204 research outputs found

    Segnali botanici dal butto: alcune informazioni alimentari

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    L’importanza delle analisi dei resti organici provenienti da indagini archeo- logiche è ormai affermata e condivisa. In parte sono state quindi superate le perplessità che in passato esistevano sul- la reale efficacia dell’Archeobiologia per indagare i periodi storici, perplessità che limitavano il suo apporto sostanziale ai soli siti preistorici. In particolare, le innovazioni nelle tecniche e nell’approccio dell’Archeobotanica sono state il motivo della sua affermazione e considerazione in campo archeologico per ogni tipo di indagine, a partire dalle problematiche legate alla domesticazione delle piante fino alla ricostruzione dell’alimentazione vegetale nei più diversi contesti temporali e sociali. Nel caso di Palazzo Guerrieri Gonzaga sono stati indagati i macroresti botanici rinvenuti nel riempimento di una struttura di scarico utilizzata attiva- mente tra la metà del XVI e la fine del XVII secolo d.C.

    Archaeobotany in urban sites: the case of Mutina

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    The present paper aims to show the importance of analyzing plant macroremains from urban excavations. organic materials preserved below the historical city in waterlogged conditions are a fundamental resource, and the study of seeds and fruits gives a good contribution to historical and archaeological research. archaeobotany in urban contexts provides important results when the examined material comes from several excavations that \u201cphotograph\u201d the territory over quite a long period. an overview of archaeobotanical analyses carried out on material from archaeological sites of Modena (Emilia-Romagna), from the 2nd century BC to the 6th century ad, made by the laboratory of palynology and palaeobotany of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, is presented. The floristic list of seed/fruit analyses result is reported and interesting subject matters are tackled concerning both cultivated/cultivable plants (fruits and nuts, vegetables/aromatics/spices/medicinal plants, fibre and oil plants, cereals and pulses, flowers and other ornamental plants) and wild plants of no obvious use, together with wetland plants which are rare and endangered species in Emilia-Romagna today

    A dynamic interface between ubiquitylation and cAMP signaling

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    Phosphorylation waves drive the propagation of signals generated in response to hormones and growth factors in target cells. cAMP is an ancient second messenger implicated in key biological functions. In mammals, most of the effects elicited by cAMP are mediated by protein kinase A (PKA). Activation of the kinase by cAMP results in the phosphorylation of a variety of cellular substrates, leading to differentiation, proliferation, survival, metabolism. The identification of scaffold proteins, namely A-Kinase Anchor proteins (AKAPs), that localize PKA in specific cellular districts, provided critical cues for our understanding of the role played by cAMP in cell biology. Multivalent complexes are assembled by AKAPs and include signaling enzymes, mRNAs, adapter molecules, receptors and ion channels. A novel development derived from the molecular analysis of these complexes nucleated by AKAPs is represented by the presence of components of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS). More to it, the AKAP complex can be regulated by the UPS, eliciting relevant effects on downstream cAMP signals. This represents a novel, yet previously unpredicted interface between compartmentalized signaling and the UPS. We anticipate that impairment of these regulatory mechanisms could promote cell dysfunction and disease. Here, we will focus on the reciprocal regulation between cAMP signaling and UPS, and its relevance to human degenerative and proliferative disorders


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    this paper focuses on the archaeobotanical study of two Roman small farmhouses, san Martino and poggio dell’amore, located near cinigiano, in the province of grosseto-tuscany. the sites were probably occupied during seasonal agricultural works, a peculiar typology of site that has not been usually identified in Roman sites of central italy. the integrated analyses of pollen, non pollen palynomorphs, charcoal particles and seeds/fruits help to obtain interesting details on the site function, land use and palaeoenvironment of these archaeological contexts. the archaeobotanical reconstruction shows that the landscape was fairly treeless. pastures surrounded the small buildings while cereal fields were probably less extended or further away than legume fields cultivated to forage. shrubs and some fruit trees might mark boundaries of fields, while the woods, including oak woods, were distributed far from the sites. anthropogenic pollen indicators, spores of coprophilous fungi and parasite eggs point to the presence of excrements in the sites suggesting that the small buildings were used as small barns for domestic animals, or a temporary shed

    The role of compartmentalized signaling pathways in the control of mitochondrial activities in cancer cells

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    Mitochondria are the powerhouse organelles present in all eukaryotic cells. They play a fundamental role in cell respiration, survival and metabolism. Stimulation of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) by dedicated ligands and consequent activation of the cAMP·PKA pathway finely couple energy production and metabolism to cell growth and survival. Compartmentalization of PKA signaling at mitochondria by A-Kinase Anchor Proteins (AKAPs) ensures efficient transduction of signals generated at the cell membrane to the organelles, controlling important aspects of mitochondrial biology. Emerging evidence implicates mitochondria as essential bioenergetic elements of cancer cells that promote and support tumor growth and metastasis. In this context, mitochondria provide the building blocks for cellular organelles, cytoskeleton and membranes, and supply all the metabolic needs for the expansion and dissemination of actively replicating cancer cells. Functional interference with mitochondrial activity deeply impacts on cancer cell survival and proliferation. Therefore, mitochondria represent valuable targets of novel therapeutic approaches for the treatment of cancer patients. Understanding the biology of mitochondria, uncovering the molecular mechanisms regulating mitochondrial activity andmapping the relevant metabolic and signaling networks operating in cancer cells will undoubtly contribute to create a molecular platform to be used for the treatment of proliferative disorders. Here, we will highlight the emerging roles of signaling pathways acting downstream to GPCRs and their intersection with the ubiquitin proteasome system in the control of mitochondrial activity in different aspects of cancer cell biology

    The representativeness of Olea pollen from olive groves and the Late Holocene landscape reconstruction in central Mediterranean

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    Modern pollen spectra are an invaluable reference tool for paleoenvironmental and cultural landscape reconstructions, but the importance of knowing the pollen rain released from orchards remains underexplored. In particular, the role of cultivated trees is in past and current agrarian landscapes has not been fully investigated. Here, we present a pollen analysis of 70 surface soil samples taken from 12 olive groves in Basilicata and Tuscany, two regions of Italy that exemplify this cultivation in the Mediterranean basin. This study was carried out to assess the representativeness of Olea pollen in modern cultivations. Although many variables can influence the amount of pollen observed in soils, it was clear that most of the pollen was deposited below the trees in the olive groves. A rapid decline in the olive pollen percentages (c. 85% on average) was found when comparing samples taken from IN vs. OUT of each grove. The mean percentages of Olea pollen obtained from the archaeological sites close to the studied orchards suggest that olive groves were established far from the Roman farmhouses of Tuscany. Further south, in the core of the Mediterranean basin, the cultivation of Olea trees was likely situated approximately 500\u20131000 m from the rural sites in Basilicata, and dated from the Hellenistic to the Medieval period

    A new risk stratification score for the management of ultrasound‐detected B3 breast lesions

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    To develop a predictive scoring system for ultrasound-detected B3 lesions at ultrasound-guided core needle biopsy (US-CNB). A total of 2724 consecutive US-CNBs performed in our Institution (January 2011 to December 2014) were retrospectively reviewed. Inclusion criteria were as follows: (a) histopathological examination of the entire lesion or (b) availability of radiologic follow-up (FUP) ≥24 months. Patient- and lesion-related variables-patients' age, lesion consistency, lesion size, vascularization, BI-RADS category, and US-CNB result-were analyzed. Positive predictive values (PPVs) for malignancy were calculated correlating US-CNB results with excision histology or FUP. A scoring system for underlying malignancy was developed using risk factors weighting. A total of 102 B3 lesions were included: 27 atypical ductal hyperplasia (26.5%), 5 lobular intraepithelial neoplasia (4.9%), 32 radial scar (31.4%), 37 papillary lesions (36.3%), and 1 fibroepithelial lesion (0.9%). Surgery was performed on 71/102 (69.6%) lesions, and 22/71 were malignant; the remaining 31/102 lesions (30.4%) were unchanged at FUP. The overall PPV for malignancy was 21.6%. Patients' age (odds ratio [OR] = 3.63, P = 0.008), lesion consistency (OR = 5.96, P = 0.001), BI-RADS category (OR = 17.52, P < 0.001), and CNB result (OR = 3.6, P = 0.008) were associated with a higher risk of malignancy underestimation and selected as risk factors in the score definition. Two risk groups were identified: low (0-2 points) and high risk (3-5 points), with significantly different risk of malignancy underestimation (8.0% vs 59.3%, P < 0.001). The proposed score helps to predict the risk of malignancy underestimation and choose the management of B3 lesions at US-CNB