109 research outputs found

    Boosting the Maxwell double layer potential using a right spin factor

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    We construct new spin singular integral equations for solving scattering problems for Maxwell's equations, both against perfect conductors and in media with piecewise constant permittivity, permeability and conductivity, improving and extending earlier formulations by the author. These differ in a fundamental way from classical integral equations, which use double layer potential operators, and have the advantage of having a better condition number, in particular in Fredholm sense and on Lipschitz regular interfaces, and do not suffer from spurious resonances. The construction of the integral equations builds on the observation that the double layer potential factorises into a boundary value problem and an ansatz. We modify the ansatz, inspired by a non-selfadjoint local elliptic boundary condition for Dirac equations

    Square function and maximal function estimates for operators beyond divergence form equations

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    We prove square function estimates in L2L_2 for general operators of the form B1D1+D2B2B_1D_1+D_2B_2, where DiD_i are partially elliptic constant coefficient homogeneous first order self-adjoint differential operators with orthogonal ranges, and BiB_i are bounded accretive multiplication operators, extending earlier estimates from the Kato square root problem to a wider class of operators. The main novelty is that B1B_1 and B2B_2 are not assumed to be related in any way. We show how these operators appear naturally from exterior differential systems with boundary data in L2L_2. We also prove non-tangential maximal function estimates, where our proof needs only off-diagonal decay of resolvents in L2L_2, unlike earlier proofs which relied on interpolation and LpL_p estimates

    Cauchy non-integral formulas

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    We study certain generalized Cauchy integral formulas for gradients of solutions to second order divergence form elliptic systems, which appeared in recent work by P. Auscher and A. Ros\'en. These are constructed through functional calculus and are in general beyond the scope of singular integrals. More precisely, we establish such Cauchy formulas for solutions uu with gradient in weighted L2(R+1+n,tαdtdx)L_2(\R^{1+n}_+,t^{\alpha}dtdx) also in the case ∣α∣<1|\alpha|<1. In the end point cases α=±1\alpha= \pm 1, we show how to apply Carleson duality results by T. Hyt\"onen and A. Ros\'en to establish such Cauchy formulas

    Evolution of time-harmonic electromagnetic and acoustic waves along waveguides

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    We study time-harmonic electromagnetic and acoustic waveguides, modeled by an infinite cylinder with a non-smooth cross section. We introduce an infinitesimal generator for the wave evolution along the cylinder, and prove estimates of the functional calculi of these first order non-self adjoint differential operators with non-smooth coefficients. Applying our new functional calculus, we obtain a one-to-one correspondence between polynomially bounded time-harmonic waves and functions in appropriate spectral subspaces

    On the Carleson duality

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    As a tool for solving the Neumann problem for divergence form equations, Kenig and Pipher introduced the space X of functions on the half space, such that the non-tangential maximal function of their L_2-Whitney averages belongs to L_2 on the boundary. In this paper, answering questions which arose from recent studies of boundary value problems by Auscher and the second author, we find the pre-dual of X, and characterize the pointwise multipliers from X to L_2 on the half space as the well-known Carleson-type space of functions introduced by Dahlberg. We also extend these results to L_p generalizations of the space X. Our results elaborate on the well-known duality between Carleson measures and non-tangential maximal functions.Comment: The second author has recently changed surname from previous name Andreas Axelsso

    Riesz continuity of the Atiyah-Singer Dirac operator under perturbations of local boundary conditions

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    On a smooth complete Riemannian spin manifold with smooth compact boundary, we demonstrate that the Atiyah-Singer Dirac operator DB\mathrm{D}_{\mathcal B} in L2\mathrm{L}^{2} depends Riesz continuously on L∞\mathrm{L}^{\infty} perturbations of local boundary conditions B{\mathcal B}. The Lipschitz bound for the map B→DB(1+DB2)−12{\mathcal B} \to {\mathrm{D}}_{\mathcal B}(1 + {\mathrm{D}}_{\mathcal B}^2)^{-\frac{1}{2}} depends on Lipschitz smoothness and ellipticity of B{\mathcal B} and bounds on Ricci curvature and its first derivatives as well as a lower bound on injectivity radius. More generally, we prove perturbation estimates for functional calculi of elliptic operators on manifolds with local boundary conditions.Comment: Final versio

    Cauchy integrals for the p-Laplace equation in planar Lipschitz domains

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    We construct solutions to p-Laplace type equations in unbounded Lipschitz domains in the plane with prescribed boundary data in appropriate fractional Sobolev spaces. Our approach builds on a Cauchy integral representation formula for solutions.Comment: Error in proof correcte

    Approximate dynamic fault tree calculations for modelling water supply risks

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    Traditional fault tree analysis is not always sufficient when analysing complex systems. To overcome the limitations dynamic fault tree (DFT) analysis is suggested in the literature as well as different approaches for how to solve DFTs. For added value in fault tree analysis, approximate DFT calculations based on a Markovian approach are presented and evaluated here. The approximate DFT calculations are performed using standard Monte Carlo simulations and do not require simulations of the full Markov models, which simplifies model building and in particular calculations. It is shown how to extend the calculations of the traditional OR- and AND-gates, so that information is available on the failure probability, the failure rate and the mean downtime at all levels in the fault tree. Two additional logic gates are presented that make it possible to model a system’s ability to compensate for failures. This work was initiated to enable correct analyses of water supply risks. Drinking water systems are typically complex with an inherent ability to compensate for failures that is not easily modelled using traditional logic gates. The approximate DFT calculations are compared to results from simulations of theorresponding Markov models for three water supply examples. For the traditional OR- and AND-gates, and one gate modelling compensation, the errors in the results are small. For the other gate modelling compensation, the error increases with the number of compensating components. The errors are, however, in most cases acceptable with respect to uncertainties in input data. The approximate DFT calculations improve the capabilities of fault tree analysis of drinking water systems since they provide additional and important information and are simple and practically applicable
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