287 research outputs found

    Medizinstudierende Eltern : die Dichotomie der Erfahrungswelten

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    Einleitung: In dem vorliegenden Artikel wird die persönliche Studien- und Lebenssituation von Studierenden mit Kindern am Fachbereich Medizin der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main beleuchtet. Der spezielle Fokus liegt auf den Themen "Studium mit Kind" sowie "familiengerechte Hochschule", welche in Deutschland in der letzten Dekade sehr präsent sowohl in der Hochschulforschung als auch im akademischen Alltag sind. Hier versucht die Arbeitsstelle "Individuelle Studienbegleitung" am FB Medizin der Goethe-Universität durch ein neues Beratungs- und Servicekonzept mit wissenschaftlicher Begleitforschung den individuellen Studienverläufen gerecht zu werden und den Studienerfolg zu fördern. Methoden: In erster Linie stammen die hier beschriebenen Erfahrungen der Medizinstudierenden mit Kind aus qualitativen Leitfadeninterviews (Stand April 2010), die im Rahmen des Modellprojektes Teilzeitstudium Medizin durchgeführt wurden. Ergänzend wurden die Studienergebnisse des Fachbereichs Medizin der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main herangezogen und eine Literaturanalyse einbezogen. Ergebnisse: Als Ergebnis kann festgehalten werden, dass die bereits seit mehreren Jahren erhobenen Forderungen und gewünschten Unterstützungsleistungen zwar zum Teil umgesetzt, aber noch nicht ausreichend an allen Fachbereichen implementiert wurden. Somit ist die aktuelle Situation von Studierenden mit Kindern in der Medizin nach wie vor schwierig und stellt für alle Beteiligten eine große Herausforderung dar. Lösungsansatz: Im Rahmen der Arbeitsstelle "Individuelle Studienbegleitung" konnte im November 2009 das "Modellprojekt Teilzeitstudium Medizin" aufgebaut werden. Nur durch neue, unkonventionelle und innovative Ideen kann man die Sicherstellung der medizinischen Ausbildung erreichen und die heutige heterogene Studierendenschaft adäquat ansprechen sowie Studierende erfolgreich durch ihr Studium begleiten

    Ceftaroline activity tested against contemporary Latin American bacterial pathogens (2011)

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    AbstractA total of 2484 target bacterial pathogens were collected (one per patient episode) from patients in 16 Latin American medical centers located in seven nations during 2011. Isolate identity was confirmed at a coordinating laboratory and susceptibility testing was performed for ceftaroline and comparator agents according to reference broth microdilution methods. A total of 30.0% of isolates were from respiratory tract, 29.4% from skin and skin structure, 21.4% from blood stream, 7.9% from urinary tract and 11.3% from other sites. Ceftaroline was active against Staphylococcus aureus (42.8% MRSA) with 83.6% of the isolates at ≤1mg/L and all isolates at ≤2mg/L (MIC5090, 0.25/2mg/L). National MRSA rates ranged from a low of 28.8% in Colombia to a high of 68.1% in Chile. All Streptococcus pyogenes and Streptococcus agalactiae were susceptible to ceftaroline (MIC50/90 values were at ≤0.015/≤0.015mg/L for both). All Streptococcus pneumoniae were susceptible to ceftaroline, linezolid, tigecycline and vancomycin. Susceptibility to ceftriaxone was at 88.4% (CLSI non-meningitis interpretive criteria) and 73.9% (CLSI meningitis interpretive criteria) for all S. pneumoniae. Ceftriaxone susceptibility was only at 33.3% (CLSI non-meningitis interpretive criteria) and 0.0% (CLSI meningitis interpretive criteria) for penicillin-intermediate (penicillin MIC, 4mg/L) strains. All Haemophilus influenzae (29.4% β-lactamase-positive) isolates were susceptible to ceftaroline, amoxicillin–clavulanate, ceftriaxone, and levofloxacin. For the Latin American region, the ESBL-phenotype rate was 37.6% for Escherichia coli and 53.3% for Klebsiella pneumoniae. Ceftaroline was not active against ESBL-phenotype strains but was active against >90.0% of the non-ESBL-phenotype. The spectrum of activity of ceftaroline against pathogens from Latin America indicates that it merits further study for its potential use in the Latin American region

    Implantation of silicon dioxide-based nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite and pure phase beta-tricalciumphosphate bone substitute granules in caprine muscle tissue does not induce new bone formation

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    Background: Osteoinductive bone substitutes are defined by their ability to induce new bone formation even at heterotopic implantation sites. The present study was designed to analyze the potential osteoinductivity of two different bone substitute materials in caprine muscle tissue. Materials and methods: One gram each of either a porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) or an hydroxyapatite/silicon dioxide (HA/SiO2)-based nanocrystalline bone substitute material was implanted in several muscle pouches of goats. The biomaterials were explanted at 29, 91 and 181 days after implantation. Conventional histology and special histochemical stains were performed to detect osteoblast precursor cells as well as mineralized and unmineralized bone matrix. Results: Both materials underwent cellular degradation in which tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive osteoclast-like cells and TRAP-negative multinucleated giant cells were involved. The ß-TCP was completely resorbed within the observation period, whereas some granules of the HA-groups were still detectable after 180 days. Neither osteoblasts, osteoblast precursor cells nor extracellular bone matrix were found within the implantation bed of any of the analyzed biomaterials at any of the observed time points. Conclusions: This study showed that ß-TCP underwent a faster degradation than the HA-based material. The lack of osteoinductivity for both materials might be due to their granular shape, as osteoinductivity in goat muscle has been mainly attributed to cylindrical or disc-shaped bone substitute materials. This hypothesis however requires further investigation to systematically analyze various materials with comparable characteristics in the same experimental setting

    Ceftobiprole Activity against over 60,000 Clinical Bacterial Pathogens Isolated in Europe, Turkey, and Israel from 2005 to 2010

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    Ceftobiprole medocaril is a newly approved drug in Europe for the treatment of hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) (excluding patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia but including ventilated HAP patients) and community-acquired pneumonia in adults. the aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antimicrobial activity of ceftobiprole against prevalent Gram-positive and -negative pathogens isolated in Europe, Turkey, and Israel during 2005 through 2010. A total of 60,084 consecutive, nonduplicate isolates from a wide variety of infections were collected from 33 medical centers. Species identification was confirmed, and all isolates were susceptibility tested using reference broth microdilution methods. Ceftobiprole had high activity against methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA) (100.0% susceptible), methicillin-susceptible coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS), beta-hemolytic streptococci, and Streptococcus pneumoniae (99.3% susceptible), with MIC90 values of 0.25, 0.12, 80% inhibited at 8 mu g/ml; 64.6% at MIC values of 16 mu g/ml; 75.4% susceptible), but limited activity was observed against Acinetobacter spp. and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia. High activity was also observed against all Haemophilus influenzae (MIC90, <= 0.06 mu g/ml) and Moraxella catarrhalis (MIC50/90, <= 0.06/0.25 mu g/ml) isolates. Ceftobiprole demonstrated a wide spectrum of antimicrobial activity against this very large longitudinal sample of contemporary pathogens.Basilea Pharmaceutica International AG (Basel, Switzerland)AchaogenAiresAmerican Proficiency Institute (API)AnacorAstellasAstraZenecaBayerbioMerieuxCempraCerexaContrafectCubist PharmaceuticalsDaiichiDipexiumEnantaFuriexGlaxoSmithKlineJohnson JohnsonLegoChem Biosciences Inc.Meiji Seika KaishaMerckNabrivaNovartisParatekPfizerPPD TherapeuticsPremier Research GroupRempexRib-X PharmaceuticalsSeachaidShionogiThe Medicines Co.TheravanceThermo FisherJMI Labs, North Liberty, IA 52317 USAUniv Toronto, Dept Lab Med & Pathobiol, Toronto, ON, CanadaUniversidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo, Div Infect Dis, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilTufts Univ, Sch Med, Boston, MA 02111 USAUniversidade Federal de SĂŁo Paulo, Div Infect Dis, SĂŁo Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Etablierung eines klinischen Behandlungspfades zur Behandlungsoptimierung von Schluckstörungen bei Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Tumoren

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    Schluckstörungen sind häufig Folge von Kopf-Hals-Tumorerkrankungen, deren Prävalenz bis zu 88% aufgeführt wird. Je früher eine Dysphagie diagnostiziert wird, desto geringer ist das Risiko für Sekundärkomplikationen, was die Anzahl "teurer" Fälle senkt und den Patienten die Möglichkeit auf eine zügige Restitution von Lebensqualität bietet! Diese Fakten unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit eines klinischen Behandlungspfades, nach dem die Diagnose auf der Grundlage eines standardisierten und überprüfbaren Workflows erstellt wird. Da die zügige, optimale Behandlung von Dysphagien einen multidisziplinären Zugang erfordert, wurde im Klinikum der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main ein interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis für Schluckstörungen (IAS) gegründet, der sich aus Phoniatrie, Klinik für HNO und MKG sowie Radiologie zusammensetzt. Im Rahmen eines zweimal wöchentlich durchgeführten Onkoboards, werden zusammen mit der Strahlentherapie und Onkologie, Risikopatienten herauskristallisiert und onkologische Therapieoptionen u.a. im Hinblick auf funktionelles Outcome diskutiert. Bereits präoperativ werden entsprechende Patienten phoniatrisch aufgeklärt und ihre Schluckfunktion via endoskopischer Evaluation nach Langmore-Standard (FEES) untersucht. Ein systematisches Follow-up erfolgt via FEES wenige Tage und 4–6 Wochen postoperativ sowie nach adjuvanter Therapie. Pro Woche wurden so im vergangenen Jahr ca. 3–5 Patienten wöchentlich neu erfasst und über 80 Patienten im Verlauf untersucht und einer adäquaten Therapie zugeführt

    Volumetric assessment of tissue changes following combined surgical therapy of peri-implantitis: A pilot study.

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    AIM To assess volumetric tissue changes at peri-implantitis sites following combined surgical therapy of peri-implantitis over a 6-month follow-up period. MATERIALS AND METHODS Twenty patients (n = 28 implants) diagnosed with peri-implantitis underwent access flap surgery, implantoplasty at supracrestally or bucally exposed implant surfaces and augmentation at intra-bony components using a natural bone mineral and application of a native collagen membrane during clinical routine treatments. The peri-implant region of interest (ROI) was intra-orally scanned pre-operatively (S0), and after 1 (S1) and 6 (S2) months following surgical therapy. Digital files were converted to standard tessellation language (STL) format for superimposition and assessment of peri-implant volumetric variations between time points. The change in thickness was assessed at a standardized ROI, subdivided into three equidistant sections (i.e. marginal, medial and apical). Peri-implant soft tissue contour area (STCA) (mm2 ) and its corresponding contraction rates (%) were also assessed. RESULTS Peri-implant tissues revealed a mean thickness change (loss) of -0.11 and -0.28 mm at 1 and 6 months. S0 to S1 volumetric variations pointed to a thickness change of -0.46, 0.08 and 0.4 mm at marginal, medial and apical regions, respectively. S0 to S2 analysis exhibited corresponding thickness changes of -0.61, -0.25 and -0.09 mm, respectively. The thickness differences between the areas were statistically significant at both time periods. The mean peri-implant STCA totalled to 189.2, 175 and 158.9 mm2 at S0, S1 and S2, showing a significant STCA contraction rate of 7.9% from S0 to S1 and of 18.5% from S0 to S2. Linear regression analysis revealed a significant association between the pre-operative width of keratinized mucosa (KM) and STCA contraction rate. CONCLUSIONS The peri-implant mucosa undergoes considerable volumetric changes after combined surgical therapy. However, tissue contraction appears to be influenced by the width of KM

    Telavancin activity when tested by a revised susceptibility testing method against uncommonly isolated Gram-positive pathogens responsible for documented infections in hospitals worldwide (2011–2013)

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    AbstractThe broth microdilution method for telavancin susceptibility testing was revised and now utilises DMSO as solvent for stock solution preparation and diluent for stock solution dilution, following CLSI guidelines for water-insoluble agents. The revised method also incorporates polysorbate 80 in the test medium to mitigate drug binding to plastics. This revised methodology provides more accurate and reproducible MIC determinations, which results in values lower than the previously established method. This study was conducted to re-establish telavancin potencies and susceptibility profiles (using updated interpretive criteria) against a collection of uncommon clinical pathogens (3821 isolates). Telavancin showed MIC50 values of 0.06mg/L against tested staphylococcal species (MIC50/90, 0.03/0.06mg/L; 98.1–100.0% susceptible), with lower results for Staphylococcus hominis (MIC50, ≤0.015mg/L), Staphylococcus lugdunensis (MIC50, ≤0.015mg/L) and Staphylococcus simulans (MIC50, 0.03mg/L). Vancomycin (MIC50, 1mg/L), daptomycin (MIC50, 0.12–1mg/L) and linezolid (MIC50, 0.25–1mg/L) had MIC50 results at least four-fold higher than telavancin against CoNS. Streptococci (99.2–100.0% susceptible) displayed telavancin MIC50 values of ≤0.015–0.03mg/L. Vancomycin (MIC50, 0.25–0.5mg/L) and linezolid (MIC50, 0.5–1mg/L) had higher MIC50 results against streptococci, whilst daptomycin MIC50 values varied from ≤0.06mg/L to 0.5mg/L. Micrococcus, Listeria and Corynebacterium spp. were inhibited by telavancin at ≤0.015, ≤0.03 and ≤0.06mg/L, respectively. Telavancin exhibited potent in vitro activity against this collection, greater than comparators (daptomycin, linezolid, vancomycin). This study provides new baseline MIC results for telavancin and confirms the spectrum and potency of telavancin against less commonly encountered Gram-positive species

    Osteocalcin, Azan and Toluidine blue staining in fibrous dysplasia and ossifying fibroma of the jaws

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    Background: Fibrous dysplasia (FD) and ossifying fibroma (OF) are fibro-osseous lesions (FOLs) having several overlaps that may make final diagnosis difficult by hematoxylin and eosin (H/E) alone.Aim: This study seeks to detect any association between Azan and Toluidine blue staining as compared with osteocalcin in FD and OF diagnosis.Methods: Forty formalin fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) blocks of FD and OF were prepared for Azan, Toluidine blue and osteocalcin staining. Brown staining of calcified structures was considered as positive for osteocalcin. Scoring for Azan and Toluidine blue was evaluated based on intensity and localization. Level of agreement of original and revised diagnosis was determined.Results: Six (40%) of 15 FD were corroborated by osteocalcin. Eight cases initially diagnosed as OF were revised to FD. There were 25 OF according to H/E, and 17 (68%) were validated by osteocalcin. Measure of agreement between histology and immunohistochemistry was 0.081; p = .608. Eleven (42.3%) OF expressed strong toluidine blue staining of the intervening fibrous connective tissue stroma while only 2 (14.2%) FD showed similar staining, this difference was statistically significant [p = .001].Conclusions: Histomorphometric analysis with Toluidine blue may reduce diagnostic errors of OF and FD.Keywords: Osteocalcin, Azan, Toluidine blue, Fibrous dysplasia, Ossifying fibrom

    Parents Studying Medicine – the dichotomy of studying with a family

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    Introduction: In this article the personal study and life situation of parents who are also medical students at the Medical School of the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main is discussed. There is a special focus on the topics “studying with children” and “family-friendly university”, which have been present in discussions about university development and in the daily life of academics, especially during the last decade. The workgroup “Individual Student Services” at the medical faculty at the Goethe University tries to meet the necessities of the individual study courses and to support the study success with a new counselling and student service concept
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