6,516 research outputs found

    Near-infrared and Millimeter Constraints on the Nuclear Energy Source of the Infrared Luminous Galaxy NGC 4418

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    We present near-infrared and millimeter investigations of the nucleus of the infrared luminous galaxy NGC 4418, which previous observations suggest possesses a powerful buried AGN. We found the following main results: (1) The infrared K-band spectrum shows CO absorption features at 2.3-2.4 micron owing to stars and very strong H2 emission lines. The luminosity ratios of H2 emission lines are suggestive of a thermal origin, and the equivalent width of the H2 1-0 S(1) line is the second largest observed to date in an external galaxy, after the well-studied strong H2-emitting galaxy NGC 6240. (2) The infrared L-band spectrum shows a clear polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission feature at 3.3 micron, which is usually found in star-forming galaxies. The estimated star-formation luminosity from the observed PAH emission can account for only a small fraction of the infrared luminosity. (3) Millimeter interferometric observations of the nucleus reveal a high HCN (1-0) to HCO+ (1-0) luminosity ratio of 1.8, as has been previously found in pure AGNs. (4) The measurements of HCN (1-0) luminosity using a single-dish millimeter telescope show that the HCN (1-0) to infrared luminosity ratio is slightly larger than the average, but within the scattered range, for other infrared luminous galaxies. All of these results can be explained by the scenario in which, in addition to energetically-insignificant, weakly-obscured star-formation at the surface of the nucleus, a powerful X-ray emitting AGN deeply buried in dust and high density molecular gas is present.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal (2004 November issue

    The silicate absorption profile in the ISM towards the heavily obscured nucleus of NGC 4418

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    The 9.7-micron silicate absorption profile in the interstellar medium provides important information on the physical and chemical composition of interstellar dust grains. Measurements in the Milky Way have shown that the profile in the diffuse interstellar medium is very similar to the amorphous silicate profiles found in circumstellar dust shells around late M stars, and narrower than the silicate profile in denser star-forming regions. Here, we investigate the silicate absorption profile towards the very heavily obscured nucleus of NGC 4418, the galaxy with the deepest known silicate absorption feature, and compare it to the profiles seen in the Milky Way. Comparison between the 8-13 micron spectrum obtained with TReCS on Gemini and the larger aperture spectrum obtained from the Spitzer archive indicates that the former isolates the nuclear emission, while Spitzer detects low surface brightness circumnuclear diffuse emission in addition. The silicate absorption profile towards the nucleus is very similar to that in the diffuse ISM in the Milky Way with no evidence of spectral structure from crystalline silicates or silicon carbide grains.Comment: 7 Pages, 3 figures. MNRAS in pres

    Vortex spectrum in superfluid turbulence: interpretation of a recent experiment

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    We discuss a recent experiment in which the spectrum of the vortex line density fluctuations has been measured in superfluid turbulence. The observed frequency dependence of the spectrum, f5/3f^{-5/3}, disagrees with classical vorticity spectra if, following the literature, the vortex line density is interpreted as a measure of the vorticity or enstrophy. We argue that the disagrement is solved if the vortex line density field is decomposed into a polarised field (which carries most of the energy) and an isotropic field (which is responsible for the spectrum).Comment: Submitted for publication http://crtbt.grenoble.cnrs.fr/helio/GROUP/infa.html http://www.mas.ncl.ac.uk/~ncfb

    Potential impacts of advanced technologies on the ATC capacity of high-density terminal areas

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    Advanced technologies for airborne systems (automatic flight control, flight displays, navigation) and for ground ATC systems (digital communications, improved surveillance and tracking, automated decision-making) create the possibility of advanced ATC operations and procedures which can bring increased capacity for runway systems. A systematic analysis is carried out to identify certain such advanced ATC operations, and then to evaluate the potential benefits occurring over time at typical US high-density airports (Denver and Boston). The study is divided into three parts: (1) A Critical Examination of Factors Which Determine Operational Capacity of Runway Systems at Major Airports, is an intensive review of current US separation criteria and terminal area ATC operations. It identifies 11 new methods to increase the capacity of landings and takeoffs for runway systems; (2) Development of Risk Based Separation Criteria is the development of a rational structure for establishing reduced ATC separation criteria which meet a consistent Target Level of Safety using advanced technology and operational procedures; and (3) Estimation of Capacity Benefits from Advanced Terminal Area Operations - Denver and Boston, provides an estimate of the overall annual improvement in runway capacity which might be expected at Denver and Boston from using some of the advanced ATC procedures developed in Part 1. Whereas Boston achieved a substantial 37% increase, Denver only achieved a 4.7% increase in its overall annual capacity

    Noise dephasing in the edge states of the Integer Quantum Hall regime

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    An electronic Mach Zehnder interferometer is used in the integer quantum hall regime at filling factor 2, to study the dephasing of the interferences. This is found to be induced by the electrical noise existing in the edge states capacitively coupled to each others. Electrical shot noise created in one channel leads to phase randomization in the other, which destroys the interference pattern. These findings are extended to the dephasing induced by thermal noise instead of shot noise: it explains the underlying mechanism responsible for the finite temperature coherence time τϕ(T)\tau_\phi(T) of the edge states at filling factor 2, measured in a recent experiment. Finally, we present here a theory of the dephasing based on Gaussian noise, which is found in excellent agreement with our experimental results.Comment: ~4 pages, 4 figure

    Competition between magnetic field dependent band structure and coherent backscattering in multiwall carbon nanotubes

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    Magnetotransport measurements in large diameter multiwall carbon nanotubes (20-40 nm) demonstrate the competition of a magnetic-field dependent bandstructure and Altshuler-Aronov-Spivak oscillations. By means of an efficient capacitive coupling to a backgate electrode, the magnetoconductance oscillations are explored as a function of Fermi level shift. Changing the magnetic field orientation with respect to the tube axis and by ensemble averaging, allows to identify the contributions of different Aharonov-Bohm phases. The results are in qualitative agreement with numerical calculations of the band structure and the conductance.Comment: 4 figures, 5 page

    Adaptive optics imaging of P Cygni in Halpha

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    We obtained Halpha diffraction limited data of the LBV star P Cyg using the ONERA Adaptive Optics (AO) facility BOA at the OHP 1.52m telescope on October 1997. Taking P Cyg and the reference star 59 Cyg AO long exposures we find that P Cyg clearly exhibits a large and diffuse intensity distribution compared to the 59 Cyg's point-like source. A deconvolution of P Cyg using 59 Cyg as the Point Spread Function was performed by means of the Richardson-Lucy algorithm. P Cyg clearly appears as an unresolved star surrounded by a clumped envelope. The reconstructed image of P Cyg is compared to similar spatial resolution maps obtained from radio aperture synthesis imaging. We put independent constraints on the physics of P Cyg which agree well with radio results. We discuss future possibilities to constrain the wind structure of P Cyg by using multi-resolution imaging, coronagraphy and long baseline interferometry to trace back its evolutionary status.Comment: 10 pages, 19 Encapsulated Postscript figure

    Robust quantum coherence above the Fermi sea

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    In this paper we present an experiment where we measured the quantum coherence of a quasiparticle injected at a well-defined energy above the Fermi sea into the edge states of the integer quantum Hall regime. Electrons are introduced in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer after passing through a quantum dot that plays the role of an energy filter. Measurements show that above a threshold injection energy, the visibility of the quantum interferences is almost independent of the energy. This is true even for high energies, up to 130~μ\mueV, well above the thermal energy of the measured sample. This result is in strong contradiction with our theoretical predictions, which instead predict a continuous decrease of the interference visibility with increasing energy. This experiment raises serious questions concerning the understanding of excitations in the integer quantum Hall regime

    Tuning decoherence with a voltage probe

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    We present an experiment where we tune the decoherence in a quantum interferometer using one of the simplest object available in the physic of quantum conductors : an ohmic contact. For that purpose, we designed an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer which has one of its two arms connected to an ohmic contact through a quantum point contact. At low temperature, we observe quantum interference patterns with a visibility up to 57%. Increasing the connection between one arm of the interferometer to the floating ohmic contact, the voltage probe, reduces quantum interferences as it probes the electron trajectory. This unique experimental realization of a voltage probe works as a trivial which-path detector whose efficiency can be simply tuned by a gate voltage