29 research outputs found

    Dinámica del vórtice polar sur de Venus con observaciones de Venus Express

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    [ES]Venus tiene una de las atmósferas más desconocidas de la actualidad, siendo uno de sus misterios el origen y mantenimiento de sus vórtices polares. VIRTIS-M, el espectrómetro de imágenes de la nave Venus Express, observó esta peculiar estructura día tras día desde 2006 hasta 2014. En este trabajo hemos medido el campo de viento a dos alturas de la atmósfera(≈ 42km y ≈ 62 km sobre la superficie) usando imágenes a 1.74 y a 3.8 o 5.1 μm obtenidas por el instrumento VIRTIS para 11 días diferentes en las que el Vórtice Polar Sur mostró diferentes morfologías. Hemos determinado la velocidad del viento mediante cloud tracking en más de tres pares de imágenes por día. También hemos elaborado mapas de vorticidad relativa instantánea y promediada para estimar el grado de rotación de las estructuras. Para estudiar la dinámica atmosférica polar de Venus en mayor profundidad, hemos medido además la distribución tridimensional de la temperatura del aire en 3 de los 11 días, ya que el canal infrarrojo del instrumento VIRTIS-M proporciona un espectro para cada píxel de la imagen en el rango de 1.0 a 5.1 μm. Usando técnicas de inversión y de transporte radiativo, hemos calculado la distribución espacial de la temperatura para varios niveles atmosféricos entre 55 y 85 km de altura. Al dividir este rango de altura en capas suficientemente gruesas, también hemos podido estimar la estabilidad estática de la región polar para así identificar las estructuras más y menos estables. Por último, hemos estudiado la evolución a corto plazo de la dinámica atmosférica (vientos y temperatura) en uno de los días analizados.[EN]Venus has one of today’s most unknown atmospheres with one of the unsolved mysteries being the origin and maintenance of its polar vortices. VIRTIS-M, the imaging spectrometer from Venus Express spacecraft, observed this peculiar structure day after day from 2006 to 2014. In this project, we measured the wind field at two atmospheric levels (≈42 km and ≈62 km above the surface) using images at 1.74 and at 3.8 or 5.1 μm obtained by the VIRTIS instrument for 11 different dates when the South Polar Vortex showed different morphologies. We determined the wind velocity by cloud tracking in more than three pairs of images per date. We also produced instantaneous and averaged relative vorticity maps in order to estimate the rotation degree of the structures. In order to study Venus's polar atmospheric dynamics in greater depth, we additionally measured the three-dimensional distribution of the air temperature in 3 of the 11 dates, since the infrared channel of VIRTIS-M instrument provides a spectrum for each pixel of the image in the 1.0 - 5.1 μm range. Using radiative transport and inversion techniques, we calculated the spatial distribution of the temperature for several atmospheric levels between 55 and 85 km height. By dividing this height range into sufficiently thick layers, we were also able to estimate the static stability of the polar region in order to identify the most and least stable structures. Lastly, we studied the short term evolution of the atmospheric dynamics (winds and temperature) in one of the analyzed dates.[EU]Artizarrak gaur egungo atmosfera ezezagunenetako bat du, bere misterioetako bat zurrunbilo polarren jatorria eta mantenua delarik. VIRTIS-M, Venus Express espazio-ontziko irudi-espektrometroak, egitura berezi hau egunez egun behatu zuen 2006tik 2014ra. Lan honetan atmosferako bi altueratako (gainazaletik ≈ 42 km eta ≈ 62 km-ra) haize eremua neurtu dugu, Hego Poloko Zurrubiloak morfologia desberdinak zituen 11 egunetarako 1.74 eta 3.8 edo 5.1 μm-tan VIRTIS-ek hartutako irudiak erabiliz. Haizearen abiadura \textit{cloud tracking} bidez zehaztu dugu, egun bakoitzeko hiru irudi pare baino gehiagotan. Bortizitate erlatiboaren aldiuneko eta batezbesteko mapak ere osatu ditugu, egituren biraketa gradua zenbatesteko. Artizarraren dinamika atmosferiko polarra sakonago aztertzeko, airearen tenperaturaren banaketa tridimentsionala ere neurtu dugu 11 egunetatik 3tan, VIRTIS-M tresnaren kanal infragorriak 1.0 eta 5.1 μm-ko tartean pixel bakoitzerako emandako espektroei esker. Inbertsio eta garraio erradiatiboko teknikak erabiliz, 55 eta 85 km-ko altuera arteko hainbat maila atmosferikoetarako tenperaturaren banaketa espaziala kalkulatu dugu. Altuera tarte hori lodiera nahikoko geruzatan zatituz, eskualde polarraren egonkortasun estatikoa zenbatetsi ahal izan dugu, horrela egitura egonkorrenak eta ez hain egonkorrak identifikatzeko. Azkenik, dinamika atmosferikoaren (haizea eta tenperatura) epe laburreko bilakaera ikertu dugu aztertutako egunetako batean

    An intense narrow equatorial jet in Jupiter’s lower stratosphere observed by JWST

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    The atmosphere of Jupiter has east–west zonal jets that alternate as a function of latitude as tracked by cloud motions at tropospheric levels. Above and below the cold tropopause at ~100 mbar, the equatorial atmosphere is covered by hazes at levels where thermal infrared observations used to characterize the dynamics of the stratosphere lose part of their sensitivity. James Webb Space Telescope observations of Jupiter in July 2022 show these hazes in higher detail than ever before and reveal the presence of an intense (140 m s−1) equatorial jet at 100–200 mbar (70 m s−1 faster than the zonal winds at the cloud level) that is confined to ±3° of the equator and is located below stratospheric thermal oscillations that extend at least from 0.1 to 40 mbar and repeat in multiyear cycles. This suggests that the new jet is a deep part of Jupiter’s Equatorial Stratospheric Oscillation and may therefore vary in strength over time.JWST-ERS-01373, NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope programmes no. 16913, 15502 and 16790, PID2019-109467GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/, Grupos Gobierno Vasco IT1742-22. I.d.; European Research Council Consolidator Grant (under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement no. 723890), STFC PhD Studentship, NASA grants 80NSSC21K1418 and 80NSSC19K0894

    Aprendizaje y Servicio en el Grado en Información y Documentación en tiempos de Covid-19

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    Memorias de estudiantes recogidas en la ejecución del proyecto de ApS titulado "Inclusión digital y visibilización de personas mayores en época de Covid-19" y realizado durante el curso 2021-22. Incluye una presentación del proyecto

    Inclusión digital y visibilización de personas mayores en época de Covid-19

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    Memoria del proyecto con indicación de las actividades realizadas y los resultados obtenidos. Se describen y valoran las diversas actividades realizadas al amparo del proyecto en el curso 2020-21, en particular las siguientes: (1) un programa de tutorías telefónicas con personas mayores finalizado a la formación en el manejo de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC); (2) el concurso de fotografía titulado “Las personas mayores responden a la pandemia”, pensado para visibilizar la vida de las personas mayores durante la pandemia; y finalmente (3) unas actividades alternativas vinculadas al proyecto que, sin interacción directa con las personas mayores, pretendían sensibilizar al alumnado acerca de la situación de estas durante la pandemia. Se presenta una evaluación de los objetivos conseguidos a través de las tres vías, haciendo especial hincapié en las competencias adquiridas por parte del alumnado.Oficina Universitaria ApS UCMDepto. de Biblioteconomía y DocumentaciónFac. de Ciencias de la DocumentaciónTRUEsubmitte

    Evolving trends in the management of acute appendicitis during COVID-19 waves. The ACIE appy II study

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    Background: In 2020, ACIE Appy study showed that COVID-19 pandemic heavily affected the management of patients with acute appendicitis (AA) worldwide, with an increased rate of non-operative management (NOM) strategies and a trend toward open surgery due to concern of virus transmission by laparoscopy and controversial recommendations on this issue. The aim of this study was to survey again the same group of surgeons to assess if any difference in management attitudes of AA had occurred in the later stages of the outbreak. Methods: From August 15 to September 30, 2021, an online questionnaire was sent to all 709 participants of the ACIE Appy study. The questionnaire included questions on personal protective equipment (PPE), local policies and screening for SARS-CoV-2 infection, NOM, surgical approach and disease presentations in 2021. The results were compared with the results from the previous study. Results: A total of 476 answers were collected (response rate 67.1%). Screening policies were significatively improved with most patients screened regardless of symptoms (89.5% vs. 37.4%) with PCR and antigenic test as the preferred test (74.1% vs. 26.3%). More patients tested positive before surgery and commercial systems were the preferred ones to filter smoke plumes during laparoscopy. Laparoscopic appendicectomy was the first option in the treatment of AA, with a declined use of NOM. Conclusion: Management of AA has improved in the last waves of pandemic. Increased evidence regarding SARS-COV-2 infection along with a timely healthcare systems response has been translated into tailored attitudes and a better care for patients with AA worldwide

    AYLLU: agent-mediated cooperation platform applied in a collaborative e-learning context: learning to cooperate and cooperating to learn

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    Las propuestas innovadoras sobre estrategias de enseñanza y aprendizaje han permitido el avance de la educación buscando cambiar la clásica concepción de aprendizaje individual y competitivo por modelos como la enseñanza y aprendizaje colaborativos. Por tal motivo, para la validación de la plataforma AYLLU se desarrolló un entorno educativo que permite aplicar diferentes estrategias en las cuales los participantes de cada equipo asumen roles y responsabilidades que garantizan el éxito del aprendizaje. En el proyecto de investigación AYLLU se ha desarrollado una plataforma que proporciona mecanismos que faciliten la interacción entre las personas; en efecto, las personas son apoyadas por agentes de software que trabajan como mediadores y facilitadores de la colaboración. Por ello, y considerando las necesidades al realizar un proceso colaborativo, la plataforma AYLLU se focaliza en cubrir tres aspectos principales: la comunicación y cooperación entre personas, la diversidad y el contexto, y la gestión de los recursos compartidos. En un primer nivel, el modelo de agentes cooperativos asegura una comunicación estructurada y semántica en un marco en el cual los participantes tengan conciencia de grupo. En un segundo nivel, los componentes AES y MATEO proporcionan los mecanismos para personalizar, adaptarse al contexto y gestionar los grupos de trabajo, teniendo en cuenta las particularidades de los usuarios. En el tercer nivel, el gestor de recursos AYPUY administra el acceso y el almacenamiento de los recursos que comparten las personas en forma concurrente. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos fueron satisfactorios: los procesos colaborativos se desarrollaron de manera fluida y efectiva.Innovative proposals on teaching and learning strategies have allowed the advancement of education by seeking to change the classic conception of individual and competitive learning with models such as collaborative teaching and learning. For this reason, for the validation of the AYLLU platform, an educational environment was developed that allows different strategies to be applied in which the participants of each team assume roles and responsibilities that guarantee the success of learning. In the AYLLU research project, a platform has been developed that provides mechanisms that facilitate interaction between people; Indeed, people are supported by software agents who work as mediators and facilitators of collaboration. For this reason, and considering the needs when carrying out a collaborative process, the AYLLU platform focuses on covering three main aspects: communication and cooperation between people, diversity and context, and the management of shared resources. At a first level, the cooperative agent model ensures structured and semantic communication in a framework in which the participants have group awareness. At a second level, the AES and MATEO components provide the mechanisms to personalize, adapt to the context and manage work groups, taking into account the particularities of the users. At the third level, the AYPUY resource manager manages access and storage of resources that people share concurrently. Finally, the results obtained were satisfactory: the collaborative processes were developed fluidly and effectively.Bogot

    Temperature and Composition Disturbances in the Southern Auroral Region of Jupiter Revealed by JWST/MIRI

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    International audienceAbstract Jupiter's South Polar Region (SPR) was observed by James Webb Space Telescope/Mid‐Infrared Instrument in December 2022. We used the Medium Resolution Spectrometer mode to provide new information about Jupiter's South Polar stratosphere. The southern auroral region was visible and influenced the atmosphere in several ways: (a) In the interior of the southern auroral oval, we retrieved peak temperatures at two distinct pressure levels near 0.01 and 1 mbar, with warmer temperatures with respect to non‐auroral regions of 12 ± 2 K and 37 ± 4 K respectively. A cold polar vortex is centered at 65°S at 10 mbar. (b) We found that the homopause is elevated to km above the 1‐bar pressure level inside the auroral oval compared to km at neighboring latitudes and with an upper altitude of 350 km in regions not affected by auroral precipitation. (c) The retrieved abundance of C 2 H 2 shows an increase within the auroral oval, and it exhibits high abundances throughout the polar region. The retrieved abundance of C 2 H 6 increases toward the pole, without being localized in the auroral oval, in contrast with previous analysis (Sinclair et al., 2018, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icarus.2017.09.016 ). We determined that the warming at 0.01 mbar and the elevated homopause might be caused by the flux of charged particles depositing their energy in the SPR. The 1‐mbar hotspot may arise from adiabatic heating resulting from auroral‐driven downwelling. The cold region at 10 mbar may be caused by radiative cooling by stratospheric aerosols. The differences in spatial distribution seem to indicate that the hydrocarbons analyzed are affected differently by auroral precipitation

    The Thermal Structure and Composition of Jupiter's Great Red Spot From JWST/MIRI

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    International audienceAbstract Jupiter's Great Red Spot (GRS) was mapped by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST)/Mid‐Infrared Instrument (4.9–27.9 m) in July and August 2022. These observations took place alongside a suite of visual and infrared observations from; Hubble, JWST/NIRCam, Very Large Telescope/VISIR and amateur observers which provided both spatial and temporal context across the jovian disc. The stratospheric temperature structure retrieved using the NEMESIS software revealed a series of hot‐spots above the GRS. These could be the consequence of GRS‐induced wave activity. In the troposphere, the temperature structure was used to derive the thermal wind structure of the GRS vortex. These winds were only consistent with the independently determined wind field by JWST/NIRCam at 240 mbar if the altitude of the Hubble‐derived winds were located around 1,200 mbar, considerably deeper than previously assumed. No enhancement in ammonia was found within the GRS but a link between elevated aerosol and phosphine abundances was observed within this region. North‐south asymmetries were observed in the retrieved temperature, ammonia, phosphine and aerosol structure, consistent with the GRS tilting in the north‐south direction. Finally, a small storm was captured north‐west of the GRS that displayed a considerable excess in retrieved phosphine abundance, suggestive of vigorous convection. Despite this, no ammonia ice was detected in this region. The novelty of JWST required us to develop custom‐made software to resolve challenges in calibration of the data. This involved the derivation of the “FLT‐5” wavelength calibration solution that has subsequently been integrated into the standard calibration pipeline