377 research outputs found

    The VEX-93 environment as a hybrid tool for developing knowledge systems with different problem solving techniques

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    The paper describes VEX-93 as a hybrid environment for developing knowledge-based and problem solver systems. It integrates methods and techniques from artificial intelligence, image and signal processing and data analysis, which can be mixed. Two hierarchical levels of reasoning contains an intelligent toolbox with one upper strategic inference engine and four lower ones containing specific reasoning models: truth-functional (rule-based), probabilistic (causal networks), fuzzy (rule-based) and case-based (frames). There are image/signal processing-analysis capabilities in the form of programming languages with more than one hundred primitive functions. User-made programs are embeddable within knowledge basis, allowing the combination of perception and reasoning. The data analyzer toolbox contains a collection of numerical classification, pattern recognition and ordination methods, with neural network tools and a data base query language at inference engines's disposal. VEX-93 is an open system able to communicate with external computer programs relevant to a particular application. Metaknowledge can be used for elaborate conclusions, and man-machine interaction includes, besides windows and graphical interfaces, acceptance of voice commands and production of speech output. The system was conceived for real-world applications in general domains, but an example of a concrete medical diagnostic support system at present under completion as a cuban-spanish project is mentioned. Present version of VEX-93 is a huge system composed by about one and half millions of lines of C code and runs in microcomputers under Windows 3.1.Postprint (published version

    Impact of vessel logistics on floating wind farm availability

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    ABSTRACT: This paper presents a study of the impact of the Operations and Maintenance (O&M) vessel logistics over the power availability of an Offshore Wind Farm. In particular, the vessel size and availability are considered. The study is performed with a life-span simulator, based on historical metocean data, walk-to-walk characterization based on a frequency domain hydrodynamic modelling of multibody systems, wind farm fault simulator (based on a catalogue of more than 1800 faults) and an algorithm to reproduce the O&M intelligence (i.e. sea transportation, workability, among others). The frequency domain model is applied on an hourly basis considering the specific significant wave height, peak period, peak enhancement factor, mean heading, directional spreading, and a wave-by-wave strategy is used to find if personnel transfer and workability criteria are met. The WindFloat Atlantic wind farm, located off the coast of Viana do Castello (Portugal), was chosen together with the TRL+ project semi-submersible platform and the 10MW turbine as a reference case. Different vessel logistics options are compared, including full vessel availability and several options of waiting times. The power availability changes among the different cases of study could be compared with the cost changes, optimizing the LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) of the wind farm. The presented study is a valuable example of the potential of the proposed O&M simulation model as an optimization tool.Raúl Guanche also acknowledges financial support from the Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC-2017-23260) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

    Uncertainties assessment in real-time hybrid model for ocean basin testing of a floating offshore wind turbine

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    ABSTARCT: This work analyses the accuracy of large-scale experimental testing procedure in ocean basin facility involving real-time hybrid model testing (ReaTHM) techniques. The analysis is based on a scaled concept for a 15MW floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) supported by a concrete semi-submersible platform (ActiveFloat) developed within the framework of the project COREWIND. The real-time hybrid model considered includes a multi-fan system located at the aero-rotor interface, which permits to generate the aerodynamic loads, reducing the limitations typically given by scaled problems. In order to assess the uncertainties in the hardware in the loop (HIL) implementation, firstly we define the quantities of interest to be evaluated from all the possible sources liable to inaccuracy identified. Then, we quantify the systematic and random discrepancies of the selected mooring, platform and HIL parameters. Finally, we propagate the previously quantified errors, running simulations in OpenFAST under extremal and severe environmental load cases in Gran Canaria Island (Spain) site. Comparing the platform response and mooring tensions of these uncertainty propagations with the ones of the unperturbed simulation as a baseline case, we analyse the effect of each representative parameter. Thus, the reliability of the results in ocean basin testing is numerically assessed, depending on the design load case.Raúl Guanche also acknowledges financial support from the Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC-2017- 23260) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

    General aspects in the use of graphenes in catalysis

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    [EN] This perspective is aimed at presenting some issues that, in our opinion, have still to be better addressed in the field of graphenes as catalysts. After an introductory section, the article comments on how the number of layers present on the catalyst, termed frequently as graphene, could be in some cases in contradiction with good practices about what should be or not considered as graphene. It will also be commented that some of the characterization tools that are employed in some cases for graphenes as catalysts, like specific surface area measurements based on isothermal gas adsorption on powders or XRD patterns are not well suited to characterizing graphenes. The potential role of impurities and structural defects in graphene catalysis has been highlighted showing the importance of providing exhaustive analysis of the materials. This perspective includes a final section with our view on future progress and wider consensus in the use of graphene in catalysis.Financial support by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Severo Ochoa and CTQ2014-53292-R) is gratefully acknowledged. Generalidad Valenciana is also thanked for funding (Prometeo 2013/014). SN is thankful for financial support by the Fundacion Ramon Areces (XVIII Concurso Nacional para la Adjudicacion de Ayudas a la Investigacion en Ciencias de la Vida y de la Materia, 2016). Financial support by Fundacion Ramon Areces (XVII Concurso Nacional para la adjudicacion de Ayudas a la Investigacion en Ciencias de la Vida y de la Materia).Navalón Oltra, S.; Herance, JR.; Alvaro Rodríguez, MM.; García Gómez, H. (2018). General aspects in the use of graphenes in catalysis. Materials Horizons (Online). 5(3):363-378. https://doi.org/10.1039/c8mh00066bS3633785

    Dynamic positioning of floating caissons based on the UKF filter under external perturbances induced by waves

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    This paper presents a dynamic positioning control scheme for concrete caissons in an attempt to automate part of the manoeuvres which usually require a complex deploy of personnel and equipment for port infrastructures development. The aim of this paper is to propose a control scheme, which is able to provide a reduction in costs and an improvement in security for the dynamic positioning manoeuvres . To do so, a dual loop controller is developed and the unscented Kalman filter is applied for states and perturbances estimation. Furthermore, a control allocation algorithm is proposed based on anchoring lines and winches. Finally, some simulations are performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach.The Spanish FEDER/Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities — State Research Agency (Fig. 14) is greatly acknowledged for funding our research through SAFE Project (Desarrollo de un Sistema Autónomo para el Fondeo de Estructuras para Obras Marítimas), Grant Agreement: RTC-2017-6603-4. The authors would like to thank FCC CO as a collaborator in the development of the SAFE Project. R. Guanche also acknowledges financial support from the Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC-2017-23260) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

    LQG control for dynamic positioning of floating caissons based on the Kalman filter

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    This paper presents the application of an linear quadratic gaussian (LQG) control strategy for concrete caisson deployment for marine structures. Currently these maneuvers are carried out manually with the risk that this entails. Control systems for these operations with classical regulators have begun to be implemented. They try to reduce risks, but they still need to be optimized due to the complexity of the dynamics involved during the sinking process and the contact with the sea bed. A linear approximation of the dynamic model of the caisson is obtained and an LQG control strategy is implemented based on the Kalman filter (KF). The results of the proposed LQG control strategy are compared to the ones given by a classic controller. It is noted that the proposed system is positioned with greater precision and accuracy, as shown in the different simulations and in the Monte Carlo study. Furthermore, the control efforts are less than with classical regulators. For all the reasons cited above, it is concluded that there is a clear improvement in performance with the control system proposed.The Spanish FEDER/Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities—State Research Agency is greatly acknowledged for partially funding our research through the SAFE Project (Desarrollo de un Sistema Autónomo para el Fondeo de Estructuras para Obras Marítimas), GrantAgreement: RTC-2017-6603-4. The Regional Ministry of Universities, Equality, Culture and Sports of the Gov-ernment of Cantabria has supported this work through the ControlFond project (Control De Ve-hículos Subacuáticos No Tripulados Para Supervisión De Estructuras Para Obras Marítimas Fondeadas). The authors would like to thank FCC Construcción CO as a collaborator in the de-velopment of the SAFE Project, specially Victor Florez Casillas and Nuria Cotallo Aguado (Tech-nical Direction/Hydraulic and Maritime Works) and Alvaro de Toro Mingo (Machinery Direction). R. Guanche also acknowledges financial support from the Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC-2017-23260) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

    Determination of Foetal Scalp Blood Sampling pH as an Indicator of Loss of Foetal Well-Being in Women Undergoing Caesarean Section

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    Asphyxia during birth is one of the three leading causes of neonatal morbidity and mortality among newborns carried to term. The objective of this study was to evaluate the measurement of the foetal scalp blood pH as a measure of foetal status, evaluating: cord gases, meconium-stained fluid, APGAR score or the need for neonatal resuscitation in pregnant women undergoing caesarean sections. A cross-sectional study was carried out over a period of 5 years (2017–2021) at the Hospital de Poniente (southern Spain). A total of 127 pregnant women participated from whom a foetal scalp blood pH sample was taken and used to indicate the need for an urgent caesarean section. The results showed a correlation between the pH of the scalp blood and the pH of the umbilical cord artery, umbilical cord vein (Rho of Spearman arterial pH: 0.64, p < 0.001; Rho of Spearman venous pH: 0.58, p < 0.001) and the APGAR test one minute after delivery (Spearman’s Rho coefficient of 0.33, p < 0.01). These results suggest that the foetal scalp pH should not be considered a foolproof method to indicate an urgent caesarean section. Foetal scalp pH sampling can be used as a complementary test, in conjunction with cardiotocography, to indicate whether an emergency caesarean section is necessary due to loss of foetal well-being

    Prehospital point-of-care lactate increases the prognostic accuracy of national early warning score 2 for early risk stratification of mortality: results of a multicenter, observational study

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    The objective of this study was to assess whether the use of prehospital lactate (pLA) can increase the prognostic accuracy of the National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) to detect the risk of death within 48 h. A prospective, multicenter study in adults treated consecutively by the emergency medical services (EMS) included six advanced life support (ALS) services and five hospitals. Patients were assigned to one of four groups according to their risk of mortality (low, low-medium, medium, and high), as determined by the NEWS2 score. For each group, the validity of pLA in our cohort was assessed by the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve. In this study, 3081 participants with a median age of 69 years (Interquartile range (IQR): 54–81) were included. The two-day mortality was 4.4% (137 cases). The scale derived from the implementation of the pLA improved the capacity of the NEWS2 to discriminate low risk of mortality, with an AUC of 0.910 (95% CI: 0.87–0.94; p < 0.001). The risk stratification provided by the NEWS2 can be improved by incorporating pLA measurement to more accurately predict the risk of mortality in patients with low risk.Fil: Martín Rodríguez, Francisco. Universidad de Valladolid; España. Emergency Medical Services; EspañaFil: López Izquierdo, Raul. Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega; EspañaFil: Delgado Benito, Juan F.. Emergency Medical Services; EspañaFil: Sanz García, Ancor. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Hospital Universitario de la Princesa; EspañaFil: Pozo Vegas, Carlos del. Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid; EspañaFil: Castro Villamor, Miguel Ángel. Universidad de Valladolid; EspañaFil: Martín Conty, José Luis. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha; EspañaFil: Ortega, Guillermo José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. Hospital Universitario de la Princesa; Españ

    Imposition, resistance, and alternatives in the face of an interregional water crisis in Mexico: El Zapotillo project

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    En este dossier se analizan los complejos aspectos socio-políticos, económicos, hidrológicos, legales, entre otros, relacionados con la construcción del proyecto El Zapotillo, que incluye un trasvase del Río Verde entre los estados mexicanos de Jalisco y Guanajuato con consecuencias significativas paras las comunidades humanas y los ecosistemas. El Cuaderno de Trabajo presenta doce artículos escritos por especialistas en las diferentes dimensiones del proceso, e incluye el trabajo de estudiantes de doctorado, activistas, y miembros de las comunidades locales afecadas directamente por el proyecto. It is a dossier focused on the complex socio-political, economic, hydrological, legal and other aspects involving the construction of El Zapotillo project, which includes an inter-basin transfer of the Verde River between the Mexican states of Jalisco and Guanajuato with significant consequences for human communities and ecosystems. The Working Paper features twelve articles written by specialists in the different dimensions of the process, and includes the work of doctoral students, activists, and members of the local communities directly affected by the project.ITESO, A.C.Universidad de BernaEl Colegio de JaliscoUNAMUniversidad de GuanajuatoUniversidad de GuadalajaraCartocríticaIMDECCIDEComité Salvemos Temacapulín, Acasico y PalmarejoColectivo de Abogad@