39 research outputs found

    Mollusks Found Inside Octopus (Mollusca, Cephalopoda) Pots in the State of Ceara, Northeast Brazil

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    The fishery of octopus in the State of Ceará is being carried out in the coast of Fortaleza, Redonda Beach (Icapuí) and Itarema where 2 species can be found, Octopus insularis and O. vulgaris. The objective of this study was to investigate which prey species of mollusks were found inside the pots used in the octopus fishery. Unbaited octopus pots were set in Redonda Beach at 30 meters depth, in Fortaleza at 27 meters depth, and in Itarema at 30 meters depth. The species found inside the octopus pots that were consumed by Octopus vulgaris and O. insularis were mainly gastropods and bivalves. It was found 32 species of mollusks, being 17 of gastropods and 15 of bivalves. Redonda Beach presented the higher number of mollusk species in the octopus pots, with 85% of the total. The most preyed gastropod species was Aliger costatus (35.6%) and the most preyed bivalve species was Anadara notabilis (54.5%). Among the gastropods, 54% had a bore hole, the majority on the spire in the ventral side of the shell. This location is probably due to the presence of the columelar muscle, where it can inject the poison. Only 4.3 % of the bivalves found inside the octopus pots presented bore holes. Empty shells were censured in the field to indicate the magnitude of octopus predation relative to other sources of mortality and the percentage of empty shells with octopus drill holes ranged from 14% to 69%

    Influence of the shoot density of Halodule wrightii Ascherson from rocky and sandy habitats on associated macroalgal communities

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    This study evaluated the influence of the shoot density of the shoal grass Halodule wrightii on the composition of the associated algal community, in rocky and sandy habitats on the coast of Ceará in northeastern Brazil. The phycological community included 18 species in 10 families, members of Rodophyta (72.2%), Chlorophyta (22.2%) and Phaeophyceae (5.5%). The largest proportion were epilithic (50%), followed by epiphytes on H. wrightii (38.4%), epipsammics (8%), and epiphytes on other algae (4%). Epiphytes on H. wrightii occurred mainly associated with rhizomes, but also tendrils of H. musciformis occurred attached to the leaves. The phycological community varied according to the density of H. wrightii, independently of particular characters of the meadows, although both habitat and other environmental variables seemed to influence the macroalgae composition and diversity. The rocky habitat was more diverse than the sandy habitat, but in the sandy habitat the shoal grass was important for algal settlement in areas where hard substrates were scarce or absent.Este estudo avaliou a influência da densidade do capim-agulha Halodule wrightii sobre a composição da comunidade algal associada, em habitats rochosos e arenosos da costa do Ceará, Nordeste do Brasil. A comunidade ficológica incluiu 18 espécies em de 10 famílias, integrantes de Rodophyta (72.2%), Chlorophyta (22.2%) e Phaeophyceae (5.5%). A maior proporção foi epilítica (50%), seguida pelas epífitas de H. wrightii (38.4%), epífitas de outras algas (8%) e epipsâmicas (4%). Epífitas de H. wrightii ocorreram associadas com os rizomas, mas gavinhas de H. musciformis ocorreram presas às folhas. A comunidade ficológica variou de acordo com a densidade de H. wrightii independentemente das características particulares dos prados estudados, embora tanto o habitat quanto outras variáveis ambientais pareceram influenciar a composição e diversidade das macroalgas. O habitat rochoso foi mais diverso que o arenoso, mas no habitat arenoso o capim-agulha foi importante para o assentamento de algas em áreas onde substratos duros foram raros ou ausentes

    Brazilian sandy beaches: characteristics, ecosystem services, impacts, knowledge and priorities

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    As praias brasileiras fornecem bens e serviços ecossistêmicos fundamentais, desempenhando papel importante para a manutenção de populações humanas e para a conservação da biodiversidade. Entretanto, apesar da sua importância ecológica e social, essas praias são amplamente impactadas por alterações humanas, turismo, poluição química e orgânica e mudanças climáticas globais. Esses fatores tornam urgente a melhor percepção e compreensão das mudanças ambientais nas praias brasileiras, assim como de suas consequências na biota. Com o objetivo de promover estudos integrados que possam detectar variações nas características das praias e de outros habitats bentônicos do litoral do Brasil, foi estabelecida a Rede de Monitoramento de Habitats Bentônicos Costeiros (ReBentos). Para fornecer subsídios para o planejamento amostral da ReBentos, realizamos um intenso levantamento sobre os estudos conduzidos nas praias brasileiras e sintetizamos o atual conhecimento relativo a esse ambiente. Os resultados do levantamento são apresentados no presente trabalho e demonstram as principais características físicas, biológicas e socioeconômicas dessas praias. A partir das informações, assim como de nossa experiência e de pesquisas realizadas em diversos países, apontamos estudos e medidas que devem ser considerados prioritários para a avaliação dos efeitos das mudanças regionais e globais sobre as praias brasileiras. Esperamos que esse trabalho possa fornecer subsídios para futuros estudos e que constitua um importante passo em direção à conservação das praias do Brasil e de sua biodiversidade.Sandy beaches constitute a key ecosystem and provide socioeconomic goods and services, thereby playing an important role in the maintenance of human populations and in biodiversity conservation. Despite the ecological and social importance of these ecosytems, Brazilian sandy beaches are significantly impacted by human interference, chemical and organic pollution and tourism, as well as global climate change. These factors drive the need to better understand the environmental change and its consequences for biota. To promote the implementation of integrated studies to detect the effects of regional and global environmental change on beaches and on other benthic habitats of the Brazilian coast, Brazilian marine researchers have established The Coastal Benthic Habitats Monitoring Network (ReBentos). In order to provide input for sample planning by ReBentos, we have conducted an intensive review of the studies conducted on Brazilian beaches and summarized the current knowledge about this environment. In this paper, we present the results of this review and describe the physical, biological and socioeconomics features of Brazilian beaches. We have used these results, our personal experience and worldwide literature to identify research projects that should be prioritized in the assessment of regional and global change on Brazilian sandy beaches. We trust that this paper will provide insights for future studies and represent a significant step towards the conservation of Brazilian beaches and their biodiversity

    Hipertermia maligna en Brasil: análisis de la actividad del hotline en 2009

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Malignant hyperthermia (MH) is a pharmacogenetic disease that causes abnormal hypermetabolic reaction to halogenated anesthetics and/or depolarizing muscle relaxants. In Brazil, there is a hotline telephone service for MH since 1991, available 24 hours a day in São Paulo. This article analyzes the activity of the Brazilian hotline service for MH in 2009. METHODS: Prospective analysis of all phone calls made to the Brazilian hotline service for MH from January to December 2009. RESULTS: Twenty-two phone calls were received: 21 from the South/Southeast region of Brazil and one from the North region. Fifteen calls were requests for general information about MH. Seven were about suspected MH acute episodes, two of which were not considered as MH. In five episodes compatible with MH, all patients received halogenated volatile anesthetics (2, isoflurane; 3, sevoflurane) and one also used succinylcholine; there were four men and one woman, with a mean age of 18 years (2-27). The problems described in the five MH episodes were tachycardia (5), increased expired carbon dioxide (4), hyperthermia (3), acidemia (1), rhabdomyolysis (1), and myoglobinuria (1). One patient received dantrolene. All five patients with MH episodes were follow-up in the intensive care unit and recovered without sequelae. Susceptibility to MH was later confirmed in two patients by in vitro muscle contracture test. CONCLUSIONS: The number of calls per year in the Brazilian hotline service for MH is still low. The characteristics of MH episode were similar to those reported in other countries. The knowledge of MH in Brazil needs to be increased.JUSTIFICATIVA Y OBJETIVOS: La Hipertermia Maligna (HM) es una enfermedad farmacogenética, con una reacción hipermetabólica anormal a los anestésicos halogenados y/o relajantes musculares despolarizantes. Desde 1991 existe un servicio hotline de atención telefónica para la HM en Brasil a disposición las 24 horas del día en São Paulo. Este artículo analiza la actividad del servicio brasileño de hotline para la HM en el 2009. MÉTODOS: Análisis prospectivo de todas las llamadas telefónicas realizadas al servicio brasileño de hotline para la HM, desde enero a diciembre de 2009. RESULTADOS: Se recibieron 22 llamadas; 21 provenientes del Sur y Sudeste de Brasil y una del Norte. Quince eran solicitudes de informaciones generales sobre la HM. Siete fueron sobre sospechas de crisis agudas de HM, de las cuales dos no fueron consideradas como HM. En las cinco crisis compatibles con la HM, todos los pacientes recibieron anestésicos inhalatorios halogenados (2 isoflurano, 3 sevoflurano) y uno también usó succinilcolina. Había cuatro hombres y una mujer, con un promedio de edad de 18 años (2-27). Los problemas descritos en las cinco crisis de HM: taquicardia (cinco), aumento del gas carbónico espirado (cuatro), hipertermia (tres), acidemia (uno), rabdomiólisis (uno) y mioglobinuria (uno). Un paciente recibió dantrolene. Todos los cinco pacientes con crisis de HM recibieron acompañamiento en la unidad de cuidados intensivos y se recuperaron sin secuelas. La susceptibilidad a la HM fue posteriormente confirmada en dos pacientes por medio del test de la contractura muscular in vitro. CONCLUSIONES: El número de llamadas por año al servicio brasileño de hotline para la HM todavía es pequeño. Las características de las crisis fueron similares a las descritas en otros países. Es necesario aumentar el conocimiento que se tiene sobre la HM en Brasil.JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Hipertermia maligna (HM) é doença farmacogenética, com reação hipermetabólica anormal a anestésicos halogenados e/ou relaxantes musculares despolarizantes. Desde 1991 há um serviço hotline de atendimento telefônico para HM no Brasil, disponível 24 horas por dia, em São Paulo. Este artigo analisa a atividade do serviço brasileiro de hotline para HM em 2009. MÉTODOS: Análise prospectiva de todas chamadas telefônicas paria maligna (HM) é doença farmacogenética, com reação hipermetabólica anormal a anestésicos halogenados e/ou relaxantes musculares despolarizantes. Desde 1991 há um serviço hotline de atendimento telefônico para HM no Brasil, disponível 24 horas por dia, em São Paulo. Este art go analisa a at vidade do serviço brasileiro de hotline para HM em 2009a o serviço brasileiro de hotline para HM, de janeiro a dezembro de 2009. RESULTADOS: Foram recebidas 22 ligações; 21 provenientes do Sul-Sudeste do Brasil e uma do Norte. Quinze eram pedidos de informações gerais sobre HM. Sete foram suspeitas de crises agudas de HM, das quais duas não foram consideradas como HM. Nas cinco crises compatíveis com HM, todos os pacientes receberam anestésicos inalatórios halogenados (2 isoflurano, 3 sevoflurano) e um usou também succinilcolina; havia quatro homens e uma mulher, com média de idade de 18 anos (2-27). Problemas descritos nas cinco crises de HM: taquicardia (cinco), aumento do gás carbônico expirado (quatro), hipertermia (três), acidemia (um), rabdomiólise (um) e mioglobinúria (um). Um paciente recebeu dantrolene. Todos os cinco pacientes com crises de HM foram seguidos em unidade de terapia intensiva e recuperaram-se sem sequelas. A suscetibilidade à HM foi posteriormente confirmada em dois pacientes por meio do teste de contratura muscular in vitro. CONCLUSÕES: O número de chamadas por ano no serviço brasileiro de hotline para HM ainda é reduzido. As características das crises foram similares às descritas em outros países. É preciso aumentar o conhecimento sobre HM no Brasil.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP), Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) Setor de Doenças NeuromuscularesUNIFESP, EPM, Setor de Doenças NeuromuscularesSciEL

    Influence of environmental factors on a Halodule wrightii Ascherson meadow in northeastern Brazil

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    The influence of environmental factors on the shape, biomass and biometry of Halodule wrightii was determined throughout the year, in Goiabeiras Beach (Fortaleza-Ceará-Brazil), based on the measurement of meadow shape and employing non-parametric Spearman correlations, canonical correlation analyses and BIO-ENV. Biomass and biometry of H. wrightii were significantly greater in the rainy season in comparison to the dry season. These characters were also positively correlated to variables associated with rainfall. Considering the main environmental factors analyzed, meteorological factors exert a greater influence on a number of variables. Besides waves, strongly influenced by winds in this area, temperature and salinity had a significant role on the variance found in the H. wrightii meadow studied, which can be related to sporadic exposition. Thus, further studies should consider the specific influence of these variables, and also what are the specific influences on reproductive events in H. wrightii in the natural environment.The influence of environmental factors on the shape, biomass and biometry of Halodule wrightii was determined throughout the year, in Goiabeiras Beach (Fortaleza-Ceará-Brazil), based on the measurement of meadow shape and employing non-parametric Spearman correlations, canonical correlation analyses and BIO-ENV. Biomass and biometry of H. wrightii were significantly greater in the rainy season in comparison to the dry season. These characters were also positively correlated to variables associated with rainfall. Considering the main environmental factors analyzed, meteorological factors exert a greater influence on a number of variables. Besides waves, strongly influenced by winds in this area, temperature and salinity had a significant role on the variance found in the H. wrightii meadow studied, which can be related to sporadic exposition. Thus, further studies should consider the specific influence of these variables, and also what are the specific influences on reproductive events in H. wrightii in the natural environment