2,209 research outputs found

    Flocculation by poly(ethylene oxide) : mechanism and applications

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    Imperial Users onl

    Strategic behavior and efficiency in a groundwater pumping differential game

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    In this paper socially optimal and private exploitation of a common property aquifer are compared. Open-loop and feedback equilibria in nonlinear strategies have been computed to characterize the private solution. The use of these two equilibrium concepts aIlows us to distinguish between cost and strategic externalities. The open-Loop solution captures only the cost externality, whereas the feedback solution captures both externalities. The results show that strategic behavior increases the overexploitation of the aquifer compared to the open-loop solution. However, if the groundwater storage capacity is large, the difference between the socIally optImal and private exploitation, characterized by a feedback equilibrium, is negligible and can be ignored for practical purposes. En este trabajo se comparan la explotación privada y socialmente óptima de un acuífero de propiedad común. Para caracterizar la solución privada se han calculado los equilibrios' openloop' y 'feedback' en estrategias no lineales. El uso de estos dos conceptos de equilibrio nos ha permitido distinguir entre efectos externos estratégicos y de coste. La solución 'open-loop' captura solamente el efecto externo de los costes mientras que la SolucIón 'feedback' captura ambos efectos externos. Los resultados muestran que el comportamiento estratégico aumenta la sobreexplotación del acuífero comparado con la solución 'open-loop' o Sin embargo, si la capacidad de almacenamiento del acuífero es grande, la diferencia entre la explotación privada y la socialmente óptima, caracterizada por un equilibrio 'feedback', es despreciable y puede Ignorarse para propósitos prácticos.Explotación de aguas subterráneas, recursos de propiedad común, efecto externo estratégico, juegos diferenciales, solución 'feedback', estrategias no lineales Groundwater exploitation, common property resources, strategic externality, differential games, feedback solution, nonlinear strategies

    Bonus: A Male\u27s Journey to Masculinity

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    Masculinity is a construct that has come into question in the recent past as society grapples with concepts of gender and roles. The following quote alludes to the significance of this project: some masculine traits are concerning and potentially harmful for the person in question and those around him (Mull 2). I intend to address the growing concerns society has with men\u27s identities. To do this, I am writing a short, 80-page, 7-chapter, novel titled Bonus: a Male’s Journey to Masculinity. In it, I discuss the topics: morality, God, men and masculinity, and meaning. Which I argue play into one another, that the concept of God being male gives young men something to strive for, meaning. Morality is a code of conduct for achieving this end, and masculinity as a label moves one in this direction as opposed to another. I am drawing on my previous work on morality, convention, and status function, a theoretical framework of morality Convention and the normative structure. Books I\u27ve read like Thus Spake Zarathustra by Fredrick Nietzsche for this novella. I intend to evoke thoughts in young men who identify with Bonus, and through Bonus rethink morality, God, men and masculinity and meaning - as it applies to their identity. By the end of the novel, I hope that men can begin to identify with their labels, their privilege, the source of immorality, and how the concepts: men, God, and meaning play a role in their masculinity

    Bonus: A journey to masculinity

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    Masculinity is a construct that has come into question in the recent past as society grapples with concepts of gender and roles. The following quote alludes to the significance of this project : “some traditional masculine traits are concerning and potentially harmful for the person in question and those around him” (Mull 2).I intend to address the growing concerns society has with men’s identities. To do this, I am writing a short, 80 page, novella titled Bonus: a journey to masculinity. In it I discuss the topics: morality, men and masculinity, God and meaning. Which I argue play into one another, that is, the concept of god being male gives young men something to strive for, meaning. That morality is a code of conduct for achieving this end and masculinity is label the moves one in this direction as opposed to another.[I am drawing on my previous work on status function in philosophy (labels), a theoretical framework of morality “Convention and the normative structure, books like Thus Spake Zarathustra by Fredrick Nietzsche for this novella. My intentions are to evoke thought in young men who identify with Bonus, and through him rethink morality, men and masculinity, God and meaning - as it applies to their identity. By the end of the novel, I hope that men can begin to identify with their labels, their privilege, the source of immorality, and how the concepts: men, God and meaning play into one another. In this presentation, I will describe the background philosophical frameworks and read a short section of the novella

    Optimal growth and land preservation

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    A model of optimal economic growth with a constant population subject to a constraint on the availability of land is presented. It takes account of the dual character of land as a production factor and as a consumption good (environmental amenities) by determining the optimal intertemporal allocation of land between productive and recreational uses. An extension of the analysis for the case of a growing population with endogenous growth based on human capital accumulation shows that if the rate of discount is not very low then there exists a set of balanced growth paths compatible with a constant allocation of land. En este trabajo se presenta un modelo de crecimiento económico óptimo con una población constante sujeto a una restricción sobre la disponibilidad de tierra. En el modelo se tiene en cuenta el carácter dual de la tierra como factor productivo y como bien de consumo para usos recreacionales y se determina cual es la asignación intertemporal óptima de la tierra entre estos dos usos. En la segunda parte del trabajo, se presenta una extensión del análisis para el caso de una población creciente con crecimiento endógeno basado en la acumulación de capital humano y se demuestra que si la tasa de descuento no es muy pequeña existe un conjunto de sendas de crecimiento equilibrado compatibles con una asignación constante de la tierra.Crecimiento óptimo, asignación intertemporal de la tierra, preservación medioambiental, crecimiento de la población, crecimiento endógeno, capital humano Optimal growth, intertemporal land allocation, environmental preservation, population growth, endogenous growth, human capital

    Statistical and graphical tool for network cost analysis and support for CAPEX allocation

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    In the telecommunications field, there is a selection of relevant information referred as key performance indicators due to the fact that they provide the chance to visualize the network communications performance. This data’s disadvantage is that they can be confined in massive data sets in which it is complex to elucidate at a glance the performance of the different parts of a communications system. This project performs an analysis and a graphic representation of these relevant performance indicators, which allows studying the mobile and fixed networks of a telecommunications company. In specific, the implementation of this tool is displayed by using all traffic data and network costs from different operations and countries of Telefónica footprint. This implementation gives the opportunity to check that the data analysis is done in an accurate way. In order to obtain these graphic illustrations of network costs and traffic carried over all networks, both historical and predictions, diverse methodologies are applied to key performance indicators in order to acquire its calculus and estimation. Afterwards, based on the information obtained with these procedures, we can give support in order to make decisions of investment allocations in the company’s networks. Finally, this tool has been performed with R programming language as well as for the calculation of the different data as to the development of the web application to represent this data in a graphic way with the Shiny package. Telefónica’s data has been modified in order to assure its confidentiality.Este trabajo consiste en el desarrollo de una herramienta en el lenguaje R para realizar un análisis estadístico y una representación gráfica de los costes de red históricos en los que se ha incurrido, así como del tráfico cursado en estas redes, tanto en fijas como en móviles. Además, la herramienta permitirá dar soporte a la decisión de asignación de inversiones mediante la proyección de los tráficos futuros de cada red en función de diversos parámetros de entrada. Todo ello se podrá ver reflejado gráficamente mediante una aplicación web generada en R. Para el desarrollo de la herramienta, se van a utilizar datos de costes y tráficos de red de las distintas operaciones/países del grupo Telefónica.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Entrenamiento de subespecialidades en otorrinolaringología

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    Otolaryngology is a medical and surgical specialization that is having a great development in the last years. Many fields have open in the practice of otolaryngology. Some years ago academic departments offer fellowship training opportunities, something that has become controversial. The purpose of this assay is to analize the benefits for the students, the university, otolaryngology and our country healthcare. In the same way there is an exposure of the disadvantages and seek for solutions to improve them.La otorrinolaringología es una especialidad médica y quirúrgica que se ha venido desarrollando muy rápidamente en los últimos años. Cada vez su campo de acción es más amplio y complejo. Desde hace algunos años se han empezado a ofrecer en los servicios de otorrinolaringología el entrenamiento de las subespecialidades lo que ha sido controvertido por el gremio. El propósito del ensayo es analizar las ventajas de las subespecialidades para el estudiante, la universidad, la especialidad y la salud de nuestro país. Por supuesto se exponen sus desventajas y se plantean soluciones para fortalecerlas y mejorarlas

    Performance and ownership in the governance of urban water

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    In this paper the differences in terms of performance between public and the private governance in urban water management are investigated. A statistical ranking is implemented to determine programmatic efficiency differences in DEA, using an incomplete panel data that gathers information on 20 water utilities in Andalusia, in Southern Spain. In the model, labour and operational costs are considered as inputs. The volume of revenue water, the number of connections and the network length are used as outputs. The analysis indicates that private management is more efficient. The efficiency indicators adjusted by a variable related to quality are estimated and demonstrate that privatization of the service does not mean any loss in terms of quality. However, there are no significant differences between both types of management including as a desirable input hydraulic yield as a proxy of the degree of network renovation. A lower hydraulic efficiency in private management would suggest that the need to make significant investments could be an important factor when making the decision to privatize the management of the urban water service: Water supply; Management; Local government;