15 research outputs found

    Training of the future teacher in the flipped learning model in an online environment

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    The objective of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of a training program, based on the flipped learning model, for future teachers of Secondary Education and Vocational Training. For this study, a pre-experimental research design was used, and an instrument was applied to determine the level of training acquired in active methodologies, design of activities, technological tools, evaluation strategies, and student satisfaction with the training program. The results show the effectiveness of the program for training students in the active methodologies and technological tools most appropriate to implement the flipped model in the classroom.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Gamificando la gestión de proyectos: la casa de papel para el análisis de riesgos

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido evaluar una experiencia de gamificación basada en un Escape room y analizar la satisfacción del alumnado con esta. Se ha utilizado una metodología cuantitativa con un diseño descriptivo tipo encuesta. En la experiencia han participado 25 estudiantes que cursaban la asignatura de Gestión de Proyectos durante el curso 2020-2021. Como instrumentos se utilizaron, la escala de evaluación de experiencias gamificadas (Gamex) y un cuestionario diseñado ad hoc para conocer el grado de satisfacción del alumnado. Los resultados muestran que la experiencia de gamificación ha sido divertida y entretenida, el alumnado se ha implicado y se ha sentido confiado, despertando su imaginación.Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualitat::4.3 - Per a 2030, assegurar l’accés en condicions d’igualtat per a tots els homes i dones a una formació tècnica, professional i superior de qualitat, inclòs l’ensenyament universitariObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualitat::4.4 - Per a 2030, augmentar substancialment el nombre de joves i persones adultes que tenen les competències necessàries, en particular tècniques i professionals, per a accedir a l’ocupació, el treball digne i l’emprenedoriaPostprint (published version

    Hsp90 beta inhibition modulates nitric oxide production and nitric oxide-induced apoptosis in human chondrocytes

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    Background: Hsp90 beta is a member of the Hsp90 family of protein chaperones. This family plays essential roles in the folding, maturation and activity of many proteins that are involved in signal transduction and transcriptional regulation. The role of this protein in chondrocytes is not well understood, although its increase in osteoarthritic cells has been reported. The present study aimed to explore the role of Hsp90 beta in key aspects of OA pathogenesis. Methods: Human OA chondrocytes were isolated from cartilage obtained from patients undergoing joint replacement surgery, and primary cultured. Cells were stimulated with proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta or TNF-alpha) and nitric oxide donors (NOC-12 or SNP). For Hsp90 beta inhibition, two different chemical inhibitors (Geldanamycin and Novobiocin) were employed, or siRNA transfection procedures were carried out. Gene expression was determined by real-time PCR, apoptosis was quantified by flow cytometry and ELISA, and nitric oxide (NO) production was evaluated by the Griess method. Indirect immunofluorescence assays were performed to evaluate the presence of Hsp90 beta in stimulated cells. Results: Hsp90 beta was found to be increased by proinflammatory cytokines. Inhibition of Hsp90 beta by the chemicals Geldanamycin (GA) and Novobiocin (NB) caused a dose-dependent decrease of the NO production induced by IL-1 beta in chondrocytes, up to basal levels. Immunofluorescence analyses demonstrate that the NO donors NOC-12 and SNP also increased Hsp90 beta. Chemical inhibition or specific gene silencing of this chaperone reduced the DNA condensation and fragmentation, typical of death by apoptosis, that is induced by NO donors in chondrocytes. Conclusions: The present results show how Hsp90 beta modulates NO production and NO-mediated cellular death in human OA chondrocytes

    Pointing Out Some Issues Regarding Reproduction Management in Murciano-Granadina Goats

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    [EN] The hypothesis of this experiment proposes that it could be possible to identify pregnant goats through maximum progesterone milk levels at any time in the pregnancy, and that there is an optimal moment to apply a lactation inhibitor to dry off lactating goats. The maximum progesterone concentration in milk varied depending on the season of the year, and those concentrations were similar for pregnant and non-pregnant goats, but significantly higher in the case of gestating goats with four foetuses, for which it would be possible to distinguish the pregnancy. The milk yield of goats at mating does not affect fertility until a value of at least 3250 mL/day. If using lactation inhibitors, their application up to the 10th week post-mating would be optimal for drying off lactating goats. Two of the most important problems in high-yielding dairy goat farms are early and accurate pregnancy diagnosis and the appropriate dry off of lactating does before the next kidding. The hypothesis posits that it could be possible to identify pregnant does through maximum progesterone milk levels at any time during the pregnancy, and that there is an optimal time to apply a lactation inhibitor to help dry off lactating does. Therefore, 114 Murciano-Granadina breed goats were used, from which 74 goats were inseminated at week 20 of lactation and samples of milk from pregnant and non-pregnant goats were taken at two-week intervals. The average maximum progesterone milk levels were higher outside the natural breeding season (40 degrees latitude) than in the breeding season (11.6 +/- 1.13 vs. 8.6 +/- 1.02 ng/mL), although the levels from pregnant and non-pregnant goats were similar (10.85 +/- 1.3 vs. 9.74 +/- 1.6 ng/mL), except in the case of pregnancy with four foetuses (12.5 +/- 1.3 ng/mL). Milk yield at mating does not affect fertility until a value of at least 3250 mL/day. Pregnancy started to affect milk yield up to the +7th week and was 59.9% lower in the +10th week after mating, so the use of lactation inhibitors could be more effective from this latter week. In conclusion, the results show that it is not possible to detect gestation in goats reliably through the maximum concentration of progesterone in milk at any time during lactation, except in the case of goats gestating four foetuses, that the milk yield of goats at mating does not affect fertility until a value of at least 3250 mL/day, and that from the 10th week post-mating, the application of lactation inhibitors would be optimal.This research was funded by the project RTA2017-00049-C02-02 (Agencia Estatal de Investigación) with ERDF funds.Fernández Martínez, N.; Beltrán Martínez, MC.; Romero, G.; Roca, MA.; Rodríguez Garcia, M.; Balasch Parisi, S. (2021). Pointing Out Some Issues Regarding Reproduction Management in Murciano-Granadina Goats. Animals. 11(6):1-13. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11061781S11311

    The subject of Projects in the degree in Industrial Technologies in the spanish polytechnic universities: view from the teaching guides

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar cómo se presenta mediante la guía docente la asignatura de Proyectos al alumnado del Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales (GRETI) en las diferentes universidades politécnicas españolas. Para realizar dicho análisis, se ha utilizado como instrumento de evaluación una rúbrica validada previamente por el grupo GRAPA (Grupo de Evaluación de la Práctica Académica de la UPC), y se ha aplicado a las guías docentes disponibles en las páginas web de las diferentes universidades de la asignatura de proyectos de GRETI. Los resultados muestran que a nivel global las guías docentes están muy bien elaboradas y obtienen una buena puntuación. Si observamos los resultados por ítems se observa que el que obtiene una puntuación más baja es el correspondiente a los instrumentos de evaluación mientras que los relativos a metodología y actividades son los que resultan mejor valorados. Los resultados sugieren que todavía falta por terminar de definir las competencias que desarrollarán a lo largo de la asignatura, los niveles de desarrollo y cómo se realizará la evaluación de las mismas, para verificar que el alumnado formado será competente en dichas habilidadesObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatPostprint (published version

    Design of an instrument for the evaluation of portfolios. Employers' perception

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo obtener un instrumento que permita orientar a los estudiantes en la elaboración de un portafolio que recoja las evidencias desarrolladas a lo largo de sus estudios y poner en valor las competencias adquiridas cuando se enfrenten a un proceso de selección de personal. Dicho instrumento se desarrollará con la percepción y visión de los empleadores. Para realizar el diseño de dicho instrumento, se ha llevado a cabo una breve encuesta a diferentes empleadores para conocer su opinión acerca de la utilidad de disponer de un portafolio, así como para recoger aquellos aspectos que consideran que el portafolio debería mostrar y poner en valor y en consecuencia el instrumento que utilizaremos debiera valorar para ayudar a los estudiantes en el diseño del mismo. El análisis de los resultados de la encuesta, nos ha permitido diseñar un primer borrador de instrumento en forma de escala de valoración, la aplicación del cual permite a los estudiantes conocer en qué grado el diseño y contenido de su portafolio de competencias se ajusta a los requerimientos manifestados por los empleadores.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The subject of projects in the degree in industrial technologies in the Spanish polytecnic universities: view from the teaching guides

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar cómo se presenta mediante la guía docente la asignatura de Proyectos al alumnado del Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriales (GRETI) en las diferentes universidades politécnicas españolas. Para realizar dicho análisis, se ha utilizado como instrumento de evaluación una rúbrica validada previamente por el grupo GRAPA (Grupo de Evaluación de la Práctica Académica de la UPC), y se ha aplicado a las guías docentes disponibles en las páginas web de las diferentes universidades de la asignatura de proyectos de GRETI. Los resultados muestran que a nivel global las guías docentes están muy bien elaboradas y obtienen una buena puntuación. Si observamos los resultados por ítems se observa que el que obtiene una puntuación más baja es el correspondiente a los instrumentos de evaluación mientras que los relativos a metodología y actividades son los que resultan mejor valorados. Los resultados sugieren que todavía falta por terminar de definir las competencias que desarrollarán a lo largo de la asignatura, los niveles de desarrollo y cómo se realizará la evaluación de las mismas, para verificar que el alumnado formado será competente en dichas habilidades.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluación de la competencia de trabajo en equipo. Visión del profesorado y empleadores

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    The development and assessment of skills from graduate students throughout their studies, has been incorporated into the new framework established by the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) as a new with respect to the previous model. Under this new approach, students, acquire transversal and specific skills development in their academic stage, in order to improve their personal and professional profile with implementation warranties. The main aim of this work is about the used methodology at university for teamwork transversal skill assessment, and knowing about human resources office assessment of this type of skills in candidates for a job vacancy. For doing this, brief semi-structured interviews were conducted and recorded with several teachers from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya who evaluate or have evaluated this competence in their subjects and with several people who are professionally dedicated to the selection human resources. After the transcription of the interviews, a qualitative analysis of data collected was carried out. This analysis showed different methodologies used in the two areas of study and the difficulties in evaluating this competence. Moreover, it was observed that while in the academic field teachers and the students have more time to carry out the assessment of this skill and demonstrate its acquisition, but in the labor area, the candidate must demonstrate to the employer the acquisition and development of this skill in a short time. The difficulty in evidencing the competence for teamwork and even other skills in a short time, suggest that it would be useful to have some tool that would allow candidates to demonstrate their degree of development in the transversal skills faster and easier.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Assessment of plasma chitotriosidase activity, CCL18/PARC concentration and NP-C suspicion index in the diagnosis of Niemann-Pick disease type C : A prospective observational study

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    Niemann-Pick disease type C (NP-C) is a rare, autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disease caused by mutations in either the NPC1 or NPC2 genes. The diagnosis of NP-C remains challenging due to the non-specific, heterogeneous nature of signs/symptoms. This study assessed the utility of plasma chitotriosidase (ChT) and Chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 18 (CCL18)/pulmonary and activation-regulated chemokine (PARC) in conjunction with the NP-C suspicion index (NP-C SI) for guiding confirmatory laboratory testing in patients with suspected NP-C. In a prospective observational cohort study, incorporating a retrospective determination of NP-C SI scores, two different diagnostic approaches were applied in two separate groups of unrelated patients from 51 Spanish medical centers (n = 118 in both groups). From Jan 2010 to Apr 2012 (Period 1), patients with ≥2 clinical signs/symptoms of NP-C were considered 'suspected NP-C' cases, and NPC1/NPC2 sequencing, plasma chitotriosidase (ChT), CCL18/PARC and sphingomyelinase levels were assessed. Based on findings in Period 1, plasma ChT and CCL18/PARC, and NP-C SI prediction scores were determined in a second group of patients between May 2012 and Apr 2014 (Period 2), and NPC1 and NPC2 were sequenced only in those with elevated ChT and/or elevated CCL18/PARC and/or NP-C SI ≥70. Filipin staining and 7-ketocholesterol (7-KC) measurements were performed in all patients with NP-C gene mutations, where possible. In total across Periods 1 and 2, 10/236 (4%) patients had a confirmed diagnosis o NP-C based on gene sequencing (5/118 [4.2%] in each Period): all of these patients had two causal NPC1 mutations. Single mutant NPC1 alleles were detected in 8/236 (3%) patients, overall. Positive filipin staining results comprised three classical and five variant biochemical phenotypes. No NPC2 mutations were detected. All patients with NPC1 mutations had high ChT activity, high CCL18/PARC concentrations and/or NP-C SI scores ≥70. Plasma 7-KC was higher than control cut-off values in all patients with two NPC1 mutations, and in the majority of patients with single mutations. Family studies identified three further NP-C patients. This approach may be very useful for laboratories that do not have mass spectrometry facilities and therefore, they cannot use other NP-C biomarkers for diagnosis

    Impact of late presentation of HIV infection on short-, mid- and long-term mortality and causes of death in a multicenter national cohort : 2004-2013

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    To analyze the impact of late presentation (LP) on overall mortality and causes of death and describe LP trends and risk factors (2004-2013). Cox models and logistic regression were used to analyze data from a nation-wide cohort in Spain. LP is defined as being diagnosed when CD4 < 350 cells/ml or AIDS. Of 7165 new HIV diagnoses, 46.9% (CI:45.7-48.0) were LP, 240 patients died.First-year mortality was the highest (aHR = 10.3[CI:5.5-19.3]); between 1 and 4 years post-diagnosis, aHR = 1.9(1.2-3.0); an