28 research outputs found

    Computer Applications in Extension Water Quality Programs

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    Cooperative Extension was established as an educational and problem-solving institution in 1914

    Extension Agent Attitudes Toward Paired/Cooperative Computer·Assisted Instruction for In· Service Training

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    Successful integration of CAI (computer-assisted instruction) into Cooperative Extension in-service training programs requires acceptance of CAI by staf


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    Control of sediment has become increasingly important as an element of many water quality improvement programs. An analytical method using the universal soil loss equation and linear programming to determine the cost-effectiveness of alternative sediment control practices is developed. Applications of this method to four case study farms and a hypothetical watershed are analyzed. The analyses illustrate the need for developing priorities so as to achieve greatest reduction in sediment losses per dollar of cost. The costs per unit of sediment reduction vary greatly with area, soil, and strategy or technique used

    Análisis de aspectos problemáticos del tribunal de jurado en Nicaragua

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    Estudia la regulación del tribunal de jurado en Nicaragua, dentro del sistema acusatorio , exponiendo los problemas que enfrenta la vigencia de esta institución en el sistema procesal penal y analiza si la regulación y aplicación actual, cumple con el respeto de las garantías procesales establecidas y si existe una correcta selección, integración y regímenes de prohibición que permitan seleccionar ciudadanos idóneos para emitir un veredicto revestido de justicia formal y material

    Mechanisms regulating renal sodium excretion during development

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