of radii. We compare the young stellar content, quantified by EW(H\delta_abs) and the strength of the 4000 Angstrom break (D_4000), with lopsidedness and find a 3-4 sigma correlation between the two. We also find a 3.2 sigma correlation between EW(H\beta_emission) and lopsidedness. Using the evolutionary population synthesis code of Bruzual & Charlot we model the spectra as an ``underlying population'' and a superimposed ``boost population'' with the aim of constraining the fractional boost in the SFR averaged over the past 0.5 Gyr (the characteristic lifetime of lopsidedness). From the difference in both EW(H\delta_abs) and D_4000 between the most and least symmetric thirds of our sample, we infer that ~ 1x10^9 M_solar of stars are formed over the duration of a lopsided event in addition to the ``underlying'' SFH (assuming a final galactic stellar mass of 10^10 M_solar). This corresponds to a factor of 8 increase in the SFR over the past 5x10^8 years. For the nuclear spectra, all of the above correlations except D_4000 vs. are weaker than for the disk, indicating that in lopsided galaxies, the SF boost is not dominated by the nucleus.Comment: 35 pages, including 10 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journal, abridged abstrac

    IR observations of MS 1054-03: Star Formation and its Evolution in Rich Galaxy Clusters

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    We study the infrared (IR) properties of galaxies in the cluster MS 1054-03 at z=0.83 by combining MIPS 24 micron data with spectra of more than 400 galaxies and a very deep K-band selected catalog. 19 IR cluster members are selected spectroscopically, and an additional 15 are selected by their photometric redshifts. We derive the IR luminosity function of the cluster and find strong evolution compared to the similar-mass Coma cluster. The best fitting Schechter function gives L*_{IR}=11.49 +0.30/-0.29 L_sun with a fixed faint end slope, about one order of magnitude larger than that in Coma. The rate of evolution of the IR luminosity from Coma to MS 1054-03 is consistent with that found in field galaxies, and it suggests that some internal mechanism, e.g., the consumption of the gas fuel, is responsible for the general decline of the cosmic star formation rate (SFR) in different environments. The mass-normalized integrated SFR within 0.5R_200 in MS 1054-03 also shows evolution compared with other rich clusters at lower redshifts, but the trend is less conclusive if the mass selection effect is considered. A nonnegligible fraction (13%) of cluster members, are forming stars actively and the overdensity of IR galaxies is about 20 compared to the field. It is unlikely that clusters only passively accrete star forming galaxies from the surrounding fields and have their star formation quenched quickly afterward; instead, many cluster galaxies still have large amounts of gas, and their star formation may be enhanced by the interaction with the cluster.Comment: 49 pages, 9 figures, accepted by Ap

    Spitzer Mid-to-Far-Infrared Flux Densities of Distant Galaxies

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    We study the infrared (IR) properties of high-redshift galaxies using deep Spitzer 24, 70, and 160 micron data. Our primary interest is to improve the constraints on the total IR luminosities, L(IR), of these galaxies. We combine the Spitzer data in the southern Extended Chandra Deep Field with a K-band-selected galaxy sample and photometric redshifts from the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile. We used a stacking analysis to measure the average 70 and 160 micron flux densities of 1.5 < z < 2.5 galaxies as a function of 24 micron flux density, X-ray activity, and rest-frame near-IR color. Galaxies with 1.5 < z < 2.5 and S(24)=53-250 micro-Jy have L(IR) derived from their average 24-160 micron flux densities within factors of 2-3 of those derived from the 24 micron flux densities only. However, L(IR) derived from the average 24-160 micron flux densities for galaxies with S(24) > 250 micro-Jy and 1.5 < z < 2.5 are lower than those derived using only the 24 micron flux density by factors of 2-10. Galaxies with S(24) > 250 micro-Jy have S(70)/S(24) flux ratios comparable to sources with X-ray detections or red rest-frame IR colors, suggesting that warm dust possibly heated by AGN may contribute to the high 24 micron emission. Based on the average 24-160 micron flux densities, nearly all 24 micron-selected galaxies at 1.5 < z < 2.5 have L(IR) < 6 x 10^12 solar luminosities, which if attributed to star formation corresponds to < 1000 solar masses per year. This suggests that high redshift galaxies may have similar star formation efficiencies and feedback processes as local analogs. Objects with L(IR) > 6 x 10^12 solar luminosities are quite rare, with a surface density ~ 30 +/- 10 per sq. deg, corresponding to ~ 2 +/- 1 x 10^-6 Mpc^-3 over 1.5 < z < 2.5.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ. AASTeX format. 34 pages, 12 figures. Updated references and other small textual revision


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    We study the red sequence in a cluster of galaxies at z=1.62 and follow its evolution over the intervening 9.5 Gyr to the present day. Using deep YJKs imaging with the HAWK-I instrument on the VLT we identify a tight red sequence and construct its rest-frame i-band luminosity function (LF). There is a marked deficit of faint red galaxies in the cluster that causes a turnover in the LF. We compare the red sequence LF to that for clusters at z<0.8 correcting the luminosities for passive evolution. The shape of the cluster red sequence LF does not evolve between z=1.62 and z=0.6 but at z<0.6 the faint population builds up significantly. Meanwhile, between z=1.62 to 0.6 the inferred total light on the red sequence grows by a factor of about 2 and the bright end of the LF becomes more populated. We construct a simple model for red sequence evolution that grows the red sequence in total luminosity and matches the constant LF shape at z>0.6. In this model the cluster accretes blue galaxies from the field that are then quenched and subsequently allowed to merge. We find that 3--4 mergers among cluster galaxies during the 4 Gyr between z=1.62 and z=0.6 matches the observed luminosity function evolution between the two redshifts. The inferred merger rate is consistent with other studies of this cluster. Our result supports the picture that galaxy merging during the major growth phase of massive clusters is an important process in shaping the red sequence population at all luminosities.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. With respect to previous version, the likely descendants of the z=1.62 cluster now have a more modest mass and the required luminosity growth on the red sequence is slightly lower. No major conclusions have change

    A Young Stellar Cluster in the Nucleus of NGC 4449

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    We have obtained 1-2 A resolution optical Echellette spectra of the nuclear star cluster in the nearby starburst galaxy NGC 4449. The light is clearly dominated by a very young (6-10 Myr) population of stars. For our age dating, we have used recent population synthesis models to interpret the observed equivalent width of stellar absorption features such as the HI Balmer series and the CaII triplet around 8500 A. We also compare the observed spectrum of the nuclear cluster to synthesized spectra of simple stellar populations of varying ages. All these approaches yield a consistent cluster age. Metallicity estimates based on the relative intensities of various ionization lines yield no evidence for significant enrichment in the center of this low mass galaxy: the metallicity of the nuclear cluster is about one fourth of the solar value, in agreement with independent estimates for the disk material of NGC 4449.Comment: 24 pages (incl. 7 figures), accepted by AJ, March 2001 issue revised version with minor changes and additions, one additional figur

    The Origin of Line Emission in Massive z~2.3 Galaxies: Evidence for Cosmic Downsizing of AGN Host Galaxies

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    Using the Gemini Near-InfraRed Spectrograph (GNIRS), we have assembled a complete sample of 20 K-selected galaxies at 2.0<z<2.7 with high quality near-infrared spectra. As described in a previous paper, 9 of these 20 galaxies have strongly suppressed star formation and no detected emission lines. The present paper concerns the 11 galaxies with detected Halpha emission, and studies the origin of the line emission using the GNIRS spectra and follow-up observations with SINFONI on the VLT. Based on their [NII]/Halpha ratios, the spatial extent of the line emission and several other diagnostics, we infer that four of the eleven emission-line galaxies host narrow line active galactic nuclei (AGNs). The AGN host galaxies have stellar populations ranging from evolved to star-forming. Combining our sample with a UV-selected galaxy sample at the same redshift that spans a broader range in stellar mass, we find that black-hole accretion is more effective at the high-mass end of the galaxy distribution (~2.9x10^11 Msun) at z~2.3. Furthermore, by comparing our results with SDSS data, we show that the AGN activity in massive galaxies has decreased significantly between z~2.3 and z~0. AGNs with similar normalized accretion rates as those detected in our K-selected galaxies reside in less massive galaxies (~4.0x10^10 Msun) at low redshift. This is direct evidence for downsizing of AGN host galaxies. Finally, we speculate that the typical stellar mass-scale of the actively accreting AGN host galaxies, both at low and at high redshift, might be similar to the mass-scale at which star-forming galaxies seem to transform into red, passive systems.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Deep CO(1–0) Observations of z = 1.62 Cluster Galaxies with Substantial Molecular Gas Reservoirs and Normal Star Formation Efficiencies

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    We present an extremely deep CO(1–0) observation of a confirmed z = 1.62 galaxy cluster. We detect two spectroscopically confirmed cluster members in CO(1–0) with signal-to-noise ratio >5\gt 5. Both galaxies have log(M⋆{{ \mathcal M }}_{\star }/M⊙{{ \mathcal M }}_{\odot }) > 11 and are gas rich, with Mmol{{ \mathcal M }}_{\mathrm{mol}}/(M⋆{{ \mathcal M }}_{\star }+Mmol{{ \mathcal M }}_{\mathrm{mol}}) ~ 0.17–0.45. One of these galaxies lies on the star formation rate (SFR)–M⋆{{ \mathcal M }}_{\star } sequence, while the other lies an order of magnitude below. We compare the cluster galaxies to other SFR-selected galaxies with CO measurements and find that they have CO luminosities consistent with expectations given their infrared luminosities. We also find that they have gas fractions and star formation efficiencies (SFE) comparable to what is expected from published field galaxy scaling relations. The galaxies are compact in their stellar light distribution, at the extreme end for all high-redshift star-forming galaxies. However, their SFE is consistent with other field galaxies at comparable compactness. This is similar to two other sources selected in a blind CO survey of the HDF-N. Despite living in a highly quenched protocluster core, the molecular gas properties of these two galaxies, one of which may be in the process of quenching, appear entirely consistent with field scaling relations between the molecular gas content, stellar mass, star formation rate, and redshift. We speculate that these cluster galaxies cannot have any further substantive gas accretion if they are to become members of the dominant passive population in z<1z\lt 1 clusters

    The Survey of Nearby Nuclei with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph: Emission-Line Nuclei at Hubble Space Telescope Resolution

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    We present results from a program of optical spectroscopy for 23 nearby galaxies with emission-line nuclei. This investigation takes advantage of the spatial resolution of the Hubble Space Telescope to study the structure and energetics of the central ~10-20 pc, and the resulting data have value for quantifying central black hole masses, star formation histories, and nebular properties. This paper provides a description of the experimental design, and new findings from the study of emission lines. The sample targets span a range of nebular spectroscopic class, from H II to Seyfert nuclei. This data set and the resulting measurements are unique in terms of the sample size, the range of nebular class, and the investigation of physical scales extending down to parsecs. The line ratios indicative of nebular ionization show only modest variations over order-of-magnitude differences in radius, and demonstrate in a systematic way that geometrical dilution of the radiation field from a central source cannot be assumed as a primary driver of ionization structure. Comparisons between large- and small-aperture measurements for the H II/LINER transition objects provide a new test that challenges conventional wisdom concerning the composite nature of these systems. We also list a number of other quantitative results that are of interest for understanding galaxy nuclei, including (1) the spatial distribution/degree of concentration of Hα emission as a function of nebular type; (2) the radial variation in electron density as a function of nebular type; and (3) quantitative broad Hα estimates obtained at a second epoch for these low-luminosity nuclei. The resulting measurements provide a new basis for comparing the nuclei of other galaxies with that of the Milky Way. We find that the Galactic center is representative across a wide span of properties as a low-luminosity emission-line nucleus
