451 research outputs found

    Creación e implementación de un sistema de gestión para la búsqueda y oferta de empleo de los estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

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    Mapa, modelo, diagrama de Hipo, diseño de entrada u salida, ImágenesEste sistema de gestión para la búsqueda y oferta de empleo de los estudiantes y egresados de la UNAD, básicamente dará la opción de interactuar con empresas y/o personas que requieran de empleados para las mismas, por lo tanto se implementa la opción de inscribir la hoja de vida con sus respectivos perfiles y datos tanto personales como académicos etc., donde se hará más factible acceder a un empleo para los estudiantes de distintas carreras de la UNAD. El desarrollo de este proyecto está orientado a la creación de una herramienta que permita realizar el proceso de oferta y demanda del perfil profesional en un sistema exclusivo para la comunidad estudiantil de la UNAD zona CENTRO Bogotá Cundinamarca. Este sistema de gestión es muy útil, ya que facilita la obtención de experiencia, capacitación, ingresos y dar aplicación al perfil profesional adquirido en la Universidad, igualmente facilita la tediosa búsqueda de empleo en este país, ya que es algo complicado acceder a un buen empleo después de obtener el título profesional, con este sistema se obtiene el acceso a la información de dichas empresas, se ahorraría tiempo y dinero al poder acceder por medio del Internet a distintas alternativas de empleo para los egresados.No Abstrac

    Polymorphism of the prolactin gene (PRL) and its relationship with milk production in American Swiss cattle

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    The modern dairy cattle breeding strategy in the Mexican tropic is to identify genes or allelic variants that can be incorporated into selection programs such as the prolactin gene (PRL) which is associated with milk production and quality. The aim of this study is to screen an American Swiss population in Chiapas, Mexico, in order to analyze the polymorphism of the prolactin gene as well as its relationship with milk production in blood samples of 417 American Swiss cattle. The genotypes were determined through the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragments length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique, using RsaI restriction endonuclease, showing a 156 bp fragment located in exon 3. Allele frequencies in the studied breed were: A = 0.8765 and B = 0.1235. The genotype frequencies of AA, AB and BB were 0.776, 0.174 and 0.026, respectively. The Chi-square indicated that genotype distributions were not in the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P<0.05). The results show that animals with genotype AA had a greater milk production during lactation than genotypes AB and BB (P<0.05), with genotype BB being the one that had the lowest production (P<0.05). It was concluded that the identification of the prolactin polymorphism in this population will allow the achievement of a better efficiency in the selection of breeding animals.Keywords: Brown Swiss, prolactin, polymorphism, milk, RFLP-RsaI.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 11(29), pp. 7338-7343, 10 April, 201

    The effect of nutritional condition on the growth to post-flexion of bluefin tuna larvae under cultured condition

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    These findings indicate that protein synthesis increase in proportion to the flexion stage which is strongly associated with the development of the digestive system and therefore the increase in the nutritional condition. Ontogenetic differences in the RNA and DNA content will be discussed in more detail. Also, the pattern obtained for Atlantic bluefin tuna larva will be compared with those of other species

    Metabolic rates in Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae: first data and methodological challenges

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    Atlantic bluefin tuna is an emblematic scombrid species, but many physiological aspects during the larval stages are still unknown. The mechanisms of how fish larvae balance growth and activity are of great interest since metabolic costs are very high compared to juveniles and adults. However, there is a lack of information about metabolic costs in scombrid larvae. This lack of data is probably related to the challenges associated to larval handling before and during respirometry trials. In this study for the first time, we: i) estimate the relationship between routine metabolic rate and the larval dry weight (mass scaling exponent) at 26°C, ii) measure metabolism under light and darkness and iii) explore the influence of nutritional status (RNA:DNA ratio) on the inter-individual variability in metabolic rates. The relationship between metabolism and size (ranging from 0.6 to 23 mg) was near isometric (slope, b=0.99), in contrast to the allometric relationship observed in most species (b=0.87). Our results show no significant differences in oxygen consumption under light and darkness. A possible regulation (decrease) of their swimming activity with the consequent decrease in the oxygen consumption in light situations is discussed. Nutritional condition did not explain the inter-individual differences in oxygen consumption. This study first reports metabolic rates of Atlantic bluefin tuna larvae and discusses the challenges of performing bioenergetics studies with early life stages of Scombrids

    Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immunological Basis of the Placebo Effect: Potential Applications beyond Pain Therapy

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    The placebo effect can be defined as the improvement of symptoms in a patient after the administration of an innocuous substance in a context that induces expectations regarding its effects. During recent years, it has been discovered that the placebo response not only has neurobiological functions on analgesia, but that it is also capable of generating effects on the immune and endocrine systems. The possible integration of changes in different systems of the organism could favor the well-being of the individuals and go hand in hand with conventional treatment for multiple diseases. In this sense, classic conditioning and setting expectations stand out as psychological mechanisms implicated in the placebo effect. Recent advances in neuroimaging studies suggest a relationship between the placebo response and the opioid, cannabinoid, and monoaminergic systems. Likewise, a possible immune response conditioned by the placebo effect has been reported. There is evidence of immune suppression conditioned through the insular cortex and the amygdala, with noradrenalin as the responsible neurotransmitter. Finally, a conditioned response in the secretion of different hormones has been determined in different studies; however, the molecular mechanisms involved are not entirely known. Beyond studies about its mechanism of action, the placebo effect has proved to be useful in the clinical setting with promising results in the management of neurological, psychiatric, and immunologic disorders. However, more research is needed to better characterize its potential use. This review integrates current knowledge about the psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune basis of the placebo effect and its possible clinical applications

    Analysis of cognitive performance and polymorphisms of SORL1, PVRL2, CR1, TOMM40, APOE, PICALM, GWAS_14q, CLU, and BIN1 in patients with mild cognitive impairment and cognitively healthy controls

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    Introduction: Alzheimer disease risk polymorphisms have been studied in patients with dementia, but have not yet been explored in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in our population; nor have they been addressed in relation to cognitive variables, which can be predictive biomarkers of disease. Objective: To evaluate cognitive performance and presence of polymorphisms of the genes SORL1(rs11218304), PVRL2(rs6859), CR1(rs6656401), TOMM40(rs2075650), APOE (isoforms ε2, ε3, ε4), PICALM(rs3851179), GWAS_14q(rs11622883), BIN1(rs744373), and CLU(rs227959 and rs11136000) in patients with MCI and healthy individuals. Methodology: We performed a cross-sectional, exploratory, descriptive study of a prospective cohort of participants selected by non-probabilistic sampling, evaluated with neurological, neuropsychological, and genetic testing, and classified as cognitively healthy individuals and patients with MCI. Cognition was evaluated with the Neuronorma battery and analysed in relation to the polymorphic variants by means of measures of central tendency, confidence intervals, and nonparametric statistics. Results: We found differences in performance in language and memory tasks between carriers and non-carriers of BIN1, CLU, and CR1 variants and a trend towards poor cognitive performance for PICALM, GWAS_14q, SORL1, and PVRL2 variants; the APOE and TOMM40 variants were not associated with poor cognitive performance. Discussion: Differences in cognitive performance associated with these polymorphic variants may suggest that the mechanisms regulating these genes could have an effect on cognition in the absence of dementia; however, this study was exploratory and hypotheses based on these results must be explored in larger samples. Resumen: Introducción: Los polimorfismos de riesgo para el desarrollo de enfermedad de Alzheimer se han estudiado en pacientes con demencia, pero aún no se han explorado en trastorno neurocognitivo leve (TNL) en nuestra población, ni se han considerado en relación con variables cognitivas, las cuales pueden ser biomarcadores predictivos de enfermedad. Objetivo: Evaluar los desempeños cognitivos y los polimorfismos en los genes SORL1(rs11218304), PVRL2(rs6859), CR1(rs6656401), TOMM40(rs2075650), APOE(isoformas ε2, ε3, ε4), PICALM(rs3851179), GWAS_14q(rs11622883), BIN(rs744373), CLU (rs227959 y rs11136000) en pacientes con TNL y en sujetos sanos. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, exploratorio y transversal, en una cohorte prospectiva de participantes seleccionados mediante muestreo no probabilístico, evaluados por neurología, neuropsicología y genética, y clasificados como cognitivamente sanos y pacientes con TNL, según criterios. La cognición se evaluó por medio de la batería Neuronorma y se analizó en relación con las variantes polimórficas por medio de medidas de tendencia, intervalos de confianza y estadísticos no paramétricos. Resultados: Se identificaron diferencias en los desempeños en tareas de lenguaje y memoria en relación con las variantes de BIN1, CLU y CR1, junto con tendencias en las variantes de PICALM, GWArs, SORL y PVRL2, mientras que en APOE y TOMM40 no se encontraron tendencias. Discusión: Las tendencias en los desempeños cognitivos en relación con variantes polimórficas podrían indicar que, en ausencia de demencia, los mecanismos que regulan estos genes podrían tener un efecto sobre la cognición; sin embargo, esta aproximación tiene un carácter exploratorio y sus resultados permiten generar hipótesis que requieren ser exploradas en muestras de mayor tamaño