284 research outputs found

    Factores pronósticos asociados a la supervivencia en el cáncer de esófago

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    [Resumen] Objetivo: Determinar evolución clínica, estrategias de seguimiento y supervivencia de pacientes con cáncer esofágico. Material y métodos: Estudio de seguimiento retrospectivo y prospectivo. Pacientes diagnosticados en el Área Sanitaria de A Coruña (años 2003-2008; n=180). Análisis de supervivencia mediante metodología de Kaplan-Meier y modelos de riesgos competitivos. CEIC Galicia 2011/372. Resultados: La supervivencia específica fue del 40,2%, 18,1% y 12,4% al primer, tercer y quinto año respectivamente. Con la metodologia de Kaplan-Meier la supervivencia fue discretamente superior. Los factores de peor pronóstico fueron ser mujer (HR (hazard ratio)=1,94), el Score de Charlson (HR=1,17) y el estadio IV (HR=1,70). Los pacientes con tratamiento quirúrgico y oncológico son los que presentan menor probabilidad de fallecer (HR=0,23). En pacientes con cirugía curativa se detectaron un 50,9% de recidivas, el 82,1% a los dos años de seguimiento. El número de consultas, por año de seguimiento, desde el diagnóstico hasta que se produce un evento (recidiva, metástasis o nueva neoplasia) no modifica la probabilidad de supervivencia. Conclusiones: Las variables asociadas a mal pronóstico son el grado de invasión, la comorbilidad y el género femenino. La mayor frecuentación a los servicios sanitarios tras el diagnóstico no se asocia con el pronóstico de la enfermedad.[Resumo] Obxectivo: Determinar evolución clínica, estratexias de seguimento e supervivencia de pacientes con cancro esofáxico. Material e métodos: Estudo de seguimento retrospectivo e prospectivo. Pacientes diagnosticados na área sanitaria da Coruña (anos 2003-2008; n=180). Análise de supervivencia mediante metodoloxía de Kaplan-Meier e modelos de riscos competitivos. CEIC Galicia 2011/372. Resultados: A supervivencia específica foi do 40,2%, 18,1% e 12,4% ao primeiro, terceiro e quinto ano respectivamente. Coa metodoloxía de Kaplan-Meier a supervivencia foi discretamente superior. Os factores de peor prognóstico foron ser muller (HR (hazard ratio)=1,94), o Score de Charlson (HR=1,17) e o estadio IV (HR=1,70). Os pacientes con tratamento cirúrxico e oncolóxico son os que presentan menor probabilidade de falecer (HR=0,23). En pacientes con cirurxía curativa detectáronse un 50,9% de recidivas, o 82,1% aos dous anos de seguimento. O número de consultas, por ano de seguimento, dende o diagnóstico ata que se produce un evento (recidiva, metástase ou nova neoplasia) non modifica a probabilidade de supervivencia. Conclusións: As variables asociadas a mal prognóstico son o grao de invasión, a comorbilidade e o xénero feminino. A maior frecuentación aos servizos sanitarios tras o diagnóstico non se asocia co prognóstico da enfermidade.[Abstract] Objective To determine the clinical course, follow-up strategies and survival of oesophageal cancer patients. Material and methods Retrospective and prospective follow-up study. Patients diagnosed in the sanitary area of A Coruña (years 2003-2008; n=180). Analysis of survival through the Kaplan-Meier methodology and competing risks survival analysis. CEIC Galicia 2011/372. Results The specific survival rate was 40.2%, 18.1% and 12.4% at the first, third and fifth year respectively. Using the Kaplan-Meier methodology, the survival rate was slightly higher. Poor prognosis factors were being female (HR (hazard ratio)=1.94), Charlson’s comorbidity index (HR=1.17) and stage IV tumours (HR=1.70). The probability of dying decreased with surgical and oncological treatment (HR=0.23). In patients with curative surgery 50,9% of recurrences were detected, 82,1% of them during the first two years of follow-up. The number of hospital consultations per year during the follow-up period, from diagnosis to the appearance of a new event (recurrences, newly appeared metastasis and neoplasias) did not affect the probability of survival. Conclusions The variables associated with a poor prognosis are the extent of tumour invasion, the comorbidity and being female. Different follow-up strategies after diagnosis do not affect the prognosis of the disease

    Relevance of Social, Economic, and Environmental Impacts on Residents’ Satisfaction with the Public Administration of Tourism

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    Those in charge of tourism destinations face the need to create tourism development models compatible with the essence of the localities that they manage. These models have to be sustainable, both environmentally and socially, and also must become drivers of the local economy. However, tourists also generate negative impacts in the locality which, when they are perceived by the residents, can give rise to a rejection of visitors. Hence, improving the tourism management is necessary. This is why to know the residents’ perceptions about the impacts of tourism is essential. Moreover, measuring the impact effects on their satisfaction with the public administration of the destination can be of great usefulness. This study falls into this research line, as it proposes a model to measure these impacts and their effect on satisfaction. To do so, an empirical study is performed among residents in the city of Seville (southern Spain, one of the most visited destinations in the world), based on subjective economic, social, and environmental indicators. The results show that the citizens value three types of impacts, the social impact coming after the economic impact as to its influence on their satisfaction with the administration. Based on this, we postulate that the efforts made to attract events to the city, or to improve connections to access a broader market, must be approached as public procurements in which selection criteria that are compatible with the destination’s positioning and strategy prevail. Social and environmental criteria should be considered among these criteria

    Ciudadanos del mundo. ¿Compartimos los mismos valores comunes?

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    En esta comunicación expondremos las experiencias adquiridas en las diferentes actividades formativas realizadas en varios centros cívicos de la ciudad de Huelva. La principal finalidad era la sensibilización y la formación de mujeres y hombres onubenses, en torno a la interculturalidad utilizando una colección de cómics de valores comunes. Con el objetivo de tomar conciencia de la importancia en la convivencia entre las personas de diferentes culturas, etnias, religiones... Se llevó a cabo con una metodología activa y participativa en la que todos eran protagonistas del desarrollo de dichos talleres.In this communication we will set out the experiences gained in the different training activities carried out in several community centers in the city of Huelva. The main purpose was to raise awareness and training of women and men from Huelva, around an intercultural environment using a collection of comics that share similar values. The aim is to become aware of the importance of living in harmony with other people from different cultures, ethnic groups, religions, and so on. It was carried out with an active and participatory methodology in which all the participants led the development of the different workshops

    Clinical-pathological characteristics and prognosis of a cohort of oesophageal cancer patients: a competing risks survival analysis

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    [Abstract] Background: To determine the clinical course, follow-up strategies, and survival of oesophageal cancer patients using a competing risks survival analysis. Methods: We conducted a retrospective and prospective follow-up study. The study included 180 patients with a pathological diagnosis of oesophageal cancer in A Coruña, Spain, between 2003 and 2008. The Kaplan-Meier methodology and competing risks survival analysis were used to calculate the specific survival rate. The study was approved by the Ethics Review Board (code 2011/372, CEIC Galicia). Results: The specific survival rate at the first, third, and fifth years was 40.2%, 18.1%, and 12.4%, respectively. Using the Kaplan-Meier methodology, the survival rate was slightly higher after the third year of follow-up. In the multivariate analysis, poor prognosis factors were female sex (hazard ratio [HR] 1.94; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.24-3.03), Charlson's comorbidity index (HR 1.17; 95% CI, 1.02-1.33), and stage IV tumours (HR 1.70; 95% CI, 1.11-2.59). The probability of dying decreased with surgical and oncological treatment (chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy) (HR 0.23; 95% CI, 0.12-0.45). The number of hospital consultations per year during the follow-up period, from diagnosis to the appearance of a new event (local recurrences, newly appeared metastasis, and newly appeared neoplasias) did not affect the probability of survival (HR 1.03; 95% CI, 0.92-1.15). Conclusions: The Kaplan-Meier methodology overestimates the survival rate in comparison to competing risks analysis. The variables associated with a poor prognosis are female sex, Charlson's comorbidity score and extensive tumour invasion. Type of follow-up strategy employed after diagnosis does not affect the prognosis of the disease

    Kinetic modelling of a diesel-polluted clayey soil bioremediation process

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    A mathematical model is proposed to describe a diesel-polluted clayey soil bioremediation process. The reaction system under study was considered a completely mixed closed batch reactor, which initially contacted a soil matrix polluted with diesel hydrocarbons, an aqueous liquid-specific culture medium and a microbial inoculation. The model coupled the mass transfer phenomena and the distribution of hydrocarbons among four phases (solid, S; water, A; non-aqueous liquid, NAPL; and air, V) with Monod kinetics. In the first step, the model simulating abiotic conditions was used to estimate only the mass transfer coefficients. In the second step, the model including both mass transfer and biodegradation phenomena was used to estimate the biological kinetic and stoichiometric parameters. In both situations, the model predictions were validated with experimental data that corresponded to previous research by the same authors. A correct fit between the model predictions and the experimental data was observed because the modelling curves captured the major trends for the diesel distribution in each phase. The model parameters were compared to different previously reported values found in the literature. Pearson correlation coefficients were used to show the reproducibility level of the model.Se propone un modelo matemático para describir un proceso de biorremediación de suelos arcillosos contaminados con diesel. El sistema de reacción en estudio se consideró un reactor discontinuo cerrado completamente mixto, que inicialmente entró en contacto con una matriz de suelo contaminada con hidrocarburos diesel, un medio de cultivo específico líquido acuoso y una inoculación microbiana. El modelo acopló los fenómenos de transferencia de masa y la distribución de hidrocarburos entre cuatro fases (sólido, S; agua, A; líquido no acuoso, NAPL; y aire, V) con la cinética de Monod. En el primer paso, se utilizó el modelo que simula las condiciones abióticas para estimar solo los coeficientes de transferencia de masa. En el segundo paso, se utilizó el modelo que incluía tanto la transferencia de masa como los fenómenos de biodegradación para estimar los parámetros biológicos cinéticos y estequiométricos. En ambas situaciones, las predicciones del modelo fueron validadas con datos experimentales que correspondían a investigaciones previas de los mismos autores. Se observó un ajuste correcto entre las predicciones del modelo y los datos experimentales porque las curvas de modelado capturaron las principales tendencias para la distribución del diesel en cada fase. Los parámetros del modelo se compararon con diferentes valores reportados previamente encontrados en la literatura. Se utilizaron coeficientes de correlación de Pearson para mostrar el nivel de reproducibilidad del modelo

    Effect of diagnostic delay on survival in patients with colorectal cancer: a retrospective cohort study

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    [Abstract] Background. Disparate and contradictory results make studies necessary to investigate in more depth the relationship between diagnostic delay and survival in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. The aim of this study is to analyse the relationship between the interval from first symptom to diagnosis (SDI) and survival in CRC. Methods. Retrospective study of n = 942 CRC patients. SDI was calculated as the time from the diagnosis of cancer and the first symptoms of CRC. Cox regression was used to estimate five-year mortality hazard ratios as a function of SDI, adjusting for age and gender. SDI was modelled according to SDI quartiles and as a continuous variable using penalized splines. Results. Median SDI was 3.4 months. SDI was not associated with stage at diagnosis (Stage I = 3.6 months, Stage II-III = 3.4, Stage IV = 3.2; p = 0.728). Shorter SDIs corresponded to patients with abdominal pain (2.8 months), and longer SDIs to patients with muchorrhage (5.2 months) and rectal tenesmus (4.4 months). Adjusting for age and gender, in rectum cancers, patients within the first SDI quartile had lower survival (p = 0.003), while in colon cancer no significant differences were found (p = 0.282). These results do not change after adjusting for TNM stage. The splines regression analysis revealed that, for rectum cancer, 5-year mortality progressively increases for SDIs lower than the median (3.7 months) and decreases as the delay increases until approximately 8 months. In colon cancer, no significant relationship was found between SDI and survival. Conclusions. Short diagnostic intervals are significantly associated with higher mortality in rectal but not in colon cancers, even though a borderline significant effect is also observed in colon cancer. Longer diagnostic intervals seemed not to be associated with poorer survival. Other factors than diagnostic delay should be taken into account to explain this “waiting-time paradox”.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; PI14/ 00781Xunta de Galicia; PGIDIT06BTF91601P

    Identification of novel candidate target genes in amplicons of Glioblastoma multiforme tumors detected by expression and CGH microarray profiling

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    BACKGROUND: Conventional cytogenetic and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) studies in brain malignancies have shown that glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is characterized by complex structural and numerical alterations. However, the limited resolution of these techniques has precluded the precise identification of detailed specific gene copy number alterations. RESULTS: We performed a genome-wide survey of gene copy number changes in 20 primary GBMs by CGH on cDNA microarrays. A novel amplicon at 4p15, and previously uncharacterized amplicons at 13q32-34 and 1q32 were detected and are analyzed here. These amplicons contained amplified genes not previously reported. Other amplified regions containg well-known oncogenes in GBMs were also detected at 7p12 (EGFR), 7q21 (CDK6), 4q12 (PDGFRA), and 12q13-15 (MDM2 and CDK4). In order to identify the putative target genes of the amplifications, and to determine the changes in gene expression levels associated with copy number change events, we carried out parallel gene expression profiling analyses using the same cDNA microarrays. We detected overexpression of the novel amplified genes SLA/LP and STIM2 (4p15), and TNFSF13B and COL4A2 (13q32-34). Some of the candidate target genes of amplification (EGFR, CDK6, MDM2, CDK4, and TNFSF13B) were tested in an independent set of 111 primary GBMs by using FISH and immunohistological assays. The novel candidate 13q-amplification target TNFSF13B was amplified in 8% of the tumors, and showed protein expression in 20% of the GBMs. CONCLUSION: This high-resolution analysis allowed us to propose novel candidate target genes such as STIM2 at 4p15, and TNFSF13B or COL4A2 at 13q32-34 that could potentially contribute to the pathogenesis of these tumors and which would require futher investigations. We showed that overexpression of the amplified genes could be attributable to gene dosage and speculate that deregulation of those genes could be important in the development and progression of GBM. Our findings highlight the important influence in GBM of signaling pathways such as the PI3K/AKT, consistent with the invasive features of this tumor


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    La investigación descriptiva titulada “Propuesta  de examen de admisión y de examen final de carrera que permita evaluar los perfiles del ingresante y del egresado del currículo de la Escuela de Educación Inicial, en el año académico 2014” permitió evaluar los perfiles del ingresante y del egresado, cuyos resultados arrojaron que los ingresantes lograron en promedio un puntaje de 15,6 y los egresados un puntaje promedio de 12,0 en la prueba de admisión y prueba final, respectivamente; en el marco del proceso de autoevaluación de la mencionada carrera, con la finalidad de cumplir con los estándares de calidad de la Dimensión II Formación profesional, Factor 2: Enseñanza-aprendizaje, según la Guía de Autoevaluación y Acreditación (CONEAU, 2008) en donde se presentan dos estándares relacionados con la prueba de admisión y prueba final de carrera, los cuales son : Estándar 37. En una prueba cognoscitiva de admisión la nota mínima de ingreso es 14 en una escala vigesimal, o su equivalente en otras escalas y el estándar 42. El resultado de una prueba de conocimientos al final de la carrera profesional es utilizado para la mejora del proyecto educativo. El diseño de investigación que se utilizó fue el Diseño descriptivo simple, con una población de 73 ingresantes y 46 egresadas de la carrera de Educación Inicial en el año académico 2014. Los instrumentos de evaluación fueron la Prueba escrita de ingreso a la carrera y Prueba escrita de egreso de la carrera, las cuales  se elaboraron según tabla de especificaciones definidas en las Propuesta de examen de admisión y final aprobada por el Consejo de Facultad de la Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación.La aplicación de la propuesta  de examen de admisión y de examen final de carrera nos permitió analizar los perfiles del ingresante y del egresado del currículo de la Escuela Profesional de Educación Inicial, concluyendo que los ingresantes obtuvieron un mejor puntaje en el aspecto de la Evaluación general de conocimientos y aptitud académica de la prueba de ingreso de la carrera alcanzado un promedio de 7,2 (de un máximo de 7,5) mientras que los egresados obtuvieron mejores resultados en el aspecto de Conocimiento Pedagógico y Currículo de la prueba final de la carrera alcanzando un promedio de 16.71 (de un máximo de 25)

    Producción de Astaxantina y expresión de genes en Haematococcus pluvialis (Chlorophyceae, Volvocales) bajo condiciones de estrés por deficiencia de nitrógeno y alta irradiancia

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    Astaxanthin is an antioxidant carotenoid used in cosmetic, pharmaceutic and food industries that is produced by microalgae H. pluvialis in natural form; it is a secondary metabolite that increases production when microalgae grows under stress conditions, like food deficiency and high irradiation, among others. The goal of this research was to test microalgae growing under nitrogen deficiency conditions in a concentration of 4.0-5.0% and evaluate astaxanthin production and gene expression in dye biosynthesis. For this purpose, a culture in rm medium was carried out with 4.0 and 5.0% nitrogen, using the following conditions: pH 6.7; light/dark cycle 20h: 4h; temperature 25 ºC; continuous agitation; 5% CO2; lighting with white fluorescent lamps (Tlt 20w/54rs Philips brand); and a high irradiance of 140 μE. The growth in the medium was used as a control with nitrogen in normal concentrations during 36 days (under the same conditions). Sampling was carried out every third day for quantification of astaxanthin and chlorophyll and the determination of gene expression. The anova performed established that there are no significant differences between treatments (P = 0.053). However, astaxanthin production with a nitrogen concentration of 4.0% and a high irradiance of 140 μE was 3.52x10-6 μg cell-1 x mL-1, increased by 40% when compared to that obtained with 5.0% nitrogen (2.08x10-6 ug cell-1 x mL-1). The psy, pds, lcy, bkt and chy genes were expressed with 4.0% nitrogen, while 5.0% nitrogen only allowed psy, pds and chy.La astaxantina es un carotenoide y antioxidante utilizado en la industria cosmética, farmacéutica y alimentaria. Se produce naturalmente en la microalga H. pluvialis cuando esta crece bajo efecto de factores de estrés, como la deficiencia de nutrientes y una irradiancia alta, entre otros. Por lo anterior, se propone como objetivo de esta investigación determinar la producción de astaxantina y la expresión de los genes relacionados con su biosíntesis bajo condiciones de estrés por deficiencia de nitrógeno (4,0 y 5,0 %) y una irradiancia alta. Para este trabajo se realizó un cultivo en medio rm con nitrógeno a 4,0 y 5,0 %, utilizando las siguientes condiciones: pH 6,7; ciclo luz/oscuridad 20 h: 4 h; temperatura 25 ºC; agitación continua; CO2 de 5 %; iluminación con lámparas fluorescentes blancas (Tlt 20w/54rs marca Philips); e irradiancia alta de 140 µE. Adicionalmente, se utilizó como control el crecimiento en el medio con nitrógeno en concentraciones normales bajo las mismas condiciones durante 36 días. El muestreo se realizó cada tercer día para cuantificación de astaxantina y clorofila y determinación de expresión de genes. El anova realizado estableció que no hay diferencias significativas entre los tratamientos (P = 0,053). Sin embargo, la producción de astaxantina fue de 3,52x10-6 µg cel-1 x mL-1 con una concentración de nitrógeno al 4,0 % y una irradiancia alta de 140 µE, incrementándose en 40 % frente a la producción obtenida con nitrógeno al 5,0 % (2,08x10-6 ug cel-1 x mL-1). Los genes psy, pds, lcy, bkt y chy, se expresaron con nitrógeno al 4,0 %, mientras que con nitrógeno al 5,0 % solo se expresaron psy, pds y chy

    Seismotectonics related to the Azores – Gibraltar Fracture Zone: Analysis of the February 12th 2007 earthquake, SW Gorringe Bank

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    This work deals with the analysis of the seismicity and tectonic evolution of the eastern end of the Azores – Gibraltar Fracture Zone. The location of the main seismogenetic areas in this region is related to the complex geometry of the boundary between the Iberian and African lithospheric plates. To the west of the San Vicente Cape the seismicity can be related to a local compression at the Gorringe Bank. A detailed seismotectonic analysis allows the geological interpretation of the position of the hypocenter for the 12th February 2007 earthquake. It had Mw 6.0 and was placed on a fault having a NNE-SSW strike and a high dip to NW. The fault shows an oblique displacement (sinistral) and locates in the margin of the Horseshoe abyssal basin. Displacement along this fault is here tentatively related to complex deformation in the outer swell of an incipient downgoing plate. This can be the first indication of the beginning of subduction of the northern part of the African plate under the continental margin of Iberia. On the other hand, an analysis of the location of earthquakes having Mw >6.0 generated to the SW of the San Vicente Cape and the estimated isoseismal map has been made. It can be noted the importance of the uppermost crustal materials on the seismic intensity measurement. Sea waves resulting from these earthquakes and measured in the littoral of the Huelva province have an average velocity of propagation of approximately 600 km/