800 research outputs found

    Three-structured smooth transition regression models based on CART algorithm

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    In the present work, a tree-based model that combines aspects of CART (Classification and Regression Trees) and STR (Smooth Transition Regression) is proposed. The main idea relies on specifying a parametric nonlinear model through a tree-growing procedure. The resulting model can be analysed either as a fuzzy regression or as a smooth transition regression with multiple regimes. Decisions about splits are entirely based on statistical tests of hypotheses and confidence intervals are constructed for the parameters within the terminal nodes as well as the final predictions. A Monte Carlo Experiment shows the estimators’ properties and the ability of the proposed algorithm to identify correctly several tree architectures. An application to the famous Boston Housing dataset shows that the proposed model provides better explanation with the same number of leaves as the one obtained with the CART algorithm.

    A África, o Sul e as ciências sociais brasileiras:: descolonização e abertura

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    O texto introduz questões recentes sobre a relação entre as ciências sociais na África e no Brasil, inserindo-as no debate sobre as sociologias do Sul e a geopolítica do conhecimento na produção de teoria social. A partir da noção de sociologia não exemplar são apresentados alguns dos possíveis caminhos teórico-metodológicos que possibilitariam um posicionamento mais simétrico para a produção de conhecimento localizada fora da Euro-América

    REFORMA AGRÁRIA E LAND REFORM: movimentos sociais e o sentido de ser um sem-terra no Brasil e na África do Sul

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    Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa comparada sobre a atuação do Landless People´s Movement (LPM), da África do Sul, e do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem-Terra (MST), realizada entre 2005 e 2009. No lado brasileiro, impera a ideia de reforma agrária, ou seja, uma ação política voltada para o uso produtivo ou agrícola da terra, que tem, como pano de fundo, critérios legais de produtividade. Na parte sul-africana, vemos o embate se estruturar sob a nomenclatura de land reform, slogan que remete a uma mudança na distribuição do território, visando à reparação das injustiças cometidas pelos governos do apartheid. Sendo assim, indicamos que esses dois casos comportam tipos diferentes de sujeitos da ação política. Tendo como referentes agentes históricos distintos, os movimentos sob análise, nesses dois países, procuram se legitimar por meio de diferentes “grandezas” que justificam suas existências e suas lutas. Neste artigo, procuraremos apresentar as especificidades de cada um dos sem-terras desses movimentos, a partir das suas formas sociais de “engrandecimento e justificação social” diante de suas bases e do Estado. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: sem-terra, reforma agrária, África do Sul, movimentos sociais, MST.RÉFORME AGRAIRE ET LAND REFORM: les mouvements sociaux et la raison d’être un paysan sans-terre au Brésil et en Afrique du Sud Marcelo C. Rosa Cette étude présente les résultats d’une recherche comparative faite entre 2005 et 2009 sur le rôle des Landless People´s Movement (LPM), en Afrique du Sud, et le Mouvement des Travailleurs Ruraux Sans Terre (MST) au Brésil. Du côté brésilien l’idée de réforme agraire domine, c’est-àdire celle d’une action politique visant une utilisation productive ou agricole des terres avec, comme toile de fond, des critères légaux de productivité. En Afrique du Sud, la lutte se base sur une nomemclature de land reform, slogan qui fait appel à un changement au niveau de la distribution des terres afin de réparer les injustices commises par les gouvenements de l’apartheid. Il est donc important de faire remarquer que ces deux cas se rapportent à des types différents de sujets de l’action politique. Vu notre référence à des agents historiques distincts, nous pouvons dire que les mouvements analysés dans ces deux pays cherchent leur légitimation dans des “grandiosités” différentes, qui justifient leur existence et leurs luttes. Dans cet article, sous essayerons de montrer les spécificités de chaque paysan sans terre appartenant à ces mouvements, à partir de leurs manières de “se mettre en valeur et de se justifier socialement” face à leurs bases et à l’État. MOTS-CLÉS: paysans sans-terre, réforme agraire, Afrique du Sud, mouvements sociaux, MST. AGRARIAN REFORM AND LAND REFORM: social movements and the sense of being a landless worker in Brazil and South Africa Marcelo C. Rosa This article presents the results of a comparative research developed between 2005 and 2009 on the actions of the South African Landless People’s Movement (LPM) and the Brazilian Landless Rural Workers’ Movement (MST). In Brazil, the concept of an agrarian reform prevails, that is, a political action towards a productive agricultural use of the land, having the productivity criteria as its main frame of reference. In South Africa, the conflict is structured under the term of land reform, a slogan that refers to the changes in territory distribution, aiming to make up for the harm caused by apartheid. Thus, we point out that each case involves different types of subjects within their political actions. By having different historical agents as their reference, the movements analyzed in both countries attempt to gain legitimacy through particular dimensions that justify their existence and struggle. In this article, we intend to show the specificities of the landless workers in each movement, according to the forms of “social elevation and justification” regarding their peers and the State. KEY-WORDS: landless workers, agrarian reform, South Africa, social movements, MST. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.br   Publicação Online do Caderno CRH no Scielo: http://www.scielo.br/ccr

    A Terra e seus Vários Sentidos:: por uma Sociologia e Etnologia dos moradores de fazenda na África do Sul contemporânea

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    Este texto é resultado de pesquisas realizadas com o Landless People´s Movement, na África do Sul, e tem como tema a relação histórica estabelecida entre os trabalhadores rurais moradores de fazendas de brancos (denominados farm dwellers, em inglês, ou abahlali basimapulazini, em Zulu) e as terras em que vivem. A partir de dados bibliográficos, fontes documentais e pesquisa de campo, defendemos a hipótese de que essas pessoas compõem uma categoria fluida, do ponto de vista das políticas de restituição, de reforma e de direito à terra. Tratar-se-ia de uma categoria em que estariam entremeadas as consequências do apartheid, as transformações na agricultura, as religiões e as leis costumeiras. Trama e fluidez que constituem um problema para antropólogos e sociólogos que se aventuram a lidar com a questão, assim como para os próprios movimentos e ONGs que a representam. Tanto do ângulo das políticas, como dos textos de ciências sociais, esses trabalhadores encarnariam os dilemas de não serem vistos nem como suficientemente modernos, tampouco como tradicionais a ponto de garantirem status teórico no escaninho dos estudos sobre o campesinato e trabalhadores rurais ou no da Etnologia africana clássica

    Human leptospirosis caused by serotype alexi in Brazil

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    Arquitetura deposicional da barreira holocênica na porção meridional da Ilha de São Francisco do Sul, SC, Brasil

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    The geophysical method GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) together with subsurface sampling with a vibrocore allowed to characterize the sedimentary facies and depositional architecture of the Holocenic portion of the Ilha de São Francisco do Sul coastal plain, located in the northern region of Santa Catarina State. The study area was divided into two distinct blocks, north and south, according to the sedimentary architecture defined by radar stratigraphy. The collected data allowed the characterization of beach, eolic, lagoon and estuarine depositional environments in the radargram profiles. The north block has reflectors consistent with barrier progradation during the sea level fall of 2.5 m in the last 5,000 years. At south block the reflectors show clear influence of paleochannels systems and spits in the barrier development, where the progradation occurred under the influence of the Babitonga paleoestuary dynamics.O método geofísico do radar de penetração no solo (GPR) juntamente com sondagens utilizando um vibrotestemunhador permitiram caracterizar as fácies sedimentares e a arquitetura deposicional da porção holocênica da planície costeira da Ilha de São Francisco do Sul, litoral norte de Santa Catarina. A área de estudo foi dividida em dois blocos, norte e sul, segundo a arquitetura deposicional definida através da estratigrafia de radar. Os dados obtidos permitiram a caracteriza- ção dos ambientes de sedimentação praial, eólico, lagunar e estuarino nos radargramas. No bloco norte são interpretados refletores condizentes com a progradação da barreira, relacionada com a queda de nível do mar de 2,5 m nos últimos 5.000 anos. No bloco sul, os refletores mostram clara influência de sistemas de paleocanais e esporões arenosos no desenvolvimento da barreira, onde a progradação se desenvolveu sob a influência da dinâmica do paleoestuário da Babitonga

    In Vitro

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    Jaboticaba is a fruit from a native tree to Brazil, Plinia peruviana. Jaboticaba peels are an important source of antioxidant molecules such as phenolic compounds. This study aimed to evaluate in vitro the activity of a hydroalcoholic extract of jaboticaba fruit peels (HEJFP) in wound healing processes and antioxidant activity in murine fibroblasts (L929 cell line). HEJFP concentrations (0.5, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 µg/mL) were tested in MTT assay and cell proliferation was verified at 100 µg/mL after 24 h and at 25, 50, and 100 µg/mL after 48 h of extract exposure. Evaluation of antioxidant activity was performed at 0.5, 5, 25, 50, and 100 µg/mL HEJFP concentrations. Cell treatment with HEJFP at 25, 50, and 100 µg/mL for 24 h followed by H2O2 exposure for 3 h showed a strong cytoprotective effect. In vitro scratch wound healing assay indicated that none of tested HEJFP concentrations (0.5, 5, 25, 50, and 100 µg/mL) were capable of increasing migration rate after 12 h of incubation. These results demonstrate a positive effect of HEJFP on the wound healing process on L929 fibroblasts cell line, probably due to the antioxidant activity exhibited by phytochemicals in the extract


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    Objective: The present study aimed to characterize and quantify the total phenolics, flavonoids and tannins in a hydroethanolic crude extract (70% (v/v) (EB)) of the leaves of E. florida DC, as well as to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the extract against different species of micro-organisms.Methods: EB was characterized using a mass spectrometer equipped with a direct insertion device for in-stream injection (FIA). Quantitative analyses of major compounds were carried out by spectrophotometry. In addition, we evaluated the sensitivity profiles of different strains of yeast and bacteria against different concentrations of EB.Results: The classes found were in agreement with those described in the literature: flavonoids, tannins, phenolic acids and saponins. EB showed levels of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and tannins equal to 25.82 mg gallic acid equivalents per gram of extract (EAG/g), 8.42 mg quercetin equivalents per gram of extract (EQ/g) and 7.30 mg tannic acid equivalents per gram of extract (AT/g), respectively. In the analysis of antimicrobial activity, EB was more active against yeasts but was not effective against the bacteria used in the test.Conclusion: We can conclude that E. florida DC has antimicrobial potential, due to the presence of bioactive secondary metabolites.Keywords: Phenolics, Micro-organisms, Mass spectrometer, Yeasts, Bacteria, PotentialÂ