5,676 research outputs found

    Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity in nanoporous materials studied by the Boltzmann Transport Equation

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    Nanostructured materials exhibit low thermal conductivity because of the additional scattering due to phonon-boundary interactions. As these interactions are highly sensitive to the mean free path (MFP) of a given phonon mode, MFP distributions in nanostructures can be dramatically distorted relative to bulk. Here we calculate the MFP distribution in periodic nanoporous Si for different temperatures, using the recently developed MFP-dependent Boltzmann Transport Equation. After analyzing the relative contribution of each phonon branch to thermal transport in nanoporous Si, we find that at room temperature optical phonons contribute 18 % to heat transport, compared to 5% in bulk Si. Interestingly, we observe a steady thermal conductivity in the nanoporous materials over a temperature range 200 K < T < 300 K, which we attribute to the ballistic transport of acoustic phonons with long intrinsic MFP. These results, which are also consistent with a recent experimental study, shed light on the origin of the reduction of thermal conductivity in nanostructured materials, and could contribute to multiscale heat transport engineering, in which the bulk material and geometry are optimized concurrently

    Los funcionarios judĂ­os de Pedro el Grande de AragĂłn

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    Acerca del manuscrito del Ateneo Barcelonés de los "Triunfos" de Petrarca

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    Acerca del manuscrito del Ateneo Barcelonés de los «Triunfos» de Petrarca

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    Se estudia el ms de los «Triunfi» de Petrarca conservado en el Ateneo Barcelonés, cuya primera sección se encuentra en la Bibliothèque Nationale de France (esp. 534). Mediante el análisis de las variantes, se hace retroceder la copia a un apógrafo ecléctico (grupo III de las familias detectadas por Appel), pero se subraya su valor porque se trata de la única copia ms del texto italiano que se conserva en España, y aparece con la traducción catalana del comentario de Illicino.On study the ms of the Triunfi of Petrarca conserved near the Ateneo Barcelonés, whose first part is found to the Bibliothèque Nationale de France (esp. 524). Through the analysis of variant, one traces the copy back to an eclectic apograph (group III of the families characterized from Appel), even if emphasizes the value because is the only copy ms of the Italian text conserved in Spain, and it appears accompanied from the Catalan translation of the comment of Illicino

    IDP and Refugee Return to Northern Iraq: Sustainable Returns or Demographic Bombs?

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    Regime change in Iraq has opened the door to the return of hundreds of thousands of refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs), the majority of whom were expelled from Kirkuk and other areas in northern Iraq. The Iraqi case presents three broad, readily identifiable categories of displaced persons: refugees in Iraq's neighbouring states, internally displaced persons, and refugees and migrants in third countries further afield. The first two categories include the largest numbers of displaced people as well as the majority of those with a great desire or pressing need to return to their homelands in Iraq. Although some of those displaced have succeeded in making a good life for themselves in their new new homes, those who did not manage well after their displacement generally long to return to their original towns and homes. However, the following general problems, in order of gravity, impede the success and sustainability of returns to northern Iraq: (i) sectarian competition over political structures and power distributions in post-Saddam Iraq; (ii) increasing lack of security in Iraq; (iii) insufficient preparations and slow policy implementation by the former CPA and Coalition Forces; (iv) insufficient financial resources to deal with the full magnitude of the displacement problem in Iraq; and (v) high expectations of returnees vis-a-vis continuing lack of opportunities and the slow rate of positive developments in the social, economic and political situation in Iraq. However, the emerging political contests over the future of the new Iraq greatly complicate effective and comprehensive return programs; the ultimate test of success and sustainability of return to Iraq will depend on the future of post-Saddam Iraq itself.Le changement de régime en Irak a ouvert la porte au retour de centaines de milliers de réfugiés et de personnes déplacées à l'intérieur de leur propre pays (PDIP), dont la majorité avaient été expulsés de Kirkuk et d'autres régions dans le nord de l’Irak. Le cas irakien présente trois grandes catégories de personnes déplacées facilement identifiables : les réfugiés vivant dans les états voisins de l'Irak, les personnes déplacées à l’intérieur, et les réfugiés et migrants se trouvant dans des pays tiers plus éloignés. Les deux premières catégories englobent le plus grand nombre de personnes déplacées, aussi bien que la majorité de ceux ayant un grand désir ou un besoin impérieux de retourner dans leurs territoires d’origine en Irak. Bien que certains des déplacés aient réussi à refaire leur vie de façon satisfaisante dans leurs nouveaux terres d’accueil, ceux qui ne se sont pas bien tirés d’affaire après leur déplacement éprouvent généralement le désir de retourner dans leurs villes et leurs foyers d’origines. Cependant, les problèmes généraux suivants, pris en ordre d’importance, entravent la réussite et la viabilité à long terme d’un retour vers le nord de l'Irak : (i) les rivalités sectaires pour le contrôle des structures politiques et la répartition du pouvoir dans l’Irak post-Saddam ; (ii) le manque croissant de sécurité en Irak ; (iii) les préparatifs insuffisants et la lenteur dans l’implémentation des politiques par l’ex APC (Autorité Provisoire de la Coalition) et les Forces de la coalition ; (iv) des ressources financières insuffisantes pour traiter le problème de déplacement en Irak dans toute son ampleur; et (v) les attentes élevées des réfugiés par rapport au manque incessant d'opportunités et à la lenteur de développements positifs quant à la situation sociale, économique et politique en Irak. Cependant, les rivalités politiques émergeantes pour décider de l’avenir du nouvel Irak compliquent énormément les programmes de retour efficaces et globaux ; le test ultime de la réussite et de la viabilité à long terme du retour en Irak dépendra en fin de compte du sort même de l’Irak post-Saddam

    An Investigation into the printing and wear characteristics of laser exposed plates

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    This study investigated the printing and wear characteristics of a popular laser exposed plate, the DuPont Howson Silverlith plate, by imaging one half of the plate in an imagesetter and the other half in a contact frame with a halftone film. The purpose of the investigation was to determine whether the method of imaging had an effect on plate durability when run on a press. The comparison between the digital and the film halftones was done at 150 Ipi. The dot areas on the plate were measured twice; once before and once after a press run of 100,000 impressions. Measurements of the initial sizes of the dots on the plate and the final sizes of the dots on the plate proved that the laser dots did wear faster than the contact exposed dots. The comparison between the measurements of the initial sizes of the printed dots and the final sizes of the printed dots did not demonstrate that either method of plate-making produced a more durable image

    Coesistenza/convivenza tra ebrei e cristiani ispanici

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    In this article an attempt is made to discuss and clarify the dilemma between «coexistence» and «living together», which -against what it is often said or believed-are not synonimous. The statement that Christians and Spanish-Jews coexisted but did not live together (especially if this concept is considered as in French «cohabitation») is seen from the philosophical, theoretical, and, in particular, realistic point of view; having always into account the respect, tolerance, and margination of a minority by a dominant majority.Se intenta debatir y aclarar el dilema entre «coexistencia» y «convivencia», dos palabras que, contra lo que se dice y cree, no son sinónimas. Se defiende la tesis de que entre cristianos e hispanojudíos hubo coexistencia pero no convivencia (y menos si se piensa en el francés «cohabitation» ), visto desde el punto de vista de la terna filosofía, teoría y, sobre todo, realidad; pensando siempre en el respeto, tolerancia y marginación de una minoría por parte de una mayoría dominante
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