164 research outputs found

    Caracterización de un plasma torch tipo TIAGO y su aplicación al área medioambiental

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    Plasma is a gas partially ionized which is considered the fourth state of matter. It consists of electrons, ions and neutrals in fundamental and excited states which make it a chemically active media. Within plasma, reactions (which are not allowed to take place in other media) can be achieved. In addition, depending on the way plasmas are created and their working power, low or very high temperatures can be generated. This wide temperature range enables many applications for plasmas technologies such as deposition of surface coatings, chemical analysis, nanomaterial synthesis, sterilization, food preservation¿ However, apart from these applications, plasma technology has been devoted to solve some environmental problems. Global warming is one of the most worrisome problems that the scientific community should face up to. Global warming is related to the rise in the average temperature of Earth¿s atmosphere and oceans which is caused by the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases produced by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. Plasma technology not only has been successfully utilized to eliminate some of the greenhouse gases or to destroy volatile organic waste, but also to generate hydrogen, which is considered as an alternative fuel to fossil ones. Due to a decrease of fossil fuels reserves and the greenhouse effect, energy industry is devoting considerable resources and expertise to find other energy resources, and hydrogen is a promising option for the energy supply of fuel cells. Nevertheless, only two major technologies, which are catalytic route through the water gas shift reaction and electrolytic decomposition of water, have been developed at large scale. However, the use of catalysts involves some shortcomings due to some catalyst lifetime. Therefore, a more economic and environmental friendly alternative, such as plasma technology, is being researched to avoid some conventional hydrogen production drawbacks. Recently, there has been a growing interest in using microwave plasmas sustained at atmospheric pressure to decompose alcohols or hydrocarbons as enriched-hydrogen sources. Their low-power operation requirements, high stability, reproducibility and non-thermal properties makes them suitable for this purpose. Microwave torches are noteworthy microwave plasma sources which are well-known thanks to their higher tolerance to sample injection and the possibility to deliver higher power amounts to the discharge in contrast to other microwave devices. TIAGO torch (Torche à Injection Axiale sur Guide D¿Ondes) [1] has been developed as an improvement of the well-studied TIA torch (Torche à Injection Axiale) [2]. All these characteristics jointly to atmospheric pressure conditions make TIAGO torch an excellent candidate to industrial implementation. Notwithstanding Prof. M. Moisan and co-workers published in 2001 the design of TIAGO torch [1], no research concerning the kind of plasmas produced by it or its use in applications has been carried out. Thus the essential aim of the present Thesis has been the study of plasmas sustained with TIAGO torch and their use application for solving some environmental issues. For this reason, in the present work, both basic and practical researches have been joined. On one hand, a complete characterization of plasmas produced by the TIAGO torch (fundamental research) was necessary prior to exploring its application capabilities. On the other hand, from the knowledge extracted in the first step of this research, the production of hydrogen from ethanol decomposition was developed (applied research). Hence, the objectives pursued in this Thesis have been: To identify the experimental conditions (flows and input powers used to sustain the discharge) needed to keep the discharge stable and to describe the morphology, kinetics and thermodynamic equilibrium degree of the Ar discharges generated with TIAGO torch. To assess the capability of Ar plasmas to decompose ethanol molecules introduced into the discharge and to study the amount of hydrogen generated in the decomposition process as well as to identify other gases produced in the gas exhaust

    Joaquín de Eleta y la transformación de El Burgo de Osma en el siglo XVIII a través de la documentación del Archivo Municipal

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    Joaquín de Eleta se presenta como el elemento dinamizador e impulsor de las transformaciones de la villa de El Burgo de Osma en la segunda mitad del siglo XVIII. Su cargo como confesor real y su cercanía a Carlos III le permitieron llevar a cabo toda una serie de actuaciones en su localidad natal en colaboración estrecha con el Ayuntamiento. Cambios y transformaciones en cuestiones religiosas, educativas y benéficas que modificaron sustancialmente el peso y urbanismo del municipio y que quedaron recogidas en los documentos del Archivo Municipal.Joaquin de Eleta is presented as the invigorating element and prime mover behind the Burgo de Osma transformations along the second half of the 18th century. His position as royal confessor and his closeness to Charles III allowed him to carry through a series of actuations in his hometown with a close collaboration with the City Council. Changes and transformations in religious, educational, and charitable issues that substantially modified the weight and urbanism of the municipality and that were included in the documents of the Municipal Archive.Grado en Histori

    Una aproximación a los dibujos de Álvaro Siza

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Fundamentos de Arquitectur

    Selección y evaluación de proveedores en una industria agroalimentaria

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    [ES] La selección y evaluación de proveedores es un problema fundamental en la gestión de la cadena de suministro. La tendencia actual se basa en la búsqueda de unos pocos proveedores fiables con los que establecer contratos a largo plazo o con los que asociarse. En este trabajo se aplica una metodología multicriterio para evaluar los proveedores de una industria agroalimentaria (Roquette Laisa) con el objetivo de incorporarlos al panel de proveedores homologados, así como para llevar a cabo una evaluación periódica y sistemática. Tanto la homologación como el seguimiento de proveedores tendrán en cuenta criterios que afectan al mercado de los productos adquiridos y criterios internos que afectan a la estrategia de la empresa. Además en el seguimiento se incorporarán los resultados de las evaluaciones anuales y de auditoria a los proveedores. La técnica AHP se utilizará para determinar los pesos de los criterios de evaluación de forma colaborativa por parte del personal de los departamentos afectados. Por último, se aplicará el método PROMETHEE para obtener unos indicadores agregados que faciliten y orienten la gestión de proveedores en la empresa.Villalba Rincón, R. (2015). Selección y evaluación de proveedores en una industria agroalimentaria. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/55767.TFG

    Spatial Distribution of Wettability in Aluminum Surfaces Treated with an Atmospheric-Pressure Remote-Plasma

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    The use of atmospheric-pressure remote plasmas (postdischarge) sustained in argon and argon–nitrogen for the treatment of aluminum surfaces has been studied to better understand the underlying mechanisms responsible for cleaning and activating the surfaces. The effect of the gas composition, treatment distance, and speed on the hydrophilicity of commercial aluminum samples has been studied using the sessile drop method to build spatial profiles of the treated zones. In the case of argon–nitrogen postdischarges, neither the distance to the plasma end (2 < z z < 6 cm) nor the treatment speed (2500 < v < 7500 μm/s) had a significant impact in the spot radius of the treatment, remaining approximately constant around 6–7 mm. This result seems to indicate that the postdischarge experiments a little expansion at the exit of the tube in which the discharge was created but its action can be considered highly-directional. This fact is essential for the possible industrial implementation of the procedure described in this research. These results have been analyzed together with the composition of active species in the postdischarge by using optical emission spectroscopy, revealing that long lived nitrogen species are required to significantly increase the wettability of the aluminum surfaces

    Crise da identidade na sociedade da informação e da comunicação: por uma crítica do eu contemporâneo

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    From several points of view, this paper addresses the problem of identity in the so called “society of information”. Thus, it takes into account the epistemological field of social sciences as an interdisciplinary space, where dialogues between the individual being, the various artistic expressions and the new theories about the human self and the information society, are generated. Finally, it proposes a critical review of the very concept of personal identity within the realm of its relations with the others. Resumen En este artículo aborda, desde múltiples miradas, el problema de la identidad en la sociedad de la información. Se tiene en cuenta el campo epistemológico de las ciencias sociales como un espacio interdisciplinario donde se generan diálogos entre la subjetivación, las manifestaciones artísticas y las teorías sobre el individuo y la sociedad de la información. Finalmente, se hace una revisión crítica del yo en su relación de alteridad. ade. Palavras chave Identidade, indivíduo, sociedade da informação.Resumo Este artigo aborda o problema da identidade na sociedade da informação a partir de diferentes pontos de vista. Assim, se toma em consideração o campo epistemológico das ciências sociais como um espaço interdisciplinar onde são gerados diálogos entre a subjetivação, as expressões artísticas e as teorias sobre o indivíduo e a sociedade da informação. Finalmente, se faz uma revisão crítica do eu em sua relação de alteridade

    Capacidades técnicas, legales y de gestión para equipos blue team y red team.

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    Anexo 1 Prueba anti plagio, Anexo 2 Video de presentación del informe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6zBZSj7d_YInvestigar sobre las leyes que rigen los delitos cibernéticos, para identificar sus causas, tipos de delitos y los sanciones a las que pueden estar expuestos los delincuentes, esto es primordial para dar un buen desarrollo al seminario especializado, donde se basó el proceso en una situación de una organización que esta vulnerable y debe darse un informe sobre los pasos de pentesting que se realizaron, las fallas encontradas y dar una solución a la organización para prevenir estos ataques a futuro y proteger la información de la empresa. Se realiza una prueba de pentesting realizada por el equipo red team, donde se vulnera la organización, encontrando las fallas existentes y por donde los atacantes están realizando el robo de información, para iniciar con un proceso de protección, donde se va a actualizar los sistemas informáticos, esto realizado por el equipo blue team, que se encarga de encontrar las herramientas, que se van a usar para la prevención y protección de la información y evitar las vulnerabilidades de los sistemas operativos e informáticos. Las herramientas de protección que se dan a conocer son de código abierto y que ayudan a la prevención de ataques de la organización, y se ajustan al presupuesto que esta tiene para cuidar la información de las bases de datos e información financiera de la empresa. Se dio desarrollo a todas las fases presentadas en el seminario, y en los anexos a cada etapa, en este informe se presentan todos los errores encontrados, las posibles soluciones y la forma más económica de corregir estas fallas. Para finalmente ser aceptada y aprobada por los directivos de la organización e iniciar la solución y protección de sus datos.Investigate the laws that govern cybercrimes, to identify their causes, types of crimes and the sanctions to which criminals may be exposed, this is essential to give a good development to the specialized seminar, where the process was based on a situation of an organization that is vulnerable and a report must be given on the pentesting steps that were carried out, the failures found and provide a solution to the organization to prevent these attacks in the future and protect the companys information. A pentesting test is carried out by the red team, where the organization is violated, finding existing flaws and where the attackers are stealing information, to start with a protection process, where the systems will be updated. information, this is done by the blue team, which is responsible for finding the tools to be used for the prevention and protection of information and avoid vulnerabilities in operating and computer systems. The protection tools that are disclosed are open source and that help prevent attacks on the organization, and are adjusted to the budget that it has to take care of the information in the companys databases and financial information. All the phases presented in the seminar were developed, and in the annexes to each stage, this report presents all the errors found, the possible solutions and the most economical way to correct these failures. To finally be accepted and approved by the directors of the organization and start the solution and protection of your data

    Aplicar una estrategia pedagógica que fortalezca la habilidad de la escucha activa de los estudiantes de grado noveno de la Institución Educativa El Paraíso de Yopal, Casanare. Colombia.

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    Anexos son los instrumentos de recolección de información resultado de la aplicación de la investigación.Este estudio muestra los resultados después de aplicar estrategias de escucha activa con estudiantes de noveno grado, buscando fortalecer sus habilidades de escuchar. Presenta una variedad de soluciones para situaciones problemáticas en lo que respecta a la gestión de grupos, dificultades que afectan la calidad de la educación pública en Colombia. Este documento se realizó bajo el enfoque basado en proyectos, en la línea de investigación – acción – participación y la pedagogía de pares.This study shows the results after applying active listening strategies with ninth grader students to strengthen their listening skills. It presents a great variety of solutions for everyday situations in regards group management which affects the quality of public education in Colombia. This document was carried out under the project based approach, in the research line and the Peeragogy

    Trayectos estéticos: caminar, oír, fotografiar y relatar la experiencia educativa

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    This article presents the main results of the doctoral research: "Aesthetic-educational trajectories of University students and Children in El Charquito and El Recreo: an analysis from the educational practices of the Bachelor of Visual Arts (LAV) of the University National Pedagogical (UPN)”. The main objective of this research was to understand the experience of educational practice and its possibilities to articulate narratives that broaden the perspective on visual artistic education through the identification of paths that mark the educational exercise itself from the dialogic dimension, hospitality, the practices of walking, photographing, listening and storytelling; since these educational experiences are significant at the moment in which they are writing from an intersubjective implication. To achieve this objective, strategies of multi-sited ethnography, interpretive autoethnography, and the (re)collection of photographic images were used, which allowed us to recover the experience and attend to the dynamic relationships between the subjects and diverse contexts that characterized the educational practice. In this way, the results, and conclusions that this research yielded consist of the consolidation of a series of writings that resort to imagination, orality, and play as ways that enhance the constitution of subjectivities. Likewise, some paths are proposed to rethink and rewrite educational practices according to life paths.En este artículo se presentan los principales resultados de la investigación doctoral “Trayectos estéticos-educativos de estudiantes universitarios y niños y niñas en El Charquito y El Recreo: un análisis desde las prácticas educativas de la Licenciatura en Artes Visuales (LAV) de la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional (UPN)”, cuyo objetivo principal consistió en comprender la experiencia de la práctica educativa y sus posibilidades para articular narrativas que amplíen la mirada sobre la educación artística visual a través de la identificación de derroteros que marcan el propio ejercicio educativo desde la dimensión dialógica, la hospitalidad, las prácticas del caminar, fotografiar, oír y relatar; experiencias educativas que son significativas cuando son relatadas desde una implicación intersubjetiva. Para cumplir este propósito se emplearon estrategias de etnografía multisituada, autoetnografía interpretativa y (re)colección de imágenes fotográficas que permitieron recobrar la experiencia y atender a las relaciones dinámicas entre los sujetos y contextos diversos que caracterizaron a la práctica educativa. Los resultados y conclusiones que arrojó esta investigación dan cuenta de la consolidación de una serie de escrituras que recurren a la imaginación, la oralidad y el juego como formas que potencian la constitución de subjetividades. Asimismo, se proponen algunos derroteros para repensar y reescribir las prácticas educativas atendiendo a los trayectos de vida

    Redes sociales construidas pero invisibles: ¿cómo visibilizarlas?

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    TablasAsojuntas de la Comuna 5 de Yopal (Casanare), fue el ejemplo más claro para evidenciar que estas agrupaciones son comunidades fuertemente constituidas, actúan como Redes Sociales organizadas, tienen un poder social dentro de cada una de las ciudades del país, pero no son totalmente consientes de ello, no hacen visibles sus fortalezas, su trabajo para mejorar sus condiciones de vida y gestionar el cubrimiento de sus necesidades. En el siguiente artículo se describe cómo el Diplomado en construcción de Redes Sociales, les abrió una ventana para que se visualizaran y entendieran la importancia y estructura de su labor social como comunidad en Red y qué hacen otras organizaciones con características similares para ser visibles en la sociedad, logrando su participación en escenarios públicos y privados con un reconocimiento como comunidad que construye un cambio social.Asojuntas, from commune 5 in Yopal (Casanare), was the clearest example to evidence that these groups of people are well structured communities. They act as organized social network and they have a great influence within each city of the country; but they are not totally aware of it, they do not make their strengths visible, nor their effort to improve their living conditions and deal with their needs. In the following article, the way how the social network building course helped commune 5 will be described. It opened them a window so that, they could see themselves, and also understand the importance, and the structure of their social work as a network community; the same as other similar organizations do, to be visible in the society, achieving their participation in public and private settings with a recognition as a community that leads a social change