22 research outputs found

    How common is immobilization hypercalcaemia on a brain injury rehabilitation unit? a review of 337 patients

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    Abstracts from the 9th World Congress of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. June 19-23, 2015, Berlin, GermanyPostprint (published version

    Pilot study for use of a virtual model for analyse paretic upper limb functional outcome evolution in acute stroke patients

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    Abstracts from the 9th World Congress of International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. June 19-23, 2015, Berlin, GermanyPostprint (published version

    Reliability and diagnostic accuracy of a new vaginal dynamometer to measure pelvic floor muscle strength

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    Aims: Assess the intrarater and interrater reliabilities and diagnostic accuracy of a new vaginal dynamometer to measure pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength in incontinent and continent women. Methods: A test-retest reliability study including 152 female patients. Exclusion criteria: history of urge urinary incontinence, prolapse of pelvic organ, pregnancy, previous urogynecological surgery, severe vaginal atrophy, or neurological conditions. The examination comprised digital assessment using the modified Oxford scale (MOS) and dynamometry measurements with a new prototype hand-held dynamometer. The MOS score ranges from 0 to 5: 0, no contraction; 1, flicker; 2, weak; 3, moderate; 4, good; 5, strong. Examinations were performed by a physiatrist, a physiotherapist and a midwife. The rest period between each rater measurement was 5 minutes. Assessment of intrarater and interrater reliability was calculated with the intraclass correlation coefficient.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Exoesqueleto para mano discapacitada con movimiento y sensibilidad, pero sin fuerza

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    Personas con ciertas patologías tienen limitaciones en sus actividades de la vida diaria, tales como coger un vaso de agua o mover un objeto. Las ortesis ayudan a mejorar y/o restaurar la funcionalidad del sistema muscoesquelético en pacientes que tienen las limitaciones descritas. Este artículo presenta una de estas ortesis, un exoesqueleto para la mano discapacitada, con el fin de ayudar a mejorar sus actividades de la vida diaria. La novedad de este exoesqueleto patentado es que no necesita ningún tipo de energía externa para su activación. Un movimiento de la muñeca hace que se active, creando una cadena cinemática de movimientos que ayuda a agarrar el objeto.Postprint (published version

    Model d’atenció a l’endometriosi a Catalunya

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    Endometriosi; Planificació sanitària; Model d'atencióEndometriosis; Planificación sanitaria; Modelo de atenciónEndometriosis; Health planning; Attention modelEl Model d’atenció a l’endometriosi a Catalunya estableix les bases per a l’ordenació dels serveis assistencials que intervenen en el procés integral d’atenció a les dones afectades amb endometriosi, inclou aspectes clínics, aspectes assistencials i aspectes d’ordenació de circuits assistencials, que venen determinats per les actuacions necessàries per donar una atenció integral a les dones afectades

    Grasping simulation with a new device for a hand

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    People with disabilities have limitations in activities of daily life such as grasping a glass of water or moving an object. Orthotic products that improve or restore the functionality of the musculoskeletal system of a patient contribute to some extent to overcome the limitations described. So does the hand brace, used to treat musculoskeletal disorders caused by various diseases (rheumatic disorders, neurological, orthopedic and others). The paper simulates a novel exoskeleton to grasp any object. The novelty of this mechanism is that works without external energy, it works with a wrist movement that generates a kinetic movement and helps to grasp objects with an extra force. Objectives: The aim of this work is to simulate a novel exoskeleton to grasp any object. The orthosis (external devices attached on the hand of a user disabled) facilitate the functionality, being comfortable and easy to be used by the patient. It is adaptable to hand size and finger length of the patient and needs no power source for operation.Postprint (published version

    Grasping simulation with a new device for a hand

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    People with disabilities have limitations in activities of daily life such as grasping a glass of water or moving an object. Orthotic products that improve or restore the functionality of the musculoskeletal system of a patient contribute to some extent to overcome the limitations described. So does the hand brace, used to treat musculoskeletal disorders caused by various diseases (rheumatic disorders, neurological, orthopedic and others). The paper simulates a novel exoskeleton to grasp any object. The novelty of this mechanism is that works without external energy, it works with a wrist movement that generates a kinetic movement and helps to grasp objects with an extra force. Objectives: The aim of this work is to simulate a novel exoskeleton to grasp any object. The orthosis (external devices attached on the hand of a user disabled) facilitate the functionality, being comfortable and easy to be used by the patient. It is adaptable to hand size and finger length of the patient and needs no power source for operation

    Grasping simulation with a new device for a hand

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    People with disabilities have limitations in activities of daily life such as grasping a glass of water or moving an object. Orthotic products that improve or restore the functionality of the musculoskeletal system of a patient contribute to some extent to overcome the limitations described. So does the hand brace, used to treat musculoskeletal disorders caused by various diseases (rheumatic disorders, neurological, orthopedic and others). The paper simulates a novel exoskeleton to grasp any object. The novelty of this mechanism is that works without external energy, it works with a wrist movement that generates a kinetic movement and helps to grasp objects with an extra force. Objectives: The aim of this work is to simulate a novel exoskeleton to grasp any object. The orthosis (external devices attached on the hand of a user disabled) facilitate the functionality, being comfortable and easy to be used by the patient. It is adaptable to hand size and finger length of the patient and needs no power source for operation