198 research outputs found

    Judges and judging in the Court of Final Appeal: a statistical picture

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    The authors provide a unique perspective on how the Court of Final Appeal has operated from 1997 to 2010. The study tracks the rising caseload in the Court, considers the statistical profile of the new system of judges and notes the greater attention being paid by the final court to public law cases.published_or_final_versio

    Financial regulation in Hong Kong: Time for a change

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    The global financial system experienced its first systemic crisis since the 1930s in autumn 2008, with the failure of major financial institutions in the United States and Europe and the seizure of global credit markets. Although Hong Kong was not at the epicentre of this crisis, it was nonetheless affected. Following an overview of Hong Kong's existing financial regulatory framework, the article discusses the global financial crisis and its impact in Hong Kong, as well as regulatory responses to date. From this basis, the article discusses recommendations for reforms in Hong Kong to address weaknesses highlighted by the crisis, focusing on issues relating to Lehman Brothers "Minibonds. " The article concludes by looking forward, recommending that the crisis be taken not only as the catalyst to resolve existing weaknesses but also to strengthen and enhance Hong Kong's role and competitiveness as China's premier international financial centre. Copyright © 2010 The Berkeley Electronic Press. All rights reserved.published_or_final_versio


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    Sebagai alat bantu penangkapan ikan, rumpon berfungsi untuk menarik kelompok ikan agar berkumpul di sekitarnya. Dalam jangka pendek rumpon dapat meningkatkan produksi hasil tangkapan, efisiensi dan efektivitas operasi penangkapan ikan. Namun rumpon juga dapat berdampak negatif terhadap keberlajutan stok sumberdaya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PPN Prigi, Jawa Timur, dengan tujuan untuk mengkaji status pemanfaatan perikanan tuna, optimasi jumlah unit armada dan rumpon serta musim penangkapan ikan.  Beberapa analisis yang digunakan antara lain linear goal programming (LGP), fishing power indeks (FPI), catch per unit of effort (CPUE), maximum sustainable yield (MSY), dan untuk mengetahui pola musim tangkap menggunakan Metode Persentase Rata-rata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat indikasi pemanfaatan perikanan tuna yang berlebih pada tingkat pengupayaan yang melampaui batas maksimum (MSY = 2334,9 ton/tahun).  Jumlah optimum untuk armada jaring insang sebanyak 43 unit, pancing tonda 63 unit dan rumpon 33 unit pada luasan area penelitian 8.940 km². Musim tangkap berlangsung pada Bulan Juni sampai Desember dengan puncak musim di bulan Juli.  Fish Aggregating Device (FADs) has a function to attract and aggregate fish schooling. In short term, the advantage of FADs used is to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of fishing operations and the fish caught by the fishers; however FADs might also result a negative impact on the sustainability of fish stock.This study was conducted in fishing area of Prigi National Fishing Port, East Java. The objective of this study is to investigate the tuna fisheries status, optimization number of fishing units and number of FADs. Some analysis methods applied in this study were linear goal programming (LGP), fishing power index (FPI), catch per unit of effort (CPUE), maximum sustainable yield (MSY), and analysis of fishing season using the Average Percentage Methods. The results showed that the tuna fisheries in Prigi have indicated over-exploitation (MSY = 2334,9 tons/year). The optimum allocation of gillnets is 43 units, troll  63 units and FADs 33 units operated in the fishing ground area of 8,940 km². The fishing season occurred during June to December with the peak season in July

    Fish Behavior on Fisheries Boat Lift Net (Bagan Petepete) by Using Led Lights

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    Research on fish behavior in boat lift net fisheries (bagan petepete) equipped with LED light is very important since the similar research is very limited conducted in Indonesian waters. The purpose of this study was to understand the LED light distribution and its impact on the fish behavior around the LED light. This study was conducted in the laboratory of Simulation Workshop and Navigation, Pangkep State Polytechnique of Agricultural and fishing experiment was done in Barru District waters, Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi. The light intensity was measured by a digital lux meter and under water lux meter, while fish behavior was observed by side scan sonar color. Light intensity analyses showed that the distribution of 80 watts LED light was mostly focused with 1096 lux with an angle168°. Fishes approached the light at 5-10 m and 20-30 m water depth from all directions after all lights were turned on. Fishes in smaller groups and higher density concentrated around the light when only one lamp was turned on. After catch processing, some fishes left the lighting area and others still stayed in the lighting area


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    Penangkapan ikan memberikan dampak langsung dan tidak langsung terhadap ekosistem perairan. Penangkapan ikan yang dilakukan nelayan di perairan Maluku Tenggara terhadap ikan cukup intensif. Nelayan umumnya menangkap ikan menggunakan jaring insang (gillnet), bagan dan pancing. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis dampak penangkapan terhadap ekosistem, yakni struktur komunitas dan tingkat trofik hasil tangkapan berdasarkan alat tangkap. Pengambilan sampel ikan dilakukan dengan metode experimental fishing, yaitu berupa operasi penangkapan ikan menggunakan alat tangkap jaring insang (gillnet), bagan dan pancing di lokasi studi. Analisis data meliputi parameter kebiasaan makan hubungan panjang berat ikan, dan tingkat trofik hasil tangkapan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan tingkat trofik ikan pada alat tangkap bagan dan jaring berkisar 2,9 – 3,7 dan berada pada pengelompokan tingkat trofik (TL3) yakni didominasi oleh jenis omnivora yang cenderung pemakan hewan (zooplankton). Alat tangkap pancing berkisar 4,0 – 4,5 berada pada TL5 dan didominasi oleh jenis karnivora yang cenderung pemakan ikan dan cephalopoda. Ukuran rata-rata panjang total jenis ikan hasil tangkapan yang dominan menurut alat tangkap adalah ikan layang (18,2±12,5 cm), ikan lemuru (19,8±13,3 cm), ikan selar (21,9±14,2 cm), ikan lencam (20,1±13,3cm) dan ikan biji nangka (21,9±14,2 cm). Berat rata-rata hasil tangkapan utama adalah ikan layang (90 ±35gr), ikan lemuru (81 ± 28 gr), ikan selar (89 ± 40 gr), ikan lencam (92±28 gr) dan ikan biji nangka (90±30 gr). Hasil tangkapan oleh bagan, jaring insang dan pancing mengindikasikan bahwa terjadi eksploitasi yang tidak seimbang pada rantai makanan. Kelompok TL 3 dan 5 lebih dominan dieksploitasi. Hal ini secara teoritis berpotensi merusak keseimbangan ekologis sumberdaya ikan di habitat tersebut. Alat tangkap bagan dan jaring mempunyai dampak lebih besar terhadap keberlanjutan sumberdaya ikan dibandingkan dengan alat tangkap pancing (TL5), karena kedua alat tangkap tersebut cenderung lebih eksploitatif pada ukuran ikan yang belum layak tangkap

    The outcome of kidney transplants with multiple renal arteries

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    BACKGROUND: The use of grafts with multiple renal arteries has been considered a relative contraindication because of the increased incidence of vascular and urologic complications The aim of this study is to determine whether the kidney grafts with multiple arteries have any adverse effect upon post-transplant graft and patient survival. METHODS: We reviewed the records of 225 adult kidney transplants done consecutively at our institution. Twenty-nine patients (12.8%) had grafts with multiple renal arteries. We analyzed the incidence of post-transplant hypertension and vascular complications, mean creatinine levels, patient and graft survival. In 17 cases reconstruction was done as conjoined anastomosis between two arteries of equal size, and in 6 cases as end-to-side anastomosis of smaller arteries to larger arteries. Multiple anastomoses were performed in 6 cases. RESULTS: In one patient postoperative bleeding occurred. Mean systolic blood pressures, creatinine levels at first year and last follow-up and complication rates were all in acceptable ranges. There was no significant difference in graft and patient survival between multiple and single renal artery allografts. CONCLUSION: Although the kidney grafts with multiple renal arteries have been considered a relative contraindication because of the increased risk of complications, in our study allografts with multiple arteries were used successfully in kidney transplantation

    Relationship of Catching and Oceanographic Parameters of Boat Lift Net (Bagan pete-pete) using Mercury Lamp and Led Lamp

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    Fishing areas can be predicted from oceanographic parameters such as temperature, salinity, turbidity, and current. Nowadays, research on the influence of oceanographic parameters to the catch of fishing gear bagan pete-pete (boat lift net) using LED lamps especially in multi-species tropical waters is limited. This study was aimed at analyzing the relationship of catching and oceanographic parameters of bagan pete-pete which using both mercury lamps and LED lamps. It was conducted in waters of Barru District of Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi. Field observations were conducted from October to November 2012 and April to May 2013 (50 trips). The total weight of catching by using LED lamps was 33.412.00 kg with value of 131.114.500.00 IDR, whereas by using mercury lamp was 54.524.00 kg with value of IDR. The catch of bagan pete-pete with mercury lamps was influenced by temperature in a depth 5 meters and turbidity while the catch of bagan pete-pete with LED lamps was influenced by the temperature in a depth 5 meters and current in a depth 1 meter. The catch of bagan pete-pete by using both mercury lamp and LED lamp is linear to the temperature, means that catching increases when the temperature increases. Mercury lamp is also influenced by turbidity because it has a very limited ability to penetrate into the waters, unlike LED


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    Teknik penangkapan ikan dengan alat tangkap bagan di Indonesia khususnya di Kabupaten Barru umumnya masih menggunakan lampu merkuri yang mana membutuhkan energi listrik yang cukup besar. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengurangi penggunaan energi listrik yang besar ini dapat digunakan jenis lampu hemat energi seperti lampu Light Emitting Diode (LED). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan jenis ikan yang dominan tertangkap, komposisi jenis, dan berat ikan tertangkap antara bagan yang menggunakan lampu merkuri dengan lampu LED. Penelitian dilakukan di perairan Kabupaten Barru-Selat Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Lokasi pengamatan terletak pada posisi 4°22’48,7"-4°33’47,8"LS sampai dengan 119°25’05,0"-119°33’42,7"BT. Pengamatan lapang/uji coba penangkapan dilakukan pada periode Oktober-Nopember 2012 dan April-Mei 2013 (sebanyak 50 Trip penangkapan). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komposisi hasil tangkapan bagan yang menggunakan lampu merkuri dan lampu LED didominasi oleh ikan teri hitam, teri putih, kembung lelaki, tembang, cumi-cumi, dan peperek, masing-masing sebanyak 90% dan 83%. Dengan komposisi jenis hasil tangkapan yang demikian ini menunjukkan bahwa lampu LED dapat digunakan sebagai alat bantu penangkapan ikan karena mampu memikat jenis ikan target dan cenderung hasil tangkapannya sama dengan menggunakan lampu merkuri yang digunakan nelayan bagan. Terdapat perbedaan berat hasil tangkapan bagan yang menggunakan lampu merkuri dari pada yang menggunakan lampu LED, namun dari nilai hasil tangkapan tampak tidak berbeda. Berat jenis hasil tangkapan yang dominan tertangkap dengan lampu LED sebanyak17,49 kg/watt sedangkan lampu merkuri sebanyak 4,89 kg/watt. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa bagan dengan lampu LED mendapatkan tangkapan lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan bagan lampu merkuri.Fishing techniques with lift-net fishing gear in Indonesia especially in Barru Regency still usemercury lamp which require considerable electrical energy. Lamps that require low energy is an alternative that can be used to reduce the use of electrical energy. Lamps that require low energy, longevity, low heat radiation, and is resistant to shocks is a Light Emitting Diode (LED). The purpose of this research was to determine differences in the dominant fish species caught, species composition, and weight of fish caught between the lif net fishing gear that uses a mercury lamp with LED lamp. The research was conducted in Barru waters regency, Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi on October-November 2012 and April-May 2013 (50 trips). Observation sites located on 4° 22' 48,7"- 4° 33' 47,8" LS up to 119° 25' 05,0"-119° 33' 42,7" BT. The composition of the catch between mercury lamps and LED lamps was dominated by black anchovy, white anchovy, indian mackerel, sardines, squid and golden ponyfish, respectively 90% and 83%. These results indicate that the LED lights can be used as fishing tools because it is able to attract the target fish species and tend to catch higher than mercury lamps that commonly used. The difference in weight of the catch by using a mercury lamp was statistically better than the LED lights, but the value of the catch of the two types of lamps are not statistically different. Catches based upon the weight per electrical power used to indicate that the LED lights (17.49 kg / watt) is better than themercury lamp (4.89 kg / watt)