4,541 research outputs found

    Los términos de enfermedades en el Livro d'Alveitaria de Mestre Giraldo

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    Nuestro propósito consiste en analizar los términos de albeitería utilizados en el Livro d'Alveitaria de Mestre Giraldo. Se trata de un tratado elaborado bajo las órdenes del rey portugués D. Dinis por un físico suyo. Va fechado de 1318. Como el propio Mestre Giraldo lo indica, se trata de una compilación de conocimientos de albeitería que se podrían hallar, a la época, en el tratado extranjero del dominicano Theuderique, Cirurgia, escrito entre 1240 y 1250, y el de Jurdanus Ruffus, De medicina equorum, de 1250. La tarea de Mestre Giraldo consistió, pues, en compilar, ordenar y traducir al portugués esos conocimientos. El análisis que nos proponemos presentar tiene como primer objetivo la descripción de los mecanismos derivacionales que están en el origen de los términos que designan las enfermedades de los caballos, utilizados por Mestre Giraldo. Algunos de esos términos son, por ejemplo, travagem, mormo, dessocamento, eslodroamento, etc. Así, destacaremos los tipos de formación de palabras más hallados en la construcción de los términos técnicos, los afijos utilizados y las significaciones prototípicas construidas a través de esos mecanismos. Nuestro segundo objetivo consiste en comparar esos términos portugueses con los correspondientes latinos. Es que Mestre Giraldo tiene el cuidado de ofrecer el término latino correspondiente al término portugués. Con esta comparación tratamos de comprender si los términos técnicos de la albeitería en portugués resultan de una adaptación culta de los términos latinos, o bien si se demuestran como etimológica y morfológicamente independientes de aquellos. En caso de confirmación de esta segunda hipótesis, se observará si el léxico de especialidad de la albeitería obedece a parámetros de formación típicos del portugués, o bien si se arraiga a tradiciones culturales no románicas, como por ejemplo la de la influencia árabe.Our proposal consists in the analysis of the lexicon of horse diseases that appears in the Livro d'alveitaria by Mestre Giraldo. This is a treatise made under the rule of the Portuguese king D. Dinis by one of his physicians, in 1318. As it is told by Mestre Giraldo, this treatise is a compilation of knowledge about veterinary medicine that could be found at that time in the works of Theudoric Borgognoni, Mulomedicina, or Practicaequorum, or De medelaequorum, and of Jurdanus Ruffus, Maniscalcie liber, both of the 13th century. The analysis we mean to present has as main objective the comparison between the Portuguese lexicon that designates horse diseases and the correspondent Latin lexicon. With this comparison we may understand if the Portuguese terms of veterinary medicine result from an erudite adaptation of the Latin terms, or if they are etymologically or morphologically independent of those. If this second hypothesis is confirmed, we will observe if those terms obey to the Portuguese typical word formation parameters, or if they are dependent on non-Romance cultural traditions, as, for example, on the Arabian influence. If the terms of horse diseases are constructed in Portuguese, we will describe the derivation mechanisms which are in their origin. In this way, we will point out the word formation processes that are more usual in the construction of these terms, the used affixes and the prototypical meanings constructed by those mechanisms

    The Politics of Memory: A Study of the Formation and Influence of Public Memory of the Military Regime in Argentina

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    [This study investigated the influence of various political and non-political factors public memory of the period of military regime rule in Argentina from 1976 through 1983. The sources utilized in the study mainly include scholarly works, in addition to several news articles, poll data, and a series of films concerning the subject. The study found that the development of public memory of this particular political event has been influenced by a complex array of interest groups. Each group utilized a unique set of methods and mediums to convey its preferred account of the period of regime rule. The interest groups include the government of Argentina, the military\u27 of Argentina, and several Argentine civil society and human rights organizations such as the Madres of the Plaza de Mayo and HIJOS, among others. Some of the methods and mediums utilized include filrn, print and broadcast news sources, public demonstration, and other sources of primed literature. The study concludes that though the political entities of the government and the military initially held the most influence over public memory of this time period, changes in technology and information sharing over the years have allowed the general public as represented by civil society and human rights groups to incorporate its perspective into current public memory as well.

    Studying young stellar objects with near-IR non-redundant aperture masking and millimeter interferometry

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    Circumstellar disks and outflows play a central role in the growth of low-mass (M < 2 M_sun) stars and the formation of planetary systems. These disks are ubiquitous at young ages (< 1 Myr), as they are naturally formed during the gravitational collapse of protostellar cores due to the conservation of angular momentum. Circumstellar disks feed the forming stars and provide an environment for small grains to eventually grow into rocky planets and the cores of giant planets at a wide range of stellocentric distances ( ~0.1-100 au). In parallel to the growth solids in the disk, bipolar outflows and winds are generated on similar physical scales. Outflows carry angular momentum away and help the accretion of circumstellar material onto the central object. They also play an important role in the dissipation of the envelope that marks the transition from the Class I (a deeply embedded protostar) to Class II stage (an optically visible T Tauri star). Eventually, the primordial disk disperses, leaving a star surrounded by a remnant debris (Class III) object and likely a system of planetesimals and planets. This thesis incorporates high-sensitivity millimeter-wavelength interferometry and near-infrared Non-Redundant Mask (NRM) Interferometry to assess molecular outflow and disks properties in Class I-II objects. It explores the physical mechanisms dispersing the disk and envelope system (e.g., outflows and dynamical interactions in binary systems) and the properties of protoplanetary disks as a function of stellar mass at an age of 2-3 Myr. We investigate the properties of the Class I molecular outflows present in HBC 494 and V883 Ori, two young stellar objects experiencing episodic events of extreme accretion known as FU Ori outbursts. These outflows help to disperse the surrounding envelope at very early stages while removing angular momentum from the disk. We estimate the kinematic properties and describe physical structures of the outflows using the 12CO and 13CO emissions lines. Similarly, the C18O emission line is used to describe envelope material from both sources. An outstanding result is the wide-opening angle of the outflow cavities of ~150 deg. for both sources. Outflows masses in both FUors are on the same order of magnitude, while V883 Ori shows an outflow component that is much slower (characteristic velocity of only 0.65 km s^-1) than seen in other FUors such as HBC 494. To date, interferometric studies of FUors are scarce and more observations needed in order to compare with other objects at a similar sensitivity and resolution. In addition, using NRM, we searched for binary companions to objects previously classified as Transitional Disks (TD, disks with inner opacity holes) in nearby (d < 300 pc) star-forming regions (Ophiuchus, Taurus-Auriga, and IC348) and investigate the interaction with (sub)stellar companions as a possible mechanism for the depletion of their inner disks. We implement a new method of completeness correction using a combination of randomly sampled binary orbits and Bayesian inference. We find that ~ 0.38 +/- 0.09 of the TDs are actually circumbinary disks, while the remaining objects are transitional disks where the inner holes are the result of other internal processes such as photoevaporation, and/or planet-disk interactions. Finally, we present an ALMA 1.3 mm survey of Class II sources in the benchmark 2-3 Myr stellar cluster IC 348 to investigate the properties of disks at the time 50% of the disks have already been completely dispersed. We find that the detection rate in 1.3 mm continuum is a strong function of stellar mass. Most targets with masses 0.3 < M_sun remain undetected down to a 3-sigma sensitivity of 0.45 mJy, corresponding to a disk dust mass of ~0.9 M_earth. A stacking analysis of the non-detections suggests that the typical dust mass around most 2-3 Myr old M-type stars is 0.2 M_earth (or 0.07 M_JUP of gas + dust, assuming a standard gas to dust mass ratio of 100). A Bayesian analysis is used to statistically compare IC 348 to other star-forming regions. As a general result, this analysis shows that IC 348 disks are a factor of 5 fainter on average than in Taurus, Cha I, and Lupus. While IC 348 and sigma Ori have similar distributions. On the other hand, Upper Sco disks are definitely fainter on average than IC 348. The resulting cumulative distribution functions confirm a clear evolution (depletion of mm-sized grains) of the circumstellar disks in these regions over a period of 1-10 Myr

    Differences on the Use of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Intimate Partner Aggression Between Males and Females

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    Differences on the Use of Emotion Regulation Strategies and Intimate Partner Aggression Between Males and Females Natalia Rodriguez Romero, Depts. of Psychology and Criminal Justice, and Alexandra M. Martelli, Dept. of Psychology Graduate Student, with Dr. David Chester, Dept. of Psychology Intimate partner aggression (IPA) is defined as an attempt to harm one’s romantic partner via physical, verbal, or sexual means. It is crucial to determine key factors related to IPA perpetration to further understand the phenomena and reduce its prevalence in society. We explored gender differences in the use of emotion regulation strategies and IPA perpetration. The emotion regulation strategies examined were reappraisal – the act of reassessing an emotion and its intensity – and suppression – deliberately inhibiting unwanted thoughts, feelings, emotions, and associated behaviors. It was hypothesized that males would report higher levels of IPA perpetration than females. Moreover, that there would be a negative relationship between reappraisal and IPA perpetration, and a positive relationship between suppression and IPA perpetration. Undergraduate students (N = 543) completed three intimate partner aggression self-report scales. There was support for hypothesis 1, however it was in the opposite direction to what we preregistered. Women reported more IPA perpetration than men. Additionally, we found that overt aggression had a negative relationship with reappraisal, such that greater self-reported reappraisal was associated with less overt IPA perpetration. Finally, there was no support for hypothesis 2 and 3; so, gender did not moderate the link between either emotion regulation strategy on IPA perpetration. These results indicated that use of reappraisal and suppression emotion regulation techniques did not significantly differ among women and men. More research should be conducted to determine causal factors leading to gender differences in IPA perpetration. These data will aid in determining what interventions to apply to particular groups, and in turn help reduce the occurrence of IPA.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/uresposters/1383/thumbnail.jp

    Gestión administrativa y crecimiento de las mypes de calzado en el distrito El Porvenir, provincia de Trujillo 2016

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    La presente investigación tuvo como propósito determinar la relación entre la gestión administrativa y el crecimiento de las Mypes de calzado del distrito El Porvenir, provincia de Trujillo 2016. El problema se planteó de la siguiente manera: ¿Cuál es la relación entre la gestión administrativa y el crecimiento de las Mypes de calzado en el distrito El Porvenir, provincia de Trujillo 2016? Para el estudio se tuvo una población constituida por 1800 Mypes del distrito El Porvenir. Se determinó un muesteo probabilístico obteniendo una muestra de 70 Mypes de calzado. Se utilizó las técnicas de la encuesta y la entrevista, teniendo como instrumentos al cuestionario y la guía de entrevista, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos en la presente investigación indican que el 87 de las Mypes de calzado encuestadas no cuentan con ninguna herramienta de gestión, y solo el 13% cuenta con alguna herramienta de gestión. La mayoría no cuenta con un plan estratégico, no desarrolla con eficiencia sus actividades de gestión y, por lo tanto, no son competitivas. Se concluye que la gestión administrativa se relaciona de manera directa con la del crecimiento, debido a que la existencia de una buena gestión logrará el crecimiento constante de las mypes, es por ello que la mayoría de las mypes de El porvenir al carecer de una buena gestión no logran el éxito esperado.The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the relationship between the administrative management and the growth of the Footwear Mypes of El Porvenir district, province of Trujillo 2016. The problem was posed as follows: What is the relationship between administrative management and The growth of footwear Mypes in the district El Porvenir, province of Trujillo 2016? For the study was a population constituted by 1800 Mypes of the district El Porvenir. A probabilistic sample was determined obtaining a sample of 70 Mypes of footwear. We used the techniques of the survey and the interview, having as instruments the questionnaire and interview guide, respectively. The results obtained in the present investigation indicate that 87 of the surveyed Foot Mypes do not have any management tool, and only 13% have a management tool. Most do not have a strategic plan, do not efficiently develop their management activities and, therefore, are not competitive. It is concluded that the administrative management is directly related to that of growth, because the existence of a good management will achieve the constant growth of the mypes, that is why most of the mypes of El futuro due to lack of a good Not achieve the expected success.Tesi

    Diagnóstico Financiero de la empresa Factoring,S.A. para el periodo comprendido al 2012-2013

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    El Presente Seminario de Graduación tuvo como objetivo principal elaborar un diagnóstico financiero para la empresa Factoring, SA para el periodo 2012-2013. La elaboración del diagnóstico financiero permitió evaluar los Estados Financieros de la empresa y de esta manera conocer la situación financiera real del ente, determinar sus debilidades a fin de mejorarlas y permitir la toma de decisiones adecuadas que conlleven al bienestar económico de la misma. Para efectuar este Seminario de Graduación, se empleó el método deductivo, dado que se utilizan conceptos y fórmulas que están definidos y explicados por distintos autores, los cuales se utilizaron para explicar las herramientas del análisis financiero y aplicar los métodos y formulas a los datos financieros. Se tomaron como base el Estado de Situación Financiera y Estado de Resultados de Factoring, SA para los periodos 2012 y 2013 para realizar análisis horizontal, vertical, análisis de razones financieras y análisis Du-pont. Al realizar el análisis financiero, se encontró que la razón circulante es de 1.29 en 2013, razón financiera que se mantiene constante desde 2012; además, se conoce un constante crecimiento de la cartera que es el activo productivo primordial de Factoring, SA. El margen Financiero de la empresa es de 11% que es el porcentaje de ganancias que obtiene de sus operaciones. Por otro lado, si bien Factoring, SA es una empresa solvente, con Liquidez y Financieramente independiente, debe fortalecer la gestión de las Cuentas por cobrar y los gastos que estas generan a fin de evitar disminuciones considerables en la utilida

    Innovations and Challenges. Women, Language and Sexism, (Carmen Rosa Caldas-Coulthard (ed.)), Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2020

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    Book's Review "Innovations and Challenges. Women, Language and Sexism