7,610 research outputs found

    Transcriptómica en "Mytilus galloprovincialis": validación de xenes expresados diferencialmente fronte á toxina do ácido okadaico

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    [Resumo]O acido okadaico atópase entre as toxinas marinas mais abundantes en Galicia, tendo a capacidade de producir periodicamente a síndrome gastrointestinal Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning tras o consumo de moluscos bivalvos contaminados. Este traballo avalía a expresión diferencial dos xenes citocromo oxidasa subunidades II e III, caspasa 3 7-3, p53, citocromo P450 e heat shock protein 70 na branquia do mexillón Mytilus galloprovincialis en tempos curtos de exposición a toxina ácido okadaico coa finalidade de obter biomarcadores de contaminación temperá. Os mexillóns tratados foron divididos en dous grupos e alimentáronse con cultivos da microalga productora de ácido okadaico Prorocentrum lima a concentracións de 200 e 20000 células/mL. Os resultados mostran a sobreexpresión do xene citocromo P450 a ambas as concentracións, confirmando o seu potencial como biomarcador de resposta a acido okadaico. O xene caspasa 3 7-3 aparece sobreexpresado unicamente a 200 cél/mL, polo que e preciso profundizar no seu estudo.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2013/201

    Evolución diatópica dalgúns aspectos do galego no s. xx. análise contrastiva dos materiais que ofrece a xeografía lingüística

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    Several projects related to Linguistic Geography have been carried out in Galicia during the last century and the beginning of this century. Fieldwork data obtained through personal interviews with informants provides us with an opportunity to observe the diatopic distribution of features that have traditionally been considered relevant in Galician linguistics. Since these surveys were performed at different points in time, they also provide an opportunity to analyse the material in terms of diachrony. This article presents some examples of the results obtained from such research, focusing on three issues, of which one concerns phonetics, another morphology, while the third delves into a lexical matter involving Spanish loanwords. In the morphological study, the different patterns seem to have remained stable over time, but the phonetic and lexical data examined show significant change during the period covered.Durante o século pasado e principios deste desenvolvéronse en Galicia distintos proxectos relacionados coa Xeografía Lingüística. Os datos obtidos nos traballos de campo a través de entrevistas persoais con informantes permiten observar a distribución diatópica de diferentes trazos tradicionalmente considerados relevantes pola lingüística galega. Ademais disto, os diferentes momentos históricos en que estas enquisas foron realizadas ofrecen a posibilidade dunha avaliación diacrónica dos materiais. No presente artigo amósanse algúns exemplos dos resultados desta investigación. Analizáronse fundamentalmente tres cuestións: unha fonética, unha morfolóxica e outra léxica relacionada co castelanismo. As distintas solucións morfolóxicas semellan manter a mesma distribución ó longo do período estudado, mentres que as cuestións fonética e léxica amosan cambios salientables

    Development of a Web site for the real-time monitoring of AEMET radar data for NWP

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    Seminario técnico de las becas de formación de posgraduados de Aemet celebrado el 20 de febrero de 2012. Proyecto: Asimilación en tiempo real en sistemas de predicción numérica mesoescalares de datos generados por la red operativa de radares meteorológicos de AEME

    Development and use of tools for quality control of radar data. Monitoring of AEMET radar data for NWP. Installation and configuration of a BALTRAD node and ROPO tools in AEMET

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    Seminario técnico de las becas de formación de posgraduados de Aemet celebrado el 3 de noviembre de 201

    Regional and international market integration of a small open economy

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    This paper studies the relationship between a set of commodity prices in a small open economy like Uruguay and the corresponding international and regional prices. The empirical methodology used is the multivariate cointegration procedure based on maximum likelihood methods introduced by Johansen (1988) as well as estimations of half-life persistence indicators. In the case of cereals, the evidence suggests strong market integration between domestic and regional markets and, to some extent, also to international markets. Therefore, directly or indirectly, domestic prices are connected with the efficient price signal. Results for beef indicate strong market integration between the domestic market and the regional market, which is not so well connected with international markets. Thus, domestic price appears to be linked to a regional price that is not linked to the efficient price signal.commodity prices, law of one price, market integration, cointegration