238 research outputs found

    Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection

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    Progressive human immunodeficiency virus infection eventually leads to activation and dissemination of a wide variety of microorganisms normally held in check by the cellular immune system. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is one of these pathogens, and the disease caused by it has become a common presenting infection in the patient with AIDS. Dr. Richard E. Chaisson and Dr. Gary Slutkin have studied tuberculosis in the United States and worldwide, respectively. In this AIDS Commentary they address the unique nature of this infection, its diagnosis, and its treatment in the patient with AID

    Reply to “At the crossroads between early or delayed antiretroviral therapy initiation during TB/HIV coinfection”

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    La digitalització dels textos, iniciada en la dècada dels setanta, ha originat sistemes i productes diversos que poden ser molt útils en la investigació literària. Un dels més coneguts, lâhipertext, és un bon exemple de les possibilitats de la lectura no seqüencial que caracteritza les obres de referència o determinades recerques en lâàmbit de la filologia, com ara lâedició de textos. La digitalització destaca les característiques tant hipertextuals com intertextuals de la literatura i ajuda a entendre, així, alguns dels seus trets constitutius. Dâaltra banda, la publicació en línia de textos de molt difícil abast proposada per comunitats científiques molt presents a Internet és una oferta plena de possibilitats i suggereix un camí a seguir per comunitats encara poc implantades, com ara la filologia catalana. | Digitisation of text, begun in the 1970s, has produced a diversity of systems and products that could be very useful for literary research. One of the better known examples, hypertext, demonstrates the potential for non-sequential reading that characterises the use made of reference works or specific searches performed in the field of philology, such as for text publishing. Digitisation highlights both | La digitalización de textos, iniciada en la década de los años setenta, ha dado lugar a sistemas y productos diversos que pueden ser muy útiles en la investigación literaria. Uno de los más conocidos, el hipertexto, constituye un buen ejemplo de las posibilidades de la lectura secuencial que caracteriza las obras de referencia o determinadas investigaciones en el ámbito de la Filología, como, por ejemplo, la edición de textos. La digitalización destaca las características tanto hipertextuales como intertextuales de la literatura facilitando, por tanto, su comprensión. Por otro lado, la publicación en línea de textos de muy difícil acceso, propuesta por comunidades científicas muy presentes en Internet, es una oferta llena de posibilidades y abre un camino a seguir por parte de comunidades poco implantadas todavía como es el caso de la Filología catalana

    Tuberculosis and Hepatic Steatosis Are Prevalent Liver Pathology Findings among HIV-Infected Patients in South Africa

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    Liver disease epidemiology in sub-Saharan Africa has shifted as a result of HIV and the increased use of antiretroviral therapy leading to a need for updated data on common causes of liver disease. We retrospectively reviewed records from all hospitalized patients who had liver biopsy at a single hospital in South Africa from 2001 to 2009 and compared diagnosis by HIV status. During the period of study 262 patients had liver biopsy, 108 (41%) were HIV-infected, 25 (10%) were HIV-sero-negative, and 129 (49%) had unknown or unrecorded HIV status. Overall 81% of biopsies provided additional diagnostic data. Malignancy was the most common finding reported on 56 (21%) biopsies followed by granuloma or TB, hepatic steatosis, and fibrosis or cirrhosis. HIV-infected patients were more likely to have granulomas and steatosis. Half of patients with granulomas were already on TB treatment, suggesting paradoxical reactions or drug induced liver injury may have been important causes of liver inflammation among these patients. We note that TB, paradoxical reactions during TB treatment, possible drug induced liver injury, and hepatic steatosis are important causes of liver pathology among HIV-infected hospitalized patients with unclear etiology of liver disease after initial assessment. Among HIV sero-negative patients, malignancy was the major cause of liver disease. Our findings re-enforce the importance of TB as a diagnosis among HIV-infected individuals.\ud \u

    Discovery and genotyping of structural variation from long-read haploid genome sequence data

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    In an effort to more fully understand the full spectrum of human genetic variation, we generated deep single-molecule, real-time (SMRT) sequencing data from two haploid human genomes. By using an assembly-based approach (SMRT-SV), we systematically assessed each genome independently for structural variants (SVs) and indels resolving the sequence structure of 461,553 genetic variants from 2 bp to 28 kbp in length. We find that &gt;89% of these variants have been missed as part of analysis of the 1000 Genomes Project even after adjusting for more common variants (MAF &gt; 1%). We estimate that this theoretical human diploid differs by as much as ∼16 Mbp with respect to the human reference, with long-read sequencing data providing a fivefold increase in sensitivity for genetic variants ranging in size from 7 bp to 1 kbp compared with short-read sequence data. Although a large fraction of genetic variants were not detected by short-read approaches, once the alternate allele is sequence-resolved, we show that 61% of SVs can be genotyped in short-read sequence data sets with high accuracy. Uncoupling discovery from genotyping thus allows for the majority of this missed common variation to be genotyped in the human population. Interestingly, when we repeat SV detection on a pseudodiploid genome constructed in silico by merging the two haploids, we find that ∼59% of the heterozygous SVs are no longer detected by SMRT-SV. These results indicate that haploid resolution of long-read sequencing data will significantly increase sensitivity of SV detection.</jats:p

    Efficacy of secondary isoniazid preventive therapy among HIVinfected Southern Africans: time to change policy?

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    Objective. To determine the efficacy of secondary preventive therapy against tuberculosis (TB) among goldminers working in South Africa. Design. An observational study. Methods. The incidence of recurrent TB was compared between two cohorts of HIV-infected miners: one cohort had received secondary preventive therapy with isoniazid and the other had not. Setting. Health service providing comprehensive care for goldminers. Participants. 338 men received secondary preventive therapy and 221 did not. Main outcome measure. Incidence of recurrent TB. Results. The overall incidence of recurrent TB was reduced by 55% among men who received isoniazid preventive therapy (IPT) compared to those who did not (incidence rates 8.6 and 19.1 per 100 person-years respectively, incidence rate ratio 0.45; 95% CI 0.26 – 0.78). The efficacy of isoniazid preventive therapy was unchanged after controlling for CD4 count and age. The number of person-years of isoniazid preventive therapy required to prevent one case of recurrent TB among individuals with a CD4 count < 200/µl and &#8805;&#61472;200/µl was 5 and 19, respectively. Conclusion. Secondary preventive therapy reduces TB recurrence: the absolute impact appears to be greatest among individuals with low CD4 counts. International TB preventive therapy guidelines for HIV-infected individuals need to be expanded to include recommendations for secondary preventive therapy in settings where TB prevalence is high. Southern African Journal of HIV Medicine Vol. 5(3) 2004: 8-1

    Mortality associated with delays between clinic entry and ART initiation in resource-limited settings: results of a transition-state model.

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    OBJECTIVE: To estimate the mortality impact of delay in antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation from the time of entry into care. DESIGN: A state-transition Markov process model. This technique allows for assessing mortality before and after ART initiation associated with delays in ART initiation among a general population of ART-eligible patients without conducting a randomized trial. METHODS: We used patient-level data from 3 South African cohorts to determine transition probabilities for pre-ART CD4 count changes and pre-ART and on-ART mortality. For each parameter, we generated probabilities and distributions for Monte Carlo simulations with 1-week cycles to estimate mortality 52 weeks from clinic entry. RESULTS: We estimated an increase in mortality from 11.0% to 14.7% (relative increase of 34%) with a 10-week delay in ART for patients entering care with our pre-ART cohort CD4 distribution. When we examined low CD4 ranges, the relative increase in mortality delays remained similar; however, the absolute increase in mortality rose. For example, among patients entering with CD4 count 50-99 cells per cubic millimeter, 12-month mortality increased from 13.3% with no delay compared with 17.0% with a 10-week delay and 22.9% with a 6-month delay. CONCLUSIONS: Delays in ART initiation, common in routine HIV programs, can lead to important increases in mortality. Prompt ART initiation for patients entering clinical care and eligible for ART, especially those with lower CD4 counts, could be a relatively low-cost approach with a potential marked impact on mortality

    A trial of mass isoniazid preventive therapy for tuberculosis control.

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    BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis is epidemic among workers in South African gold mines. We evaluated an intervention to interrupt tuberculosis transmission by means of mass screening that was linked to treatment for active disease or latent infection. METHODS: In a cluster-randomized study, we designated 15 clusters with 78,744 miners as either intervention clusters (40,981 miners in 8 clusters) or control clusters (37,763 miners in 7 clusters). In the intervention clusters, all miners were offered tuberculosis screening. If active tuberculosis was diagnosed, they were referred for treatment; if not, they were offered 9 months of isoniazid preventive therapy. The primary outcome was the cluster-level incidence of tuberculosis during the 12 months after the intervention ended. Secondary outcomes included tuberculosis prevalence at study completion. RESULTS: In the intervention clusters, 27,126 miners (66.2%) underwent screening. Of these miners, 23,659 (87.2%) started taking isoniazid, and isoniazid was dispensed for 6 months or more to 35 to 79% of miners, depending on the cluster. The intervention did not reduce the incidence of tuberculosis, with rates of 3.02 per 100 person-years in the intervention clusters and 2.95 per 100 person-years in the control clusters (rate ratio in the intervention clusters, 1.00; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.75 to 1.34; P=0.98; adjusted rate ratio, 0.96; 95% CI, 0.76 to 1.21; P=0.71), or the prevalence of tuberculosis (2.35% vs. 2.14%; adjusted prevalence ratio, 0.98; 95% CI, 0.65 to 1.48; P=0.90). Analysis of the direct effect of isoniazid in 10,909 miners showed a reduced incidence of tuberculosis during treatment (1.10 cases per 100 person-years among miners receiving isoniazid vs. 2.91 cases per 100 person-years among controls; adjusted rate ratio, 0.42; 95% CI, 0.20 to 0.88; P=0.03), but there was a subsequent rapid loss of protection. CONCLUSIONS: Mass screening and treatment for latent tuberculosis had no significant effect on tuberculosis control in South African gold mines, despite the successful use of isoniazid in preventing tuberculosis during treatment. (Funded by the Consortium to Respond Effectively to the AIDS TB Epidemic and others; Thibela TB Current Controlled Trials number, ISRCTN63327174.)