231 research outputs found

    On the Picard group scheme of the moduli stack of stable pointed curves

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    The aim of the present paper is to study the (abstract) Picard group and the Picard group scheme of the moduli stack of stable pointed curves over an arbitrary scheme. As a byproduct, we compute the Picard groups of the moduli stack of stable or smooth pointed curves over a field of characteristic different from two.Comment: 36 pages. v2: added a new section on the first Chern class and the divisor class group of the coarse moduli spac

    Asymptotically idempotent aggregation operators for trust management in multi-agent systems

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    The study of trust management in multi-agent system, especially distributed, has grown over the last years. Trust is a complex subject that has no general consensus in literature, but has emerged the importance of reasoning about it computationally. Reputation systems takes into consideration the history of an entity’s actions/behavior in order to compute trust, collecting and aggregating ratings from members in a community. In this scenario the aggregation problem becomes fundamental, in particular depending on the environment. In this paper we describe a technique based on a class of asymptotically idempotent aggregation operators, suitable particulary for distributed anonymous environments

    L'exercice du pouvoir : convergences entre Antonio Gramsci et Michel Foucault

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    Ce projet de recherche met en dialogue Antonio Gramsci et Michel Foucault autour du thème du Pouvoir. Les deux philosophes sont arrivés, chacun à leur manière et selon leur parcours spécifique, à méditer la tendance du pouvoir – entendu comme instrument polyvalent de coercition – à pénétrer presque toutes les sphères de l'existence humaine. Mon approche historique et comparatiste permettra de creuser la pensée humaniste du second Gramsci et de montrer comment lui et Foucault retravaillent les thèses de Machiavel, en focalisant sur l'exercice de la force active à des fins de consolidation du pouvoir et ce, au-delà des limites de la politique ordinaire ou quotidienne. Si, depuis la Révolution française, les rapports de force sont « traduits » en termes idéologiques, reste qu'il faut comprendre la manière historique dont l'idéologie forme les imaginaires sociaux. Gramsci s'intéressait, comme Georges Sorel avant lui, aux effets institutionnels (civiques surtout) sur les mentalités dites populaires. Foucault, à son tour, étudie le processus de subjectivation selon les grandes structures socio-économiques et selon « l'éthos pastoral », qu’il identifie comme le paradigme de la « gouvernementalité ». Les questions soulevées par les auteurs, et la lecture qui en sera faite, nous permettront de comprendre comment se construit le consensus et surtout comment sont mises en œuvre les pratiques discriminatoires qui permettent de consolider un certain type de consensus. Ce projet veut donc servir d’outil d'interprétation des dynamiques politico-économiques de notre temps. Gramsci et Foucault concourent en ce sens à tirer au clair le fonctionnement de l'idéologie et de la vérité dans la consolidation des rapports de force, et donc dans la perpétuation du Pouvoir.This research project puts Antonio Gramsci and Michel Foucault in dialogue around the theme of Power. Each in his way, these philosophers pondered the significant tendency of power to penetrate, as a versatile instrument of coercion, into almost all spheres of human existence. My approach delves into the humanist thought of the second Gramsci and shows how he (and Foucault) reworks Machiavelli's theses, focusing on the exercise of active force for the purpose of power consolidation and this, beyond the limits of ‘everyday’ politics. If power relations, since the French Revolution, have been “translated” into ideological language, it remains necessary to understand historically how ideology shapes social imaginaries. Like Georges Sorel before him, Gramsci was interested in the institutional (notably, civic) effects on so-called popular mentalities. Foucault, in his turn, studied the process of subjectivation according to vast socio-economic structures and to the evolution of the “pastoral ethos”, a paradigm of “governmentality”. The questions raised by the authors, and the reading of them here, will allow us to understand how consensus is constructed and how practices of discrimination are implemented, allowing a certain type of consensus to be consolidated. This project, therefore, aims to provide a tool for interpreting the political and economic dynamics of our time. In that sense, Gramsci and Foucault can be used to show how ideology and truth function in the consolidation of power relationships, and thus in the perpetuation of Power itself

    A Amplitude Constitucional da Carta das Nações Unidas: Controvérsias de uma Proposta de Constituição para a Comunidade Internacional

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    Este artículo busca examinar la amplitud del concepto que considera la Carta de la ONU una constitución de la comunidad internacional. La metodología sigue la ruta inductiva, basada en referencias bibliográficas. Presenta esquema conceptual y categorizador del constitucionalismo global, discute la idea de comunidad internacional y identifica las características constitucionales de la Carta. Concluye que la Carta es más que un tratado, pero sus virtudes constitucionales limitadas, la ausencia de los elementos que tradicionalmente conforman una constitución, las deficiencias institucionales y la realidad de las relaciones internacionales no permiten su reconocimiento como una constitución amplia de la comunidad internacional.Este artigo objetiva examinar a dimensão da concepção teórica que erige a Carta da ONU como uma constituição da comunidade internacional. A metodologia segue o percurso indutivo, com base em referencial bibliográfico. Apresenta esboço conceitual e categorizador do constitucionalismo global, discute a ideia de comunidade internacional, identifica características constitucionais da Carta da ONU. Conclui que a Carta da ONU representa mais que um tratado, mas suas limitadas virtudes constitucionais, a ausência dos elementos que configurem tradicionalmente uma constituição, as deficiências institucionais e a realidade das relações internacionais não a legitimam como uma constituição abrangente da comunidade internacional

    The Picard group of the universal moduli stack of principal bundles on pointed smooth curves

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    For any smooth connected linear algebraic group G over an algebraically closed field k, we describe the Picard group of the universal moduli stack of principal G-bundles over pointed smooth k-projective curvesComment: 62 pages, minor modification

    The interplay of Criterion A of the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders, mentalization and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background and aims: The COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by a worsening of mental health levels in some, while others manage to adapt or recover relatively quickly. Transdiagnostic factors such as personality functioning are thought to be involved in determining mental health outcomes. The present study focused on two constructs of personality functioning, Criterion A of the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD, DSM-5) and mentalization, as predictors of depressive symptoms and life satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic. A second focus of the study was to examine whether this relationship was mediated by resilience. Methods: Linear regression analyses were used to examine the relationship between personality functioning measured by Criterion A (AMPD, DSM-5) and mentalizing abilities as predictors, and depression and life satisfaction as mental health outcomes. To assess the hypothesis that this relationship is mediated by resilience a structural equation modeling approach was conducted. Data from N = 316 individuals from the general population were collected. Results: Linear regression models revealed highly significant associations between Criterion A/mentalization and both outcome measures. Structural equation models showed a significant partial mediation by resilience of these relationships. Conclusion: Our results support the hypothesis that mentalizing serves as a protective function by promoting resilience to the impact of stress and threats. Criterion A and mentalization performed similarly as predictors of mental health outcomes, providing empirically overlapping operationalizations of personality functioning. This finding emphasizes the importance of personality functioning in positive and negative mental health outcomes. Furthermore, our results are consistent with a mediating role of resilience

    Analysis of direct and indirect methods for somatic cell counts in the milk of healthy goats

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    A particularidade da secreção láctea caprina, do tipo apócrina, diferente da secreção merócrina da vaca, leva a erros de interpretação durante a realização de técnicas de avaliação da celularidade do leite de fêmeas desta espécie. Portanto, o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de determinar a contagem de células somáticas pelo método indireto California Mastitis Test (CMT), e por métodos diretos, incluindo a contagem por citometria de fluxo e a contagem microscópica direta, através da coloração de verde de metil e pironina-Y, além de comparar os métodos de contagem celular. Foram analisadas 102 amostras de 51 fêmeas caprinas, das raças Saanen, Parda Alpina e Toggenburg, criadas no Estado de São Paulo. Os animais foram categorizados segundo a fase da lactação, exame físico da glândula mamária e exame do leite. As amostras foram colhidas, após a realização do exame Califórnia Mastitis Test, em duas alíquotas, uma destinada à contagem celular automática e a outra, a contagem microscópica direta, utilizando-se o corante verde de metil e pironina- Y. De acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, observou- se 74,5% de amostras negativas, 8,8% de amostras com escore traços, 8,8% de amostras ligeiramente positivas (+), 6,8% de amostras fracamente positivas (++) e 0,9% de amostras fortemente positivas (+++). Os valores medianos das contagens de células somáticas presentes no leite de cabras, avaliadas através de contador automático e microscopia direta, e analisadas de acordo com os diferentes escores do CMT, foram, respectivamente, 181.000, 578.000, 628.000, 1.421.500 e 5.542.000 células/mL de leite e 74.991, 271.396, 71.420, 640.995 e 5.049.394 células/ mL de leite, nos escores negativo, traços, +, ++ e +++. Os valores medianos obtidos através da contagem de células somáticas pelo método automático e microscópico direto, de acordo com as fases de lactação foram de 159.500, 508.000 e 277.500 células/mL de leite, e 62.493, 89.275 e 146.411. A correlação obtida entre a contagem celular automática e microscópica direta foi de 88%. A partir dos resultados observados pode-se concluir que existe diferença na contagem celular determinada através do método automático e microscópico sendo este último o mais adequado para a determinação da celularidade no leite de cabras.The particular apocrine secretion of goat milk different from the merocrine one observed in cows, may lead to errors in interpreting cellularity evaluations in the milk of this species. Thus, the objective of the present trial was to determine Somatic Cell Counts by means of one indirect methods, the California Mastitis Test (CMT), and direct methods, flow cytometry and direct microscopic count using methyl green-pyronine-Y stain, beyond comparing the methods of cellular counting. A total of 102 samples from 51 Saanen, Brown Alpine and Toggenburg female goats, bred in the state of São Paulo, were analyzed. Goats were separated in groups according to the phase of lactation and to physical examination of the mammary gland, and milk examination. Samples were divided into two aliquots, and were collected after California Mastitis Test evaluation. One aliquot was used in automatic cell counts, and the other, in direct microscopic count using methyl green-pyronine-Y stain. CMT results were as follows: 74.5% of the samples were negative, 8.8% yielded traces, 8.8% were weak positive (1), 6.8% were distinct positive (2) and 0.9% were strong positive (3). Medians of somatic cell counts in goat milk as evaluated by means automatic cell counter and direct microscopy, and grouped according to the different CMT scores, were as follows: 181,000, 578,000, 628,000, 1,421,500, and 5,542,000 cells/mL of milk and 74,991, 271,396, 71,420, 640,995, and 5,049,394 cells/mL of milk in scores negative, traces, 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Medians obtained in automatic cell counts and direct microscopic counts, grouped according to the phase of lactation were 159,500; 508,000; and 277,500 cells/mL of milk and 62,493; 89,275; and 146,411 cells/ml of milk, respectively. The correlation between the automatic and microscopic methods for somatic cell counts was 88%. Based on the results obtained, it could be concluded that there were differences between the automatic and microscopic methods for somatic cell counts, being this most adequate for the determination of the celularidade in the cellularity of goat milk