105 research outputs found

    Dynamic and Transparent Analysis of Commodity Production Systems

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    We propose a framework that provides a programming interface to perform complex dynamic system-level analyses of deployed production systems. By leveraging hardware support for virtualization available nowadays on all commodity machines, our framework is completely transparent to the system under analysis and it guarantees isolation of the analysis tools running on its top. Thus, the internals of the kernel of the running system needs not to be modified and the whole platform runs unaware of the framework. Moreover, errors in the analysis tools do not affect the running system and the framework. This is accomplished by installing a minimalistic virtual machine monitor and migrating the system, as it runs, into a virtual machine. In order to demonstrate the potentials of our framework we developed an interactive kernel debugger, nicknamed HyperDbg. HyperDbg can be used to debug any critical kernel component, and even to single step the execution of exception and interrupt handlers.Comment: 10 pages, To appear in the 25th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Antwerp, Belgium, 20-24 September 201

    Total hip arthroplasty monobloc stem neck rupture in patient with massive heterotopic ossifications: a case report and literature review

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    Background and aim of the work: Fractures of the femoral stem neck are a rare complication in hip prosthetic surgery, especially in non-modular components. The authors report a case associated with massive heterotopic ossifications, with the purpose to analyze risk factors and specific characteristics. Methods: A case of femoral monobloc stem neck rupture is described. A non-systematic literature review regarding risk factors for femoral stem neck fracture was conducted in the PubMed database. Results: We report the case of a 61-year-old male who underwent surgery to remove calcifications four years after THA. Four months later the patient reported acute pain in the left hip, arising after a combined movement of external rotation and axial load while standing on the left foot, in the absence of any prodromic symptom. On radiographs, a displaced fracture of the neck of the hip prosthesis was revealed, together with massive heterotopic ossifications. After THA revision the patient's symptoms were resolved. Conclusions: Prosthetic femoral neck fractures are a rare complication. We suggest that this case represents a unique type of fatigue rupture, where neck length and the presence of massive heterotopic calcifications contributed to flexion forces, resulting in failure in the midpoint of the neck

    Sea-spray deposition in Antarctic coastal and plateau areas from ITASE traverses

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    AbstractSea-salt markers (Na+, Mg2+ and Cl–) were analyzed in recent snow collected at more than 600 sites located in coastal and central areas of East Antarctica (northern Victoria Land–Dome C–Wilkes Land), in order to understand the effect of site remoteness, transport efficiency and depositional and post-depositional processes on the spatial distribution of the primary marine aerosol. Firn-core, snow-pit and 1m integrated superficial snow samples were collected in the framework of the International Trans-Antarctic Scientific Expeditions (ITASE) project during recent Italian Antarctic Campaigns (1992–2002). The sampling sites were mainly distributed along coast–inland traverses (northern Victoria Land– Dome C) and an east–west transect following the 2100m contour line (Wilkes Land). At each site, the snow ionic composition was determined. Here, we discuss the distribution of sea-spray components (Na+, Mg2+ and Cl–) as a function of distance from the sea, altitude and accumulation rate, in order to discover the pulling-down rate, possible fractionating phenomena and alternative sources moving inland from coastal areas. Sea-spray depositional fluxes decrease as a function of distance from the sea and altitude. A two-order-of-magnitude decrease occurs in the first 200km from the sea, corresponding to about 2000ma.s.l. Correlations of Mg2+ and Cl– with Na+ and trends of Mg2+/Na+ and Cl–/Na+ ratios showed that chloride has other sources than sea spray (HCl) and is affected by post-depositional processes. Accumulation rate higher than 80 kgm–2 a–1 preserves the chloride record in the snow. Sea-spray atmospheric scavenging is dominated by wet deposition in coastal and inland sites

    Structural Dynamic Behavior of Frame 9E GTG Module for LNG Plant

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    LectureLecture 9: The traditional onshore installation of heavy duty gas turbine generator trains, especially for power >80MW, is stick built on heavy and rigid concrete block foundation. The challenge of modularization is that vibrations have to be transferred to concrete through structural steel, nevertheless implementing vibrations’ acceptance criteria that were developed for direct concrete foundations. This novel concept of modularization needs a deeper dynamic analysis at system level to ensure that flexible structure modes are not excited at any operating condition; with respect to this subject, the Appendix A to this lecture is a dynamic analysis tutorial for turbomachinery modules, having the aim to describe the process and the tools to be used for purpose, based on author’s experiences and lessons learnt also during the experiment described herein. The results of the dynamic analysis made on a complete system including module, foundation and sub foundation in “Full Speed No Load Test” (FSNL) configuration have been for the 1st time compared with field measurements

    Aluminium and iron record for the last 28 kyr derived from the Antarctic EDC96 ice core using new CFA methods

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    AbstractSpectrofluorimetric and spectrophotometric continuous flow analysis (CFA) methods were developed and applied to the determination of aluminium and iron in EPICA Dome C (East Antarctica) ice-core samples (6–585m depth). The methods are able to measure the fraction of Al and Fe which can be detected once the sample is filtered on a 5.0 μm membrane and acidified to pH 2. Both the methods present high sensitivity (detection limit of 10 ng L–1 for Al and 50 ng L–1 for Fe) and reproducibility (5% at sub-ppb level). The Fe and Al profiles show sharp decreases in concentrations in the last glacial/interglacial transition, reflecting the decreasing dust aerosol load. The two elements show a different pattern during the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR) climatic change, with high iron concentrations (similar to the glacial period) and low but increasing Al content during the ACR minimum. In order to interpret the Al and Fe data obtained by CFA, a comparison with Al and Fe composition, as measured by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS), was performed for Holocene, ACR and glacial periods. The percentage of CFA-Al with respect to ICP-SFMS-Al in the three periods shows a lower variability than CFA-Fe (3% in the glacial period and 64% in the ACR). This pattern may be explained by the different dominant iron sources in the different climatic periods. During the Last Glacial Maximum, Fe is proposed to arise mainly from insoluble continental dust, while a variety of ocean-recycled Fe, mainly distributed in fine particles and as more soluble species, shows a higher contribution in the ACR and, to a lesser extent, in the Holocene

    Early weight bearing in acetabular and pelvic fractures

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    The incidence of pelvic and acetabular fractures is increasing during the years, counting 37 pelvic fractures per 100000 people annually. No weight bearing or toe touch weight bearing are usually chosen in the initial management to allow fracture and ligamentous healing and avoid fracture displacement and fixation failure. On the other hand, early weight bearing may stimulate fracture healing and allow prompt functional recovery, faster return to work and recreational activities and reduce complications linked to late rehabilitation.  Aim of the study is to review the literature about weight bearing indications for pelvic and acetabular fractures to highlight clinical and biomechanical evidence supporting early weight bearing

    A Multifunctional Adaptive and Interactive AI system to support people living with stroke, acquired brain or spinal cord injuries: A study protocol

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    Background: Acquired brain injury and spinal cord injury are leading causes of severe motor disabilities impacting a person's autonomy and social life. Enhancing neurological recovery driven by neurogenesis and neuronal plasticity could represent future solutions; however, at present, recovery of activities employing assistive technologies integrating artificial intelligence is worthy of examining. MAIA (Multifunctional, adaptive, and interactive AI system for Acting in multiple contexts) is a human-centered AI aiming to allow end-users to control assistive devices naturally and efficiently by using continuous bidirectional exchanges among multiple sensorimotor information. Methods: Aimed at exploring the acceptability of MAIA, semi-structured interviews (both individual interviews and focus groups) are used to prompt possible end-users (both patients and caregivers) to express their opinions about expected functionalities, outfits, and the services that MAIA should embed, once developed, to fit end-users needs. Discussion: End-user indications are expected to interest MAIA technical, health-related, and setting components. Moreover, psycho-social issues are expected to align with the technology acceptance model. In particular, they are likely to involve intrinsic motivational and extrinsic social aspects, aspects concerning the usefulness of the MAIA system, and the related ease to use. At last, we expect individual factors to impact MAIA: gender, fragility levels, psychological aspects involved in the mental representation of body image, personal endurance, and tolerance toward AT-related burden might be the aspects end-users rise in evaluating the MAIA project

    Traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta: Ten years of delayed management

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    ObjectiveTraumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta is a highly fatal condition in which patient outcome is strongly conditioned by other associated injuries. Delayed aortic treatment has been proposed to improve results.MethodsThe charts of 69 patients with traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta observed between 1980 and 2003 were reviewed. Patients were grouped according the timing of repair: group I, immediate repair (21 patients); and group II, delayed repair (48 patients). In group II, 45 patients were treated surgically or by endovascular procedure.ResultsIn-hospital mortalities were 4 of 21 patients (19%) in group I and 2 of 48 patients (4.2%) in group II. There were 3 cases of paraplegia in group I and none in group II.ConclusionImprovement of patient outcome with traumatic rupture of the thoracic aorta can be achieved by delaying surgical repair until after management of major associated injuries if there are no signs of impending rupture. Endovascular treatment is feasible and safe and may represent a valid alternative to open surgery in selected cases
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