2,382 research outputs found

    Numerical modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow in rotor-stator cavities with throughflow

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    International audienceThe present study considers the numerical modeling of the turbulent flow in a rotor-stator cavity subjected to a superimposed throughflow with heat transfer. Numerical predictions based on one-point statistical modeling using a low Reynolds number second-order full stress transport closure are compared with experimental data available in the literature. Considering small temperature differences, density variations can be here neglected which leads to dissociate the dynamical effects from the heat transfer process. The fluid flow in an enclosed disk system with axial throughflow is well predicted compared to the velocity measurements performed at IRPHE (Poncet 2005) under isothermal conditions. When the shroud is heated, the effects of rotation and coolant outward throughflow on the heat transfer have been investigated and the numerical results are found to be in good agreement with the data of Sparrow and Goldstein (1976). Their results have been extended for a wide range of the Prandtl numbers. We have also considered the case of an open rotor-stator cavity with a radial inward throughflow with heat transfer along the stator, which corresponds to the experiment of Djaoui et al. (2001). Our results have been compared to both their temperature measurements and their asymptotic model with a close agreement between the different approaches, showing the efficiency of the second order modeling. An empirical correlation law is given to predict the averaged Nusselt number depending on the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers and on the coolant flowrate

    Numerical modeling of heat transfer and fluid flow in rotor-stator cavities with throughflow

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    The present study considers the numerical modeling of the turbulent flow in a rotor-stator cavity subjected to a superimposed throughflow with heat transfer. Numerical predictions based on one-point statistical modeling using a low Reynolds number second-order full stress transport closure (RSM) are compared with experimental data available in the literature. Considering small temperature differences, density variations can be here neglected which leads to dissociate the dynamical flow field from the heat transfer process. The turbulent flux is approximated by a gradient hypothesis with tensorial eddy diffusivity coefficient

    How stochasticity and emergencies disrupt the surgical schedule

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    In health care system, the operating theatre is recognized as having an important role, notably in terms of generated income and cost. Its management, and in particular its scheduling, is thus a critical activity, and has been the sub ject of many studies. However, the stochasticity of the operating theatre environment is rarely considered while it has considerable effect on the actual working of a surgical unit. In practice, the planners keep a safety margin, let’s say 15% of the capacity, in order to absorb the effect of unpredictable events. However, this safety margin is most often chosen sub jectively, from experience. In this paper, our goal is to rationalize this process. We want to give insights to managers in order to deal with the stochasticity of their environment, at a tactical–strategic decision level. For this, we propose an analytical approach that takes account of the stochastic operating times as well as the disruptions caused by emergency arrivals. From our model, various performance measures can be computed: the emergency disruption rate, the waiting time for an emergency, the distribution of the working time, the probability of overtime, the average overtime, etc. In particular, our tool is able to tell how many operations can be scheduled per day in order to keep the overtime limited.health care, surgical schedule, emergencies, Markov chain.

    Turbulence modeling of the Von Karman flow: viscous and inertial stirrings

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    International audienceThe present work considers the turbulent Von Karman flow generated by two counter-rotating smooth flat (viscous stirring) or bladed (inertial stirring) disks. Numerical predictions based on one-point statistical modeling using a low Reynolds number second-order full stress transport closure (RSM model) are compared to velocity measurements performed at CEA (Commissariat Ă  l'Energie Atomique, France). The main and significant novelty of this paper is the use of a drag force in the momentum equations to reproduce the effects of inertial stirring instead of modelling the blades themselves. The influences of the rotational Reynolds number, the aspect ratio of the cavity, the rotating disk speed ratio and of the presence or not of impellers are investigated to get a precise knowledge of both the dynamics and the turbulence properties in the Von Karman configuration. In particular, we highlighted the transition between the merged and separated boundary layer regimes and the one between the Batchelor (1951) and the Stewartson (1953) flow structures in the smooth disk case. We determined also the transition between the one cell and the two cell regimes for both viscous and inertial stirrings

    Turbulent Von Kármán flow between two counter-rotating disks

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    National audienceThe present work considers the turbulent Von Kármán flow generated by two coaxial counter-rotating smooth (viscous stirring) or bladed (inertial stirring) disks enclosed by a cylindrical vessel. Numerical predictions based on one-point statistical modeling using a low Reynolds number second-order full stress transport closure (RSM) are compared to velocity measurements performed at CEA. An efficient way to model the rule of straight blades is proposed. The influences of the rotational Reynolds number, the aspect ratio of the cavity, the rotating disk speed ratio and of the presence or not of impellers are investigated to get a precise knowledge of the dynamics and the turbulence properties in the Von Kármán configuration. In particular, we highlighted the transition be-tween the Batchelor and the Stewartson flow structures and the one between the merged and separated boundary layer regimes in the smooth disk case. We determined also the transition between the one cell and the two cell regimes for both viscous and inertial stirrings

    Turbulent Von Karman Swirling Flows

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    International audienceWe investigate the turbulent Von Karman flow generated by two counter-rotating flat or bladed disks. Numerical predictions based on a Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) are compared to velocity measurements performed at CEA (Ravelet, 2005). This flow is of practical importance in many industrial devices such as in gas-turbine aeroengines. From an academic point of view, this configuration is often used for studying fundamental aspects of developed turbulence and especially of magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence

    Turbulent Von Karman Swirling Flows

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    International audienceWe investigate the turbulent Von Karman flow generated by two counter-rotating flat or bladed disks. Numerical predictions based on a Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) are compared to velocity measurements performed at CEA (Ravelet, 2005). This flow is of practical importance in many industrial devices such as in gas-turbine aeroengines. From an academic point of view, this configuration is often used for studying fundamental aspects of developed turbulence and especially of magneto-hydrodynamic turbulence

    Films minces supramoléculaires de copolymères de PS-P4VP réalisés par trempage

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    Bien que ce soit un procédé industriel répandu, les films de copolymères à blocs préparés par trempage (« dip-coating ») sont moins étudiés que ceux obtenus par tournette (« spin-coating »). Pourtant, il est possible grâce à cette technique de contrôler précisément les caractéristiques de ces films. Au-delà de la méthode de fabrication, la capacité de modifier la morphologie des films trempés à l’aide d’autres facteurs externes est un enjeu primordial pour leur utilisation dans les nanotechnologies. Nous avons choisi, ici, d’étudier l’influence d’une petite molécule sur la morphologie de films supramoléculaires réalisés par « dip-coating » à partir de solutions de poly(styrène-b-4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) dans le tétrahydrofurane (THF). En présence de 1-naphtol (NOH) et d’1-acide napthoïque (NCOOH), qui se complexent par pont hydrogène au bloc P4VP, ces films donnent, respectivement, une morphologie en nodules (sphères) et en stries (cylindres horizontaux). Des études par spectroscopie infrarouge ont permis de mesurer la quantité de petite molécule dans ces films minces, qui varie avec la vitesse de retrait mais qui s’avère être identique pour les deux petites molécules, à une vitesse de retrait donnée. Cependant, des études thermiques ont montré qu’une faible fraction de petite molécule est dispersée dans le PS (davantage de NOH que de NCOOH à cause de la plus faible liaison hydrogène du premier). La vitesse de retrait est un paramètre clé permettant de contrôler à la fois l’épaisseur et la composition du film supramoléculaire. L’évolution de l’épaisseur peut être modélisée par deux régimes récemment découverts. Aux faibles vitesses, l’épaisseur décroît (régime de capillarité), atteint un minimum, puis augmente aux vitesses plus élevées (régime de drainage). La quantité de petite molécule augmente aux faibles vitesses pour atteindre un plateau correspondant à la composition de la solution aux vitesses les plus élevées. Des changements de morphologie, à la fois liés à l’épaisseur et à la quantité de petite molécule, sont alors observés lorsque la vitesse de retrait est modifiée. Le choix du solvant est aussi primordial dans le procédé de « dip-coating » et a été étudié en utilisant le chloroforme, qui est un bon solvant pour les deux blocs. Il s’avère qu’à la fois la composition ainsi que la morphologie des films de PS-P4VP complexés sont différentes par rapport aux expériences réalisées dans le THF. Premièrement, la quantité de petite molécule reste constante avec la vitesse de retrait mais les films sont plus riches en NCOOH qu’en NOH. Deuxièmement, la morphologie des films contenant du NOH présente des stries ainsi que des lamelles à plat, tandis que seules ces dernières sont observables pour le NCOOH. Ce comportement est essentiellement dû à la quantité différente de petite molécule modulée par leur force de complexation différente avec le P4VP dans le chloroforme. Enfin, ces films ont été utilisés pour l’adsorption contrôlée de nanoparticules d’or afin de guider leur organisation sur des surfaces recouvertes de PS-P4VP. Avant de servir comme gabarits, un recuit en vapeurs de solvant permet soit d’améliorer l’ordre à longue distance des nodules de P4VP, soit de modifier la morphologie des films selon le solvant utilisé (THF ou chloroforme). Ils peuvent être ensuite exposés à une solution de nanoparticules d’or de 15 nm de diamètre qui permet leur adsorption sélective sur les nodules (ou stries) de P4VP.Although it is an important industrial process, block copolymer thin films obtained by dip-coating have been far less studied than those obtained by spin-coating. However, this technique allows precise control of film properties and morphologies without the need for subsequent annealing. Besides the process itself, the ability to modify the morphology of block copolymer thin films is of interest for their use in nanotechnology applications. Here, we investigated supramolecular thin films of poly(styrene-b-4-vinyl pyridine) (PS-P4VP) dip-coated from tetrahydrofuran (THF) solutions containing small molecules that hydrogen bond to P4VP. In the initial dip-coating conditions, films complexed with 1-naphthol (NOH) show a dot morphology (spheres), whereas those containing 1-naphthoic acid (NCOOH) show a stripe morphology (horizontal cylinders). It was discovered that the amount of small molecule in the film, measured by infrared spectroscopy, varies with dip-coating rate, but is the same for both small molecules at any given rate. A thermal study showed that a small fraction of the small molecule, more NOH than NCOOH due to the weaker H-bond of the former, is dispersed in the PS phase, thus rationalizing the difference in their morphology evolution with rate. Thus, the dip-coating rate is a key parameter for controlling both the average film thickness and, for supramolecular polymers, the film composition. We observed that the evolution of the thickness with rate can be modeled by two regimes, in accordance with a recent literature study on dip-coated sol-gel films. At low rates, the thickness first decreases (capillarity regime), reaches a minimum and, at higher rates, increases (draining regime), resulting in a V-shaped film thickness/dip-coating rate curve. In parallel, the amount of small molecule in the film increases with rate in the capillarity regime before reaching a plateau corresponding to the solution composition in the draining regime. Morphology changes, related to the film thickness and the small molecule content, are therefore observed by modifying the dip-coating rate. We further show that the dip-coating solvent also influences the composition and morphology of the film, by comparing the use of chloroform (CHCl3), which is a good solvent for both blocks, with THF, which is a non-solvent for P4VP. With CHCl3, the small molecule content remains constant with the dip-coating rate, although it is higher for NCOOH than for NOH. Furthermore, the morphology of NOH-containing PS-P4VP thin films shows stripes and flat-on lamellae, whereas those containing NCOOH show only flat-on lamellae. This is attributed to the difference in their small molecule content, possibly modulated by the reduction in solubility of the P4VP block in CHCl3 when complexed with the small molecule. Finally, dip-coated films were used as templates for the controlled adsorption of gold nanoparticles. Prior to adsorption, solvent annealing was applied to the films either to improve the long-range order of the P4VP dots or to change the film morphology, which is dependent on the solvent used (THF or chloroform). They were then exposed to a 15-nm gold nanoparticles solution, which allows the selective adsorption on the P4VP dots (or stripes). It was possible to adsorb one nanoparticle per P4VP dot by matching their diameters

    Restoration of hyperspectral astronomical data from Integral field spectrograph

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a method for hyper-spectral image restoration for integral field spectrographs (IFS) data. It takes advantage of all the spectral and spatial correlations in the observed scene to enhance the spatial resolution. We illustrate this method with simulations coming from the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument. It shows the clear increase of the spatial resolution provided by our method as well as its denoising capability

    Simulation d'écoulements transitionnels et turbulents en cavités rotor-stator avec transferts de chaleur.

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    National audienceOn étudie les écoulements non isothermes confinés entre un disque tournant (rotor) et un disque fixe (stator) par simulation numérique directe (DNS) dans le cas d'un écoulement de transition et par modélisation de la turbulence (Reynolds Stress Model noté RSM) pour des forts nombres de Reynolds. Sous l'approximation de Boussinesq, les résultats de la DNS montrent que les effets de variation de densité sont faibles. Les prévisions du modèle RSM sont ensuite comparées à des données disponibles dans la littérature et étendus pour une large gamme de nombre de Prandtl en conservant la densité constante
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