12 research outputs found

    Planning Methods in Ecuador’s Indigenous People

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    Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) is a fundamental human right that implies knowledge and exercise of sexual and reproductive rights (SSR). Among the latter are access to knowledge and use of contraceptive methods; therefore, SSR should be experienced as a constant experience that allows women to achieve full satisfaction and security in their sexual and reproductive sphere through their subjectivity, their body, and their social and cultural life. Knowing about family planning allows having the desired number of children determining the interval between pregnancies and choosing the contraceptive method according to the social, cultural and psychological beliefs, needs and conditions of each woman. However, indigenous women from Canton Cañar (Ecuador) have less access and knowledge to contraceptive methods, mainly due to the influence of social, cultural, religious and economic factors, among others. The lack of information about family planning in indigenous populations of the South of Ecuador has motivated this study; through a medical-anthropological approach, it is intended to determine what is the preference regarding contraceptive methods in indigenous Cañari women in the context of the Cañari culture and what are their perceptions regarding such methods

    An artificial-vision- and statistical-learning-based method for studying the biodegradation of type I collagen scaffolds in bone regeneration systems

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    [Abstract] This work proposes a method based on image analysis and machine and statistical learning to model and estimate osteocyte growth (in type I collagen scaffolds for bone regeneration systems) and the collagen degradation degree due to cellular growth. To achieve these aims, the mass of collagen -subjected to the action of osteocyte growth and differentiation from stem cells- was measured on 3 days during each of 2 months, under conditions simulating a tissue in the human body. In addition, optical microscopy was applied to obtain information about cellular growth, cellular differentiation, and collagen degradation. Our first contribution consists of the application of a supervised classification random forest algorithm to image texture features (the structure tensor and entropy) for estimating the different regions of interest in an image obtained by optical microscopy: the extracellular matrix, collagen, and image background, and nuclei. Then, extracellular-matrix and collagen regions of interest were determined by the extraction of features related to the progression of the cellular growth and collagen degradation (e.g., mean area of objects and the mode of an intensity histogram). Finally, these critical features were statistically modeled depending on time via nonparametric and parametric linear and nonlinear models such as those based on logistic functions. Namely, the parametric logistic mixture models provided a way to identify and model the degradation due to biological activity by estimating the corresponding proportion of mass loss. The relation between osteocyte growth and differentiation from stem cells, on the one hand, and collagen degradation, on the other hand, was determined too and modeled through analysis of image objects’ circularity and area, in addition to collagen mass loss. This set of imaging techniques, machine learning procedures, and statistical tools allowed us to characterize and parameterize type I collagen biodegradation when collagen acts as a scaffold in bone regeneration tasks. Namely, the parametric logistic mixture models provided a way to identify and model the degradation due to biological activity and thus to estimate the corresponding proportion of mass loss. Moreover, the proposed methodology can help to estimate the degradation degree of scaffolds from the information obtained by optical microscopy.Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital; MTM2014-52876-RMinisterio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital; MTM2017-82724-RXunta de Galicia; ED431C-2016-015Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    An expert system based on computer vision and statistical modelling to support the analysis of collagen degradation

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    [Abstract] The poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PDLGA) copolymers have been specifically designed and performed as biomaterials, taking into account their biodegradability and biocompatibility properties. One of the applications of statistical degradation models in material engineering is the estimation of the materials degradation level and reliability. In some reliability studies, as the present case, it is possible to measure physical degradation (mass loss, water absorbance, pH) depending on time. To this aim, we propose an expert system able to provide support in collagen degradation analysis through computer vision methods and statistical modelling techniques. On this base, the researchers can determine which statistical model describes in a better way the biomaterial behaviour. The expert system was trained and evaluated with a corpus of 63 images (2D photographs obtained by electron microscopy) of human mesenchymal stem cells (CMMh-3A6) cultivated in a laboratory experiment lasting 44 days. The collagen type-1 sponges were arranged in 3 groups of 21 samples (each image was obtained in intervals of 72 hours)

    An educational environment based on digital image processing to support the learning process of biomaterials degradation in stem cells

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    [Abstract] The Poly(DL-lactide-co-glycolide) copolymers (PDLGA) have designed and performed as biomaterials, taking into account their biodegradability and biocompatibility properties. These materials have a wide range of application in medicine such as orthopedic implants, general surgical implants (suture materials), osteosynthesis, bone cement, among many others. For these reasons, in this paper, we present an intelligent educational environment that can be used for both, researchers and students interested in the analysis of the biomaterial behavior under certain conditions. Our platform includes a Learning Objects (LOs) for MOODLE, and in the same way, implements several digital image processing techniques as well as a decision support module based on a random forest algorithm and statistical modeling. With the aim of determining the real feasibility of this proposal, we have presented the system to 34 Ecuadorian engineering students. After testing the platform, the students answered a survey aimed at determining their perception of the system. The results provide several guidelines to continue with the developing of the platform

    Salud, interculturalidad y Buen Vivir: respeto a la diversidad y mutuo beneficio en el intercambio de saberes y experiencias

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    La configuración de espacios de diálogo entre varios interlocutores es la mayor expresión de la tolerancia, el respeto, la diferencia, la convivencia armónica, incluso la libertad. El resultado, como en el caso de esta obra, contribuye a la edificación de sociedades más justas, equitativas y solidarias, compromiso que profesionales y académicos de diferentes instituciones de Educación Superior del Ecuador asumieron en el I Congreso Internacional “interculturalidad y Buen Vivir, celebrado en 2018, en Cuenca, Ecuador. El libro se compone de tres partes. La primera parte, La sociedad y la búsqueda del bien común, propone al lector puntos de vista acerca de cómo son interpretados hoy los conceptos de la interculturalidad y de Buen Vivir. La segunda, Ciencia y tecnología y sabiduría ancestral: casos de investigación aplicada al contexto ecuatoriano, presenta los resultados de investigaciones realizadas en ámbitos disciplinarios distintos como la educación, la comunicación digital, la química, la medicina y la informática, acomunadas por la intención de asociar el desarrollo tecnológico al conocimiento, patrimonio de culturas ancestrales. La tercera parte pone en la mesa los resultados de investigaciones científicas que evidencian cómo la medicina, uno de los ámbitos científicos y sociales más importantes y tecnológicamente avanzados de nuestra era, resulte en múltiples expresiones de profunda raíz cultural que relaciona prácticas ancestrales y convencionales

    Modeling and analysis of the degradation of smart biomaterials for dental use, and the development and differentiation of bone cells through the differential culture of mesenchymal cells inoculated in dental scaffols

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Ciencias da Saúde. 5007V01[Resumen] Esta tesis doctoral está compuesta de tres trabajos de investigación diferentes publicados en libros y revistas científicas. Así, el Capítulo 3 de esta tesis corresponde al trabajo titulado "Statistical degradation modelling of Poly(D,L-lactidecoglycolide) copolymers for bioscaffold applications", publicado en PLOS One y escrito por Javier Tarrío Saavedra, Yaroslava Robles Bykbaev, Salvador Naya, Silvia Díaz Prado, Sara Quintana y Francisco Javier García Sabán [1]. El Capítulo 4 es el trabajo titulado 'An artificial-vision- and statisticallearning- based method for studying the biodegradation of type 1 collagen scaffolds in bone regeneration systems", sometido a proceso de revisión en la revista PeerJ, y teniendo por autores a Yaroslava Robles Bykbaev, Salvador Naya, Silvia Díaz Prado, Vladimir Robles Bykbaev, Daniel Calle, Clara Sanjurjo Rodríguez, Luis Garzón y Javier Tarrío. El nexo de todos estos trabajos es el modelado estadístico de scaffolds con aplicaciones en odontología e ingeniería tisular. De este modo, la identificación de las variables críticas para la degradación de los scaffolds, detectando las variables más influyentes en la degradación y midiendo su importancia, además de la descripción matemática del camino de degradación (permitiendo la predicción de grado de la degradación) son algunos de los objetivos de esta investigación. Para este propósito, se aplicaron técnicas de diseño de experimentos (experimental y estadístico) adecuadas, además de utilizarse las más pertinentes técnicas estadísticas (desde el análisis descriptivo a la regresión avanzada). La combinación de estas técnicas permitió estudiar dos tipos de degradación, a saber, aquélla debida a la hidrólisis y la degradación debida al crecimiento celular en su labor de formar tejidos, en dos grupos diferentes de materiales, el PDLGA y el colágeno tipo 1 (actualmente utilizados como scaffolds en muchas y diversas aplicaciones).[Resumo] Esta tese doutoral está composta de tres traballos de investigación diferentes publicados en libros e revistas científicas. Nomeadamente, o Capítulo 3 desta tese corresponde ao traballo titulado "Statistical degradation modelling of Poly(D,Llactide- coglycolide) copolymers for bioscaffold applications", publicado en PLOS One e escrito por Javier Tarrío Saavedra, Yaroslava Robles Bykbaev, Salvador Naya, Silvia Díaz Prado, Sara Quintana e Francisco Javier García Sabán [1). O Capítulo 4 é o traballo titulado "An artificial-vision- and statisticallearning- based method for studying the biodegradation of type 1 colla gen scaffolds in bone regeneration systems", sometido a proceso de revisión na revista PeerJ, tendo por autores a Yaroslava Robles Bykbaev, Salvador Naya, Silvia Díaz Prado, Vladimir Robles Bykbaev, Daniel Calle, Clara Sanjurjo Rodríguez, Luis Garzón e Javier Tarrío. O nexo de todos estes traballos é o modelado estatístico de scaffolds con aplicacións en odontoloxía e enxeñaría tisular. Deste xeito, a identificación das variables críticas para a degradación dos scaffolds, detectando as variábeis máis influintes na degradación e medindo a súa importancia, ademais da descripción matemática do camiño de degradación (permitindo a predición do grao de degradación) son algúns dos obxectivos desta investigación. Para este propósito aplicáronse técnicas de deseño de experimentos (experimental e estadístico) adecuadas, ademais de utilizarse as máis pertinentes técnicas estatísticas (desde a análise descritiva á regresión avanzada). A combinación destas técnicas permitiunos estudar dous tipos de degradación, a saber, aquel a debida á hidrólisis e a degradación debida ao crecemento celular na súa acción de formar texidos, e en dous grupos diferentes de materiais, PDLGA e o coláxeno tipo 1 (actualmente utilizados coma scaffolds en moitas e diversas aplicacións).[Abstract] This doctoral thesis is composed of three different research works published in scientific journals and books. Namely, the Chapter 3 of this thesis corresponds to the work entitled "Statistical degradation modelling of Poly(D,L-lactide-coglycolide) copolymers for bioscaffold applications", published in PLOS One journal and authored by Javier Tarrío Saavedra, Yaroslava Robles Bykbaev, Salvador Naya, Silvia Díaz Prado, Sara Quintana, and Francisco Javier García Sabán [1]. The Chapter 4 accounts for the work entitled "An artificial-vision- and statisticallearning- based method for studying the biodegradation of type 1 collagen scaffolds in bone regeneration systems", submited to PeerJ journal and authored by Yaroslava Robles Bykbaev, Salvador Naya, Silvia Díaz Prado, Vladimir Robles Bykbaev, Daniel Calle, Clara Sanjurjo Rodríguez, Luis Garzón, and Javier Tarrío. The nexus of all these works is the modeling the degradation of scaffolds with possible applications in dentistry and tisular engineering. Identifying critical variables for scaffold degradation, detecting the most influencing variables on degradation and measure their importance, and mathematically describing the degradation trend (allowing the degradation degree prediction) are sorne of the goal s of this research. For these purpose, adequate design of experiments and the proper use of statistical techniques (from descriptive to advanced regression modeling) have be en performed. The combination of these techniques have allowed us to study two types of degradation, that due to hydrolysis and degradation due to cellular growth, in two different group of materials, PDLGA and type 1 colla gen (currently used as scaffolds in many applications). In the following lines summaries corresponding tho each work (and corresponding to a different chapter of the thesis) are shown, pointing out in each one the the most relevant achievements

    Ejercicio de los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, según la clase social de mujeres del Azuay y Cañar, 2012

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    Determinar la prevalencia del ejercicio de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos y su asociación con la clase social de las mujeres que acuden a unidades operativas de salud del Azuay y Cañar.MÉTODOS: se trata de un estudio transversal, la muestra fue aleatoria: 440mujeres (edad fértil y/o gestantes: cualquier trimestre) que residían en Azuay y Cañar durante los últimos 5 años, acudían a unidades operativas del Ministerio de Salud Pública. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva, razón de prevalencias y regresión múltiple; se utilizaron los programas SPSS (15.3) y Epi Info (3.5.1). RESULTADOS: los DSR que mejor se ejercen son: placer (P: 0,00), cuidados de la salud (P= 0,00) y expresión (P= 0,03), pero ninguno alcanza el ideal (74,85%). Mujeres de clases sociales B (OR= 5,29) y C (1,75), con embarazos (OR= 2,88) e hijos (OR= 2,13), amas de casa o estudiantes (OR= 1,25) ejercen mejor los DSR. CONCLUSIONES: mujeres de clases sociales B y C, con embarazos e hijos, amas de casa o estudiantes ejercen mejor los DSR, pero ninguno es ejercido adecuadamente, pues no alcanzan el 74,85% (ideal).Exercise of Sexual and Reproductive Rights, according to the social class of women from Azuay and Cañar, 2012. Sexual and Reproductive Rights are Human Rights, unknown and not exercised in our country, which causes lack of access to health services, maternal morbidity and mortality, previously researches have biologist and isolated determinants aspects perspective, all those relegate the cultural, economic and social aspects, hence the need for research with a holistic approach. OBJECTIVE: determine the prevalence of sexual and reproductive rights exercise and its association with social class of women goes to operating units health service of Azuay and Cañar. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study, the sample was randomizated: 440 women (of childbearing age and / or pregnant: any quarter) residing in Azuay and Cañar over the past five years, women attended operational units of the Ministry of Public Health. Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, prevalence ratio and multiple regression, we used the SPSS (15.3) and Epi Info (3.5.1). RESULTS: The best exercise of Sexual and Reproductive Rights were: pleasure (p<0.00), health care (p<0.00) and expression (P<0.03), but none reached the ideal (74.85%). Social class women B(OR = 5.29) and C (1.75), with pregnancy (OR = 2.88) and children (OR = 2.13), housewives or students (OR = 1.25) exercised better the Sexual and Reproductive Rights. CONCLUSIONS: Social classes women B and C, with pregnancies and children, housewives or students exercised better Sexual and Reproductive Rights, but none was exercised properly, it did not reach the 74.85% (ideal).Magíster en Investigación de la SaludCuenc

    A bespoke social network for deaf women in Ecuador to access information on sexual and reproductive health

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    Many deaf women face the lack of numerous resources related to their personal development. The unavailability of proper information on Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH), in particular, causes problems of sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancy in adolescence, sexual violence, complications during pregnancy, etc. In response to this, we have created a social network that delivers SRH content (verified and validated by experts) to women with different degrees of hearing loss. The site features a recommender system that selects the most relevant pieces of content to deliver to each woman, driven by her individual preferences, needs and levels of knowledge on the different subjects. We report experiments conducted in Cuenca, Ecuador, between 2017 and 2018 with 98 volunteers from low- and middle-income settings, aiming to evaluate the quality and appeal of the contents, the coherence of the methodology followed to create them, and the effectiveness of the content recommendations. The positive results encourage the frequent creation of new content and the refinement of the recommendation logic as the cohort of users expands over time.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (España) | Ref. TIN2017-87604-RXunta de GaliciaEuropean Commissio