673 research outputs found

    Numerical model for material parameter identification of cells

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    Bacteria have a complex external layer that render them with an increased stiffness and more resistant to external invasion. The works aims to model the squeezing of a bacteria between two walls, and deduce the composition of bacterial external layer from the observed deformations. A FE based model will be developed for inferring the stiffness of baceria, solving an inverse problem from the applied loading and measured displacements. The results will be applied to laboraotry experiments carried out at Institu of Bioengineering of Catalunya (IBEC)

    La Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales: posibilidades y limitaciones. Aplicación al estudio de la ocupación de la población inmigrante

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    Background of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004. WP1: CompilationEl artículo persigue tres objetivos. Por un lado, presentar las características principales de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (MCVL) como fuente de información para el análisis del mercado de trabajo y de las trayectorias laborales. A continuación se pretende dar cuenta de las dificultades del tratamiento de esta información, originada como registro administrativo, para su uso en la investigación. Finalmente, y de forma principal, se trata de exponer los aspectos metodológicos y técnicos seguidos en una investigación sobre empleo e inmigración realizada por el Centro de Estudios Sociológicos sobre la Vida Cotidiana y el Trabajo (QUIT) y destinada a analizar la repercusión de los procesos migratorios sobre el mercado de trabajo y los cambios que provocan en el modelo de empleo español. De forma específica se insistirá en los conceptos y procedimientos seguidos para el análisis de la inserción y las trayectorias laborales comparadas entre inmigrantes y autóctonos.The article has three objectives. On the one hand, the goal is to present the main features of the Continuous Sample of Working Lives (MCVL) as a source of information for analysis of labor market, and labor trajectories. Then we explain the difficulties of processing this information, because originally it was an administrative record that now is used also with research purposes. Finally, and mainly, the article exposes the methodological and technical aspects followed in a research about employment and immigration conducted by the Center for Sociological Studies on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT). This research is designed to analyze the impact of migrant processes on labor market and the changes they cause in the Spanish employment model. In particular, we insist on the concepts and procedures used for the analysis of insertion and labor trajectories compared between immigrants and native people

    La construcción de tipologías: metodología de análisis

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    La construcción de tipologias en sociologia, como procedimiento de conceptualización y análisis empirico, constituye un recurso habitual de la investigación donde cabe establecer la distinción y la interrelación entre contenido y forma del objeto de estudio, entre modelo teórico y modelo metodológico. En este articulo se expone una metodologia destinada a la construcción, el análisis y la validación de tipologias según la concepción de la denominada "tipologia estructural y articulada". Esta concepción consiste en una formulación sistematizada y de procedimiento flexible para su necesaria adaptación a cada objeto de investigación. La conceptualización y el tratamiento se hacen desde la "perspectiva de investigación distributiva", basada en la encuesta y en la estadística como instrumentos caracteristicos de recogida y análisis de los datos.The construction of typologies in sociology, like a method of conceptualization and empirical analysis, is an usual tool for research. Typologies differ, not only in content, but in form. This analytical distinction can be applied to complex theoretical constructs and is used in order to differenciate between theoretical and methodological models in typological constructions. The main objective of this article is to elaborate a methodology destinated to build, analyse and validate typologies, based on the conceptualization of what is called a "structural and articulated typology" The methodology may be seen as a flexible formulation that can be adapted to every research which has a typological construction as a goal and which adopts the cdistributive approachn, that is, a perspective based on survey and statistical methods for collecting and analysing data

    La construcción de una tipología de segmentación del mercado de trabajo

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    El objetivo de este articulo consiste en aplicar un diseño de análisis que sea adecuado a la concepción de la denominada tipologia estructural y articulada. Se trata de un diseño basado en la utilización de la encuesta y de tecnicas de análisis multivariable, dirigido a contrastar la hipótesis central de la perspectiva teórica de la segmentación del mercado de trabajo por medio de un modelo teórico basado en su conceptualización desde el ernpleo. El análisis expuesto toma como referente espacial y temporal el del mercado de trabajo delimitado por la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona para el año 1990 y en base a la información recogida en la "Enquesta de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona sobre condicions de vida i hàbits de la població".The objective of this article is to apply an analysis design useful to the "structural and articulated typologie", that is, a design based on survey and multivariate statistical methods for collecting and analyzing data which leads to contrast the main hypothesis proposed from the theoretical perspective of the labor market segmentation. The research has a geographic and temporal reference: the labor market delimited by the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona in 1990, and analyze survey data designed and collected in the called "Enquesta de la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona sobre condicions de vida i hàbits de la població

    Towards a comparative analysis of social inequalities between Europe and Latin America

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    Production of INCASI Project H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015 GA 691004This open access volume identifies the common and specific aspects of social mechanisms that generate inequalities, through comparative analyses of different dimensions in which inequalities are expressed. It includes studies on social inequalities in 5 European and 5 Latin American countries, along 11 thematic axes: inequalities in the labour market and labour trajectories; asymmetries in the relationship between training and employment; inequalities in work and family life; educational inequalities; geographical and social inequalities: ethnicity and language; social inequalities, migration and space; uncertainty, strategies, resources and capabilities; inequality of opportunity: intergenerational social mobility; social policies; gender inequalities; and research methodology. This volume is the result of a large collaborative project on social inequality funded by the European Commission: the International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities. Taking into account diverse perspectives and approximations, the collaborators have created a general analytical framework as a model of analysis of social inequalities. The various contributions in this volume help readers gain a global outlook and help reflect on social inequalities in a comparative perspective. This volume addresses social science graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, social policy makers, as well as a broader academic audience interested in social inequality

    Obtaining a bioadsorbent from orange peel suitable for batch and continous treatment

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    One form of chemical contamination involves the contribution of heavy metals to the ecosystem mainly from industrial spills and mining operations. The most toxic heavy metals are cadmium, copper, chromium, mercury, nickel, lead and zinc. The importance of this type of toxic lies in the tendency to be accumulated and concentrated by the different species, being more dangerous as it ascends the evolutionary chain towards man.Chemical precipitation is the most widely used technique for metal recovery. This process is conditioned by the pH, metal concentration and anions present in the water to be treated.Bioadsorption is considered a viable alternative to the physico-chemical methods currently used for the recovery or removal of heavy metals dissolved in liquid effluents. Its main attractiveness, from an industrial point of view, is its low cost dueto the great abundance, easy obtaining and low price of the bioadsorbent material. Bioadsorption is very effective in the treatment of metal concentrations below 100 mg/L, where the application of physical-chemical methods is not technically and economically feasible.One of these materials of interest is orange peelsbecause, due to their abundance as a waste product of the food industries, they have problems for their disposal and currently have little economic value. However, this residue has a low adsorption capacity, so both physical and chemical modifications arerequired to increase its adsorption properties.The objective of this work has been to optimize the treatment of orange peel intended to obtain a bioadsorbent that allows the removal of heavy metals both in a discontinuous process (Batch) and in an ongoing process. The verification of the characteristics of the bioadsorbent obtained has been carried out with a series of synthetic solutions of Cu (II).The particle size and consistency of the final bioadsorbent has been optimized. In addition, to achieve a homogeneous elution in the continuous process, additional heat treatment has been necessary to prevent the development of microorganisms in a period of time less than one week.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sobre monjes y literatura monástica en la Córdoba Emiral

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    El presente trabajo pretende analizar algunos aspectos del fl orecimiento de la vida monástica que se produjo en la Córdoba del siglo IX. De esa manera, una vez expuestas las evidencias existentes al respecto y tras aventurar algunas de las causas que pudieron propiciar este proceso, se pasa a rastrear las posibles huellas que dicho movimiento dejó en la literatura de los escritores cristianos de la época, en particular la presencia en ella de obras sobre monjes o vida monásticaThe present papier tries to analyse some aspects of the monastic life fl owering in the mid-ninth century Cordova. Thus, once the existing evidence regarding this matter has been presented and after proposing possible causes for this process, the author has traced back the infl uence this movement left in the Christian writers of the time, particularly the presence in their literature of works about monks and monastic life

    Una aproximación al legado latino de los mozárabes cordobeses

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    The aim of the present paper is to study to what extent the Latin- Christian literary heritage has been kept in the mid-ninth century Cordova through the works of the main Muzarabic writers. Therefore, after considering the situation of the cultural transmission, especially the teaching at schools and the existence of books, the author studies, in order of importance, the survival of this heritage, particularly that of the Christian Antiquity, the Visigothic period, the Carolingian revival and the classical Antiquity.El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar el grado de conservación del legado literario latino-cristiano en la Córdoba del siglo IX a través de las obras de los principales escritores mozárabes. Con ese fin, tras establecer la situación de los medios de la transmisión cultural, las enseñanzas en las escuelas y la existencia de libros, se analiza la pervivencia de dicho legado en varias etapas: la Antigüedad cristiana, el período visigótico, el renacimiento carolingio y la Antigüedad pagana

    Novedad léxica del latín cordobés del s. IX.

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    El presente artículo se propone un estudio de conjunto sobre los neologismos visibles en el latín de los cristianos cordobeses del s. IX, así como un análisis de su frecuencia, sus procedimientos de creación y su carácter eminentemente culto