2,572 research outputs found

    Compound orbits break-up in constituents: an algorithm

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    In this paper decomposition of periodic orbits in bifurcation diagrams are derived in unidimensional dynamics system xn+1=f(xn;r)x_{n+1}=f(x_{n};r), being ff an unimodal function. We proof a theorem which states the necessary and sufficient conditions for the break-up of compound orbits in their simpler constituents. A corollary to this theorem provides an algorithm for the computation of those orbits. This process closes the theoretical framework initiated in (Physica D, 239:1135--1146, 2010)

    Tipología de las zonas regables de la demarcación hidrográfica del Guadalquivir

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    La agricultura de regadío en la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir (DHG) ha sufrido un importante proceso de cambio en las últimas dos décadas, caracterizado fundamentalmente por la irrupción del olivar y la modernización de las zonas regables. Ello ha resultado en un aumento de la superficie regada, que prácticamente se ha doblado hasta sobrepasar ampliamente las 800.000 ha, y en el consecuente incremento de la demanda de agua. Estos cambios, entre otros, no han hecho sino enriquecer la variedad de sistemas agrarios de regadío que conviven en la DHG y que pueden presentar características diferenciales. Este contexto de cambio justifica la necesidad de actualizar el conocimiento de estos sistemas. En consecuencia, en el presente trabajo se propone una tipología de las zonas regables de la DHG. Para ello se ha utilizado el Inventario de Regadíos de 2008, empleándose como unidad básica de agrupación las unidades de agregación de recintos (UAs), que componen dicho inventario, y como variables de agrupación, las variables estructurales y de distribución de cultivos de estas unidades. De esta forma, se ha obtenido una tipología que muestra cinco grupos internamente homogéneos y diferentes entre sí, y que capta a su vez la esencia del proceso de cambio mencionado. Por consiguiente, esta tipología se revela como una herramienta útil para su empleo en análisis dirigidos al apoyo de toma de decisiones, básicamente relativas a políticas públicas (tanto hidrológica como agraria), encaminados hacia una mejor gobernanza del regadío en la DHG

    Four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels calculations: Application to 6He+64Zn at 13.6 MeV

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    The recently developed four-body continuum-discretized coupled-channels (CDCC) method, making use of the binning procedure [1], is applied to the reaction 6He+64Zn at 13.6 MeV (around the Coulomb barrier). Excellent agreement with available elastic data [2] is found.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnica FIS 2008-04189, FPA 2006- 13807-C02-01U.S. Department of Energy DE-AC52-07NA27344U.K. STFC EP/D00362

    Unraveling determinants of inferred and stated attribute non-attendance: effects on farmers’ willingness to accept to join agri-environmental schemes

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    Attribute non-attendance (ANA) has received very little attention in the context of willingness to accept (WTA), although an increasing number of studies analyze the preferences of ecosystem service providers towards incentive-based schemes. We add to the understanding of ANA behavior by analyzing stated and inferred ANA in a choice experiment investigating farmers’ WTA for participating in agri-environmental schemes (AES) in southern Spain. We use mixed logit models, following Hess and Hensher (2010) for the inferred ANA approach. Evidence is found of ANA behavior for both stated and inferred approaches, with models accounting for ANA clearly outperforming those that do not account for it; however, we produce no conclusive results as to which ANA approach is best. WTA estimates are only moderately affected, which to some extent is consistent with the low level of non-attendance found for the monetary attribute. Stated and inferred approaches show very similar WTA estimates. Additionally, we investigate sources of observed heterogeneity related to ANA behavior by using a sequence of bivariate probit models for each attribute. Overall, our results hint at a positive relationship between ease of scheme adoption and non-attendance to attributes. However, further research is still needed in this field

    Why fly blind? Event-based visual guidance for ornithopter robot flight

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    Under licence Creative Commons - Green Open Access (IEEE).The development of perception and control methods that allow bird-scale flapping-wing robots (a.k.a. ornithopters) to perform autonomously is an under-researched area. This paper presents a fully onboard event-based method for ornithopter robot visual guidance. The method uses event cameras to exploit their fast response and robustness against motion blur in order to feed the ornithopter control loop at high rates (100 Hz). The proposed scheme visually guides the robot using line features extracted in the event image plane and controls the flight by actuating over the horizontal and vertical tail deflections. It has been validated on board a real ornithopter robot with real-time computation in low-cost hardware. The experimental evaluation includes sets of experiments with different maneuvers indoors and outdoors.Consejo Europeo de Investigación (ERC) 78824

    Incidencia del contexto económico, financiero y jurídico en el volumen y casuística de la reclamación financiera en España.

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    Esta comunicación analiza a través de una metodología estadística el posible efecto que, sobre el nivel de reclamación financiera canalizada a través del Servicio de Reclamaciones del Banco de España, pueden tener distintos factores de naturaleza económica, financiera y jurídica determinantes del contexto en el que actualmente se desarrollan las relaciones bancarias. Con el horizonte temporal de una década, 1988-1997, se estudia la repercusión que sobre el volumen y casuística de la reclamación financiera en España ha originado la evolución de la inflación, la bajada significativa de tipos de interés y el intenso desarrollo normativo tutelar de los intereses de la clientela bancaria.This paper analyses, using a statistical methodology, the possible impact that different factors from the economic, financial and legal environment could have on the volume and casuistry of banking complaints, which Banco de España has transacted during the last decade, from 1988 to 1997. Following an introduction that makes stand out the customer’s increasing importance in banking negotiation, we study specifically the influence of the inflation, the low interest rates and the recent legislation about transparency in banking and customer’s protection

    Rasgos sedimentarios indicadores de inestabilidad causada por actividad tectónica sismogenética. Las cuencas neogénas de las minas de Hellín y Cenajo (Prebético Externo, SE de España)

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    Las sucesiones estratigráficas que constituyen el relleno de las cuencas neógenas de Las Minas de Hellín y Cenajo presentan numerosas evidencias de eventos derivados de inestabilidad tectónica. Son abundantes las estructuras de deformación sedimentaria a pequeña y mediana escala, como inyecciones de arena en filones, estructuras en champiñón, niveles de mezcla, laminación varvada disturbada y otras, que son interpretadas como respuesta a la actividad sísmica (sismitas). Aparte de estas estructuras, se reconocen depósitos resedimentados de gran escala, tales como macrobrechas y deslizamientos (slumps) de escala métrica a decamétrica, que también fueron debidos a movimientos sísmicos que afectaron a las cuencas durante su relleno. Otro aspecto considerado es la presencia de montículos carbonáticos parcialmente silicificados dentro de la sucesión estratigráfica de la Cuenca de Las Minas de Hellín, cuyo desarrollo estuvo estrechamente ligado a fallas a través de las cuales tuvo lugar la entrada de aguas termales

    Indoor Position System Based on a Zigbee Network

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    TAIS group has developed an indoor position system prototype based on a fingerprint positioning algorithm. The prototype uses IEEE 802.15.4 mote and BitCloud Stack, a full-featured ZigBee Compliant, second generation embedded software stack from Atmel. The design requirements of the prototype were only to determine the actual position in a room of a user in a building, so the prototype accuracy is room accuracy. TAIS group decided to compete in the second edition of EvAAL Competition. This paper presents all the step made to adapt the prototype to the EvAAL environment, the found drawbacks and the obtained results. One of the most important drawback was that the Smart House Living Lab of the Polytechnic University of Madrid has only two rooms, the required accuracy was meters (error less than or equal to 0,5 meters the higher score, higher than 4 meters no score) and the room accuracy was substituted by areas of interest so the behavior of our prototype was going to work was an incognita.Junta de Andalucía p08-TIC-363

    The design of agri-environmental schemes: Farmers’ preferences in southern Spain

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    Paper accepted to be published in Land Use Policy (ISSN: 0264-8377)Agri-environmental schemes (AES) play a key role in promoting the production of environmental public goods by European Union agriculture. Although extensive literature has analyzed AES, some important issues remain understudied. This paper performs an ex-ante assessment of AES in permanent cropping, analyzing several issues that have received little attention from researchers, such as ecological focus areas (EFA) and collective participation. For this purpose, a choice experiment was used to assess farmers’ preferences toward AES in a case study of olive groves in southern Spain. Results show high heterogeneity among farmers, with different classes being identified, from potential participants to non-participants. As regards EFA, almost half of the farmers would be willing to accept it for low monetary incentives (€8-9/ha per additional 1% of the farmland devoted to EFA) while the rest would do it for moderate-to-high monetary incentives (€41-151/ha per additional 1% of EFA). However, for a high share of EFA (e.g., 5-7%) higher incentives would presumably be required due to the intrinsic spatial restrictions of olive groves. With regard to collective participation, we find that it is unlikely that farmers would participate collectively with the incentive of the up-to-30% EU-wide bonus. These results are relevant for policy-making now when new AES are being designed for the next programming period 2014-2020.This research is co-financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the project MERCAGUA (AGL2013-48080-C2-1-R)