843 research outputs found

    A new heligmonellid species (Nematoda) from oligoryzomys nigripes (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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    Fil: Souza, Joyce G.R.. Laboratório de Biologia e Parasitologia de Mamíferos Silvestres Reservatórios. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. FIOCRUZ. Rio de Janeiro; BrazilFil: Digiani, María Celina. División Zoología Invertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Simäes, Raquel O.. Curso de Pós-GraduaçÆo em Ciências Veterinária. Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeir; BrazilFil: Luque, José L.. Departamento de Parasitologia Animal. Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro; BrazilFil: Rodrigues-Silva, Rosangela. Laboratório de Helmintos Parasitos de Vertebrados. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. FIOCRUZ; BrazilFil: Maldonado, Arnaldo. Laboratório de Biologia e Parasitologia de Mamíferos Silvestres Reservatórios. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. FIOCRUZ. Rio de Janeiro; Brazi

    ‘Ik dacht van: ik ga gewoon naar de middelbare school’. Over de betekenis van hulpbronnen in de schoolloopbaan van leerlingen

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    Dit artikel betreft een longitudinaal, overwegend kwalitatief onderzoek naar de schoolloopbaan van leerlingen. Het gehanteerde onderwijspedagogisch perspectief gaat uit van een visie op de taak van de school en op de hulpbronnen (resources) die bij de ontwikkeling van leerlingen een rol spelen. Uit een databestand van 239 basisschoolleerlingen op de leeftijd van tien jaar zijn drie casus-leerlingen gekozen. Deze leerlingen zijn na de basisschool op drie schooltypen terechtgekomen: vmbo, havo en vwo. Vervolgens zijn zij als jongvolwassenen uitgestroomd naar diverse situaties. Het onderzoeksdesign kan worden getypeerd als een embedded case study waarbij een methode van narrative inquiry wordt gehanteerd. Naast gegevens omtrent de cognitieve ontwikkeling zoals Cito-scores en andere toetsgegevens, zijn gegevens verzameld aan de hand van diepte-interviews met leerlingen, hun ouders en leraren. De leerlingen zijn in drie onderzoeksronden gevolgd gedurende de leeftijdsfase van 10 - 21 jaar. De vraagstelling is: Hoe verloopt de schoolloopbaan van leerlingen van 10-21 jaar, hoe wordt dit verloop door hen ervaren en wat is de betekenis van ‘resources’ in de ontwikkeling van deze leerlingen? Het artikel beschrijft vanuit het perspectief van de leerling hoe schoolloopbanen verlopen. Bij de analyse wordt ingegaan op de betekenis van resources in de schoolloopbaan. Het talent van een leerling - zoals dat tot uitdrukking komt in de prestaties op een reeks objectieve toetsen - lijkt doorslaggevend. Van motivatie en inzet kan een compenserende werking uitgaan. Gezondheid of ziekte speelt soms een cruciale rol in de schoolloopbaan. De betekenis van ouders en leraren wordt vooral zichtbaar op de breukvlakken in de schoolloopbaan. Summary In the last few decades considerable progress has been made in the empirical study of school careers. Somewhat surprisingly perhaps, students themselves have hardly had a voice in the majority of these large scale quantitative studies. This article is an attempt to redress the balance: not only will the students, their parents and their teachers receive a voice, they will also be given ‘a face’. We follow the students on their journeys through educational institutions from the ages of 10 to 21, presenting their learning results as measured by a range of objective tests and placing their stories in the light of a resource theory. Some of the students will be seen advancing smoothly from primary education to the tertiary sector, while others will be seen falling by the wayside. The following main questions will be addressed in the investigation: (1) How do the school careers of 10-to-21 year-old students develop? (2) How are these careers experienced by the students themselves? (3) What explanations can be given from a resource-theoretical perspective? We will describe and analyse in detail the school careers of five students in a longitudinal research framework characterisable as a longitudinal ‘embedded case study’. In the context of this design the stories of the students and their teachers will be the main focus. However, this statement of focus does not imply a simple description of the experiences and perspectives of the people concerned. Rather, in this work we endeavour to connect the students’ ‘small stories’ to the ‘grand stories’ of the theory of school careers. The main conclusion from this research is that talent - as measured by scores on a series of objective tests at the ages of ten and twelve years – is the most influential resource in later school success, but that strong motivation has a compensating effect. Real ‘survivors’ sometimes achieve their aim by overcoming great barriers. Parents and teachers also play a very important role in particular at the transition points

    Screening for Drought Tolerance in Thirty Three Taro Cultivars

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    Taro [Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott] is a root crop which is an important staple food in many regions of the world, producing 10.5 million tonnes on 1.4 million hectares a year. The crop is cultivated in wet (rain fed) or irrigated conditions, requiring on average 2,500 mm water per year, and in many countries it is cultivated in flooded plots. It is estimated that taro production could decrease by 40% as a result of the increase in drought and other severe events. In this work, thirty three accessions, including local cultivars, selected and hybrid lines were submitted to long duration drought stress and screened for tolerance. Twelve physiological, morphological and agronomic traits were measured at harvest, and subject to multivariate analysis. Stress indices, Water Use Efficiency and Factorial Analysis were useful for discriminating accessions regarding drought tolerance and yield stability, and drought tolerant and susceptible cultivars were identified. Our results confirm that different taro cultivars have different drought avoidance and tolerance strategies to cope with water scarcity. Better yield performers minimised biomass and canopy loss, while tolerance was observed in cultivars that presented low potential yield, but efficiently transferred resources to enhance corm formation. Among the 33 accessions, two local cultivars showed high yield stability and could be considered as suitable parents for breeding programs, while two others are well adapted to drought, but with overall low yield potential

    Deciphering The Preservation Of Fossil Insects: A Case Study From The Crato Member, Early Cretaceous Of Brazil

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    Exceptionally well-preserved three-dimensional insects with fine details and even labile tissues are ubiquitous in the Crato Member Konservat Lagerstätte (northeastern Brazil). Here we investigate the preservational pathways which yielded such specimens. We employed high resolution techniques (EDXRF, SR-SXS, SEM, EDS, micro Raman, and PIXE) to understand their fossilisation on mineralogical and geochemical grounds. Pseudomorphs of framboidal pyrite, the dominant fossil microfabric, display size variation when comparing cuticle with inner areas or soft tissues, which we interpret as the result of the balance between ion diffusion rates and nucleation rates of pyrite through the originally decaying carcasses. Furthermore, the mineral fabrics are associated with structures that can be the remains of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Geochemical data also point to a concentration of Fe, Zn, and Cu in the fossils in comparison to the embedding rock. Therefore, we consider that biofilms of sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) had a central role in insect decay and mineralisation. Therefore, we shed light on exceptional preservation of fossils by pyritisation in a Cretaceous limestone lacustrine palaeoenvironment. © 2016 Osés et al.20161


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    Em ambientes de confluência, a dinâmica de transporte e deposição depende do controle exercido por cada canal. Nesse sentido o presente trabalho objetivou analisar a granulometria dos sedimentos transportados pelos rios Cabaçal e Paraguai. Para tanto se adotou trabalho de campo, laboratório e gabinete. A distribuição em seções transversais variou em areia fina e silte a exceção da foz do Cabaçal com areia média na margem direita, onde, no período de estiagem ocorre deposição em barra de pontal

    Thermal monitoring of a Cryosol in a high marine terrace (Half Moon Island, Maritime Antarctica)

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    Abstract Active layer and permafrost are important indicators of climate changes in periglacial areas of Antarctica, and the soil thermal regime of Maritime Antarctica is sensitive to the current warming trend. This research aimed to characterize the active layer thermal regime of a patterned ground located at an upper marine terrace in Half Moon Island, during 2015-2018. Temperature and moisture sensors were installed at different soil depths, combined with air temperature, collecting hourly data. Statistical analysis was applied to describe the soil thermal regime and estimate active layer thickness. The thermal regime of the studied soil was typical of periglacial environment, with high variability in temperature and water content in the summer, resulting in frequent freeze-thaw cycles. We detected dominant freezing conditions, whereas soil temperatures increased, and the period of high soil moisture content lasted longer over the years. Active layer thickness varied between the years, reaching a maximum depth in 2018. Permafrost degradation affects soil drainage and triggers erosion in the upper marine terrace, where permafrost occurrence is unlikely. Longer monitoring periods are necessary for a detailed understanding on how current climatic and geomorphic conditions affect the unstable permafrost of low-lying areas of Antarctica (marine terraces)

    Community engagement in cutaneous leishmaniasis research in Brazil, Ethiopia, and Sri Lanka: a decolonial approach for global health

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    Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a parasitic skin disease endemic in at least 88 countries where it presents an urgent, albeit often "neglected" public health problem. In this paper, we discuss our model of decolonial community engagement in the ECLIPSE global health research program, which aims to improve physical and mental health outcomes for people with CL. The ECLIPSE program has four interlinked phases and underpinning each of these phases is sustained and robust community engagement and involvement that guides and informs all activities in ECLIPSE. Our decolonial approach implies that the model for community engagement will be different in Brazil, Ethiopia and Sri Lanka. Indeed, we adopt a critical anthropological approach to engaging with community members and it is precisely this approach we evaluate in this paper. The data and material we draw on were collected through qualitative research methods during community engagement activities. We established 13 Community Advisory Groups (CAGs): in Brazil (n = 4), Ethiopia (n = 6), and Sri Lanka (n = 3). We identified four overarching themes during a thematic analysis of the data set: (1) Establishing community advisory groups, (2) CAG membership and community representation, (3) Culturally appropriate and context-bespoke engagement, and (4) Relationships between researchers and community members. During our first period of ECLIPSE community engagement, we have debunked myths (for instance about communities being "disempowered"), critiqued our own practices (changing approaches in bringing together CAG members) and celebrated successes (notably fruitful online engagement during a challenging COVID-19 pandemic context). Our evaluation revealed a gap between the exemplary community engagement frameworks available in the literature and the messy, everyday reality of working in communities. In the ECLIPSE program, we have translated ideal(istic) principles espoused by such community engagement guidance into the practical realities of "doing engagement" in low-resourced communities. Our community engagement was underpinned by such ideal principles, but adapted to local sociocultural contexts, working within certain funding and regulatory constraints imposed on researchers. We conclude with a set of lessons learned and recommendations for the conduct of decolonial community engagement in global health research