29 research outputs found

    The Existence of Cooperatives as a Way of Eradicating Dependence on Moneylenders (Marketing Perspective)

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    As we know, small and medium enterprises in Indonesia are currently experiencing many internal and external obstacles. One of the biggest obstacles is the issue of funds. Moneylenders use this to attract people's attention to borrow funds from them. This study aims to analyze the impact of the existence of cooperatives on people's dependence on moneylenders. As many as 150 questionnaires have been distributed to cross-village cooperatives in Karanglewas, Kedungbanteng, and Cilongok sub-districts who work as traders daily. The analytical tools used in this study were SEM AMOS 21.0, Microsoft Excel, and SPSS 25. Based on the results of analysis and interviews, it was found that the existence of cooperatives was able to reduce people's dependence on moneylenders


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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah semakin berkembangannya bisnis di Indonesia yang menyebabkan keberadaan pasar tradisional semakin tersingkir. Masyarakat khususnya generasi muda semakin banyak yang enggan untuk berbelanja di pasar tradisional. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model mengenai strategi yang dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian generasi milenial di pasar tradisional. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi tambahan informasi bagi para penjual di pasar tradisional untuk dapat meningkatkan strategi pemasarannya. Subyek penelitian ini adalah pengunjung milenial pasar tradisional di kota Purwokerto. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dan SPSS digunakan dalam penelitian ini.  Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah strategi pemasaran yang terdiri dari produk, harga, tempat dan promosi berpengaruh positif dan signifikan pada keputusan pembelian seseorang dalam berbelanja di pasar tradisional

    How Virtual Experiential Marketing Designs Customer Intention?

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    Throughout the year, the internet has become one of the critical elements of a business. A company that invests its business on the internet platform demonstrates a better business performance. As a result, internet marketing encourages whole new genres of experience, but prior studies show some scarcity in that field. So this research will try to fill that gap by studying how virtual experiential marketing (VEM) generates customer intention.Keywords: Virtual experiential marketing; online browsing intention; online purchase intentio


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    Praktek Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) telah dilaksanakan di SMK Negeri 1 Kasihan Bantul selama dua bulan sejak tanggal 15 September – 15 November 2017. Tujuan Praktek Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) adalah mahasiswa agar memiliki pengalaman faktual tentang proses pembelajaran dan kegiatan kependidikan lainnya di sekolah, sebagai bekal untuk mengembangkan diri menjadi tenaga didik yang profesional yang memiliki pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan. Kegiatan yang telah dilakukan meliputi observasi pembelajaran kelas yang dilaksanakan pada saat KBM berlangsung dan pembuatan perangkat pembelajaran yaitu membuat program semester, silabus, rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, soal dan penskoran ulangan harian, daftar hadir siswa, dan daftar penilaian. Kegiatan praktek mengajar dimulai dari tanggal 15 September hingga 15 November 2017. Praktek Lapangan Terbimbing (PLT) dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik dan dapat memenuhi target frekuensi mengajar yang telah ditetapkan. Praktikan sudh mencapai 32 kali pertemuan. Hasil yang diperoleh dari pelaksanaan PLT selama kurang lebih dua bulan di SMK N 1 Kasihan ini dirasa sangat membantu mahasiswa dalam mengetahui kondisi pembelajaran di sekolah secara umum. Selain itu mahasiswa dapat belajar menyusun strategi pembelajaran agar hambatan yang muncul selama pembelajaran dapat diselesaikan. Saran untuk keberhasilan PLT dari praktikan yaitu peningkatan kerjasama yang baik antara pihak universitas, sekolah dan praktikan itu sendiri agar tidak terjadi miss komunikasi dalam pelaksanaan PLT


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    Tujuan pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah melakukan pendampingan kepada anggota KWT Sinuwun, Desa Karanggintung tentang pentingnya Digital Marketing, pelatihan produksi & sumber daya manusia serta peningkatan motivasi kewirausahaan. Dalam pengabdian ini, ada hibah peralatan guna meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi produksi tanaman hidroponik dan olahan makanan "emping jagung" di desa Karanggintung, Banyumas. Metode pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang digunakan yaitu memberikan pendampingan berupa penyuluhan dan pelatihan Digital Marketing, pelatihan produksi dan SDM, serta peningkatan motivasi kewirausahaan anggota KWT. Dalam pengabdian ini untuk menunjang produksi tanaman hidroponik, akan ada pemberian alat produksi  berupa timbangan digital, keranjang panen, gunting panen, isolasi sayur, dan kemasan. Hal ini dikarenakan selama ini anggota KWT Sinuwun masih melakukan peminjaman kepada KWT lain saat akan memanen tanaman hidroponiknya. Sedangkan untuk menunjang produksi olahan makanan "emping jagung", akan ada pemberian timbangan digital, plastik standing pouch, vacuum sealer, kompor gas, tabung gas, wajan besar, panci besar dan label kemasan. Target utama dari pengabdian ini adalah anggota KWT Sinuwun yang berjumlah 8 orang. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah meningkatnya kinerja pemasaran dari KWT Sinuwun (terlihat dari jangakauan pemasaran yang lebih luas (tidak hanya warga sekitar), selain itu terpublikasikannya hasil pengabdian masyarakat di jurnal ilmiah nasional/prosiding nasional. &nbsp

    The Effect of Brand Attrativeness and Self Congruence on Purchase Intention: Customer Brand Identification as Mediating Variable (Study on Three Second Purwokerto)

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    This study aims to analyze and find out more deeply whether Brand Attractiveness and Self- Congruence affect the Purchase Intention of the Three Second Purwokerto Brand. The number of samples in this study were 125 respondents. The research method used is a quantitative descriptive method using an online survey via google form. The analytical tool used is SEM Amos and uses a non-probability sampling technique. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that Brand Attractiveness has no effect on Purchase Intention, Self Congruence has no effect on Purchase Intention, Customer Brand Identification has no effect on Purchase Intention, Brand Attractiveness does not affect Customer Brand Identification, Self Congruence has no effect on Customer Brand Identification, and Customer Brand Identification mediates the effect of Brand Attractiveness and Self-Congruence on Purchase Intention.Keywords: Brand Attractiveness , Self Congruence, Purchase Intention, Customer Brand Identification

    The Role of Economic Educators in Implementing Financial Literacy for Household Actors

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    This research sought to examine the role of economic educators in implementing financial literacy for household actors. The role can be carried out through the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, i.e., (1) education, (2) research, and (3) community service. The implementation through education is in the form of learning activities providing financial literacy learning materials, such as economic transactions, introduction to economic resources, and the concepts of spending, saving, and sharing, which is expected to provide insight into good and correct financial management. Being equipped with this, university students as household actors are expected to have good financial literacy knowledge and skills. The results of several studies show that there is an effect of economic literacy on financial management behavior. Thus, the urgency of financial literacy can be seen in that it can have an impact on a person’s behavior in managing his/her finances. For this reason, it is necessary to know the factors that influence financial literacy, so that efforts are required to increase these factors. Household actors are expected to know how to change or improve behavior in financial management so they can improve their welfare. The results of community service activities regarding financial literacy of household actors also show an increase in knowledge and skills in managing finances. Based on the research results, awareness of the importance of financial literacy knowledge is needed for households. For this reason, economic educators are expected to continue to educate household actors on financial literacy through the Tri Dharma of Higher Education in a sustainable manner. In addition, there is a need for collaboration with various parties such as the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Religion, and the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan; OJK) in order to encourage an increase in the financial literacy index to create a better standard of living for the people and encourage the country’s economic growth. Keywords: economic educators, financial literacy, household actors, Tri Dharma of Higher Educatio


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    Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan hibah peralatan berupa teknologi pembuatan rumah kaca cerdas untuk menjaga nutrisi tanaman, kestabilan pH air dan pengisian air baku tepat waktu. Sehingga mutu buah dan sayur yang diharapkan dapat tercapai secara optimal yaitu pada tingkat kemanisan minimal 13% Brix, bentuk buah halus, jaring buah rapi. Memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan pengelolaan tanaman yang efisien sehingga dapat efektif dari segi waktu dan tenaga, sehingga biaya yang dikeluarkan tidak melebihi pendapatan yang diperoleh anggota Kelompok Tani Milenial Red Delima. Cara yang dilakukan dalam pengabdian ini adalah dengan memberikan donasi alat-alat produksi yang benar-benar dibutuhkan oleh Kelompok Tani Milenial Red Delima guna meningkatkan jumlah produksi dan kualitas, kemudian memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan mengenai penerapan sistem pengelolaan tanaman hidroponik. Hasil pengabdian yang dilakukan Kelompok Tani Milenial Red Delima menunjukkan adanya perubahan tingkat produksi dan efisiensi akibat adanya hibah berupa alat pengatur pH dan unsur hara tanaman melon organik. Produksi bisa meningkat hingga satu buah berbobot 2 kg dalam waktu 70 hari setelah tanam. Sehingga meningkatkan harga jual buah tersebut. Selain itu, proses pemeliharaan dapat dilakukan dengan lebih mudah karena proses pengendalian tanaman dapat dilakukan melalui smartphone untuk mengatur pH dan kadar nutrisi yang cukup agar buah dapat tumbuh maksimal.   Kata Kunci : Hidroponik, Smart Greenhouse, Petani MilenialThe purpose of this activity is to provide equipment grants in the form of technology for making smart greenhouses to maintain plant nutrition, stabilize water pH and fill raw water on time. So that the expected quality of fruit and vegetables can be achieved optimally, namely at a minimum sweetness level of 13% Brix, smooth fruit shape, neat fruit mesh. Providing training and assistance in efficient crop management so that it can be effective in terms of time and energy, so that the costs incurred do not exceed the income earned by members of the Red Pomegranate Millennial Farmers Group. The way this service is carried out is by donating production equipment that is really needed by the Red Delima Millennial Farmers Group to increase production quantity and quality, then providing training and assistance regarding the implementation of the hydroponic plant management system. The results of the service carried out by the Red Delima Millennial Farmers Group show that there has been a change in production levels and efficiency due to a grant in the form of a pH control device and organic melon plant nutrients. Production can increase up to one fruit weighing 2 kg within 70 days after planting. Thus increasing the selling price of the fruit. Apart from that, the maintenance process can be carried out more easily because the plant control process can be done via smartphone to regulate the pH and nutrient levels sufficiently so that the fruit can grow optimally

    The Influence of Visual Packaging Design on Brand Preference with Mediating Variables Perceived Quality and Perceived Value (Study on Unsoed Students Consumers SilverQueen)

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    Purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the influence of visual packaging design on brand preference with mediating variables perceived quality and perceived value (study on Unsoed students consumers SilverQueen). This research was conducted at Jenderal Soedirman University. The respondents of this research are Unsoed active students and consumed SilverQueen product at least twice or repeatedly, taken using direct survey method with questionnaire instrument. A survey was conducted to collect data from 125 respondents. This study employed Cronbach Alpha to test the reliability and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to test the validity of the measurement items. Additionally, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses. The result indicate that visual packaging design has a significant and positive relationship with brand preference; perceived quality; and perceived value. Then, perceived quality in turn has a significant and positive relationship with perceived value. Perceived value successfully mediating visual packaging design in brand preference, and the mediation effect has significant effect. Besides, perceived value successfully mediating perceived quality in brand preference, and the mediation effect has significant effect. However, perceived quality does not show any significant relationship toward brand preference. Furthermore, perceived quality not successfully mediating visual packaging design in brand preference, and the mediation effect has no effect.Keywords: Visual product packaging design, Perceived quality, Perceived value, Brand preference, Consumer behaviour

    Internal Factors that Influence Purchasing Decisions in Traditional Markets (A Case Study on the Millennial Generation of FEB UNSOED)

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    The purpose of this study is to develop a model of what factors influence people's purchasing decisions in traditional markets. From these factors, it will be further analyzed the factors that encourage someone to shop at traditional markets. And is expected to be information material for sellers in traditional markets to be able to improve their marketing strategies and be able to influence personal factors of consumers. This research is a research that will be carried out in one year, where in this study will analyze what factors influence purchasing decisions, develop a tentative model of purchasing decisions. The subjects of this study were visitors to traditional markets in the city of Purwokerto. The analytical tools used were statistical analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), SPSS and Nvivo. The results of this study are personal factors have a positive effect on purchasing decisions in shopping at traditional markets.Keywords: Traditional Market, Internal Factor, Millenial Generation, Purchase Decisio