21,131 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Infusa Daun Tambora (Ageratum Conyzoides L) Terhadap Kualitas Karkas Ayam Broiler

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    ABSTRACT This research was conducted in November - December 2019 for 35 days at the poultry farm on the Ir. H. Nusyirwan Ismail street in Samarinda City, this resreach using 100 broilers from PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia strain of MB 202 which were divided into 25 heads.\he research design used a completely randomized design (CRD). The percentage of carcass and the percentage of abdominal fat were analyzed using ANOVA (Analysis of Variance). Total bacteria and fat content were analyzed descriptively. During the research the chickens were given 5 drinking water treatments and 5 replications, namely, P0 (control), P1 (20 ml/Liter), P2 (40 ml/Liter), P3 (60 ml/Liter), P4 (80 ml/Liter).The results showed that giving Tambora leaf infusion in drinking water to carcass percentage ranged from 63.38% - 74.81%, percentage of abdominal fat 0.85% - 1.62%, total bacteria 0 x 105CFU / g - 3 x 105CFU / g and meat fat content from 2.66% - 9.43%. Tambora leaf infusion in drinking water to the percentage of carcass and the percentage of abdominal fat did not have a significant effect (P> 0.05), the application of Tambora leaf infusion in drinking water to the total bacteria in chicken intestines did not exceed the threshold for microbial contamination based on the Indonesian National Standard ( SNI) No. 7388-2009. The application of Tambora leaf infusion in drinking water decreased the fat content of the meat. Key words: Tambora leaf, infusion, carcass, broiler chicke

    Pemetaan Kedudukan dan Materi Muatan Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan kedudukan dan materi muatan Peraturan Mahkamah Konstitusi (PMK) dalam sistem peraturan perundang-undangan di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi normatif yang menggunakan batu uji kelembagaan negara. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa kedudukan PMK harus ditinjau dari aspek kelembagaan negara sehingga bisa disimpulkan bahwa kedudukan PMK setingkat dengan Peraturan Presiden. Selain itu, penelitian ini menghasilkan pemetaan materi muatan yang harus diatur dalam PM


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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proses berpikir kreatif siswa dalam memecahkan masalah relasi dan fungsi ditinjau dari perspektif gender. Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif deskriptif, penelitian dilakukan pada kondisi objek yang alami. Subjek Penelitian ada 6 yaitu siswa laki-laki berkemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah, dan siswa perempuan berkemampuan tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan tes, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun Prosedur Penelitian yang digunakan yaitu Tahap Pra Lapangan, Tahap Kegiatan Lapangan, Tahap Analisis Data. Hasil Penelitian proses berpikir kreatif model wallas ditinjau dari perspektif gender antata lain,  Tahap Persiapan Subjek laki-laki dominan dapat memahami informasi awal dengan menuliskan apa yang diketahui dan ditanyakan, Subjek LBT dan LBS dapat memahami informasi awal dengan baik, namun subjek LBR tidak dapat memahaminya. Sedangkan subjek perempuan dominan tidak dapat memahami informasi awal, hanya subjek PBT yang dapat menuliskan apa yang diketahui dan ditanyakan. Tahap Inkubasi Subjek laki-laki berhenti atau diam sejenak untuk memunculkan sebuah ide sambil mengaitkan materi yang pernah didapatkan. Sedangkan subjek perempuan, subjek PBT berhenti sejenak sambil membaca berkali-kali soal yang diberikan, subjek PBS langsung mendapatkan ide, subjek PBR berhenti sejenak untuk memunculkan sebuah ide. Tahap Iluminasi Subjek LBR mendapatkan beberapa ide dengan jawaban yang benar, subjek LBS dan LBR hanya satu ide yang didapatkan dengan jawaban yang benar. Sedangkan subjek perempuan, subjek PBT mendapatkan beberapa ide dan dapat menyelesaikan jawaban dengan benar, subjek PBS dan PBR hanya mendapatkan satu ide dengan jawaban yang salah. Tahap Verifikasi Subjek laki-laki dominan memeriksa kembali jawaban yang telah dikerjakan hanya subjek LBR yang tidak memeriksa kembali jawabannya. Sedangkan subjek perempuan dominan tidak memeriksa kembali jawaban, hanya subjek PBT yang memeriksa kembali jawaban yang telah dikerjakan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa Tingkat kreatif dari perempuan berkemampuan tinggi ini berada pada tingkatan ke 4 yaitu sangat kreatif. Subjek PBS berada pada tingkat berpikir kreatifnya di tingkat 0 (tidak kreatif). Subjek PBR pada tingkatan kreatif berada pada tingkat 0 (Tidak Kreatif). Subjek LBT tingkat berpikir kreatifnya berada pada tingkat 4 (sangat kreatif). Subjek LBS tingkat berpikir kreatifnya berada pada tingkat 2 (cukup kreatif). Subjek LBR tingkat berpikir kreatifnya berada pada tingkat 2 (cukup kreatif). Kata kunci: Berpikir kreatif, Model Walles, Kemampuan Matematika, Gender, Relasi dan Fungs

    On a Generalization of the van der Waerden Theorem

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    For a given length and a given degree and an arbitrary partition of the positive integers, there always is a cell containing a polynomial progression of that length and that degree; moreover, the coefficients of the generating polynomial can be chosen from a given semigroup and one can prescribe the occurring powers. A multidimensional version is included.Comment: 5 page


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    This research is a review of the descriptive analysis of the aesthetic in the poem Song Band album 'Heaven Of Love' Generally, this study aims to examine and obtain an objective picture of the aesthetic in the poem Song Band album 'Heaven Of Love'. The problem in this research How this aesthetics of Bodom song lyrics to album "Heaven Of Love" seen from the form of orchestration that includes diction, figurative language, rhetorical, grammatical and stylistic elements?. This research approach to aesthetics, especially the emphasis on aesthetic values associated with the orchestration aspect , while the method used is descriptive and qualitative. The data processing technique performed by analytical techniques with their respective ways of classifying data according to category of aesthetic analysis that includes: diction, figure of speech, rhetorical, grammatical elements, and style of language. Based on the analysis results can be concluded that; Understanding of Bodom song lyrics to album "Heaven of Love" based on aesthetic value which is seen in terms of orchestration include, diction, figurative language, rhetorical, grammatical elements, and style of language.. From the aspect of diction can be identified five categories of diction connotative diction, concrete diction, diction association, diction anthropomorphic, and imaginative diction.. From the aspect of figurative language can be identified four categories of figurative language that is the equation / similes, personification, metaphors, and allegories.. From the rhetorical aspects can be identified three categories namely rhetorical rhetorical tautology, enumeration, and parallelism.. From the aspect of grammatical elements can be identified one category of grammatical element that is associated with a shortening of the word.. From the aspect of style can be identified nine types of style that is hyperbole, Litotes, paradox, repetition, antithesis, anastrof, hysteron proteron, apofasis, koreksi

    Studi Tentang Siswa yang Memiliki Sikap Narsisme dan Penagananya melalui Latihan Bertanggun Jawab dalam Konseling Gestal

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    This study aims to determine, factors cause narcissism in SMP Negeri 1Pangkajene, And the implementation of the exercise responsible for solving the problem of student narcissism SMP Negeri 1 Pangkajene, To find out how the implementation of the training is responsible for solving the problem of student narcissism SMP Negeri 1 Pangkajene. This research is qualitative research with Case Study study type. Technique of collecting data of this research is Observation (Observation), Interview (Interview), Documentation. Subjects in this case study study were determined by purposive are students who experience isolated problems caused by the narcissistic nature of the CNS. The results show that (1) Narcissistic forms experienced by the CNS can be seen by not being able to accept suggestions from others when they are unfavorable (egoism), often uttering offensive sentences (sadism), not caring about others Ignorant), often ruling others (curiosity), have their own assemblies that often gather with people who often give praise
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