27 research outputs found

    A Spectral Method to Compute the Tides of Laterally-Heterogeneous Bodies

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    Body tides reveal information about planetary interiors and affect their evolution. Most models to compute body tides rely on the assumption of a spherically-symmetric interior. However, several processes can lead to lateral variations of interior properties. We present a new spectral method to compute the tidal response of laterally-heterogeneous bodies. Compared to previous spectral methods, our approach is not limited to small-amplitude lateral variations; compared to finite element codes, the approach is more computationally-efficient. While the tidal response of a spherically-symmetric body has the same wave-length as the tidal force; lateral heterogeneities produce an additional tidal response with an spectra that depends on the spatial pattern of such variations. For Mercury, the Moon and Io the amplitude of this signal is as high as 1%−10%1\%-10\% the main tidal response for long-wavelength shear modulus variations higher than ∌10%\sim 10\% the mean shear modulus. For Europa, Ganymede and Enceladus, shell-thickness variations of 50%50\% the mean shell thickness can cause an additional signal of ∌1%\sim 1\% and ∌10%\sim 10\% for the Jovian moons and Encelaudus, respectively. Future missions, such as BepiColombo \textit{BepiColombo} and JUICE\textit{JUICE}, might measure these signals. Lateral variations of viscosity affect the distribution of tidal heating. This can drive the thermal evolution of tidally-active bodies and affect the distribution of active regions.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figure

    Marine ecosystems observation by a cooperative AUV in the PLOME project

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    To improve our understanding of how marine ecosystems function, it is crucial to quantify their processes using proper spatio-temporal multiparametric monitoring techniques. Science and innovative technologies must play a central role in developing the Blue Growth in a sustainable manner, where advances in enabling technologies such as remote sensing, modelling, AI and autonomous systems, will enhance our capacity to monitor and predict, assess and manage ecosystems. The PLOME project proposes a spatially adaptive, non-invasive, modular platform of independent and wirelessly connected benthic stations and AUVs to intelligently observe, monitor and map marine ecosystems, during long-lasting periods with real-time supervision. The monitoring solution has a simple deployment and is easy-to-move from an experimental site to another, without any cable installation, for coastal and deep water environments. Stations provide continuous and intensive temporal observation, while AUVs can provide such intensive measurement at spatial level, when they undock for a mission from a station in which they previously recharged batteries and transmitted information. The PLOME project will demonstrate the proposed concept in two scenarios. The first one, involves testing independent capabilities in a real deep-sea scenario, while the second one entails a oneweek demonstration in shallow water, where an AUV will be operated from a docking station. This paper describes the Girona 1000 AUV from the Universitat de Girona that will be used for the deep tests , conducted at depths ranging from 200 to 400 meters. The AUV will be used in cooperation with two fixed stations developed by the Universitat Politùcnica de Catalunya. Acoustic communications and ranges between the AUV and the stations will be used to coordinate the AUV’s work and to improve its navigation. Optical communications will be used to transmit data to the stations gathered from the AUV observations. The AUV will integrate a multimodal sensor payload, including an optical camera and LED lighting system, a laser for microbathymetry and a forward-looking sonar for acoustic mapping. The AUV will also be able to process some of the data to transmit relevant information to the stations. Deep learning techniques will be used in real-time to detect species on the optical camera images, 3D point-clouds will be generated to describe the seabed’s profile, and onboard acoustic mosaicking will generate an acoustic map of the seabed.Peer Reviewe

    FamĂ­lies botĂ niques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de FarmĂ cia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de FarmĂ cia, Assignatura: BotĂ nica FarmacĂšutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, CĂšsar BlanchĂ© i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquĂ­ es presenten sĂłn els recull de 175 treballs d’una famĂ­lia botĂ nica d’interĂšs medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura BotĂ nica FarmacĂšutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a travĂ©s de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autĂČnom i col·laboratiu en BotĂ nica farmacĂšutica

    Time to Switch to Second-line Antiretroviral Therapy in Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Europe and Thailand.

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    Background: Data on durability of first-line antiretroviral therapy (ART) in children with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are limited. We assessed time to switch to second-line therapy in 16 European countries and Thailand. Methods: Children aged <18 years initiating combination ART (≄2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors [NRTIs] plus nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor [NNRTI] or boosted protease inhibitor [PI]) were included. Switch to second-line was defined as (i) change across drug class (PI to NNRTI or vice versa) or within PI class plus change of ≄1 NRTI; (ii) change from single to dual PI; or (iii) addition of a new drug class. Cumulative incidence of switch was calculated with death and loss to follow-up as competing risks. Results: Of 3668 children included, median age at ART initiation was 6.1 (interquartile range (IQR), 1.7-10.5) years. Initial regimens were 32% PI based, 34% nevirapine (NVP) based, and 33% efavirenz based. Median duration of follow-up was 5.4 (IQR, 2.9-8.3) years. Cumulative incidence of switch at 5 years was 21% (95% confidence interval, 20%-23%), with significant regional variations. Median time to switch was 30 (IQR, 16-58) months; two-thirds of switches were related to treatment failure. In multivariable analysis, older age, severe immunosuppression and higher viral load (VL) at ART start, and NVP-based initial regimens were associated with increased risk of switch. Conclusions: One in 5 children switched to a second-line regimen by 5 years of ART, with two-thirds failure related. Advanced HIV, older age, and NVP-based regimens were associated with increased risk of switch

    Studying the Svalbard-Barents-Kara Ice Sheet using GRACE observations

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    During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), vast ice sheets covered part of the Northern Hemisphere. In Europe, the European Ice Sheet Complex (EISC) spanned form the British Islands to the Taymyr Peninsula in Siberia. There are considerable gaps in our knowledge of the EISC, specially in the extend and deglaciation of the Svalbard-Barents-Kara Sea Ice Sheet (SBKIS). The fingerprint of the SBKIS is still visible through Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA), the viscous rearranging of Earth's interior due to a changing surface load. The slow mass-flow from the borders of the paleo-ice sheet towards its center induces a secular change of the gravity field that can be observed using gravity data from the GRACE mission. We use GRACE data to obtain gravity disturbance rates and their uncertainty in the Barents and Kara Sea and compare these observations against modeled gravity rates for different combinations of ice deglaciation histories and Earth rheological parameters.Aerospace Engineerin

    Data from the paper "Do tidally-generated inertial waves heat the subsurface oceans of Europa and Enceladus?"

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    Data presented in the Figures of the paper: "Do tidally-generated inertial waves heat the subsurface oceans of Europa and Enceladus?

    Thin-shell Tidal Dynamics of Ocean Worlds

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    Several solar system moons harbor subsurface water oceans; extreme internal heating or solar irradiation can form magma oceans in terrestrial bodies. Tidal forces drive ocean currents, producing tidal heating that affects the thermal−orbital evolution of these worlds. If the outermost layers (ocean and overlying shell) are thin, tidal dynamics can be described using thin-shell theory. Previous work assumed that the ocean and shell's thickness and density are uniform. We present a formulation of thin-shell dynamics that relaxes these assumptions and apply it to several cases of interest. The tidal response of unstratified oceans of constant thickness is given by surface gravity and Rossby waves, which can resonate with the tidal force. The oceans of the outer solar system are too thick for gravity wave resonances, but high-amplitude Rossby waves can be excited in moons with high orbital obliquity. We find that meridional ocean thickness variations hinder the excitation of Rossby waves, decreasing tidal dissipation and increasing the inclination damping timescale, which allows us to reconcile the present inclination of the Moon with the existence of a past long-lived magma ocean and to explain the inclination of Titan and Callisto without invoking a recent excitation. Stratified oceans can support internal gravity waves. We show that dissipation due to internal waves can exceed that resulting from surface gravity waves. For Enceladus, it can be close to the moon’s thermal output, even if the ocean is weakly stratified. Shear due to internal waves can result in Kelvin–Helmholtz instabilities and induce ocean mixing

    Feasibility of measuring fusional vergence amplitudes objectively.

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    Two tests to measure fusional vergence amplitudes objectively were developed and validated against the two conventional clinical tests. Forty-nine adults participated in the study. Participants' negative (BI, base in) and positive (BO, base out) fusional vergence amplitudes at near were measured objectively in an haploscopic set-up by recording eye movements with an EyeLink 1000 Plus (SR Research). Stimulus disparity changed in steps or smoothly mimicking a prim bar and a Risley prism, respectively. Break and recovery points were determined offline using a custom Matlab algorithm for the analysis of eye movements. Fusional vergence amplitudes were also measured with two clinical tests using a Risley prism and a prism bar. A better agreement between tests was found for the measurement of BI than for BO fusional vergence amplitudes. The means ± SD of the differences between the BI break and recovery points measured with the two objective tests were -1.74 ± 3.35 PD and -1.97 ± 2.60 PD, respectively, which were comparable to those obtained for the subjective tests. For the BO break and recovery points, although the means of the differences between the two objective tests were small, high variability between subjects was found (0.31 ± 6.44 PD and -2.84 ± 7.01 PD, respectively). This study showed the feasibility to measure fusional vergence amplitudes objectively and overcome limitations of the conventional subjective tests. However, these tests cannot be used interchangeably due to their poor agreement

    The Physical Oceanography of Ice-Covered Moons

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    Posted with permission from the Annual Review of Marine Science, Volume 16 © by Annual Reviews, http://www.annualreviews.orgWhen citing this paper, please use the following: Soderlund, K. M., Rovira-Navarro, M., Le Bars, M., Schmidt, B. E., & Gerkema, T. (2023). The Physical Oceanography of Ice-Covered Moons. Annual Review of Marine Science, 16. DOI 10.1146/annurev-marine-040323-101355International audienceIn the outer solar system, a growing number of giant planet satellites are now known to be abodes for global oceans hidden below an outer layer of ice. These planetary oceans are a natural laboratory for studying physical oceanographic processes in settings that challenge traditional assumptions made for Earth's oceans. While some driving mechanisms are common to both systems, such as buoyancy-driven flows and tides, others, such as libration, precession, and electromagnetic pumping, are likely more significant for moons in orbit around a host planet. Here, we review these mechanisms and how they may operate across the solar system, including their implications for ice-ocean interactions. Future studies should continue to advance our understanding of each of these processes as well as how they may act together in concert. This interplay also has strong implications for habitability as well as testing oceanic hypotheses with future missions. 14.1 ,. ‱ ‱ ïżœ-Review in Advance first posted on September 5, 2023. (Changes may still occur before final publication