18 research outputs found

    Erzeugungssicherheit und Wohlfahrt in gekoppelten ElektrizitÀtsmÀrkten

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    In dieser Dissertation wird ein agentenbasiertes Simulationsmodell fĂŒr StromgroßhandelsmĂ€rkte entwickelt. Dieses wird angewendet, um die Entwicklung von StrommĂ€rkten in Bezug auf Erzeugungssicherheit und Wohlfahrt sowie unter verschiedenen Ausgestaltungsoptionen zu analysieren. Die Anwendung erfolgt im Rahmen einer Fallstudie fĂŒr die Region Zentralwesteuropa (Deutschland, Frankreich, Belgien, Niederlande) und den Zeitraum 2012-2030

    Incentivizing smart charging: Modeling charging tariffs for electric vehicles in German and French electricity markets

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    Over the past few years, registration figures of plug-in electric vehicles have increased rapidly in industrialized countries. This could cause considerable mid- to long-term effects on electricity markets. To tackle potential challenges specific to electric power systems, we develop a load-shift-incentivizing electricity tariff that is suitable for electric vehicle users and analyze the tariff scheme in three parts. First, acceptance is analyzed based on surveys conducted among fleet managers and electric vehicle users. Corresponding results are used to calibrate the tariff. Secondly, load flexibilities of electric vehicle charging are used in an agent-based electricity market simulation model of the French and German wholesale electricity markets to simulate corresponding market impacts. Thirdly, the charging manager\u27s (\u27aggregator\u27) business model is analyzed. Our results reveal that the tariff is highly suitable for incentivizing vehicle users to provide load flexibilities, which consequently increase the contribution margins of the charging managers. The main drawback is the potential for \u27avalanche effects\u27 on wholesale electricity markets increasing charging mangers’ expenditures, especially in France

    Incentivizing smart charging: Modeling charging tariffs for electric vehicles in German and French electricity markets

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    Over the past few years, registration figures of plug-in electric vehicles have increased rapidly in industrialized countries. This could cause considerable mid- to long-term effects on electricity markets. To tackle potential challenges specific to electric power systems, we develop a load-shift-incentivizing electricity tariff that is suitable for electric vehicle users and analyze the tariff scheme in three parts. First, acceptance is analyzed based on surveys conducted among fleet managers and electric vehicle users. Corresponding results are used to calibrate the tariff. Secondly, load flexibilities of electric vehicle charging are used in an agent-based electricity market simulation model of the French and German wholesale electricity markets to simulate corresponding market impacts. Thirdly, the charging manager’s (‘aggregator’) business model is analyzed. Our results reveal that the tariff is highly suitable for incentivizing vehicle users to provide load flexibilities, which consequently increase the contribution margins of the charging managers. The main drawback is the potential for ‘avalanche effects’ on wholesale electricity markets increasing charging mangers’ expenditures, especially in France

    Decentralized Energy Systems, Market Integration, Optimization

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    In this study we develop a flexible modeling toolbox for decentralized electricity systems with an agent-based simulation approach at its core. Two RES-E generation models for wind and PV each with a high temporal and spatial resolution are presented and approaches to model specific aspects of the demand side in detail are introduced. The implementation of an AC load flow algorithm is described and the concept of a market-based congestion management mechanism is outlined

    Al Serenissimo Prencipe E Signore Il Signor Giovanni Guglielmo Duca Di Sassonia, Iulia, Clivia E Monti Landgravio Di Turinga, Margravio Di Misnia Prencipal Conte D' Enneberga, Conte Di Marca E Ravensperga, Dinasta In Revenstein Prencipe E Signor Mio Clementissimo

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    [Gio. Filippo Ringler. Gena di 23 di Febraro 1688.]Gratulationsschreiben an Johann Wilhelm, Herzog zu Sachsen-Weimar, zur Übernahme des Rektorats der UniversitĂ€t Jena, 23. Febr. 168

    Ioannis Philippi Ringleri, D. ... Intimatio Academica Praelectionibvs Eivs Privatis In Ivstiniani Institvtiones Et Deinceps Aliis Proxime Inchoandis Praemissa Ex Aedibus In Foro Richterianis

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    IOANNIS PHILIPPI RINGLERI, D. ... INTIMATIO ACADEMICA PRAELECTIONIBVS EIVS PRIVATIS IN IVSTINIANI INSTITVTIONES ET DEINCEPS ALIIS PROXIME INCHOANDIS PRAEMISSA EX AEDIBUS IN FORO RICHTERIANIS Ioannis Philippi Ringleri, D. ... Intimatio Academica Praelectionibvs Eivs Privatis In Ivstiniani Institvtiones Et Deinceps Aliis Proxime Inchoandis Praemissa Ex Aedibus In Foro Richterianis ([1]) Titelseite ([1]) Text ([3]

    All' Illmo Sigr ... Il Signor Bernardo Zecchio Aulico Consigliero di S. A. E. di Sassonia &c.

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    ALL' ILLMO SIGR ... IL SIGNOR BERNARDO ZECCHIO AULICO CONSIGLIERO DI S. A. E. DI SASSONIA &C. All' Illmo Sigr ... Il Signor Bernardo Zecchio Aulico Consigliero di S. A. E. di Sassonia &c. ( - ) Einband ( - ) Titelseite ([1]) Text ([2]

    Beatissimus Manibus Illvstrissimi Comitis Ac Domini Domini Ernesti Comitis Stollbergae Konigsteini ... A. D. IX. Novembris MDCCX. Magno Patriae Detrimento Maiori Bonorvm Omnivm Lvctv Vivis Exemti Pvblicvm Monvmentvm Positvrvs Hoc Qvidqvid Est Obseqventiss. F. Illvstriss. Eivs Excellentiae Dvm Viveret A Consiliis Avlae Et Ivstitiae Io. Philippvs Ringler, D.

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    BEATISSIMUS MANIBUS ILLVSTRISSIMI COMITIS AC DOMINI DOMINI ERNESTI COMITIS STOLLBERGAE KONIGSTEINI ... A. D. IX. NOVEMBRIS MDCCX. MAGNO PATRIAE DETRIMENTO MAIORI BONORVM OMNIVM LVCTV VIVIS EXEMTI PVBLICVM MONVMENTVM POSITVRVS HOC QVIDQVID EST OBSEQVENTISS. F. ILLVSTRISS. EIVS EXCELLENTIAE DVM VIVERET A CONSILIIS AVLAE ET IVSTITIAE IO. PHILIPPVS RINGLER, D. Beatissimus Manibus Illvstrissimi Comitis Ac Domini Domini Ernesti Comitis Stollbergae Konigsteini ... A. D. IX. Novembris MDCCX. Magno Patriae Detrimento Maiori Bonorvm Omnivm Lvctv Vivis Exemti Pvblicvm Monvmentvm Positvrvs Hoc Qvidqvid Est Obseqventiss. F. Illvstriss. Eivs Excellentiae Dvm Viveret A Consiliis Avlae Et Ivstitiae Io. Philippvs Ringler, D. ([1]) Titelseite ([1]) Text ([3]