12,587 research outputs found

    Thermoelectric effect in the Kondo dot side-coupled to a Majorana fermion

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    We investigate the linear thermoelectric response of an interacting quantum dot side-coupled by one of two Majorana fermions (MFs) formed at the ends of a topological superconducting wire. We employ the numerical renormalization group technique to obtain the thermoelectrical conductance LL as well as the electrical conductance GG when the background temperature TT and the dot gate are tuned. We distinguish two transport regimes in which LL displays different features: the weak- (ΓmTK)(\Gamma_{m} T_{K}) regimes, where Γm\Gamma_{m} and TKT_{K} are the Majorana-dot coupling and the Kondo temperature, respectively. For an ideal (infinitely long) nanowire where the Majorana end states do not overlap (ϵm=0)(\epsilon_{m} = 0), the thermoelectrical conductance LL in the weak-coupling regime exhibits a peak at T∼ΓmT \sim \Gamma_{m}. This peak is ascribed to the anti-Fano resonance between the asymmetric Kondo resonance and the zero-energy MF mode. Interestingly, in the strong-coupling regime, the Kondo-induced peak in LL is shifted due to the MF-induced Zeeman splitting in the dot. For finite but small ϵm>0\epsilon_{m} > 0, the interference between two MFs restores the Kondo effect in the dot in a smaller energy scale Γm′\Gamma^{\prime}_{m} and gives rise to an additional peak in LL at T∼Γm′T \sim \Gamma^{\prime}_{m}, whose sign is opposite to that at T∼ΓmT\sim\Gamma_{m}. In the strong-coupling regime this additional peak can cause a non-monotonic behavior of LL with respect to the dot gate. Finally, we examine the case in which an ordinary spin-polarized fermion is coupled to the dot and identify the fingerprint of MFs by comparing two cases.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Economic and Political Factors Influencing Taiwan\u27s Textiles and Apparel Exports to the United States 1973-1983

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    The overall objective of this research paper is to analyze Taiwan\u27s textiles and apparel exports to the United States during the period of 1973 through 1983, Analyses were made of factors influencing Taiwan\u27s textiles and apparel trade with the U.S. The competitiveness of Taiwan\u27s textiles and apparel trade with other major suppliers and trade protectionism of textiles and apparel by the U.S. are also discussed in this paper. The specific research objectives are as follows: 1. To examine the changes in level and composition of Taiwan\u27s textiles and clothing exports to the U.S. between 1973 and 1983. 2. To examine the international trade trends for Taiwan\u27s textiles and clothing from 1973 through 1983. 3. To estimate the price and income elasticities of demand for Taiwan\u27s textiles and clothing during the period 1973-1983. 4. To estimate the partial elasticity of substitution with other competitors--Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, and mainland China between 1978 and 1983

    Sadness and Social Media: An Analysis of the Effects of Social Media on Depression in Young African American Females

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    Social media has the propensity to inadvertently cause the vicarious traumatization of its users due to their witnessing violent or distressing content. This current research proposes that African American social media users suffer vicarious traumatization via social media and suffer the effects of direct, historical, racialized trauma. In the past decade, through social media, Black Americans have vividly witnessed videos depicting several high profile, violent deaths at the hands of law enforcement, police brutality, racial violence, civil unrest, the birth of the Black Lives Matter movement, experienced blatant discrimination, engaged in racially divisive discourse, and have witnessed attempts to have their experience and existence invalidated. As beneficial and powerful social media can be used as a tool for news and creating connectedness for members of the African American community, social media has also been a tool for evoking depression and hopelessness. Historically, African Americans have used intergenerational coping mechanisms as protective factors in family, friends, and the church. However, due to the rapidity of social media development, the dialog and audience have changed; new coping mechanisms should be explored or incorporated

    Park Valley, Utah\u27s Shivaree Tradition: A Rite of Social Acceptance

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    The marriage custom of charivari/shivaree evolved from a punitive form of social control in Europe and Great Britain, to a raucous American celebration that welcomed newlyweds into a community. The isolated ranching community of Park Valley, Utah performed their own unique version of shivaree. This investigation of their ritualized tradition began with a review of the cultural landscape combined with the contemporary rural society that forms a community-clan who descends from six pioneer families. The existing community outlived mining and railroad towns that originally populated the area. The surviving Mormon culture is reflected in the value and belief structure of its people and, therefore, their social activities. This context built a foundation for interpreting the function of the community\u27s shivarees. Twenty-five primary interviews provided seven case studies, which structured the argument that their impromptu performances went beyond just offering a hand of welcome; their shivarees, performed after the formal marriage festivities, functioned as a complex rite of passage. Ritualized traditions like kidnapping the bride and groom, wearing crazy get-ups, and breaking bread together codified the relationships that bound their society together. In all cases, at least one member of the newly married couple was an insider of the community - they belonged to the community clan. The impromptu performance was organized using local resources as the newlyweds were moved from the sacred to secular sphere, creating a liminal period where social norms were tested, before the final rite of passage. Park Valley shivarees transitioned them into their new social position as contributing members of this insular society; it was an informal rite of acceptance

    Rosa Lee, or, Don\u27t be Foolish Joe

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    When I lib\u27d in Tennesse Uliali olae I went courtin Rosa Lee Uliali olae Eyes as dark as winter nightLips as red as berry bright When first I did her wooing goShe said now dont be foolish Joe.Uliali olae Courtin down in TennesseeUliali olae \u27Neath de wild Banana tree I said you lubby Gal dats plain,Uliali olae.Breff as sweet as sugar cane,Uliali olae.Feet so large and comely too,Might make a cradle oh each shoe,Rosa take me for you beau,She said now dont be foolish Joe!Uliali olae Courtin down in TennesseeUliali olae \u27Neath de wild Banana tree My story yet is to be told,Uliali olae.Rosa cotch\u27d a shocking colld,Uliali olae.Send de Doctor, fetch de Nurse,Doctor came but make her worse,I tried to make her laugh but NoShe said, now dont be foolish Joe.Uliali olae Courtin down in TennesseeUliali olae \u27Neath de wild Banana tree. Dey give her up no power could save,Uliali olae.She ax me follow to her grave,Uliali olae.I take her hand \u27twas cold as death,So cold I hardly draw my breff,She saw my tears in sorrow flow,And said farewell my dearest Joe.Uliali olae Courtin down in TennesseeUliali olae \u27Neath de wild Banana tree

    On the Dichotomy between the Nodal and Antinodal Excitations in High-temperature Superconductors

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    Angle-resolved photoemission data on optimally- and under-doped high temperature superconductors reveal a dichotomy between the nodal and antinodal electronic excitations. In this paper we propose an explanation of this unusual phenomenon by employing the coupling between the quasiparticle and the commensurate/incommensurate magnetic excitations.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Education Safety For Cosmetology In The Dallas Independent School District

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    It is most pertinent that safety habits be established and practiced, because of the essentiality placed upon human being. It is imperative that attention be given to the welfare and health of the individual* There is probably no other problem which is of rare increasing concern everywhere than safety—safety in the home, on the highway, in industry and school. host accidents in a beauty school are preventable. They do not just happen they are caused. It is obvious that they are caused by carelessness, ignorance, or negligence on somebody\u27s part. Accidents result from mistakes of individuals and misuse of materials and equipment. The vocational teacher undoubtedly can exert more influence. in having students to become safety-conscious than anyone else* A \u27well-qualified teacher, moreover, can keep unsafe student behavior at a minimum by providing his class with careful instruction, conscientious supervision, and intelligent, sympathetic guidance. THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem.This study is an attempt to find out how adequately Cosmetology Departments in Dallas County Senior Schools meet safety standards set-up by the Texas State Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists and Texas Education Agency, ln approaching this problem, it is anticipated that the results of the findings will answer the following questions: 1* What are the Tarns State Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists Safety Standards fear Beauty Culture? 2 What are the Texas Education Agency Safety- Standards? 3 To What extent does the cosmetology instructor agree with these standards? 4. How well does the cosmetology instructor try to meet these standards? 5. To what extent has the cosmetology instructor prepared safety standards of her own? 6. Does knowing, practicing, and having necessary equipment reduce accidents in the cosmetology department
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