31 research outputs found

    Superfluorescent Rayleigh scattering from suspensions of dielectric particles

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    We demonstrate that superfluorescent scattering of light can occur when laser light is incident on a collection of dielectric Rayleigh particles suspended in a viscous medium. Using a linear stability analysis, an expression for the spatiotemporal evolution of the scattered (probe) field is derived. An approximate condition for the progression of the interaction into the nonlinear regime is deduced and it is shown that, in the nonlinear regime, the scattered field intensity shows the characteristic quadratic dependence on particle density expected from a superfluorescent or superradiant process, once the effects of pump depletion are accounted for

    A quantum model for collective recoil lasing

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    Free Electron Laser (FEL) and Collective Atomic Recoil Laser (CARL) are described by the same model of classical equations for properly defined scaled variables. These equations are extended to the quantum domain describing the particle's motion by a Schr\"{o}dinger equation coupled to a self-consistent radiation field. The model depends on a single collective parameter ρˉ\bar \rho which represents the maximum number of photons emitted per particle. We demonstrate that the classical model is recovered in the limit ρˉ1\bar \rho\gg 1, in which the Wigner function associated to the Schr\"{o}dinger equation obeys to the classical Vlasov equation. On the contrary, for ρˉ1\bar \rho\le 1, a new quantum regime is obtained in which both FELs and CARLs behave as a two-state system coupled to the self-consistent radiation field and described by Maxwell-Bloch equations

    Quantum SASE FEL with a laser wiggler

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    Quantum effects in high-gain FELs are ruled by the quantum FEL parameter, \u3c1 = pmcy/hkr, which is the ratio between the momentum spread at saturation and the one photon momentum recoil. It has been shown that when 3c\u3c1 64 1 the spectrum of the emitted radiation changes from the broad continuous and chaotic spectrum of the classical regime to a series of discrete and equally spaced very narrow lines, due to transitions between discrete momentum states. In this paper we show that the quantum regime can be achieved using Kilometers long magnetic wigglers or a laser wiggler. In this paper we state the scaling laws necessary to operate a Quantum SASE FEL in the Angstrom region with a laser wiggler. Specific example is given having in mind a high power Ti: Sa laser wiggler at \u3bb= 0.8 \u3bcm, in construction at LNF-INFN Laboratories, for the SPARC/PLASMON-X project

    Spontaneously sliding multipole spin density waves in cold atoms

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    We report on the observation of spontaneously drifting coupled spin and quadrupolar density waves in the ground state of laser driven Rubidium atoms. These laser-cooled atomic ensembles exhibit spontaneous magnetism via light mediated interactions when submitted to optical feedback by a retroreflecting mirror. Drift direction and chirality of the waves arise from spontaneous symmetry breaking. The observations demonstrate a novel transport process in out-of-equilibrium magnetic systems

    Superradiant light scattering and grating formation in cold atomic vapours

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    A semi-classical theory of coherent light scattering from an elongated sample of cold atoms exposed to an off-resonant laser beam is presented. The model, which is a direct extension of that of the collective atomic recoil laser (CARL), describes the emission of two superradiant pulses along the sample's major axis simultaneous with the formation of a bidimensional atomic grating inside the sample. It provides a simple physical picture of the recent observation of collective light scattering from a Bose-Einstein condensate [S. Inouye et al., Science N.285, p. 571 (1999)]. In addition, the model provides an analytical description of the temporal evolution of the scattered light intensity which shows good quantitative agreement with the experimental results of Inouye et al.Comment: submitted to Optics Communications, LaTex version, 2 postscript figure

    Self-amplification of coherent spontaneous emission in a cherenkov free-electron maser

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    Ultrashort pulses of microwave radiation have been produced in a dielectric-lined Cherenkov free-electron maser (FEM) amplifier. An intense initial seed pulse, due to coherent spontaneous emission (CSE), arises at the leading edge of the electron pulse. There is evidence to show that 3-4 cycle spikes are produced through the amplification of these seed pulses. A strong dependence of the start-up power on the rise time of the electron pulse has been found. The experimental results are verified by a theoretical analysis. Our study shows that amplification in a FEM amplifier is always initiated by CSE arising from the edge of the electron pulse when the rise time is comparable to the electromagnetic wave period

    Quantum theory of SASE FEL

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    We describe a free-electron laser (FEL) in the Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission (SASE) regime quantizing the electron motion and taking into account propagation effects. We demonstrate quantum purification of the SASE spectrum, i.e. in a properly defined quantum regime the spiking behavior disappears and the SASE power spectrum becomes very narrow

    Spontaneous light-mediated magnetism in cold atoms

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    Cold atom setups are now commonly employed in simulations of condensed matter phenomena. We present a novel approach to induce strong magnetic interactions between atoms on a self-organized lattice using diffraction of light. Diffractive propagation of structured light fields leads to an exchange between phase and amplitude modulated planes which can be used to couple atomic degrees of freedom via optical pumping nonlinearities. In the experiment a cold cloud of Rb atoms placed near a retro-reflecting mirror is driven by a detuned pump laser. We demonstrate spontaneous magnetic ordering in the Zeeman sublevels of the atomic ground state: anti-ferromagnetic structures on a square lattice and ferrimagnetic structures on a hexagonal lattice in zero and a weak longitudinal magnetic field, respectively. The ordered state is destroyed by a transverse magnetic field via coherent dynamics. A connection to the transverse (quantum) Ising model is drawn

    A pseudospark cathode Cherenkov maser : theory and experiment

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    The pseudospark discharge offers the possibility of producing electron beams which are very attractive for use in high-power microwave generation. A pseudospark-based Cherenkov maser amplifier is currently under development at Strathclyde University. The electron beam source for this maser is a multi-gap pseudospark discharge. Preliminary results from recent Cherenkov maser experiments and a comparison with a numerical simulation are presented. A microwave pulse of 100 ns duration and approximately 10 kW peak power was generated by a 80 kV, 20 A beam passed through an alumina-lined waveguide when the interaction was allowed to start up from noise, which appeared to originate from the pseudospark discharge. Simulations agree well with the experimental results when a beam energy spread of 1.5% is assumed

    Quantum regime of harmonic generation in the free electron laser

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    An analysis of harmonic generation in a free electron laser (FEL) with a planar wiggler is presented in the regime where photon recoil cannot be neglected and the beam-wave interaction must be described quantum mechanically. This analysis shows that in contrast to the classical regime where photon recoil is negligible, in the quantum regime each harmonic can be excited independently using an appropriate value of detuning and the peak harmonic intensity increases linearly with harmonic number