1,134 research outputs found

    Creative camping in the non-profit camp as a means of character development

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    Thesis (M.S.)--Boston University, 1937. This item was digitized by the Internet Archive

    Mentoring trainee psychologists: learning from lived experience

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    Purpose – To examine service-users’ experiences of mentoring trainee clinical psychologists as part of an involvement initiative on a doctoral training course. Methodology – Seven service-users were paired with trainee clinical psychologists. Pairs met for one hour monthly over 6 months. Meetings were unstructured, lacked a formal agenda and were not evaluated academically. All seven mentors were interviewed. They were asked about positive and negative experiences, as well as about the support provided. Transcripts were subject to thematic analysis and themes were reviewed by mentors in a follow-up meeting. Findings - Overall, results demonstrate that service-users can be involved in training in a way that they find meaningful and contributes to their recovery. Seven themes were identified: Giving hope and optimism; making a difference; personal and professional development; the process; practicalities/ logistics; support (positives); support (areas for improvement). Practical implications – The importance of designing involvement initiatives in a way which implicitly supports service-user values was highlighted. Recommendations for designing effective support structures are given. Authors were also involved in the scheme which could have introduced bias. Originality/value – Research exploring service-users’ experiences of involvement in training health professionals is limited. This was the first study to explore in depth service users’ perspectives of involvement in a scheme such as the Mentoring Scheme. If initiatives are to seriously embrace the values of the service-user movement then seeking service-users’ perspectives is vital. Paper type: Research Pape

    Transfer of ultra-low phase noise microwave references over the JANET Aurora fibre network using a femtosecond optical frequency comb

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    An ultra-low phase noise microwave frequency is transferred over 82 km of installed fibre by propagation of a 30 nm bandwidth optical frequency comb (104 modes). The phase noise induced along the fibre by vibrations and thermal effects is suppressed by implementing a noise cancellation scheme where a portion of the light is sent back to the transmitter through the same fibre. The 6th harmonic of the repetition rate detected before and after the pulse train has travelled a round trip are phase compared and used to generate an error signal that controls a fibre stretcher to compensate for the fibre-induced phase fluctuations. Optical amplifiers are used to compensate for the fibre attenuation and dispersion compensation modules are also employed

    A measure of nature connectedness for children and adults: Validation, performance, and insights

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    With benefits to both human well-being and pro-nature conservation behaviors, nature connectedness is emerging as an important psychological construct for a sustainable future. The growing research and applied and policy-related interests require a straightforward measure of nature connectedness that is suitable for both children and adult populations. To establish the reliability of the new Nature Connection Index (NCI) three factor analyses were conducted. One was based on a large Monitor of Engagement with the Natural Environment (MENE) dataset for adults (n = 3568) with a replication from data sets collected online (n = 553), and a third used MENE data from children (n = 351). To validate the NCI as a measure for nature connectedness an online comparison study (n = 153) included the NCI alongside other established measures. The results showed that the NCI was a reliable and valid scale that offers a short, simple alternative to other measures of nature connectedness, particularly for populations including both children and adults, measured face to face or online. The utility of the NCI is also supported, with variations associated with various pro-environmental and pro-conservation behaviors observed, and importantly the NCI also revealed changes in nature connectedness across the lifespan.N/

    Remote Collaboration on Task Scheduling for Humans at Mars

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    As humans venture farther from Earth for longer durations, it will become essential for those on the journey to have significant control over the scheduling of their own activities as well as the activities of their companion systems and robots. However, the crew will not do all the scheduling; timelines will be the result of collaboration with ground personnel. Emerging technologies such as in-space message buses, delay-tolerant networks, and in-space internet will be the carriers on which the collaboration rides. Advances in scheduling technology, in the areas of task modeling, scheduling engines, and user interfaces will allow the crew to become virtual scheduling experts. New concepts of operations for producing the timeline will allow the crew and the ground support to collaborate while providing safeguards to ensure that the mission will be effectively accomplished without endangering the systems or personnel

    In-Space Crew-Collaborative Task Scheduling

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    As humans venture farther from earth for longer durations, it will become essential for those on the journey to have significant control over the scheduling of their own activities as well as the activities of their companion systems and robots. However, there are many reasons why the crew will not do all the scheduling; timelines will be the result of collaboration with ground personnel. Emerging technologies such as in-space message buses, delay-tolerant networks, and in-space internet will be the carriers on which the collaboration rides. Advances in scheduling technology, in the areas of task modeling, scheduling engines, and user interfaces will allow the crew to become virtual scheduling experts. New concepts of operations for producing the timeline will allow the crew and the ground support to collaborate while providing safeguards to ensure that the mission will be effectively accomplished without endangering the systems or personnel


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    Tässä katsauksessa esitellään päätuloksia Lapsen kielen kehitys jasuvuittain esiintyvä lukivaikeuksien riski -hankkeeseen liittyvästä neljästäkielitieteellisestä väitöstutkimuksesta. Hankkeessa on seurattu 200 lastasyntymästä kolmannelle luokalle saakka. Puolet lapsista on perheistä, joissaainakin toisella vanhemmalla on lukivaikeus ja siten myös lapsella on riskilukivaikeuteen; puolella lapsista tätä riskiä ei ole. Päätutkimuskohteina olivatvarhaisen kielenkehityksen fonologiset ja morfosyntaktiset prosessointitaidot½-, 1 ½- , 2- ja 2 ½ -vuotiailla lapsilla. Tutkimustulosten mukaan jo hyvinvarhaisessa vaiheessa lasten puheen prosessoinnissa on nähtävissädysleksian ennusmerkkejä sekä fonologiselta että morfosyntaktiseltakannalta. Nämä ennusmerkit liittyvät esimerkiksi keston havaitsemiseen taituottamiseen, sanojen tavoitteluun ja sanojen rakenteeseen sekä prosodianettä fonotaksin kannalta ja ilmausten morfosyntaktiseen kompleksisuuteen.Tietoja mahdollisista kielen prosessointiin liittyvistä ennusmerkeistä voidaanhyödyntää käytännössä, kun pyritään auttamaan riittävän aikaisin ja sopivallatavalla juuri niitä lapsia, jotka koulussa todennäköisesti joutuvat kohtaamaanvaikeuksia lukemaan ja kirjoittamaan oppimisessa.Avainsanat: Dysleksia, lapsen kielen kehitys, fonologinen prosessointi, morfosyntaktinen prosessointiKeywords: Dyslexia, early language development, phonological processing,morphosyntactic processin

    Operational Concept for the NASA Constellation Program's Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle

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    Ares I design brings together innovation and new technologies with established infrastructure and proven heritage hardware to achieve safe, reliable, and affordable human access to space. NASA has 50 years of experience from Apollo and Space Shuttle. The Marshall Space Flight Center's Mission Operations Laboratory is leading an operability benchmarking effort to compile operations and supportability lessons learned from large launch vehicle systems, both domestically and internationally. Ares V will be maturing as the Shuttle is retired and the Ares I design enters the production phase. More details on the Ares I and Ares V will be presented at SpaceOps 2010 in Huntsville, Alabama, U.S.A., April 2010

    Low energy pre-blended mortars: Part 2 – Production and characterisation of mortars using a novel lime drying technique

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    The presence of free water in mortars destined for silo or bagged storage can lead to the degradation of the binder phase. Such water may be present as a result of using wet, as-delivered sand or as a consequence of prior processes such as de-activation of Roman cement. Thus, water must be removed from the system prior to storage. Part 1 of this paper describes the control of a technique by which quicklime is added to the wet system which principally dries it by both slaking the quicklime and evaporation as a consequence of the exothermic slaking reaction. Two examples of mortars are presented in which excess water is removed from the system by the inclusion of quicklime. In the first, the water is present in the as-delivered sand and the binder is a combination of the slaked lime and ggbs. In the second, the water remains after pre-hydration of a Roman cement which is a process to retard its rapid setting characteristics. It is shown that optimally dried mortars are not subject to degradation following storage of both mortar types
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