699 research outputs found

    Consanguinity in Two Spanish Regions: La Cabrera and Fuentes Carrionas. Dispensations and Isonymy

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    In this work the level and structure of consanguinity is analysed in two Spanish rural regions of similar geographic and orographic characteristics for the period between 1880 and 1979, employing two different methodologies. The estimates according dispensations shows that the total levels (a4=0.00552 in La Cabrera and 0.00405 in Fuentes Carrionas) and the structures of consanguinity (C22/C33=0.43 and 0.34) are similar in both regions, but have evolved differently. Whereas in La Cabrera both parameters have remained stable, in Fuentes Carrionas they fluctuated through the period analysed. On studying the structure of consanguinity more closely using the isonymic method, it can be seen that in La Cabrera total consanguinity (Ft=0.0206) should be attributed mainly to environmental factors (Fr=0.0193) and to a lesser extent to socio-cultural factors (Fn=0.0013), whereas in Fuentes Carrionas it derives, almost exclusively, from the former (Ft=0.01270; Fr=0.01589; Fn=-0.00325)

    Electrificación de una urbanización de 200 viviendas unifamiliares

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) pretende dotar del suministro eléctrico necesario, a nivel de Media Tensión (MT), Centros de Transformación (CT) y Baja Tensión (BT), a una nueva urbanización de 200 viviendas, todas ellas de nueva construcción. Para ello se proyecta la instalación de una Línea de MT Subterránea, la cual alimentará a los 3 CT Subterráneos Prefabricados proyectados, completando la configuración en anillo con un CT compacto Prefabricado existente. Además se proyecta la Red de BT Subterránea necesaria para acometer a las diferentes parcelas desde los CT proyectados.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.EUP). Enxeñaría eléctrica. Curso 2012/201

    Structural investigations on novel non-nucleoside inhibitors of human norovirus polymerase

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    Human norovirus is the first cause of foodborne disease worldwide, leading to extensive outbreaks of acute gastroenteritis, and causing around 200,000 children to die annually in developing countries. No specific vaccines or antiviral agents are currently available, with therapeutic options limited to supportive care to prevent dehydration. The infection can become severe and lead to life-threatening complications in young children, the elderly and immunocompromised individuals, leading to a clear need for antiviral agents, to be used as treatments and as prophylactic measures in case of outbreaks. Due to the key role played by the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) in the virus life cycle, this enzyme is a promising target for antiviral drug discovery. In previous studies, following in silico investigations, we identified different small-molecule inhibitors of this enzyme. In this study, we rationally modified five identified scaffolds, to further explore structure-activity relationships, and to enhance binding to the RdRp. The newly designed compounds were synthesized according to multiple-step synthetic routes and evaluated for their inhibition of the enzyme in vitro. New inhibitors with low micromolar inhibitory activity of the RdRp were identified, which provide a promising basis for further hit-to-lead optimization

    Sistema concurrente de detección de intrusiones con correlación de alertas en entornos distribuidos

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    Los escenarios típicos de un NIDS suelen ser redes de tamaño muy variado, desde domésticas hasta de grandes empresas. Pero también hay propuestas para adaptarlos a la computación en la nube. Al ser este tipo de computación un paradigma bastante reciente presenta riesgos de seguridad que creemos que pueden ser reducidos con un NIDS. El sistema de detección de intrusos propuesto en el presente documento propone una serie de medidas para adaptar un NIDS a un entorno de computación en la nube y, motivados por dos carencias que podría presentar esta propuesta, se proponen dos mejoras, la primera de ellas será la mejora de velocidad de análisis mediante el uso de paralelismo tanto a nivel GPU como CPU y la segunda será añadirle un sistema de correlación de alertas. Como método para conseguir estos objetivos se han evaluado diferentes vías que se desarrollan a lo largo de este documento. OpenStack permitirá desplegar un sistema de computación en la nube sobre uno o varios nodos físicos, CUDA y OpenMP hacer uso de paralelismo a nivel de GPU y CPU, y la logica difusa etiquetar las alertas en cada uno de los tipos de ataque. Como líneas de investigación futuras quedaría el desarrollo de un algoritmo de ordenación que explote el paralelismo a nivel de CPU y optimizar la correlación de alertas. [ABSTRACT] Typical scenarios of a NIDS usually are varied sized networks, from domestic to large companies. But there are also proposals to adapt it to the cloud computing. Since this kind of computing paradigm presents fairly recent security risks, we believe may be reduced with NIDS. The intrusion detection system proposed in this document proposes a series of measures to adapt a NIDS to an environment of cloud computing and motivated by two shortcomings that could present, this proposal proposes two improvements, the first of which will improve analysis speed by using parallelism at CPU and GPU and the second generate a system alert correlation. As a method for achieving these goals are assessed different ways that develop throughout this document. OpenStack will help us to deploy a cloud computing on one or more physical nodes, CUDA and OpenMP will help us to use parallelism at GPU and CPU level, and fuzzy logic will help us to label each attack. As future research lines would be the development of a sorting algorithm that exploits parallelism and optimize CPU level alert correlation

    Dimension that typify the potential consume of organic foods in the Maule Region, Chile

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    La demanda creciente por alimentos orgánicos presenta ventas por encima de los cinco mil millones de dólares por año a nivel mundial. Esta demanda también se extiende a los países en desarrollo como es el caso chileno, el cual exporta el 90% de su producción, generando un mercado interno poco desarrollado para este tipo de productos. La presente investigación intenta identificar los constructos que caracterizan los potenciales consumidores de alimentos orgánicos. Para el desarrollo del estudio se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra de 422 consumidores de la Región del Maule en Chile central (N. C. = 95,5%; e = 3,0%). La información posteriormente fue analizada a través de la técnica multivariante denominada análisis factorial de componentes principales. Los resultados de la investigación revelan la existencia de cuatro dimensiones o constructos: (1) beneficios de la agricultura orgánica; (2) alimentación sana; (3) estilos de vida y (4) atributos de los productos orgánicos. Estas dimensiones influyen en la actitud e intención de compra por parte de los consumidores hacia los alimentos orgánicos y son elementos clave para formular estrategias de comercialización para productos orgánicos.The growing demand for the consumption of organic foods at worldwide level presents sales increasing by over five thousand million dollars per year. Demands extended to development countries like it is the Chilean case, which exports 90% of its production getting an internal market with low development for this type of products. The research tries to identify the constructs to characterize the potential consumers of organic foods. A survey was applied to 422 consumers to carry out the research in the Maule Region, central Chile (C. I. = 95.5%; e = 3.0%). The Information was analyzed through multivariante technic denominated factor analysis of principal components. The main results of the research reveal the existence of four dimensions or constructs, corresponding to: (1) benefits of the organic agriculture; (2) healthy feeding; (3) lifestyles; (4) attribute of organic foods. These four factors influence in the attitude and purchase intention for the consumers toward the organic foods. In addition being key elements when formulating market strategies for organic products.Fil: Adasme-Berríos, Cristian. Universidad Católica del Maule. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Dpto. de Ciencias AgrariasFil: Rodríguez, Marcelo. Universidad Católica del Maule. Facultad de Ciencias BásicasFil: Jara-Rojas, Roberto. Universidad de TalcaFil: Díaz-Tobar, Belén. Universidad Católica del Maule. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales. Dpto. de Ciencias Agraria

    The rotavirus vaccine landscape, an update

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    Rotavirus is the leading cause of severe acute childhood gastroenteritis, responsible for more than 128,500 deaths per year, mainly in low-income countries. Although the mortality rate has dropped significantly since the introduction of the first vaccines around 2006, an estimated 83,158 deaths are still preventable. The two main vaccines currently deployed, Rotarix and RotaTeq, both live oral vaccines, have been shown to be less effective in developing countries. In addition, they have been associated with a slight risk of intussusception, and the need for cold chain maintenance limits the accessibility of these vaccines to certain areas, leaving 65% of children worldwide unvaccinated and therefore unprotected. Against this backdrop, here we review the main vaccines under development and the state of the art on potential alternatives

    Las inundaciones recientes en Galicia

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    Las inundaciones en Galicia tienen un carácter particular. Los factores que intervienen en su desarrollo son variados pero, en general, están más asociadas a eventos derivados de un largo período de abundante precipitación, propios de las condiciones climáticas en que se inscribe\ud la región, que a aquellos otros, menos frecuentes, de corta duradón y elevada intensidad. Por otra parte, al tratarse de un territorio en donde la casi totalidad de sus principales cursos fluviales se encuentran regularizados por embalses para el aprovechamiento hidroeléctrico, los efectos de estas crecidas sólo se dejan sentir en los pequeños cursos que carecen de dicho aprovechamiento, por lo que las consecuencias hidrológicas son limitadas en el espacio y en el tiempo. Finalmente, la ausencia de infomnación hidrométríca de base en estos pequeños cursos fluviales, nos ha llevado a presentar simulaciones de eventos en una de las cuencas más afectadas por las tradicionales inundaciones como es la del río Sar, en la comarca de A Mahía, que se extiende entre la ciudad de Santiago de Compostela y el núcleo urbano de Padrón, en el fondo de la ría de Arousa.The inundations in Galicia have a particular character. The factors that intervene in the development\ud are varied but, generally, are most associated to derived events of a long period of\ud abundant precipitation, proper of the climatic conditions in that inscribes the region, that those\ud other, less frequented, of short duration and elevated intensity.\ud On the other hand, upon be tried of a territory in where the almost totality of the course fluvial principals find regularized by dammed for profit hydroelectric, the grown effects of these alone let to feel in the little courses\ud that lack of tell profit, why the consequences hydro are limited in the space and in the time. Finally,\ud the absence of information hydrologic of little base in these fluvial courses, has at us carried\ud to present simulations of events in one of the most affected basins by traditional inundations\ud as is of the "río Sar", in the "comarca de A Mahía", that extend between the city of "Santiago de\ud Compostela" and the urban nucleus of "Padrón", in the background of to "ría de Arousa"

    Low Cost LoRa based Network for Forest Fire Detection

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    [EN] Forest fires are one of the main environmental problems in the entire Mediterranean basin. In a context where low power and long-range networks (LPWAN) are increasingly common to the rise of Internet of Things (IoT) architecture, the interest in providing solutions to monitor scenarios and fire prevention based on these technologies is huge. This paper presents a low cost Long Range (LoRa) based network able to evaluate level of fire risk and the presence of a forest fire. The system is composed by a LoRa node and a set of sensors to measure the temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and CO2. The evaluation algorithm is based on the 30- 30-30 rule. Through website the users can see the parameters measured by nodes in real time. The system has been tested in a real environment and the results show that it is possible to cover a circular area of 1.1km or radius.This work has been partially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades through the Ayudas para la adquisición de equipamiento científicotécnico, Subprograma estatal de infraestructuras de investigación y equipamiento científico-técnico (plan Estatal I+D+i 2017-2020) (project EQC2018-004988-P) and through the Research Contracts of Youth Employment of the University of Granada, through its operative program of Youth Guarantee of the Regional Government of Andalusia and the European Social Fund.Vega-Rodríguez, R.; Sendra, S.; Lloret, J.; Romero-Díaz, P.; García-Navas, JL. (2019). Low Cost LoRa based Network for Forest Fire Detection. IEEE. 177-184. https://doi.org/10.1109/IOTSMS48152.2019.8939193S17718