95 research outputs found

    Concerns regarding hepatitis B vaccination and post-vaccination test among Brazilian dentists

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hepatitis B infection is the major cause of acute and chronic liver disease, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma worldwide and has long been recognized as an occupational hazard among dentists. The aim of the present study was to examine factors associated to the self-reporting of hepatitis B vaccination and immunization status among dentists working in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional survey was carried out with 1302 dentists in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. After signing a term of informed consent, the participants answered a structured questionnaire on their knowledge regarding their vaccination and immunization status against hepatitis B. Data on demographic, behavioural and occupational exposure aspects were also collected through questionnaires.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The results revealed that 73.8% of the dentists reported having received three doses of the vaccine. Multivariate analysis revealed that gender (p = 0.006), use of individual protective equipment (p = 0.021), history of blood transfusion (p = 0.024) and history of illicit drug use (p = 0.013) were independently associated with vaccination against hepatitis B. Only 14.8% had performed a post-vaccination test. The use of individual protective equipment (p = 0.038), dentists who asked patients about hepatitis during dental treatment (p < 0.001), a family history of hepatitis B (p = 0.003) and work experience (p < 0.05) were independently associated with the post-vaccination test.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Although there were a large number of vaccinated dentists in Belo Horizonte, the percentage was less than what was expected, as Brazil offers the National Program of Viral Hepatitis Vaccination, which provides free hepatitis B vaccinations to all healthcare workers. Despite being part of a high risk group for contamination, most of the dentists did not know their immunization status.</p

    Factors associated with seroprevalence of hepatitis C among dentists at a large Brazilian city

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the present study was to investigate the seroprevalence and sociodemographic data, health-related and occupational factors and other correlates of sero-posivity among dentists in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional survey was carried out with 1302 dentists in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. All dentists were tested for anti-HCV using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Individuals positive for anti-HCV were recalled for further evaluation. The presence of HCV RNA in anti-HCV-positive samples was assessed using reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Data on demographic, behavioural and occupational exposure aspects were collected through questionnaires.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The seroprevalence of anti-HCV was 0.9% (95% IC 0.5-1.7%). The factors associated to the prevalence of hepatitis C were history of blood transfusion (p = 0.002) and having undergone a test for hepatitis C (p = 0.015).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The seroprevalence of anti-HCV among dentists is low. Moreover, no occupational exposure was associated to the seroprevalence of hepatitis C.</p


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    The family agriculture was constituted, in elapsing of the years 1990, in an of the main axes of the discussions on the Brazilian agrarian subject. In the institutional ambit, the creation of the National Program of Invigoration of the Family Agriculture represented the official recognition, in terms of national agricultural politics, of the economic and social importance of that category of producers in the rural way. From among the lines of action of the program, stands out, under the perspective of the local development, PRONAF Infra-estrutura and Municipal Services. In that action line, the financed municipal infrastructure works should assist to the demands of the family producers, represented by means of the rural associations in the Municipal Council of Rural Development. In that way, it was verified that in the municipal districts of Alfredo Marcondes and Álvares Machado, located in Geographical Microrregião of Presidente Prudente, the introduce of that program contributed to dynamic the actions of the associations of existent rural producers in these places, reinforcing its political importance close to as instance of the family farmers’ representation the other spheres of the local power.A agricultura familiar constituiu-se, no decorrer dos anos 1990, num dos principais eixos norteadores das discussões sobre a questão agrária brasileira. No âmbito institucional, a criação do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar representou o reconhecimento oficial, em termos de política agrícola nacional, da importância econômica e social dessa categoria de produtores no meio rural. Dentre as linhas de ação do programa, destaca-se, sob a perspectiva do desenvolvimento local, o PRONAF Infra-Estrutura e Serviços Municipais. Nessa linha de ação, o financiamento das obras de infra-estrutura e de serviços de apoio visa atender às demandas dos produtores familiares representados, por meio das associações rurais, nos Conselhos Municipais de Desenvolvimento Rural. Dessa forma, constatou-se que nos municípios de Alfredo Marcondes e Álvares Machado, localizados na Microrregião Geográfica dePresidente Prudente, a implementação desse programa contribuiu para dinamizar as ações das associações de produtores rurais existentes nestas&nbsp; ocalidades, reforçandosua importância política como instância de representação dos agricultores familiaresjunto às demais esferas do poder local


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    This study had the purpose to optimize the specific volume and sensorial quality of breads prepared with different proportions of wheat flour, cassava starch and okara (residue of protein soybean extract). It was used the direct baking process test as the standard and displacement of millet seeds method for specific volume determination. The sensorial analysis was carried out with a trained painel to determine internal and external characteristic, flavor, taste and general grade of elaborated breads. It was applied the test of acceptability of the product optimized after 1, 48 and 96 hours of storage. The specific volume of the bread was higher when smaller proportion of okara was used compared to cassava starch. The bread made with 64.1% of wheat flour, 18.9% of okara and 17% of cassava starch showed specific volume of 4.02 cm3/g, durability and acceptability up to 96 hours after baking. The partial substitution of wheat flour by cassava starch and okara up to 35.9% was viable. The bread obtained had good sensorial quality and specific volume as common sandwich loaf.O objetivo deste trabalho foi otimizar o volume específico e a qualidade sensorial de pães de forma elaborados com diferentes proporções de farinha de trigo, fécula de mandioca e okara (resíduo do extrato protéico de soja). Utilizou-se o teste de panificação direto para padronização do processo e o método de deslocamento de sementes de painço para a determinação do volume específico dos pães elaborados. Efetuou-se análise sensorial do pão com equipe treinada para a determinação das características externas, internas, aroma, gosto e nota geral. Aplicou-se o teste de aceitação ao produto otimizado após 1, 48 e 96h de armazenamento. Concluiu-se que o volume específico dos pães foi maior quando se utilizou menor proporção de okara em relação à fécula de mandioca. Os pães elaborados com 64,1% de farinha de trigo, 18,9% de okara e 17% de fécula de mandioca apresentaram volume específico de 4,02 cm3/g, durabilidade e aceitabilidade até 96 horas após sua produção. A substituição parcial da farinha de trigo por fécula de mandioca e okara no pão de forma até 35,9% mostrou-se viável, obtendo-se pães com boa qualidade sensorial e volume específico próximo ao do pão de forma comum

    Dimensionamento informatizado de profesionales de enfermería: innovation tecnológica

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    Esse estudo, de produção tecnológica, teve como objetivo desenvolver um programa aplicativo para dimensionar o quadro de profissionais de enfermagem em unidades de internação hospitalar. O método seguiu as fases de concepção, detalhamento e construção e prototipagem do sistema de forma iterativa e cíclica. O programa computacional, denominado de Dimensionamento de Profissionais de Enfermagem - DIPE, é uma ferramenta que operacionaliza o dimensionamento, fundamentado na carga de trabalho da unidade, para a adequada relação profissionais/pacientes, segundo os tipos de cuidado; no Índice de Segurança Técnica (IST) para cobertura das ausências previstas (folgas e férias) e não previstas (faltas e licenças) e no tempo despendido na jornada de trabalho para as pausas dos profissionais. O sistema está disponível no site da Escola de Enfermagem da USP: http://www.ee.usp.br/dipe. A incorporação desse avanço tecnológico constitui importante estratégia gerencial para a melhoria da qualidade da atenção à saúde.The aim of this technological production study was to develop a program to measure nursing professional chart in units of hospitalization. The method followed the phases of conception, description, construction and prototyping of the system interactively and a cyclically. The computerized program, denominated Measuring Nursing Professionals (DIPE) is a tool that operationalizes measurement based on the workload of the unit for the adequate professional/patient relationship according to types of care, according to the Index of Technical Security to cover expected absences (day-off and vacation) and those non expected (leave and licenses) and also time spent during work for pauses of professionals. The system is available in the site of the Nursing School of USP: htpp://www.ee.usp.br/dipe. The incorporation of this technological development became important managerial instrument to improve quality in health attention.Ese estudio de producción tecnológica tuvo como objetivo el desarrollo de un programa aplicativo para el dimensionamiento del cuadro de profesionales de enfermería en unidades de internación hospitalario. La metodología siguió las fases de concepción, detalle, construcción y prototipaje del sistema de forma interactiva y cíclica. El programa computacional, nombrado como Dimensionamiento de Profesionales de Enfermería - DIPE, es una herramienta para la realización del cálculo de personal basado en la carga de trabajo de la unidad y la adecuada relación profesional/paciente, según los tipos de cuidado, en el Índice de Seguridad Técnica (IST) para cobertura de las ausencias previstas (descanso y vacaciones) y las no previstas (ausencias y licencias) y en el tiempo utilizado por los profesionales en sus pausas. El sistema esta disponible en el sitio de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de São Paulo: http://www.ee.usp.br/dipe. La incorporación de esa tecnología constituye una importante estrategia gerencial para la mejoría de la cualidad de la atención de salud.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Quality indicators in support of intravenous therapy in a university hospital: a contribution of nursing

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    Objectives: to understand the indicators of quality of care for intravenous therapy in the neonatal intensive care unit of a university hospital. Method: a non-experimental descriptive study with a quantitative approach in the NICU of a university hospital, through a systematic survey on the protocol of intravenous care: peripheral venous access, PICC and central venous catheter. Excel and presented in tables - statistical treatment, where the data were pooled and processed in Microsoft Office program was conducted. The study was approved by the CEP HUAP/UFF under Protocol 01660412.9.0000.5243 . Results: in the data analysis, the results showed a greater need for technical training and maintenance of venous access catheter peripheral, PICC, and umbilical catheter. Conclusion: so, the health professional should facilitate and promote patient safety for the sake of your well being and quality of life, avoiding the risks and adverse effects

    Characterization of organic arrowroot starch and potential for application in food

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    O amido de araruta possui potencial para aplicação em alimentos e gera produtos sem glúten. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar as propriedades do amido visando a sua aplicação tecnológica em alimentos. Os rizomas de araruta foram obtidos em plantação da Escola de Agronomia da Universidade Federal de Goiás. Para obter o amido os rizomas foram triturados, peneirados e secos. Foram realizadas análises de capacidade de formação de gel, atividade de água, acidez titulável, umidade, pH, colorimetria, solubilidade em água e leite, índice de absorção em água, óleo e leite. A umidade (9,49%) e Aw (0,32) são esperados para o tipo de produto e estão dentro da legislação. O pH de 6,68 caracteriza os amidos nativos, a coloração é natural dos rizomas que geraram o amido. A solubilidade em leite foi maior do que em água e o índice de absorção foi maior em leite confirmando o potencial do amido aplicado em alimentos à base de leite como os panificados. O amido possui potencial para aplicação em alimentos e representa alternativa de alimentação para celíacos. Palavras-chave: gel, absorção, rizomas.Ararut starch has potential for application in food and generates products without gluten. The objective of this work was to study the properties of the starch for its technological application in food. Araruta rhizomes were obtained from the Agronomy School of the Federal University of Goiás. To obtain the starch the rhizomes were crushed, sieved and dried. Analyzes of gel formation capacity, water activity, titratable acidity, moisture, pH, colorimetry, water and milk solubility, water, oil and milk absorption index were performed. Humidity (9.49%) and Aw (0.32) are expected for the product type and are within the legislation. The pH of 6.68 characterizes the native starches, the natural coloration of the rhizomes that generated the starch. The solubility in milk was higher than in water and the absorption index was higher in milk confirming the potential of the starch applied in milk-based foods such as baked goods. The starch has potential for application in food and represents alternative food for celiacs. Keywords: gel, absorption, rhizomes